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Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump) Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump)

12-10-2015 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by catfacemeowmers
Dammit. Came here to post this. Anyway, here's a link:

The video at the bottom is really worth watching. Woman is straight up insane.
She was, ironically, lying straight to our faces.
12-10-2015 , 07:36 PM
Trump has always been the aggrieved white guy hating on minorities and foreigners
12-10-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Phone Booth
That's great stuff - I will check that out. So I've been preaching this using various metaphors for the past few years but one way to think about this is that the part that makes decisions based on emotions (the animal) evolved long before the part that can comprehend and reason about reality (the computer) did. We're a strange mix of the animal and the computer where the animal thinks it is the computer but in reality the animal does its own thing and the computer, despite being an enormously powerful machine that is able to reveal the mystery of reality, not to mention offer incredibly accurate simulations of much of reality including the animal itself, only works when the animal is properly deferential and lets it work without trying to control and interfere with it. Any attempt at interference is ultimately futile because the animal that is trying to control doesn't realize that the animal isn't the computer and leads to the animal merely trying to control a copy of the animal within the computer's simulation, which merely leads to distortion.

We have this whole religious discussion out there with tons of atheists making fun of religions but what's interesting to me is that practically all mainstream religions are fundamentally designed (or perhaps evolved) around the awareness of this nearly incomprehensible truth - it's so incomprehensible that you can know this and not be able to comprehend - and are largely about, at a higher level, teaching this truth to us in a way that we can learn to accept.

For example, what normal Christians call God is the computer in us - because it is able to reflect and simulate reality so faithfully that it may be called Reality itself. And we personify Reality as God because the way we understand it is through the computer, which is so intimately part of ourselves that it has to be seen as having personal nature. Even the theology of most religions gets it basically right in the sense that they for the most part preach that the way that God is person-like is not due to God having been made like a person but that God was there first and we were made to be like God. In other words, it's not that God has a person-like nature, but that we have a divine nature. And our divine nature simply means that we are able to accept Reality and make it part of our own core being. The computer.

Submission to God, then, is the highest ideal because the best way for us to live in peace with reality is for the animal to let go of trying to control the computer, but to pay careful attention to the computer, for it's a reflection of Reality and the closest we can get to God, Reality, itself.

It makes me sad whenever the atheist crowd completely misses the metaphors involved in communicating the truth and accepts a fundamentalist version of how the religion is supposed to work, which, in confusing the metaphors for the reality, goes against the very core of what the religion is about.
12-10-2015 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
They have their go to excuse for the next infinity elections: "People vote for whoever promises free stuff". No further introspection ever needed.
The "free stuff" line! Even though you're normal and quoting someone else, DRINK!
12-10-2015 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Lol at Trump gaining support.

Where is ikes, we need to know if he is resonating yet or if he still has no real support.
oh phill sweetie, you don't get to do any this on this forum without the lolz coming from me.
12-10-2015 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
oh phill sweetie, you don't get to do any this on this forum without the lolz coming from me.
So is that a "yes resonating" or "no, still not resonating"
12-10-2015 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
That ship left the dock a long time ago, arguably before Trump declared his candidacy.
I don't know. The people who lead the GOP are smart people. Long after it appears everything has collapsed they can find new strategies that people haven't thought of to get what they want.
12-10-2015 , 09:24 PM
ikes obv now thinks Trump is resonating that's why we have been getting silence from him on the topic for a couple months. Ikes is like a typical conservative in that he is incapable of admitting to being wrong in the light of overwhelming evidence. He might not outright deny in the opposite direction when evidence is such that it's and beyond point of reasonable debate, rather in such events he just isn't going to address it all

This type of mentality and approach is why the GOP is still denying evolution and climate change
12-10-2015 , 09:26 PM
Trump-mania has lasted longer than I thought. Please continue sending me PMs for desperate tries to get me to pay for a 2+2 account to get something out of the bet you're going to lose.
12-10-2015 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Trump-mania has lasted longer than I thought. Please continue sending me PMs for desperate tries to get me to pay for a 2+2 account to get something out of the bet you're going to lose.
Twice in 6 months and yes, cash buyout is worth more to me than the fringe benefits of you being permanently banned. It would turn me into an instant 2+2 legend, and I would be immortalized around these parts, but I still value cash more than that lol.

There might come a point when Trump's odds are much more than 50% and in the certainty realm, at which point your account is forever gone. Trump mania has lasted 6 months an we are only a month and a half away from the first primary
12-10-2015 , 09:37 PM
Even if trump wins the most delegates, which he won't, chances are he doesn't come out of what would be a brokered convention. He's not going to win.
12-10-2015 , 09:42 PM
So he's #NotResonating?
12-10-2015 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Even if trump wins the most delegates, which he won't, chances are he doesn't come out of what would be a brokered convention. He's not going to win.
GOP doing that signs death certificate on their chances for winning potus 2016. Trump would obv choose to run independent and all but secure a W for Hillary. They might very well just roll with him the whole way, especially because there seems to be very few adults in GOP
including leadership that might think he has a shot to beat Hillary

Sent from my SM-G920V using 2+2 Forums
12-10-2015 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
So he's #NotResonating?
No way to resonate until he's elected. It's unpossible.
12-10-2015 , 09:52 PM
Good point.
12-10-2015 , 10:03 PM
Not only is Trump doing well but his preferred gop opponent Cruz is taking up the #2 spot. Is the gop really willing to go nuclear on Trump if Cruz is the likely alternative?
12-10-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Cuban B
Not only is Trump doing well but his preferred gop opponent Cruz is taking up the #2 spot. Is the gop really willing to go nuclear on Trump when Cruz is the likely alternative?

That is an interesting question. I don't know how they would change the rules if Trump got the most delegates. Let the Congress critters vote?
I suspect they would want whoever does the least amount of damage to the down ballot races.
12-10-2015 , 10:16 PM
Is the deal?
With them?
12-10-2015 , 10:20 PM
#EasiestRecessionEver is nervously looking over its shoulder as #NotResonating is gaining rapidly, looks likely to be overtaken by Iowa.
12-10-2015 , 10:25 PM
12-10-2015 , 10:26 PM
I can't recall who asked the question, "who will be Nixon to Donald Trump's Wallace?" but he may have given Douthat a column.
12-10-2015 , 10:36 PM
Trump/Shkreli 2016
12-10-2015 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
That is an interesting question. I don't know how they would change the rules if Trump got the most delegates. Let the Congress critters vote?
I suspect they would want whoever does the least amount of damage to the down ballot races.
Can you imagine the theatrics from conservative media is Trump is taken out at the convention, Cruz wins and proceeds to be clobbered in the general election. Trump could run again in 2020. lol.
12-10-2015 , 11:01 PM
Do you guys really think Trump would run as an independent if he didn't get the GOP nom? I feel like it's just a threat. He is smart enough to know he has no shot of winning as an independent. Perhaps he wouldn't really mind Hil winning, so he would run independent just to stick it to the GOP.
12-10-2015 , 11:14 PM
He's got to for game theory deterrent purposes.
