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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

01-31-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by yea buddy
GG everyone else. Staying in this race if you aren't Mitt is burning money and a waste at this point....
Unless you're selling books.
01-31-2012 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
It turns out debt is not anymore sensitive to reductions in spending than increases in revenue.

Our current spending is about 25% of gdp. Our current revenues are around 17% of gdp. Tax increases on the rich would amount to 0.5%gdp increase in revenues. Spending is the problem.
02-01-2012 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by yea buddy
GG everyone else. Staying in this race if you aren't Mitt is burning money and a waste at this point....
Probably true although polling shows Repubs still not big Mitt fans. He has been blessed with the weakest competition you could ask for.

I think Newt will still win some southern states and if santorum drops out and endorses Newt that might provide a boost.

I'd still say Mitt is 95% to win but Newt is still breathing (barely).
02-01-2012 , 12:57 AM
The government thinks it's over:
02-01-2012 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Maybe there is a specific threat to his safety? His sideburns look dangerous.

Former candidate Herman Cain was the first candidate to receive Service protection last year, due to reported threats.
02-01-2012 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
Our current spending is about 25% of gdp. Our current revenues are around 17% of gdp. Tax increases on the rich would amount to 0.5%gdp increase in revenues. Spending is the problem.
Strangely, spending wasn't a problem before Bush's tax cuts were enacted. Do tax cuts cause deficits srsly?
02-01-2012 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Strangely, spending wasn't a problem before Bush's tax cuts were enacted. Do tax cuts cause deficits srsly?
Repealing the Bush tax cuts would equal about 1.7% of gdp increase in revenues. We're at around 17%gdp revenues, so that would make it about 19%gdp revenues. We'd still be running big deficits spending 25%gdp.

Last edited by JimAfternoon; 02-01-2012 at 01:15 AM.
02-01-2012 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by monkeylump
Grassroots imo.
The fact that the tea partiers can support Newt just shows that they've managed to go fully in reverse. Big government and Washington insiders, GOGOGOGOGOGO!
02-01-2012 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by acecatcher26
Was just talking with my parents yesterday and seriously realizzzed we really have two choices in this race. Ron Paul or Obama Unless RP gets the gop nom it matters zero cause Ron Paul will run third party and either RP pulls off a HUGE upset or Obama is back in.
RP isn't running third party.
02-01-2012 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yes. But change direction doesn't mean you have to throw away your car and get out and walk, like a lot of republicans and libertarians want to do.
Libertarians want to get rid of the program regardless of whether it's going to crash and burn sometime in the future.
02-01-2012 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I agree the R's screwed the pooch on the debt ceiling negotiations. So has our debt problem gone away? Was entitlement reform a one shot deal never to be addressed again?
R's? Wasn't he criticizing the D's for wanting to raise the debt ceiling? That definitely is lol.
02-01-2012 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If Ron Paul is ever offered Secret Service protection, I recommend he refuse it.
02-01-2012 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
R's? Wasn't he criticizing the D's for wanting to raise the debt ceiling? That definitely is lol.
Not sure what you are getting at tbh. I think the Republican house (the R's I referred to) missed an opportunity for a pretty good deficit reduction deal. Certainly seems good in retrospect.
02-01-2012 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
Repealing the Bush tax cuts would equal about 1.7% of gdp increase in revenues. We're at around 17%gdp revenues, so that would make it about 19%gdp revenues. We'd still be running big deficits spending 25%gdp.

Jim..youre making too much sense.

And to think that these very people who have it in for the rich (oh no--the top 10% only pay 70% of the bill-should be much much higher) actually collect a paycheck from the very people they think that are getting away with something.

To the whiners on here (you know who you are):
Make a statement...quit your job and tell your bosses to gfy, i dont like the fact that you only pay 35-50% of your income to should be much higher. After doing this, go collect unemployment or food stamps or whatever the **** it is that obama wants you to do. That'll show them.

****ing hypocrites.
02-01-2012 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
The fact that the tea partiers can support Newt just shows that they've managed to go fully in reverse. Big government and Washington insiders, GOGOGOGOGOGO!
such as joke. Gingrich, Romney, and Santorum are not the tea party. Paul is the only true tea party, and he polls last. I guess it was true the tea party was taken over by the republicans to save face of the joke of a president known as Bush.
02-01-2012 , 02:07 AM
If you look at the Florida map, Gingrich won all the northern counties. I think a good bet might be Gingrich. He might be like 5:1, not 40:1 an overlay.
02-01-2012 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
If you look at the Florida map, Gingrich won all the rednecks. I think a good bet might be Gingrich. He might be like 5:1, not 40:1 an overlay.
02-01-2012 , 02:34 AM
Even in the northern part of the state, Newt only did well in the low population rural counties,
02-01-2012 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Paul is the only true tea party,
uh, ok.

I guess Redmans theory of the tea party taking over the world is kinda thin cuz the baggers didn't make a dent in Florida.
02-01-2012 , 06:48 AM
Gingrich holding a slight lead in new PPP polls of Missouri and Ohio.
The write up details how Santorum is also strongly competitive in both states.
02-01-2012 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
Repealing the Bush tax cuts would equal about 1.7% of gdp increase in revenues. We're at around 17%gdp revenues, so that would make it about 19%gdp revenues. We'd still be running big deficits spending 25%gdp.

Lol at the dishonesty in that graph. The spending as a share of GDP only goes up under Obama because Bush crashed the economy into a tree.

Your math doesnt remotely consider that the economy is in recovery thus growing, so with equal spending it will decrease as a percent. Also the idea that the economy crashes and there should be an instant cutting of government spending is how recessions become depressions.

Not to mention the fact the blame isnt even Obamas, the graph makes it clear its a problem with the House which has been Republican for a year now and the only thing they achieved was getting America downgraded.

I wouldnt care so much but this idiocy is stifling the recovery of the world economy.
02-01-2012 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Send that reporter to Gitmo for leaking classified information
02-01-2012 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by monkeylump
uh, ok.

I guess Redmans theory of the tea party taking over the world is kinda thin cuz the baggers didn't make a dent in Florida.
The Tea Party doesn't have to "take over the world"...
The 30 member Congressional Tea Party Caucus...
Has 100% paralyzed Congress... which is a VERY GOOD thing...
Considering Congress is running a $3 trillion/year deficit...
Of which 60% is borrowed abroad... mostly from China.

Not a bad start... 3 years after it's founding.

Romney is in no way Tea Party...
But the inevitable Mitt Presidency...
Will create a good environment for the Tea Party.
02-01-2012 , 10:03 AM
unless San or Gin drops out the other has 0 chance.
02-01-2012 , 10:03 AM
lol the TP has had no effect at all only ceremonial. the budget is not being reduced.
