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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

12-18-2011 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by tzwien
Are you purposely ignoring that Obama forced them to spend 4x as much for the fuel? Are you saying this is how the government should run things?
Obama didn't force anyone to do anything.

And we don't live under socialized medicine?! What do you think Medicare and Medicaid are? It's not like Canada or the UK, but costs are definitely socialized.
Also, Stephen Hawking is British. But if we're going to cover every mistake made by Investor's Business Daily, we're going to be here a while.
12-18-2011 , 12:53 AM
Yeah but he lives in the US now right? Didn't his nurse leave him stuck out in the sun one time? Clear failure of non-socialized medicine imo.
12-18-2011 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah but he lives in the US now right?
I think he lives in Canada...or at leat that his where his professorship is. He probably travels alot though giving talks etc.

EDIT: Just checked wiki...apparently he still has an official position at Cambridge at well...just not the famous Lucasian Chair that was held by Newton etc and Hawking had until he gave it up at a certain age which apparently you have to do.

Last edited by Max Raker; 12-18-2011 at 01:06 AM.
12-18-2011 , 01:06 AM
Ah then it was a failure of SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!!!1one111
12-18-2011 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Ah then it was a failure of SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!!!1one111
Yeah...if he was just lucky enough to be american he'd be like Jack Lalane!!!
12-18-2011 , 01:12 AM
I think the noteworthy failure is IBD's fact checker's. But I guess when you compare that to the "paper of record's" record of just having their reporters make up **** the error seems quaint. Like Ohio State's football program's unpaid tattoos versus Penn State's child ****ers.

Last edited by seattlelou; 12-18-2011 at 01:26 AM.
12-18-2011 , 01:13 AM
Wait what was IBD's claim again?
12-18-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Wait what was IBD's claim again?
People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.

It's not totally their fault though. He always complained that his computerized voice made him sound american. The price he has to pay because innovations only occur because of our free market system imo
12-18-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Wait what was IBD's claim again?
That Stephen Hawking would be dead if he was in the UK. It is a doozy of a f up no doubt.
12-18-2011 , 01:45 AM
Barron's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IBD
12-18-2011 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I don't like Newt's position on the judiciary but the Hill article gives a better account of what he said.
tbh not really

this is crazy talk from newt's mouth

i sort of understand what he's getting at, but he's painting a much broader brush with his words than he needs to. newt is smart with his words, so im sure that's intentional. that's the scary part.
12-18-2011 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
tbh not really

this is crazy talk from newt's mouth

i sort of understand what he's getting at, but he's painting a much broader brush with his words than he needs to. newt is smart with his words, so im sure that's intentional. that's the scary part.
His base is convinced that the courts are packed with nothing but liberal activist judges who legislate from the bench with no regard for the constitution. Never mind the fact that the definition of a liberal activist judge who legislates from the bench with no regard for the constitution is any judge who doesn't rule in accordance with the social conservative agenda.
12-18-2011 , 03:41 AM
What a great country this is. A third-rate Republican going toe-to-toe with a third-rate Democrat!
12-18-2011 , 08:27 AM
IBD's editorial page is garbage. They dropped all pretense of being a real paper some time ago. They adopted the Drudge/Huffpo sensationalist vitriol headlines, and took a hardline everything-Obama-does-is-evil stance. At the least, the major papers all still maintain criticism from both sides, and still advance their own opinion as opinion. IBD went off the deep end where they state their opinion as gospel.
12-18-2011 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
To help offset the loss of ericheebner's endorsement the Des Moines Register has endorsed Mitt "45" Romney:

Sobriety, wisdom and judgment.

Those are qualities Mitt Romney said he looks for in a leader. Those are qualities Romney himself has demonstrated in his career in business, public service and government. Those qualities help the former Massachusetts governor stand out as the most qualified Republican candidate competing in the Iowa caucuses.
Sounds like he should have joined Huntsman and worked for Obama.
12-18-2011 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Sounds like he should have joined Huntsman and worked for Obama.
Obama's experience would make him a decent undersecretary of education. You have the management chain inversed.

Last edited by seattlelou; 12-18-2011 at 10:24 AM.
12-18-2011 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
btw this statement is pretty silly. The chinese are not in a position of strength because they bought our bonds. Their economy relies on us more than we rely on them.
it has nothing to do with strength, but to do with involvement in the general activities and direction of a people who need to be focussed in the correct direction. (American ideology) What's good for the goose is good for the gander, isn't that the adage.

I don't know why I get into these discussion with you ikes, I suppose it's because you like to parade LOGIC around when you have no comprehension of what the concept means. And that just ticks me off. You want to espouse your opinion, go for it, but applying your chosen logic to situations as a base line is ridiculous at best, and borders on the pathetic when you claim a differing opinion isn't logical. Always based on your standards.
12-18-2011 , 11:31 AM
So cres, flesh out this logic you think you are espousing here. China has reformed itself over the last 30 years to look a lot more like the US to the betterment of itself and the world. You have to be be blinded by an anti american sentiment to deny this.
12-18-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by FleeingFish
I can understand that and it makes a helluva lot of sense. However, allowing the Middle East to do what it wants with out our influence can have catastrophic results for us here at home and no I'm not talking primary about terrorism but more to the economic impact. Instability in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other middle eastern countries we get oil from can have dramatic and damaging effects on our economic recovery.
So the death, destruction and exploitation of others natural resources that we bring to that region is worth it so you can keep paying $3 gas?
12-18-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
So the death, destruction and exploitation of others natural resources that we bring to that region is worth it so you can keep paying $3 gas?

What and who are we destroying or killing in Saudi Arabia? What and who are we destroying or killing in Kuwait? Jordan? Qatar? U.A.E? Bahrain?

I'm speaking to influence and you immediately assume I'm talking about war mongering. It's pathetic that you are trapped by your ideals that you loose all ability to use logic and objectiveness when talking about something. You fail to attempt to understand any one who has a different opinion and lump them all together under the same ignorant premises. i.e. "oh he wants to maintain influence in the region, he must want war and kill people over gas".

I also think you are naive to think we can stop the implosion of our economy if the Middle East stopped selling us oil.

Last edited by FleeingFish; 12-18-2011 at 01:50 PM.
12-18-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by cres
it has nothing to do with strength, but to do with involvement in the general activities and direction of a people who need to be focussed in the correct direction. (American ideology) What's good for the goose is good for the gander, isn't that the adage.

I don't know why I get into these discussion with you ikes, I suppose it's because you like to parade LOGIC around when you have no comprehension of what the concept means. And that just ticks me off. You want to espouse your opinion, go for it, but applying your chosen logic to situations as a base line is ridiculous at best, and borders on the pathetic when you claim a differing opinion isn't logical. Always based on your standards.
This is a bunch of words that mean nothing. Anyways, the chinese bought a ton of us debt because their economy is essentially an export machine to the US. We owe them no more thanks than they owe us thanks for buying iPhones.
12-18-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
So the death, destruction and exploitation of others natural resources that we bring to that region is worth it so you can keep paying $3 gas?
Violence in the middle east isnt caused by oil use.
12-18-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Violence in the middle east isnt caused by oil use.
Ikes, do you ever have a post where you elaborate on anything you say, ever? Do you have a timer that dings after 30 seconds after starting a post and that tells you it's time to wrap it up?

The fact there is an extremely valuable natural resource in the middle east is the reason for our government's (or any western government's) involvement within that region. These wars or proxy wars that result can directly lead to violence and also cause or exacerbate local conflicts that result from the disruption of those local governments. If you are claiming there would be violence, death and bad things in the middle east without us, of course that is true.
12-18-2011 , 02:22 PM
Sorry I'm not making a huge off topic post. Wars and violence happen in a ton of areas where there are little natural resources but countries were made up out of thin air by colonial powers. See: Africa, India/Pakistan, ME. The most violent part of the ME (Israel/Palestine) has pretty much no natural resources.
12-18-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by FleeingFish
What and who are we destroying or killing in Saudi Arabia? What and who are we destroying or killing in Kuwait? Jordan? Qatar? U.A.E? Bahrain?
Just because the controlling government or dictatorship of that country likes us, doesn't mean the people do.

In Saudi Arabia, in an effort to protect our government/corporate interests there as well as put pressure on Iraq we stationed troops on what some Saudi Arabians considered pretty sacred land to their religion. I know of one guy who was pretty pissed off, and this led to his direct reason for declaring a holy war on the United States, do you know who he is?

In Bahrain, we support a government that kills their protestors (while at the same time vehemently denouncing Libya and Gaddafi's same actions).

Bahrain, the tiny but strategically important Persian Gulf monarchy that has sought for months to suppress an Arab Spring-inspired uprising, is engaged in a heated dispute with one of the world’s foremost medical relief organizations, which has stopped working there after accusing Bahraini security forces of raiding its premises last week.

to what human rights activists call a particularly odious aspect of the Bahraini protests: the government’s systematic effort to deny medical services to wounded protesters — partly by jailing or intimidating the doctors, nurses and paramedics who have tried to treat them.

Many medical workers in Bahrain are often too frightened to help protesters, activists say, and the wounded themselves are often too frightened to seek help, fearing they will be arrested.
Many protestors have been killed. At the same time, since their government is friendly to our oil interests, we just sold them $53 million worth of military equipment a couple months ago. You don't think this causes death and destruction and pisses people off?

Needless to say what has happened to Iraqi citizens, Afghanistan citizens, we propped up the Egyptian dictatorship for decades, etc.

I'm speaking to influence and you immediately assume I'm talking about war mongering. It's pathetic that you are trapped by your ideals that you loose all ability to use logic and objectiveness when talking about something. You fail to attempt to understand any one who has a different opinion and lump them all together under the same ignorant premises. i.e. "oh he wants to maintain influence in the region, he must want war and kill people over gas".
I think you are ignorant to what "maintaining influence in the region" means to the people who actually live there, and if we were faced with a similar type of action here in America from another government we would be pissed off as hell. Iran had a democratically elected government that we overthrew in 1953 -- why? because the prime minister realized the Western nations were ripping him off with regards to oil and was going to do something about it. So we "maintained our influence" and 60 years later, GASP, they hate us!

I also think you are naive to think we can stop the implosion of our economy if the Middle East stopped selling us oil.
An economy such as ours is going to implode due to it's fossil fuel reliance no matter how much we exploit the middle east. If instead of"maintaining our influence" over there for the past 70 years, we didn't have incredibly cheap fossil fuels and were thus forced to grow a little slower and be less dependent on the automobile, we'd have saved a lot of pain and suffering in the middle east as well as been better prepared for when this fossil fuel orgy starts to come to a close. But maybe we couldn't have all had the materialistic bonanza of SUVs and 70 inch TVs..
