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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

11-03-2011 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
But this specific plan is just not a functional plan. It's an idiotic slogan.
Why is it not a framework for legislation? I realize others may not like it, but why is it not a plan but merely a slogan?
11-03-2011 , 10:27 AM
member, the two worst economic collapses in our history were under the FED (federal reserve); the Great Depression and this Depression/Recession. Our lightest and fastest recession/depressions were under NO FED, and often NO CENTRAL BANK.
There is so much wrong with your post but this is just ignoring history. I mean what about you open wikipedia or something and stop spewing nonsense ?
Belief that FED and central bank causes recession is in line with other Paul beliefs like:
-blessings of gold standard
-slavery and segregation being caused by government
-global warming denial

I mean can't you see the light there ? The guy lives in fantasy land.
11-03-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
For all on this board that cannot understand the strength of Cain in the polls, did you digest the election results from light blue Colorado Tuesday?


A statewide vote (prop 103) that would have raised the sales tax 0.37% and state income tax 0.10% to increase public school funding by 3 billion dollars was roundly voted down Tuesday 64% to 36% with almost a million voters hitting the polling places.

The tax payers aren't in the mood for higher taxes and hence much of Cain's strength.
Yes except the 999 plan would raise taxes on 84% of people...

He gained popularity from it because its a simple sounding plan and 9 is a small number so people just assume it means that their tax burden would drop.
11-03-2011 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
Why is it not a framework for legislation? I realize others may not like it, but why is it not a plan but merely a slogan?
Because congress is not going to pass a tax plan that increases the burden on the low wage earners while dramatically reducing the burden on the high wage earners. It's just not thought out at all. There are existing flat tax plans that have thought out practical policy issues, this one has not. It's a slogan not a policy.
11-03-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
But this specific plan is just not a functional plan. It's an idiotic slogan.
11-03-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Lahey
In your opinion for what percentage of conservatives is this an accurate description?
Enough of them to matter in primaries.
11-03-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by cres

The comment I heard this am was probably the best on the issue, this is not about the actual act but an abuse of power.
Well wouldn't it be the least bit nice if before we jumped to the conclusion that it was "an abuse of power" we knew what the actual act was so one could rightfully judge if it was an abuse of power or not???? Nah.... I guess that isn't important, the only thing is that an uppity conservative black man gets lynched without anything resembling due process.

I actually agree with you and Patricia Ireland. Workplace interaction between people of vastly different strata in the corporate structure can engender abuses of power. Ms. Ireland often spoke on how a female subordinate can never really give 'consent' to having relations with a boss because of the implied power over employment the boss can wield.

Of course, she conveniently swallowed that argument when Peyronie Bill got caught getting blown by the doe eyed fatty intern. But nobody was surprised by that.

Bottom line is, it is hard to dream up an abuse of power without some act of significance. So.... where's the beef?
11-03-2011 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Enough of them to matter in primaries.
I guess there were enough of them to matter in the 2010 election cycle, too, Jeez.....
11-03-2011 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Lahey
11-03-2011 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
There is so much wrong with your post but this is just ignoring history. I mean what about you open wikipedia or something and stop spewing nonsense ?
Belief that FED and central bank causes recession is in line with other Paul beliefs like:
-blessings of gold standard
-slavery and segregation being caused by government
-global warming denial

I mean can't you see the light there ? The guy lives in fantasy land.
So you're saying the FED didnt create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates too low causing malinvestment?
11-03-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
In light of this:

Can you assign a rational probability of Paul winning Iowa for the fans?
I would say 20%-25%. Right now. Currently Perry last traded on Intrade to win the Iowa Caucus at 18%. Perry doesn't poll as highly as Ron Paul and I doubt he has visited the state as much or has the same organization.

Considering Paul last traded at 8%, I think he is a screaming buy right now. I wish I wasn't busto on Intrade, cause I would be buying some IOWA.PAUL(RON) right now. It's not cause I lost money on there, it's cause I withdrew everything I had to get by IRL.
11-03-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by cking
So you're saying the FED didnt create the housing bubble by keeping interest rates too low causing malinvestment?
Interest rates being low was for the benefit of big business, not specifically the mortgage market. They got the tag along ride because interest rates aren't sector specific (except for the class tiers sub prime lenders use)

And business is not government, isn't that the talking point pushed by the free market libertarians. They are the ones who see evil in the Fed, an organization whose first responsibility is to business. The Fed may report to Congress, but has never been controlled by them.
11-03-2011 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
I would say 20%-25%. Right now. Currently Perry last traded on Intrade to win the Iowa Caucus at 18%. Perry doesn't poll as highly as Ron Paul and I doubt he has visited the state as much or has the same organization.

Considering Paul last traded at 8%, I think he is a screaming buy right now. I wish I wasn't busto on Intrade, cause I would be buying some IOWA.PAUL(RON) right now. It's not cause I lost money on there, it's cause I withdrew everything I had to get by IRL.
I'll give you 5:1 on that....for more action than you can get probably get on intrade.
11-03-2011 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by ChromePony
Yes except the 999 plan would raise taxes on 84% of people...
I stopped reading the link when it claimed Cain's plan would "increase taxes on families making 10-20k by 950%."

First of all under Cain's plan any family at or below the poverty line ($22,350) pays nothing. Secondly, no one pays any FICA taxes (7.65%)

So let's just say I doubt that 84% figure that has been bandied about recently.
11-03-2011 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by cres
Interest rates being low was for the benefit of big business, not specifically the mortgage market. They got the tag along ride because interest rates aren't sector specific (except for the class tiers sub prime lenders use)

And business is not government, isn't that the talking point pushed by the free market libertarians. They are the ones who see evil in the Fed, an organization whose first responsibility is to business. The Fed may report to Congress, but has never been controlled by them.
In the free market the interest rates are determined by supply/demand and a willingness to repay. Not pulled out of Ben Bernake's ass. Also no problem with the FED having no congressional overview yet being able to control the printing of US currency?
11-03-2011 , 11:11 AM
Paying making 10-20k probably pay a negative amount.
11-03-2011 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
Yes those harebrained Republitard tax reduction schemes have such a horrible track record. The US economy from 1983-2008 sez hai.
For one thing, between 1993-2003 we all know we were living under a Communist regime, with confiscatory tax rates and wealth redistribution where job creators were punished for success. Actually 1991 Bush raised taxes, too. But at least he didn't kill Vince Foster!

Also, lol what happened in 2008? Did I miss when Obama raised taxes? So yeah, the US economy from 1983-1991 and 2003-present says hi to you.

The 999 plan's advantage is that it sounds simple, which is good enough. Its actual effects(and lol, even if there was historical evidence that the economy does better under Republican Presidents[the economy actually does better under Democrats] none of them used anything remotely like Cain's plan) are egghead fancy talk, who cares?

Basically, you're making my point for me. If Cain's horrible but superficially appealing tax plan is driving his support from the GOP base because they sincerely think it's a good idea, that means the GOP base is even dumber than previously thought.
11-03-2011 , 11:16 AM
The "Obama is bad" meme has gotten to the point that swinging blames Obama for the 2008 crash.

Which is hilarious.
11-03-2011 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Paying making 10-20k probably pay a negative amount.
Which is one of the reasons I LOLed at the 950% increase figure. I also like the euphemism "pay a negative amount."

Does "paying a negative amount of taxes" = stealing $$$ from the 53%?
11-03-2011 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I'll give you 5:1 on that....for more action than you can get probably get on intrade.
What part of Busto don't you understand? And hell no to your offer anyway. I could get 100+ contracts for 9:1 on Intrade.
11-03-2011 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by cking
In the free market the interest rates are determined by supply/demand and a willingness to repay. Not pulled out of Ben Bernake's ass. Also no problem with the FED having no congressional overview yet being able to control the printing of US currency?
And Wallstreet got their free money. They are the supposed free market aren't they. All the paper pusher hedge funds used that free market capital to energize their trades (lever up). As they ramped up their demand for more and more, the Fed did what any business would do, they lowered their product price.

Now why did the Fed need to get the treasury to print more money? I guess that would be to cover all that free market created currency (which was created through debt financing) that the free market chose not to collect on. By allowing your debtors to just get another credit card to pay off the existing credit card charges is a free market problem, not a government problem.

But it is better to blame anyone other than the free market for the ruin, isn't it.
11-03-2011 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
The "Obama is bad" meme has gotten to the point that swinging blames Obama for the 2008 crash.

Which is hilarious.
Not as hilarious as him counting Bill Clinton as a Republican imo.
11-03-2011 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by cres
And Wallstreet got their free money. They are the supposed free market aren't they. All the paper pusher hedge funds used that free market capital to energize their trades (lever up). As they ramped up their demand for more and more, the Fed did what any business would do, they lowered their product price.

Now why did the Fed need to get the treasury to print more money? I guess that would be to cover all that free market created currency (which was created through debt financing) that the free market chose not to collect on. By allowing your debtors to just get another credit card to pay off the existing credit card charges is a free market problem, not a government problem.

But it is better to blame anyone other than the free market for the ruin, isn't it.
The Federal Reserve is not the free market. It is part of the government.

11-03-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
Which is one of the reasons I LOLed at the 950% increase figure. I also like the euphemism "pay a negative amount."

Does "paying a negative amount of taxes" = stealing $$$ from the 53%?
Dont hate the player. Dont hate the game.

Thats the way it works, right, ive been taking lessons in the Occupy threads.

But hey, who am i to judge, the progressive taxation system of 1983-2008 sez hai.
11-03-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
The Federal Reserve is not the free market. It is part of the government.

Free market does not exist without the government.

