Originally Posted by swinginglory
Yes those harebrained Republitard tax reduction schemes have such a horrible track record. The US economy from 1983-2008 sez hai.
For one thing, between 1993-2003 we all know we were living under a Communist regime, with confiscatory tax rates and wealth redistribution where job creators were punished for success. Actually 1991 Bush raised taxes, too. But at least he didn't kill Vince Foster!
Also, lol what happened in 2008? Did I miss when Obama raised taxes? So yeah, the US economy from 1983-1991 and 2003-present says hi to you.
The 999 plan's advantage is that it sounds simple, which is good enough. Its actual effects(and lol, even if there was historical evidence that the economy does better under Republican Presidents[the economy actually does better under
Democrats] none of them used anything remotely like Cain's plan) are egghead fancy talk, who cares?
Basically, you're making my point for me. If Cain's horrible but superficially appealing tax plan is driving his support from the GOP base because they sincerely think it's a good idea, that means the GOP base is even dumber than previously thought.