Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Pretty sure the point of this is you trying to shoehorn some ****ty Santa and Jesus Facebook meme into being the one true underlying reason people voted for Trump. Like, do you think these Rust Belters have an economic anxiety lolcat gif to post?
Look, at some point, AT SOME ****ING POINT here doesn't all this behavior have to square?
1. GOP spends decades rolling back New Deal, deregulating, destroying labor, slavishly implementing market orthodoxy, dogwhistling racism
2. Trump runs campaign of racial resentment, wins nomination, wins Presidency
3. It's the economy stupid, even when they said it was the immigration and the refugees and terrorism, it's really their frustration with their lack of economic mobility and wage stagnation
In what ****ing planet does #3 make sense? You add up the obvious history of the GOP being the party of neoliberal market orthodoxies + white racial grievance, all the things Trump talked about and was known for (white racial grievance) plus a Trump government that seems poised to just implement Paul Ryan's tax cut/gut the welfare state agenda, and in the end you get...a movement to elect Trump that really wants the end to neoliberal market orthodoxies and where racial resentments are a distraction? Doesn't add up.
Like obviously Santa Jesus is a single example because TwoPlusTwo probably doesn't have enough bandwith for all the herp derp nonsensical memes RightWingFreedomNews.com ****s out, but as some point the "Trump voters are really economically anxious" has to make a positive case beyond "snarky internet liberals evidence for the other side is just too old, polls don't work, haven't seen enough memes yet."
Right now you have "lol Dvaut" and nothing beyond that, OAFK has "false consciousness makes it so they don't talk about all their economic anxiety, instead it comes out as racism." At some point you need some compelling ****ing evidence beyond laffing at liberals, SCOREBOARD type arguments and OAFK's gut feels.