Yikes, as annoying as Goofy is at least he's good at what he does (annoyingly arguing around and around in circles until it's obviously not worth it to continue because he's just trying to win a point for his side, like pretending Obama has made the world a better place, lol, 7 states legal weed roflmao).
You hangers on, notsomuch.
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
It really is all over, isn't it? You can't even point out that a politician is breaking campaign promises, a time honored American tradition, without driving them to join Y'all Qada. Like we were really nice about it, saying overall it was a GOOD thing, and he still goes crazy.
Originally Posted by jman220
If we piss you off more will you vote for David Duke in the next election? If we piss you off even more would you vote for Idi Amin? Boy you sure are showing us!
And if you're looking for sick burns, try this. Bob's still in the burn ward.
Originally Posted by Losing all
He wasn't insulting me or being an idiot, so I'll respond (if I see the post). Maybe you should let someone else set the odds from now on after your election night market tardcasting, good stuff.
or even this, a lesser burn by a lesser man, but a burn nonetheless.
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Someone's got to not get laid, people aren't going to not lay themselves