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The Trump Administration Transition thread The Trump Administration Transition thread

01-09-2017 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Trump is a scumbag to be sure but far more concerning is the fact that his supporters NEVER say a single thing bad about him. They 100% tow the line. Look at this forum. We can't get his supporters to critique anything. Everything he does is perfect.

His constant use of terms like "loyal supporter" should be sending alarms off among the supposedly freedom loving right.
To be fair it's incredibly unrealistic they supported him in spite of everything and anyone would expect they'd turn their back on him before he's even inaugurated

If unemployment rises and they parrot reasons like 'crooked media lying about numbers' or 'obama's fault' or 'liberals ****ing trump' I'll be worried. Til then I'll hold on hope that they'll turn on him when he fails
01-09-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Second Helpings
The intentions of the Russians are irrelevant.
The intentions of the Russians are relevant.

The American people had a right know exactly how corrupt the DNC is and how democratic primary is not a free and fair election. Does it really matter that those facts were revealed to us by the Russians?
Again, yes, it matters.
01-09-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Apparently Streep works for the media???
In a plain reading, technically she does.
01-09-2017 , 12:16 PM
Second helpings is obviously Russian.
01-09-2017 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
In a plain reading, technically she does.
01-09-2017 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheTenderVigilante
To be fair it's incredibly unrealistic they supported him in spite of everything and anyone would expect they'd turn their back on him before he's even inaugurated

If unemployment rises and they parrot reasons like 'crooked media lying about numbers' or 'obama's fault' or 'liberals ****ing trump' I'll be worried. Til then I'll hold on hope that they'll turn on him when he fails
They believe him when he says unemployment is 42% under Obama and genuinely think he is creating jobs and saving the economy with these announcements that have nothing to do with him. They'll turn on him when he fights for LGBTQ rights or higher taxes on rich people.
01-09-2017 , 12:26 PM
One thing trump will never do is make trump pay more taxes.
01-09-2017 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Because in a plain reading, "the media" is an incredibly broad term that encompasses all manner of communication, including CNN, Hollywood, the Internet, and literature. But in common language nowadays, and certainly in this context, the statement "the media" is implicitly more specifically, "the news media," which is a narrow subset of all media.
01-09-2017 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
They believe him when he says unemployment is 42% under Obama and genuinely think he is creating jobs and saving the economy with these announcements that have nothing to do with him. They'll turn on him when he fights for LGBTQ rights or higher taxes on rich people.
Seriously people still aren't getting just how ****ed we are. Trump got 46% of the population to vote for a Law and Order candidate to combat a crime wave THAT DOESN'T EXIST.

The actual facts do not matter. Trump can create a problem and provide a solution in the same lie and hornbug will believe Dear Leader because he was bred for obedience.
01-09-2017 , 12:35 PM
I think the actual number of 'true believers' is a lot lower than you think it is
01-09-2017 , 12:36 PM
I caught Senator Kaine, good ole' harmonica Tim on NPR this morning, and he and the host fell over themselves to NOT appear obstructionist. The host even lied to Kaine's face and said Tillerson had provided all the documents he needed and Kaine didn't push back.

And then Kaine went on a ****ing rambling rant about bizarre technicalities of some singular anti-torture vote that Sessions voted against instead of just calling him a racist who supports torture.

America is over, guys.
01-09-2017 , 12:43 PM
kaine kind of sucked in that debate v pence
01-09-2017 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers
kaine kind of sucked in that debate v pence
personal working theory: clinton was afraid she wouldn't get credit for the win if the VP was competent.
01-09-2017 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Because in a plain reading, "the media" is an incredibly broad term that encompasses all manner of communication, including CNN, Hollywood, the Internet, and literature. But in common language nowadays, and certainly in this context, the statement "the media" is implicitly more specifically, "the news media," which is a narrow subset of all media.
And under this definition Trump also falls under The Media, seeing as how he is a producer of a show on the media (albeit one that actively is rooting for it to fsil, I guess?)
01-09-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by sportsjefe
personal working theory: clinton was afraid she wouldn't get credit for the win if the VP was competent.
I just assumed she didn't want a VP more popular than her

Also kaine didn't 'kind of suck.' Pence mopped the floor with him
01-09-2017 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by sportsjefe
personal working theory: clinton was afraid she wouldn't get credit for the win if the VP was competent.
I think she just wanted to make sure nothing distracted from keeping the attention on Trump. It was somewhat sound whenever either candidate became the focus of the news cycle their poll numbers suffered.
01-09-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Apparently Streep works for the media???
I think he's going for the angle of people, including Streep, only believe he mocked the disabled reporter in that fashion because "the media" fooled them into believing it, and not because, obv, there's audio and video available.

Which is doubly insulting because people actually tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and find clips of him doing that impression for non-disabled people, in case there might've been a misunderstanding.
01-09-2017 , 01:04 PM
In retrospect that debate should've been a bigger red flag at just how badly they were bungling this. He never brought up ANY of Pence's personal attack issues, he just repeated Trump's lines and asked if Pence agreed.

Anyway, update on whether the media learned anything from the Sprint thing,

Nope! WAAF
01-09-2017 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I think she just wanted to make sure nothing distracted from keeping the attention on Trump. It was somewhat sound whenever either candidate became the focus of the news cycle their poll numbers suffered.
Right, she wanted a VP that elicits a "who?" response, the opposite of a Big Name, but who's also a workhorse centrist, for when people googled him.

The problem is HE IS competent and passionate, so that makes this all the more disturbing:

Originally Posted by FlyWf
I caught Senator Kaine, good ole' harmonica Tim on NPR this morning, and he and the host fell over themselves to NOT appear obstructionist. The host even lied to Kaine's face and said Tillerson had provided all the documents he needed and Kaine didn't push back.

And then Kaine went on a ****ing rambling rant about bizarre technicalities of some singular anti-torture vote that Sessions voted against instead of just calling him a racist who supports torture.

America is over, guys.
01-09-2017 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
And under this definition Trump also falls under The Media, seeing as how he is a producer of a show on the media (albeit one that actively is rooting for it to fsil, I guess?)
You don't even have to involve Trump in "the media" even though he's obviously part of it, you can just point out Bannon and Breitbart.
01-09-2017 , 01:22 PM
I have heard the idea that tying Trump to the GOP is what gave voters the cover needed to vote for him.

frickin' campaign built around "suburban moderate Republicans..." seriously, those exist? now? where?
01-09-2017 , 01:22 PM
Good to see Trump hiring people to head up the Justice Department who have a history of draining the swamp in their own states.

Sessions’ brief, troubling record doesn’t end there. As a state attorney general, he also cleared the way for a politically connected insurance company’s planned no-bid coverage of state road work; urged the Alabama Ethics Commission to approve corporate-funded junkets for state employees; fought successfully against seating the first black intermediate appellate court judges in Alabama’s history; and, no joke, provided formal support for a local sheriff’s use of actual chain gangs.
01-09-2017 , 02:10 PM

"overcoming" is just a great word choice there
01-09-2017 , 02:15 PM
Kushner overcame poor grades to get into Harvard with a 2.5 million donation from his father, and then overcame poor grades against to get into NYU law school with another big donation.

It's very odd that the right wing's deep, deep commitment to hating "pay for play" and "corruption" never seems to mind that ****. Not to mention how they flip out at affirmative action.
01-09-2017 , 02:20 PM
It's ALMOST as if they have no principles at all, outside of "**** liberals".
