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Trump’s America Trump’s America

12-28-2016 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Now YOU come along and call Stan a racist piece of human garbage because he doesn't get all the fuss about racist remarks made in what was supposed to be a private conversation. He might not get BLM either and might be one to respond ALL lives matter. He eventually becomes sick to death of people like you calling him a racist. He's sick of being called Islamophobic because he doesn't want his family ran over in a crowded mall by some radicalized Muslim nutcase. In other words...


So he quietly ticks off the box next to the name: Trump.

Every Clement was gonna vote for Trump no matter what you did or said. But not every Stan would have. It's the Stans and not Clements who you wanna educate over the next 4 years. If this election proved nothing else to you, I hope you'll at least see that continuing to call Stan names won't work!
Why quietly? Is he ashamed of himself?

Originally Posted by Lestat
You have it all backwards. It's not MY feelings that are being hurt. And it's not Stan you need to worry about offending. On the contrary, it's your SJW rhetoric that has caused STAN to be sick of having to walk on eggshells worrying about offending everyone else! He can't buy his kid a Halloween costume without worrying about it being offensive to someone. He's gotta learn newly invented gender neutral pronouns or he might offend. And god forbid he thinks ALL live matter, or he's called insensitive and a racist.

Stan is your typical American white rural male. He just doesn't get some of this stuff and by you lumping him into the same racist bag that Clement belongs in, you only alienate him further.
Say Stan ends up so alienated that his behaviour becomes indistinguishable from Clement's, can we then call Stan a racist? Or because he ended up at Clement's level of racism innocently should Stan be treated with kid gloves?

Last edited by Oroku$aki; 12-28-2016 at 02:04 AM.
12-28-2016 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
i asked two specific questions. they didnt get answered. they got ducked
I did not duck. I thought the question was misdirected and pointless, since the video you posted says what words he does not like and my OP implied them.

Last edited by batair; 12-28-2016 at 02:20 AM.
12-28-2016 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Why? Why would you think that?! You're black, right? Why can't Fred be a middle class black dude, from a middle class mixed neighborhood, hanging out with black and white friends alike? Are you a ****ing racist?!?!
Wait wat?

That was just a comical addendum, about the whole mess of black friends Stan has and my perplexity, to my longer Srs Biz post preceding it, #967.
12-28-2016 , 02:13 AM
If during one of their Sunday football get-togethers the subject of Trump gets brought up, does Stan (quietly) tell Fred who he voted for?
12-28-2016 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
This makes 0 sense.
Only if you try really hard. Otherwise it's very straightforward.
12-28-2016 , 02:28 AM
Wait who's Fred? This increasing cast of characters is getting downright Dostoyevskyesque.
12-28-2016 , 02:36 AM
Fred is Stan's best black friend.

Originally Posted by Lestat
Somewhere in Alabama there's a guy named Clement. And he'll tell you straight up he don't like black people. He don't want no blacks moving next door to him cuz they just bring trouble. They all steal and don't take care of their neighborhoods, dont' ya know?

In Nebraska we find a guy named Stan. He works with several black people. Likes and gets along with them just fine. A couple black dudes are on his bowling team and he drinks and shares laughs with them. One of them, Fred, comes over to his house to watch football on Sundays. Fred was at his son's baptism. When Fred got married he bought them a nice wedding gift.
12-28-2016 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Only if you try really hard. Otherwise it's very straightforward.
Ya 5ive you slowpoke, I'll break it down for you:

Originally Posted by chezlaw
The causality is simple, people are just in denial about it (or pretending to be). For example when some are hateful towards a large group
Ok, so there's a large group getting hated on. The political persuasion of this hated group, or why they're being hated on hasn't yet been specified.

then those people who percieve their community is being hated on
A bit more info, the hated's community is a separate community from the haters' community.

dont want to see the party of the people who hate them winning so some will abstain or vote for the other side even if they have to hold their noses
Now a wrench is thrown in because I thought they were already on the other side of the haters.

Sooo ya, hope that clears things up for ya 5ive.
12-28-2016 , 02:56 AM

To simplify my conjecture,

Originally Posted by Lestat

Stan is your typical American white rural male.

I'm saying that with at least 1 BBFF Stan is not at all our typical case. Black folk are 13ish% of the population and 98% live in Hotlanta [citation needed] so there's a whole murder of rural white males who would be lucky to even have 1 friendly black acquaintance. Stan turning to the dark side of the trump would make him even more of an outlier.

Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
If during one of their Sunday football get-togethers the subject of Trump gets brought up, does Stan (quietly) tell Fred who he voted for?
I remain skeptical Stan gets from A to Z.

Take the BLM thing, we might have this conversation:

Stan: Black lives matter... What does that even mean?!?

Black Steve: It means me, and Black Fred, and Black Bob and Black Joe too. And our family and friends. You know, the people you know and love.

Stan: Oh duh, right, had a moment of dumb there. Yeah, you guys Matter A Lot.

Last edited by 5ive; 12-28-2016 at 03:11 AM.
12-28-2016 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Fred is Stan's best black friend.
Oh **** I got it twisted, I thought there was more than 1 BBFF, but it's Fred and bowling buddies. I didn't reread the origin story today.

Dammit. This does open the door for tokenism.

Nah, F it, I stand by what I've said. Stan and Fred are clearly BFFs and bowling buddies have weight so I'd say it all still applies.
12-28-2016 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Ya 5ive you slowpoke, I'll break it down for you:

Ok, so there's a large group getting hated on. The political persuasion of this hated group, or why they're being hated on hasn't yet been specified.

A bit more info, the hated's community is a separate community from the haters' community.

Now a wrench is thrown in because I thought they were already on the other side of the haters.

Sooo ya, hope that clears things up for ya 5ive.
hold that thought

12-28-2016 , 03:37 AM
Did I mention denial?

Good to see the efforts at making the simple hard. Fred is telling George about it.
12-28-2016 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
You didn't break up?
Sorry, ex - we may be on a break.
12-28-2016 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Is Juan another POGger?
I took him seriously in unchained until he said the best statistics come from Reddit. That told me all I needed to know.
12-28-2016 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
My gf says it's greasy and weird. She's from the area and likes most other foods. Maybe it's just the one all the rest of the countries in the region make fun of.
Originally Posted by ChrisV
You didn't break up?
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Sorry, ex - we may be on a break.
You need to,propose to her.
12-28-2016 , 10:19 AM
Again, if someone as ignorant and racist as Lestat with personal exposure to the mean kids at 2p2 politics didn't vote for Trump out of spite I have no idea why we're humoring him about Stan, who in this hypothetical appears to be significantly more liberal than Lestat on the merits setting aside any backlash effect.
12-28-2016 , 10:31 AM
Maybe a bigger problem is quislings and insincere concern trolls like chezlaw and also the New York Times( denying racism's existence and impact?

Because you know, that actually happened in actual newspapers and on actual mainstream news channels.

Like chezlaw is ****ing GIDDY about this obvious bull**** argument, so giddy he's lost his always tenuous ability to form a coherent sentence. He really really wants an end to the hatred and divisiveness... of liberals using the r-word on the internet.

You can go over to unchained and find ToothSayer posting and reposting alt-right anti-Islam talking points, and oddly enough you won't find chezlaw saying one goddamn word about that hatred and divisiveness.

And, of course, my favorite chezlaw story that still just sums him up as a person so perfectly, when some halfwitted Nazi posted a bunch of far-right anti-immigrant propaganda youtube chezlaw was so against hatred and division that he... coached that Nazi on how to best avoid getting called racist by the mean kids,

You have to remember to make clear your disgust if you don't want some idiots to decide you are a racist for posting this - some will anyway but who cares what they think. Normal people wont know if you posted it approvingly or because it's worth seeing what trash is being produced but we can cope with not jumping to conclusions.

It's a scummy video either way. It did strike me that an awful lot of the footage was nothing to do with the refugee crises (was a lot of it the riots in France from years ago?) which suggested the refugees are overwhelming behaving extremely well in very difficult circumstances.
and all for naught because ,


He got banned anyway. Because he was a ****ing racist. Also his user name was ibetappingdatglASS, but the siren song of being racist was so powerful that chezlaw couldn't help but suck up to him because CHEZLAW IS RACIST.

Last edited by FlyWf; 12-28-2016 at 10:52 AM.
12-28-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by adios
You need to,propose to her.
No. (Suzzer, if you end up doing that, I take this back and wish you all the happiness in the world.)
12-28-2016 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Yeah, was just checking. Wholeheartedly agree that gerrymandering undermines democracy and is responsible for a republican House advantage and state legislatures as well.
I think I posted something about this a couple of years ago but there's this group called Intelligence Squared that hosts Oxford-style debates on various topics. They will posit a motion, people vote for or against, then there's a debate where both sides are argued, and afterward people vote again (the winner is whichever side moves the needle the most their way, essentially). The topic this week was related to gerrymandering which is why I'm quoting your post. Give a listen if it's a topic that interests you.

The motion: Gerrymandering is destroying the political center

spoiler: the "no" guys offer some pretty powerful arguments in their favor imo

Last edited by Namath12; 12-28-2016 at 11:16 AM. Reason: i realize this is a bit off topic so mods feel free to move idgaf
12-28-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Maybe a bigger problem is quislings and insincere concern trolls like chezlaw and also the New York Times( denying racism's existence and impact?

Because you know, that actually happened in actual newspapers and on actual mainstream news channels.

Like chezlaw is ****ing GIDDY about this obvious bull**** argument, so giddy he's lost his always tenuous ability to form a coherent sentence. He really really wants an end to the hatred and divisiveness... of liberals using the r-word on the internet.

You can go over to unchained and find ToothSayer posting and reposting alt-right anti-Islam talking points, and oddly enough you won't find chezlaw saying one goddamn word about that hatred and divisiveness.

And, of course, my favorite chezlaw story that still just sums him up as a person so perfectly, when some halfwitted Nazi posted a bunch of far-right anti-immigrant propaganda youtube chezlaw was so against hatred and division that he... coached that Nazi on how to best avoid getting called racist by the mean kids,

and all for naught because ,


He got banned anyway. Because he was a ****ing racist. Also his user name was ibetappingdatglASS, but the siren song of being racist was so powerful that chezlaw couldn't help but suck up to him because CHEZLAW IS RACIST.
12-28-2016 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Yeah, was just checking. Wholeheartedly agree that gerrymandering undermines democracy and is responsible for a republican House advantage and state legislatures as well.

Disagree however on the electoral college and the presidency (at least to the degree I am inferring you place on it). Though that is not to say I do not support a complete overhaul of the national election process, both primary and general.
Yeah well that will never happen, so good luck with your new orange version of Idi Amin.
12-28-2016 , 01:04 PM
Not that a trump victory has emboldened these types of people or anything, but there's a (highly armed) neo-nazi rally planned for Montana
12-28-2016 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
And, of course, my favorite chezlaw story that still just sums him up as a person so perfectly, when some halfwitted Nazi posted a bunch of far-right anti-immigrant propaganda youtube chezlaw was so against hatred and division that he... coached that Nazi on how to best avoid getting called racist by the mean kids,
Chez pops up randomly calling me abnormal, usually whenever I call some idiot over in PU an idiot, on the back of that discussion. I don't think he's figured out I'd be more concerned if he didn't consider me abnormal given what constitutes normal to him.
12-28-2016 , 01:20 PM
Yeah the context surrounding that post quoting was chezlaw FLIPPING OUT that dereds called ibetappingdatglASS racist, the crosstalk was ibetappingdatglASS arguing with dereds about how the refugees secretly all had money and were immigrating for mysterious other reasons(like the destruction of Western civilization) while chezlaw hectored dereds for using the r-word.

Guess, GUESS, if chezlaw said one ****ing cross word to his dearly departed buddy from the Bronx, ibetappingdatglASS?

Guess if chezlaw, even today, would be willing to call that permabanned poster a racist?
12-28-2016 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Not that a trump victory has emboldened these types of people or anything, but there's a (highly armed) neo-nazi rally planned for Montana
Hey hey hey let's not make up stuff to be mean, this post is hateful and divisive.

Hey, chezlaw, you might remember the Daily Stormer from being where duffee was linking his IQ charts from! LOL FoldN claimed duffee didn't have one racist bone in his body, man, SMP was such a vibrant intellectual community of free thinkers and contrarians.
