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The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner

03-24-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
How does a grown man with a gun get into a situation where he's getting his ass beat so bad by a 160 lb 17 year old that he has to shoot the guy?

Who in their right mind believes this? The kid is 17. Even if the kid is whipping this dude's ass BAD, how's he shooting the kid?

Most fights I've ever witnessed ended up with someone beat up, and pulling themselves together afterwards. The story just doesn't add up. Getting punched in a head a few times does not warrant shooting someone. Kid pulls a knife or gun or a bat and you're getting really hurt, then maybe. Wrestling/punches? Lol.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
I know some guys who were special forces that weighed 140 pounds who could kill an opponent much larger than they were with their bare hands in just about 2 seconds. It wouldn't have even been dramatic like in the movies. In fact, if it were done in a crowd, probably not many people would notice. Most of them were under 5'6". To say, based on the differences in size and age that there was no real danger to the larger opponent is a complete and total fallacy. You must not know much about physical confrontations, or else you wouldn't be saying this.

But special forces training aside, I could easily imagine the following scenario....

Kid gets in a lucky shot to Zimmerman's jaw. Jaw dislocates slightly, pinching the nerve. System crash. Zimmerman goes down and is motionless. Kid gets on top, continues pummeling. Zimmerman comes to, still getting beat in the head. Shouts for help. Still getting beat. The kid is pissed and isn't letting up. At this point, I don't care who you are, you fear your life is in danger. Zimmerman gets his gun, there is a struggle over it. The magazine is dislodged or the slide is impeded. Gun goes off. Trayvon is shot in the chest.
03-24-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Exsubmariner
Zimmerman is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I think I heard that in a law course somewhere. It would be incumbent on the prosecution to prove the eyewitnesses testimony as faulty. Since it is consistent with every other detail the investigation had determined independently, than that's gonna be really really hard, if not impossible.

Let's go over it. Guy in red on bottom. At one point, eyewitness says guy on bottom is motionless, thought he might have been dead. Witness says man on top is beating man on bottom. Zimmerman has grass stains on his red sweater and his clothes are wet like he was laying on his back. He is bleeding about the head and face. Witness says that guy on bottom was shouting for help. Cry's on the 911 call for help, cops think they're Zimmerman's. I could go on, but these things are probably the most key.

The statement was apparently taken, but I'm not exactly sure about this because I haven't seen the legal document, very shortly after the actual incident, lessening the likelihood that details will be misremembered. It makes a lot of sense that cops like to get those kinds of statements as soon after the fact as they can. I have no reason to believe they would have handled this witness any differently in this instance. This witness's testimony is not reliable? Give me a break.

Reasonable doubt. There is no case.

Zimmerman goes free. Which is also apparently in line with exactly what happened.
There's a dead 17 year old kid and a town watch guy with a gun who killed him. No deadly weapon on the kid.

Zimmerman goes free? Really?
03-24-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I find it impossible to believe any civilised country can have laws written where a guy can chase down and attack another guy and when the guy getting attacked then starts beating the first guy its justifiable for the first guy to shoot him dead. Thats just ******ed.
I find it impossible that any civilized country lets this clown get his hands on a gun in the first place
03-24-2012 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
Witnesses lie or misstate the facts all the time. Nothing unusual about that. You still can't use a gun to kill your attacker in this instance. Force used to reciprocate must be equal to the attacker's.
Only on internet chat boards about politics.
03-24-2012 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Exsubmariner
In my carry weapon, I load a round into the chamber, eject the magazine, and load one more round in the magazine. That way, I have one shot beyond the capacity of the magazine.
And when you shoot a round what happens? in this case we are talking about a PF9 there would be one round in the breach and 7 in the mag, for a total of 8.

A Pf9 loaded to carry holds 8 rounds. I count i casing on the ground 1 in the chamber, 6 in the mag unless something not related to bad reporting happened. If it had 7 in the mag there is info to be had.
03-24-2012 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Exsubmariner
I know some guys who were special forces that weighed 140 pounds who could kill an opponent much larger than they were with their bare hands in just about 2 seconds. It wouldn't have even been dramatic like in the movies. In fact, if it were done in a crowd, probably not many people would notice. Most of them were under 5'6". To say, based on the differences in size and age that there was no real danger to the larger opponent is a complete and total fallacy. You must not know much about physical confrontations, or else you wouldn't be saying this.

But special forces training aside, I could easily imagine the following scenario....

Kid gets in a lucky shot to Zimmerman's jaw. Jaw dislocates slightly, pinching the nerve. System crash. Zimmerman goes down and is motionless. Kid gets on top, continues pummeling. Zimmerman comes to, still getting beat in the head. Shouts for help. Still getting beat. The kid is pissed and isn't letting up. At this point, I don't care who you are, you fear your life is in danger. Zimmerman gets his gun, there is a struggle over it. The magazine is dislodged or the slide is impeded. Gun goes off. Trayvon is shot in the chest.
This is a 17 year old kid we are talking about, not a navy seal
03-24-2012 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I find it impossible to believe any civilised country can have laws written where a guy can chase down and attack another guy and when the guy getting attacked then starts beating the first guy its justifiable for the first guy to shoot him dead. Thats just ******ed.
yeah well, we don't have such laws in the US, I can't speak for the rest of the world.
03-24-2012 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
I find it impossible that any civilized country lets this clown get his hands on a gun in the first place
in all countries on earth the guy has easy access to a gun if he wants one... see you on the moon.
03-24-2012 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
And when you shoot a round what happens? in this case we are talking about a PF9 there would be one round in the breach and 7 in the mag, for a total of 8.

A Pf9 loaded to carry holds 8 rounds. I count i casing on the ground 1 in the chamber, 6 in the mag unless something not related to bad reporting happened. If it had 7 in the mag there is info to be had.
I agree. If there was a struggle over the gun, than it's pretty easy to envision that the magazine eject mechanism is/was actioned.

Last edited by Exsubmariner; 03-24-2012 at 02:39 PM. Reason: spelling/grammer
03-24-2012 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
But if they're still fighting when he shoots him, zimmerman loses, because he hasn't broken off contact.
LDO, but his argument could be that he did stop, but Trayvon wouldn't get off him even though he was yelling for help for almost a minute.
03-24-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
in all countries on earth the guy has easy access to a gun if he wants one... see you on the moon.
Totally. Cant let the facts get in the way of a good argument.
03-24-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
This is a 17 year old kid we are talking about, not a navy seal
And it's impossible that a 17 year old adrenaline and testosterone loaded kid who is pissed off and determined can't be dangerous?
03-24-2012 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
Totally. Cant let the facts get in the way of a good argument.
what facts are those? The one where I can get a gun anywhere anytime I want? Again I'm just trying to get to the root of your argument here.
03-24-2012 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
And when you shoot a round what happens? in this case we are talking about a PF9 there would be one round in the breach and 7 in the mag, for a total of 8.

A Pf9 loaded to carry holds 8 rounds. I count i casing on the ground 1 in the chamber, 6 in the mag unless something not related to bad reporting happened. If it had 7 in the mag there is info to be had.
Originally Posted by Exsubmariner
I agree. If there was a struggle over the gun, than it's pretty easy to envision that the magazine eject mechanism is/was actioned.
Meh, i noticed that when it was first quoted and i just used occam's razor to assume the journo didnt have a clue how guns work so misreported what the cop said to them or some similar break in the chain of knowledge.
03-24-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Exsubmariner
And it's impossible that a 17 year old adrenaline and testosterone loaded kid who is pissed off and determined can't be dangerous?
Who cares? Even if Trayvon did start winning the first that Zimmerman started that clearly isnt justifiable grounds for him to be shot dead.
03-24-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Exsubmariner
I know some guys who were special forces that weighed 140 pounds who could kill an opponent much larger than they were with their bare hands in just about 2 seconds. It wouldn't have even been dramatic like in the movies. In fact, if it were done in a crowd, probably not many people would notice. Most of them were under 5'6". To say, based on the differences in size and age that there was no real danger to the larger opponent is a complete and total fallacy. You must not know much about physical confrontations, or else you wouldn't be saying this.

Last edited by FlyWf; 03-24-2012 at 02:58 PM.
03-24-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
i just used occam's razor to assume the journo didnt have a clue how guns work
Likely... I was just making an observation
03-24-2012 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
hotlink?? its broked
03-24-2012 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
Likely... I was just making an observation
Sure, id have ignored your post if exsub didnt start speculating wildly on explanations involving the mag being ejected in a struggle etc. We just dont know enough to do more than assume it was a journo mistake.

If there were a police report showing that at the time of "friendly detainment" Zimmerman's gun was found with an empty chamber and a full mag id question it, but otherwise it just sounds like a cop told the journo that only one was fired from the chamber and the gun was carried with a full mag and they misunderstood it.
03-24-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
hotlink?? its broked

I think what Fly is saying is that he doesn't know any Navy Seals.
03-24-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
what facts are those? The one where I can get a gun anywhere anytime I want?
This is not a 'fact' as I understand the term. There's a black market for guns in Ireland, certainly, but I'm unaware of its operations outside gangland circles. Maybe some old-timey paramilitary types also. The idea that it's as easy for me to get a gun as it is for you is just absurd. I would need to know people that I don't know and move in circles that I don't move in. You need to open the Yellow Pages. The situations don't compare.
03-24-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
There's a dead 17 year old kid and a town watch guy with a gun who killed him. No deadly weapon on the kid.

Zimmerman goes free? Really?
If that witness testifies in court and is believable, yeah I bet Zimmerman doesn't get any kind of murder conviction. They might get him on some other charge for the stalking and generally being stupid, but not murder. If jury listens to that phone call and believes that Zimmerman was on his back yelling for help for 40+ seconds before he fired his gun, he's not going to jail for murder.
03-24-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
This is not a 'fact' as I understand the term. There's a black market for guns in Ireland, certainly, but I'm unaware of its operations outside gangland circles. Maybe some old-timey paramilitary types also. The idea that it's as easy for me to get a gun as it is for you is just absurd. I would need to know people that I don't know and move in circles that I don't move in. You need to open the Yellow Pages. The situations don't compare.
The fact that it's slightly harder for you to get a gun than me, doesn't mean it's difficult for you to get a gun.
03-24-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis
One detail that is not clear to me is the issue of the number of rounds in the gun. This may not be apparent to you guys that don't know guns. And this may be just due to shoddy info of lack or knowledge on the part of reporters etc...

Several sources have mentioned that the magazine was full and only one round was fired. OK but this is an autopistol the next round would have been stripped into the breach as the empty shell ejected. The magazine should be short one round. The only reason the mag would be full is because it was not seated in the pistol properly (knocked loose by something) or there was a hand wrapped around the muzzle as it fired. This doesn't really tell anything about guilt, but it is consistent with a violent struggle.
What may have also happened is that Zimmerman told the police he carries with a full mag + 1 and that in telling the media it was mistakenly (either on the cop end or the media end) reported as the magazine was full when really they meant they found the weapon with 7 rounds total still in it. Or maybe dumb media was told there was 7 rounds, the reporter googles a kel tek pf9 and sees the mag holds 7 rounds and reports the mag was full. One possible scenario I read was that perhaps in the struggle, Zimmerman's jacket was lifted high enough to reveal his carry weapon and it then became a struggle for the weapon.

More evident of a violent struggle is that it's been stated by the police that Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of his head. The police noted Zimmerman had grass clippings on his back so I wouldn't think he cut his head on the lawn. Could be he hit it against the walkway and they rolled into the grass or Martin used an expedient weapon like his can of iced tea or a rock.

I'm also curious if Martin had any scratches, bruises, etc from the struggle.
03-24-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
LDO, but his argument could be that he did stop, but Trayvon wouldn't get off him even though he was yelling for help for almost a minute.
Not good enough; the statute says you have to break off physical contact.
