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The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace

08-25-2014 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
It's unfortunate to see Bruce make those posts, he's an extraordinarily helpful poster in the "Math and other homework help thread". He's probably positively impacted more 2+2ers' lives in substantial ways than any other poster.
It speaks to microbet's posts about jman. You can be a really nice guy, helpful to others, generally friendly and smart and still think and post some pretty heinous stuff with regards to race. He's clearly a racist but I doubt he's a monster or even necessarily a bad guy. Of course when you add up all the nice guy racists in the world you get systemic institutional racism that ruins countless lives.
08-25-2014 , 07:35 PM
I think there's also something to be said in terms of a singular focus on probability (and probably that ignores a lot of context that won't impact the math) being awfully problematic when it comes to issues like this. A lot of the argument here is that we shouldn't be acting on probability at all.
08-25-2014 , 08:19 PM
The stories of what happened can be so different in these incidents. Compare these two stories from the same article concerning the shooting of 19-year-old Roshad McIntosh.

Police responded to a call of an armed men at the Polk Street address Sunday around 7:10 p.m., and when they tried to talk to McIntosh, he ran, authorities said. Police chased him into a gangway, where he pulled a gun and pointed it toward an officer, police said. The officer fired at the man, killing him. Police said a weapon was recovered on the scene.

Protestors said that McIntosh had no gun and that he was already on his knees with his hands in the air when police shot him. They maintain that in McIntosh's case and many other police-involved shootings on the West Side, cops have been too quick to pull the trigger.

How are we supposed to know what really happened?
08-25-2014 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

Y'all are so dead set on being little racist dickbags that you're splitting all these hairs as if it isn't super obvious what's going on.
Duke lacrosse players also say hello.

Now waiting to hyperventilate til the facts are ascertained = "little racist dickbag".

Also good to know fact finding is now = "splitting hairs"

It was also "super obvious" what happened @ Duke.

Isn't it against the rules of propriety on this board to call posters "little racist dickbags" in the absence of (oh my God!) evidence?
08-25-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by abseeker
The stories of what happened can be so different in these incidents. Compare these two stories from the same article concerning the shooting of 19-year-old Roshad McIntosh.

Police responded to a call of an armed men at the Polk Street address Sunday around 7:10 p.m., and when they tried to talk to McIntosh, he ran, authorities said. Police chased him into a gangway, where he pulled a gun and pointed it toward an officer, police said. The officer fired at the man, killing him. Police said a weapon was recovered on the scene.

Protestors said that McIntosh had no gun and that he was already on his knees with his hands in the air when police shot him. They maintain that in McIntosh's case and many other police-involved shootings on the West Side, cops have been too quick to pull the trigger.

How are we supposed to know what really happened?
First, we need to find out of the dead guy had any weed in his system.
08-25-2014 , 08:28 PM
If you have to cite Duke Lacrosse as an example favoring your argument, you're conceding that the thing you think is analogous to Duke Lacrosse is extremely rare and unlikely.
08-25-2014 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Agreed bottom line is I dont care if the kid was white, black, hispanic. He was a criminal and I really do not care about his outcome. I think many think this way

The fact we have a trigger happy cop is not new. The cop that shot the young man in Toronto on the bus even though he had a knife is facing charges. Labeling him a racist with not a shred of proof is wrong.
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
So Brown potentially stole some cigars = you don't care if he was actually murdered?

You have something seriously wrong with you.
Originally Posted by np1235711
If the facts show that the cop acted legally and was legally justified in firing, then the act is not murder. No according to our legal system, anyway.
Originally Posted by np1235711
Duke lacrosse players also say hello.

Now waiting to hyperventilate til the facts are ascertained = "little racist dickbag".

Also good to know fact finding is now = "splitting hairs"

It was also "super obvious" what happened @ Duke.

Isn't it against the rules of propriety on this board to call posters "little racist dickbags" in the absence of (oh my God!) evidence?

Try reading lozen's post again... He doesn't care if the cop was wrong. Bottom line is Brown might have stolen some cigars and therefore in lozen's world he got what he deserved.
08-25-2014 , 08:42 PM
I was going to make a joke about Lozen supporting Sharia law but even those dumbass don't kill people for stealing.
08-25-2014 , 08:49 PM
lol np saves his emotional outbursts for important stuff, like complaining when someone gets called racist on the internet
08-25-2014 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If you have to cite Duke Lacrosse as an example favoring your argument, you're conceding that the thing you think is analogous to Duke Lacrosse is extremely rare and unlikely.
I mean, team #letsgetallthefacts has already earnestly speculated that MB could have been the next Usaine Bolt in order to justify he cops actions, I think they conceded that a long time ago.
08-25-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If you have to cite Duke Lacrosse as an example favoring your argument, you're conceding that the thing you think is analogous to Duke Lacrosse is extremely rare and unlikely.
Spin it anyway you please wook, but a rush to judgement without gathering the facts is just a Johnny Cochranesque rush to judgement.
08-25-2014 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
lol np saves his emotional outbursts for important stuff, like complaining when someone gets called racist on the internet
yawn ......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
08-25-2014 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by El Rata
Ah the New York Times, nothing says hard core conservative white power racism like the New York Times. What say you, fly?
08-25-2014 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
... but a rush to judgement without gathering the facts...
Once again, what "rush to judgement" could you possibly be talking about. The county DA is saying don't expect anything from the Grand Jury until October. If... if the Grand Jury moves to indict, D.Wilson will almost certainly waive his right to a speedy trail. If... if the GJ indicts don't expect a trail until well into 2015.

How in the world can you characterize that as a 'rush' ??
08-25-2014 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Spin it anyway you please wook, but a rush to judgement without gathering the facts is just a Johnny Cochranesque rush to judgement.
When did Johnny Cochran ever rush to judgement?
08-25-2014 , 09:10 PM

You still don't understand that he could be a confirmed drug addict repeat offender felon and all the outrage would still be completely justified? You being a prosecutor/DA/whatever is ****ing terrifying.
08-25-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
Of course if 4) is acting like he was going to attack the cop. Then the shooting is probably justified under the law. The reports are such witnesses exist, which may explain why the DA and Holder do not seem to be pushing an arrest/prosecution harder.
Guys, stop buying into the ultra-conservative stormfront members writing for the New York Times. I mean, they're a known white power newspaper and everyone in this thread already "knows" what really happenned!

Last edited by fxwacgesvrhdtf; 08-25-2014 at 09:26 PM.
08-25-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Guys, stop buying into the ultra-conservative storefront members writing for the New York Times. I mean, they're a known white power newspaper and everyone in this thread already "knows" what really happenned!
Would you agree that a cop shot an unarmed civilian? If yes I'd say that we know what we need to know. The cop was criminally negligent at the very least and should spend some quality time in prison.
08-25-2014 , 09:16 PM
Dude, get it through your head that people who don't ****ing suck at logic and morality are totally comfortable with the idea that he was possibly a criminal and/or drug user and are simultaneously outraged.
08-25-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Ah the New York Times, nothing says hard core conservative white power racism like the New York Times. What say you, fly?
You just can't help making bad posts, can you?

Either the NYT piece was racist or insensitive or it wasn't--your perception of the NYT as an institution is irrelevant (and probably wrong in many ways).

A better rebuttal would be to find NYT obits of people like Mother Theresa or maybe one of the 9/11 fireman and seeing if they used the "no angel" trope. Instead you went with "The obit couldn't have been racist because the NYT is liberal!" which is all kinds of dumb.

Edit: lol, you did it twice? And you are some kind of lawyer?
08-25-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
They're going full on in the SMP thread.

These from the mod BruceZ

Posts like these will likely get you banned in this forum.
Hey super-mod wookie, you going to do something about one of your freaking mods actually posting ridiculously racist ****, or are you going to just continue calling the moderates in this thread racists and ignore that trash?
08-25-2014 , 09:20 PM
looooooooooooool "moderates"

not saying the magic words doesn't fool anybody brah
08-25-2014 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Duke lacrosse players also say hello.

Now waiting to hyperventilate til the facts are ascertained = "little racist dickbag".

Also good to know fact finding is now = "splitting hairs"

It was also "super obvious" what happened @ Duke.

Isn't it against the rules of propriety on this board to call posters "little racist dickbags" in the absence of (oh my God!) evidence?
The moderators in this forum and wookie and tomdemaine specifically only enforce the rules of decorum against those they disagree with.
08-25-2014 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet

Even IF Michael Brown was "no angel" and even if he did steal some cigars, he did NOT deserve to be shot on that basis.


You don't really think those were the reasons Wilson shot brown do you? Is anybody else itt using those reasons as justification for the shooting?
08-25-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman

You still don't understand that he could be a confirmed drug addict repeat offender felon and all the outrage would still be completely justified? You being a prosecutor/DA/whatever is ****ing terrifying.
River man, no point have I said that police officers are justified in executing drug addicted repeat felons.


