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The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace

08-25-2014 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Duke lacrosse players also say hello.

Now waiting to hyperventilate til the facts are ascertained = "little racist dickbag".

Also good to know fact finding is now = "splitting hairs"

It was also "super obvious" what happened @ Duke.

Isn't it against the rules of propriety on this board to call posters "little racist dickbags" in the absence of (oh my God!) evidence?
My point isn't even that you were wrong- but that where you apply your focus makes your motivation super obvious. Then you Duke it up and make it even more obvious. Thank's for looking out for me, fellow white man.
08-25-2014 , 10:40 PM
to be fair, it is pretty tough being white.

sure we don't face institutionalized racism but jeez every time we kill an unarmed black kid people get all pissy.
08-25-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
I'll apologize for it when you apologize for insinuating that I and everyone else who disagrees with you is a white supremacist racist.


Pretty sure I never accused you of being a white supremacist. I've made a couple multi-paragraph posts where I've tried to explain that it isn't necessary to actively support institutional racism in order to be guilty of perpetuating it. You might want to try reading them, and if I've been unclear on some points feel free to ask me to elaborate.
08-25-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
I mean, team #letsgetallthefacts has already earnestly speculated that MB could have been the next Usaine Bolt in order to justify he cops actions, I think they conceded that a long time ago.
1.5 second 10 yard run from a rolling start is hardly world class speed.

Lots of people can run a 15 second hundred hard dash with a running start.

And yes I realize this assumes Mr. Brown had been moving towards Wilson at time of shooting.

Fwiw I have no problem conceding a 1.5 second estimate was a bit generous but even if you double it to three seconds it still gives Wilson little time to make the perfect decision.

If Wilson was the killer some in here paint him to be why did he shoot Mr. Brown in the arm multiple times?

Either A) he was trying not to kill Mr. Brown or B) he was so dazed by being hit. by Mr. Brown he couldn't shoot straight. Both A and B seem to work in Wilson's favor.
08-25-2014 , 10:51 PM
lol @ that false dichotomy.
08-25-2014 , 10:52 PM
Or C he is a ****ty shot, just like most everybody.
08-25-2014 , 10:54 PM
D) Wilson was tripping on drugs
08-25-2014 , 10:54 PM
Hey I was just trying to wound the guy. Sure he is 300 lbs with massive legs, but I decided to aim for his arms instead.
08-25-2014 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
The point was the cops need to use force if the felon would escape if they don't.

how much force?
08-25-2014 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
D) Wilson was tripping on drugs

08-25-2014 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Obviously the more important facts are whether he actually went for the cop's gun, and whether he was actually charging the cop. Both not likely, but it's what the police seem to be claiming.

And sorry but lol at letting a guy who punches a cop in the face just walk away and say "eh we'll catch him later".
Well, chasing him or calling for backup is better then shooting at him. Letting him flee is better then shooting at him. You don't kill people because you got hit in the face. If you can't subdue him without lethal force, it is better to wait for a better opportunity to arrest an unarmed suspect.

Sure, you might give him a few shots in the car. But this seems excessive.
08-25-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I think of white supremacists as liking Hitler, so your question was hard. But, I guess that's my racist definition of white supremacists at work.
That's the problem. That is a very extreme example of white supremacy. But it doesn't need to be shouted from the roof tops. If you think welfare is a program for minorities, that minorities use drugs more than whites, that there is danger in the presence of another race... on and on. White flight from cities. All of this is a form of white supremacy. Very few white supremacists would associate with the label or believe themselves to be one at all. Most people have internalized that being a racist is a really bad thing, while still supporting blatantly racist things on a daily basis. Nothing about this is a contradiction. It requires an awful lot of self and social awareness to see any problems exist. It isn't a political party or regional thing. And it certainly isn't a Hitler thing.
08-25-2014 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
The point was the cops need to use force if the felon would escape if they don't.
Still pretty sure there isn't a law requiring cops to use force.
08-25-2014 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Well, chasing him or calling for backup is better then shooting at him. Letting him flee is better then shooting at him. You don't kill people because you got hit in the face. If you can't subdue him without lethal force, it is better to wait for a better opportunity to arrest an unarmed suspect.

Sure, you might give him a few shots in the car. But this seems excessive.

Implying the cop actually got punched in the face, which there is currently zero evidence for.
08-25-2014 , 11:56 PM
It is very likely that Mike Brown was a scumbag and that his decisions put him in a position to be murdered.

It is still murder.
08-26-2014 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by jman220
I'll apologize for it when you apologize for insinuating that I and everyone else who disagrees with you is a white supremacist racist.
Not everyone who is wrong in this thread is a white supremacist racist. Some are non-racist morons.
08-26-2014 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
That's the problem. That is a very extreme example of white supremacy. But it doesn't need to be shouted from the roof tops. If you think welfare is a program for minorities, that minorities use drugs more than whites, that there is danger in the presence of another race... on and on. White flight from cities. All of this is a form of white supremacy. Very few white supremacists would associate with the label or believe themselves to be one at all. Most people have internalized that being a racist is a really bad thing, while still supporting blatantly racist things on a daily basis. Nothing about this is a contradiction. It requires an awful lot of self and social awareness to see any problems exist. It isn't a political party or regional thing. And it certainly isn't a Hitler thing.
Trying to quit this thread, but....

1. I don't think welfare is a program for minorities. As well as working in poor minority areas, I've also spent lots of time working in poor white areas. (I used to work in subsidized/affordable housing)

2. ****, I went to Berkeley. I saw a LOT of white people doing drugs. Including myself.

3. Now, this is could be a racist idea and then confirmation bias, but the only hostility or threatening behavior I've ever noticed directed towards me from strangers (while working) has been from white people. That's to me though, an older white guy. 23 yo Mexican guy with some tattoos who works with me will get gang members saying "where you from?" when he's in some neighborhoods and that's a potentially dangerous situation.

4. White flight? Well, where I live now it is mostly white, but I get a sweet deal renting from my MIL. I have lived in nearly all black neighborhoods though.

I really feel like this quickness to label people racists or white supremacists is some kind of bull****, but I'm not quite sure what kind and I could be wrong about it. If you want to call someone a white supremacist because they are ignorant about something like welfare statistics, go ahead.
08-26-2014 , 12:35 AM
Was going to post this in the LC thread, but it fits better in here. Real or Onion?

Autopsy Report Shows Police Officer Lied About Suspect Committing Suicide by Shooting Self in Back While Handcuffed
08-26-2014 , 12:36 AM
Not really sure why we're splitting hairs between "white supremacist racists" and those who are merely racists.
08-26-2014 , 12:46 AM
Is it maybe like "I can't be a racist. I call other people racists." ?
08-26-2014 , 12:58 AM
Any instance of racism can be factually described, most accurately. Even racism deceptively hidden in politics. My advice is to try it.

How, Why, Who, When, and Where all apply to racism. Facts matter more than opinions.
08-26-2014 , 01:00 AM
Shut up.
08-26-2014 , 01:03 AM

I don't understand that.

edit: nm. After looking at some of your posts and rjoe telling you to shut up, I think I get what you mean.
08-26-2014 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by microbet

I don't understand that.
Get used to it.
08-26-2014 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Implying the cop actually got punched in the face, which there is currently zero evidence for.
Well yeah. I'm saying even as a worst case scenario for Brown where nearly everything the cop says is true, he still didn't have a reason to have this escalated to where this was a fatal encounter.

This isn't GTA where if you hide under a bridge for 30 seconds you get away from the police, but people flee and get away all the time. It happens. It's insane to me that a lot of ppl itt earlier when the cops story was that he shot an unarmed fleeing suspect thought that such was justified.
