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The Tragic Death of the Feb 2014 LC Thread The Tragic Death of the Feb 2014 LC Thread

02-05-2014 , 05:03 PM
Net neutrality dead = no big deal?

The throttling hath begun

Verizon has started to throttle both Amazon and Netflix due to the recent net neutrality ruling.
02-05-2014 , 05:09 PM
Enter Verizon Cloud Provider to save the day!

As someone who rarely streams content I don't see what the problem is.
/typical conservative POV
02-05-2014 , 05:14 PM

But yeah
02-05-2014 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Net neutrality dead = no big deal?

The throttling hath begun

Verizon has started to throttle both Amazon and Netflix due to the recent net neutrality ruling.
And they said they wouldn't start doing that for several years
02-05-2014 , 06:47 PM
Time to stop worrying and learn to love the decadence!

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02-05-2014 , 06:50 PM
I wish I could delete that communication.
02-05-2014 , 06:57 PM
As a party to that post I do consent to the NSA doing whatever they want with it.
02-05-2014 , 07:02 PM
crap, I meant Panties to this post.

Secretary Napolitanos Department also has warned university employees that they can be
penalised for opening a Washington Post article containing classified slides about the NSA.
Targeting Anonymous and hacktivists.
Punishing thousands of people, who are engaging in their democratic right to protest,
because a couple people committed vandalism is … an appalling example of overreacting
in order to squash dissent.

Last edited by yeSpiff; 02-05-2014 at 07:08 PM. Reason: wish-wash
02-05-2014 , 07:25 PM
Deuces, I assume you're joking, but if you're not, you need to study a little more closely.
02-05-2014 , 08:01 PM
Apparently the farm bill legalized* industrial hemp.

*terms and conditions apply
02-05-2014 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys

It's a god damn ~1% cut in a program that has more than doubled in size since 2008. No. Just no. No one is going to go hungry because of these cuts, and you're being laughably histrionic.
Go eat on $5 a day for a couple of months and check back with us.

I wonder if 60k factories being offshored since China joined the WTO has anything to do with the increase in food stamp use. You act like people don't want to work. Instead just kick back in the hammock. Because we all know welfare pays more than working

It's ****ing absurd the same people who shipped millions of jobs to China. Now want to cry about "entitlements/welfare state." Like Romney, "47% of Americans think they are entitled to food and Heathcare." You ****ing *******.

Actually, I think they would have preferred the dignity of the decent paying manufacturing job. That you had to offshore because a profitable company that isn't increasing profits might as we'll be ****ing dead to wallstreet.

In fact, I think the majority of the foodstamp recipients actually work. They just happen to be the new "service economy" jobs that we are now creating. And they all obviously pay dick.

It's pretty hypocritical to outsource the greatest manufacturing economy "strongest middle class" the world has ever know. Replace it with a service economy. Use tax payer dollars to supplement low wages. Then cry about the "welfare state." WTF?
02-05-2014 , 08:04 PM
Eating on $5 a day is laughably easy.
02-05-2014 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Deuces, I assume you're joking, but if you're not, you need to study a little more closely.
I'm not at all kidding. The shot at the unions might make it less likely to be of socialist origin but it can't be the Koch brothers. Or if it is it's only because their propaganda complex is so sprawling that they don't know they've been infiltrated. Here is a quote from the site:

"Though he’s powerless without G-force, subsidies and mandates give Kaptain Korn the muscle he needs to push puny third world farmers back down into the dust. Kaptain Korn ensures jokes stay corny, rears stay flabby and engines run less efficiently."

I know my peoples. These are my peoples.

Anyone doing this for the Koch brothers would have to include a climate change boogey man and a Dr. Evil representing Obamacare, first and foremost. The Koch brothers could give a crap about third world farmers. If anyone knows who did this lemme know.
02-05-2014 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I'm not at all kidding. The shot at the unions might make it less likely to be of socialist origin but it can't be the Koch brothers. Or if it is it's only because their propaganda complex is so sprawling that they don't know they've been infiltrated. Here is a quote from the site:

"Though he’s powerless without G-force, subsidies and mandates give Kaptain Korn the muscle he needs to push puny third world farmers back down into the dust. Kaptain Korn ensures jokes stay corny, rears stay flabby and engines run less efficiently."

I know my peoples. These are my peoples.

Anyone doing this for the Koch brothers would have to include a climate change boogey man and a Dr. Evil representing Obamacare, first and foremost. The Koch brothers could give a crap about third world farmers. If anyone knows who did this lemme know.
It was done by John Papola, who often works with Russ Roberts. They are both libertarians.
02-05-2014 , 08:20 PM
I dunno about Koch, but that's standard libertarian rhetoric. The entire site is.
02-05-2014 , 08:24 PM

They’re out there. Watching and waiting. They want to cut into your margins. They will stop at nothing to ensure they win and you lose. They’re The Entrepreneurs. Whether they are lowering prices, increasing quality or introducing innovative products, entrepreneurs have only one goal in mind: to put you out of business by poaching your customers and cutting into your margins. Are you going to let that happen?
The Entrepreneurs are shifty. They’ll sell you a line about how they “create jobs” and “offer customer value” to stay in business. They cry crocodile tears about regulation, red tape and higher taxes digging into their margins (and the smallest ones are the whiniest). But behind all the theatrics The Entrepreneurs are ruthless capitalists bent on fattening the bottom line. They’re cut-throat competitors. Turn your back for a minute and they will invade. And that’s why Big G has to step in and empower the Kronies to crush the competition using the power of G-force!
There’s only one way to get access to G-force. And that’s K Street. Those fed up with competing head to head with superior products and services need only to find their way to the revolving doors. But you’d better come bearing gifts. Not everyone can be a Krony. There have to be winners and losers on this zero-sum battlefield. Big G ensures only one team wins. His Kronies. Remember: it’s all for the “greater good”. If you want to win, you’ve got to get konnected.
02-05-2014 , 08:32 PM
Yes nothing hurts The Entrepreneurs like access to the same healthcare Kronies already get. Go Big G - crush them by taking away their pre-existing conditions!
02-05-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM

They’re out there. Watching and waiting. They want to cut into your margins. They will stop at nothing to ensure they win and you lose. They’re The Entrepreneurs. Whether they are lowering prices, increasing quality or introducing innovative products, entrepreneurs have only one goal in mind: to put you out of business by poaching your customers and cutting into your margins. Are you going to let that happen?
The Entrepreneurs are shifty. They’ll sell you a line about how they “create jobs” and “offer customer value” to stay in business. They cry crocodile tears about regulation, red tape and higher taxes digging into their margins (and the smallest ones are the whiniest). But behind all the theatrics The Entrepreneurs are ruthless capitalists bent on fattening the bottom line. They’re cut-throat competitors. Turn your back for a minute and they will invade. And that’s why Big G has to step in and empower the Kronies to crush the competition using the power of G-force!
There’s only one way to get access to G-force. And that’s K Street. Those fed up with competing head to head with superior products and services need only to find their way to the revolving doors. But you’d better come bearing gifts. Not everyone can be a Krony. There have to be winners and losers on this zero-sum battlefield. Big G ensures only one team wins. His Kronies. Remember: it’s all for the “greater good”. If you want to win, you’ve got to get konnected.
It seems like the entrepreneurs are described as small business owners pitted against government as well we big corporations. This is an anti-monopoly, anti-oligarchical, pro small business message. Last time I checked libertarians are indifferent to unchecked corporate growth and power in given sector as long as it's private power. I think it's possible that the producer tried to keep this somewhat unifying and bipartisan and so the message is a little muddled. But this is definitely an attack on state corporate capitalism, regardless of how the authors rate idealistic free market capitalism.
02-05-2014 , 09:02 PM
Also, you don't often hear criticism of "rent seeking" outside of left wing commentary. But you do on
02-05-2014 , 09:03 PM
This kronies thing has gotten way more attention than any CtrlCist yootoobe ever deserves.
02-05-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Last time I checked libertarians are indifferent to unchecked corporate growth and power in given sector as long as it's private power.
Last I checked, libertarians believe that "corporate" is, by definition, not private.

I'm sure you know more about what libertarians believe than I do though.
02-06-2014 , 12:00 AM
Yep only rehab for a 4 time murderer, if only all murderers got this treatment
02-06-2014 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Yep only rehab for a 4 time murderer, if only all murderers got this treatment
" testified that the teenager had "affluenza", indicating that his behavioural problems were influenced by a troubled upbringing in a wealthy family where privilege prevented him from grasping the consequences of his actions."

If only there were an equivalent condition for those who grew up in poverty so they too can be protected from consequences of their actions. Unfortunately there is not, it is a problem that only affects the rich.
02-06-2014 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
" testified that the teenager had "affluenza", indicating that his behavioural problems were influenced by a troubled upbringing in a wealthy family where privilege prevented him from grasping the consequences of his actions."

If only there were an equivalent condition for those who grew up in poverty so they too can be protected from consequences of their actions. Unfortunately there is not, it is a problem that only affects the rich.
In the 80's and 90's there was the idea floating in the cultural zeitgeist that crime was caused by poverty and other conditions and criminals couldn't help it, but ultimately it was rejected because of a couple of high profile incidents and the idea that there was a lack of accountability.
02-06-2014 , 12:33 PM

Now the Human Rights Campaign, the powerful lobby for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) folks, is calling on Obama to go a step further: The organization sent a letter Tuesday to the president asking him to name an openly gay ambassador to Moscow to replace Michael McFaul, who announced Tuesday that he’s leaving his post after the games.
Surely, when one of the ambassadorships to Uganda, Saudi Arabia or Nigeria becomes available the LGBTXYZs will make a similar request.
