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The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party The Tragic Death of the Democratic Party

06-26-2018 , 09:36 AM
I kinda hope I get voted off the island. This is becoming a bit time-consuming. And sometimes I just don't feel the love around here.
06-26-2018 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Yes, I have protested at abortion mills
people like this still exist? holy ****
06-26-2018 , 10:04 AM
It's going to take a while for them to die.
06-26-2018 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Speaking for myself, I'd probably favor stricter environmental laws than exist today. I have a right to clean air and clean water, and some corporation doesn't have a right to pollute air and water that belongs to everybody. Liberty includes the right to breathe clean air and drink clean water.
Congratulations, you’re in favor of big government. Welcome to the team.
06-26-2018 , 10:15 AM
Plenty of Republicans say they want the gov't to stop pollution, but oppose anything that has any drawbacks.
06-26-2018 , 11:07 AM
First libertarian I’ve ever seen in favour of universal health care and environmental regulation.
06-26-2018 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Plenty of Republicans say they want the gov't to stop pollution, but oppose anything that has any drawbacks.
People say because it sounds like the right thing to say. But once you get into the nuts and bolts, you find out what they're really interested in.
06-26-2018 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by True North
First libertarian I’ve ever seen in favour of universal health care and environmental regulation.
libertarian/free market case for universal health care is something that surfaces now and again. The arguments are

1) The current US healthcare system is not really any more or less free market than universal healthcare would be. Which is to say, the current system is so far from a free market system that it's hard to even say what a free market system would look like.
2) People not on Medicare generally dislike the health care system, and people on Medicare like their health care.
3) Countries that have universal health care are quite happy with their system, and folks in the US are not happy with the system
4) Also healthcare is significantly cheaper in places with universal health care
5) The secondary effects of universal health care are substantially pro-free market. Decoupling health care from employment allows for labor to more freely move around, which could encourage entrepreneurship and labor market participants taking more chances in general.
6) The nature of the modern healthcare market is so weird and distorted in incentives that a truly free market approach might not even be possible. And if it is possible, it might not be desirable. And the fact that no modern, developed country has a free market health care system, and everyone but the US has universal health care, is reasonably strong evidence that it's not really possible or at least desirable.

On the whole, I find these arguments pretty compelling.
06-26-2018 , 04:38 PM
"People not on Medicare generally dislike the health care system, and people on Medicare like their health care."

Kind of. If you're lucky enough to have "good" insurance, the health care system functions OK. The problem is the majority of people don't have anything approximating good insurance.

I (mostly) agree with your other points.

06-26-2018 , 04:44 PM
Yeah the system functions OK if you have good health insurance, but there is still a baseline anxiety around losing your healthcare even if you have good insurance. It's part of the reason why unemployment is so stressful in the US. You're not just losing your job, you're losing your healthcare for you and in many cases your family as well.
06-26-2018 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Congratulations, you’re in favor of big government. Welcome to the team.
Thank you! Not being an anarchist (at least, not yet), I suppose I favor "big government", but not nearly as big of a government as we have presently.
06-26-2018 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Plenty of Republicans say they want the gov't to stop pollution, but oppose anything that has any drawbacks.
06-26-2018 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by True North
First libertarian I’ve ever seen in favour of universal health care and environmental regulation.
I'm not in favor of universal health care. I did acknowedge in an earlier post that countries with single-payer had typically better outcomes than countries with other systems. That by itself, though, wouldn't be an argument for single-payer, at least for me.
06-26-2018 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
It's going to take a while for them to die.
True. I'm only 60, so I might not die for another thirty years or so.
06-26-2018 , 05:17 PM
The end is nigh.
06-26-2018 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Libertarians are Republicans in denial.

Calling yourself a Libertarian is also a sufficient shield against insults and offense from less informed people even if you believe the same as Republicans.
I always found it odd that libertarians, who claim to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal, vote strongly Republican. Abortion, decriminalizing weed, etc never overide tax cuts in their mind?
06-26-2018 , 10:44 PM
Yeah that's an excellent result. Also:

Ten days before the primary, Mr. Crowley skipped a debate against Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, and instead sent a surrogate, a Latina former city councilwoman.
Dude almost literally hired a Mexican to debate for him.
06-26-2018 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Yeah that's an excellent result. Also:

Dude almost literally hired a Mexican to debate for him.
Probably worked for his kids. Why not apply it to politics?
06-27-2018 , 12:07 AM
We're coming for you next, Pelosi and Schumer! Kick all the bums out!
06-27-2018 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
didnt you see in the other thread?? crowley lost because he wasnt nicer to Trump according to Trump.
06-27-2018 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
We're coming for you next, Pelosi and Schumer! Kick all the bums out!
sorry to break the news to you but Pelosi already won her primary with like 70% of the vote.
06-28-2018 , 08:53 AM
“According to a senior GOP senator who spoke on condition of anonymity,” reports*Politico, “Schumer has privately reassured Republican senators in recent weeks that he would not change the rules and is committed to keeping the filibuster.” What this means is that the decision to bottle up the agenda of the next Democratic president is being made right now, in private, in a secret deal between Schumer and Senate Republicans.
If true and Schumer doesn't change it immediately as soon as there's a Democratic majority he should be run out of town
06-28-2018 , 08:56 AM
Again, Chuck Shumer is the enemy, full stop.
06-28-2018 , 09:23 AM
McTurtle must go back to his office and laugh his ass off after every meeting with Schumer.
