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Sniper Attacks Cops in Dallas Sniper Attacks Cops in Dallas

07-08-2016 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Presumably he thought BLM wasn't militant enough, but let's keep on blaming them anyway.
Pretty weak argument when the sentence is clearly ambiguous.
07-08-2016 , 01:38 PM
What the cops said the shooter said about BLM seems so meaningless. Either way it's not like you can place and blame on them. If he'd come out and said "Deray told me to do it" it wouldn't mean **** about BLM. It doesn't work as a refutation to Wichita's argument anymore than it serves as evidence against it.
07-08-2016 , 01:38 PM
[Paul] Ryan reiterated that "every Republican and every Democrat wants to see less gun violence," a statement that comes after a decision was made to indefinitely postpone a vote on gun legislation seeking to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists.
This is only true in the sense that I want to run a sub 5 mile without training.
07-08-2016 , 01:41 PM
And the sound of crickets fills the White House...
07-08-2016 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by AZMountainHiker
And the sound of crickets fills the White House...
Weird sounding crickets.
07-08-2016 , 01:45 PM
But when will he mention radical Islamic terrorism?
07-08-2016 , 01:46 PM
In a twist not foreseen by me, I'm going to link a Daily Caller opinion piece, and say it's not terrible.

Mostly though I'm fascinated to see what happens in the comments. Like a sociological study in miniature.
07-08-2016 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
haha, I read the comments. Good lord.
07-08-2016 , 01:53 PM
Newt is def gonna be Trump's VP
07-08-2016 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
haha, I read the comments. Good lord.
It's amazing what people are willing to put their names to in public.
07-08-2016 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
It's amazing what people are willing to put their names to in public.
Thing is those folks don't think they're saying anything shameful. I expect if you asked them they'd think most people agreed with them.
07-08-2016 , 02:19 PM
Holy ****, DPD Chief's backstory is crazy.

o Brother killed by drug dealers
o Former partner killed
o Son with mental health issues killed a police officer and one other person before being killed himself (WTF???)

Oh and DPD has a great reputation for community policing under his watch.
07-08-2016 , 02:25 PM
Yeah Dallas PD had seen like enormous year-over-year decreases in excessive force complaints since he started, they really seemed like they were trying
07-08-2016 , 02:26 PM
A good friend of mine from college was a crime reporter for the Dallas Morning News for several years. He's only ever had good things to say about the Dallas PD (and he's the type who would rip them apart if he felt it appropriate -- very liberal and pro-BLM guy). They seem like a really good police force, certainly at least in relative terms.
07-08-2016 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by flabucki09
KnockKnockKnock NRA trumpsters

Still looking for some guidance on this.....

I seem to ask this question a lot these days - and never seem to get a response. So here I go again...

NRA supporters (all 7 million of you) and trumpites - Can you please tell me why the citizenry needs the right to own assault rifles and automatic weapons? I don't believe any specific arms are guaranteed by the 2nd amendment.
07-08-2016 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
OK so basically "Violent rhetoric is bad" and "wide sweeping generalizations are bad". Good strong novel takes that will find little objection from anybody.
Unless the shooter is white. Remember all the violent political rhetoric, shooting targets placed over democrats' pictures, etc., that conservatives assured us was in fact not bad?

But violent rhetoric is definitely bad from black people.
07-08-2016 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
And we wonder why no response from NRA or the politicians they support. All lip service from Ryan. What an a$$hat.
07-08-2016 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yeah Dallas PD had seen like enormous year-over-year decreases in excessive force complaints since he started, they really seemed like they were trying
Or nobody else was trying even a little bit
07-08-2016 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib

Also posted this on fb:

Which I don't seem able to just copy and paste, so enjoy the link!

He does mention the recent shootings as well as calling for more love and compassion. Whole thing reads like an adult wrote it, so no chance he has access to his accounts anymore.

How does that make trump supporters feel? That their preferred candidate is such a child that he can't even be trusted with his own Twitter account?
Probably sort of like Hillary supporters feel when it has been proven she can't be trusted with classified information. You know that whole email thing can be real tricky sometimes.
07-08-2016 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
It's the INEVITABLE END RESULT of people asking police to stop shooting black people for no reason AND police not stopping shooting black people. When you get a sufficient number of people sufficiently angry, you will get inevitable outliers who are more militant. I would blame groups like BLM for this just as I wouldn't blame the mainstream anti-abortion movement for outlier members who kill abortion doctors.
This. Honestly surprised it hasn't already happened more.
07-08-2016 , 02:44 PM
How the right wing in the USA views Obama as such a divisive character, I will never understand. He seems to be communicating a text book 'calm the situation down' narrative, as always. In stark contrast to Trump.

Last edited by Marn; 07-08-2016 at 02:57 PM. Reason: spouting was the wrong word
07-08-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
How the right wing in the USA views Obama as such a divisive character, I will never understand. He seems to communicating a text book 'calm the situation down' narrative, as always. In stark contrast to Trump.
Totally right - but that doesn't play well when trying to deflect the hate mongering from the left.
07-08-2016 , 03:06 PM
Interesting that people seem to think that this killing cops thing is some new-fangled BLM concept. Ummm Ice-T wrote a song about it in the early 90s.

What Goofy said is right about the complete idiocy of this shooter, just setting everyone back and preventing progress in order to fulfill someone's psychotic revenge fantasies.
07-08-2016 , 03:14 PM
Aubrey Plaza to blame obviously....

Gunman FB Likes
07-08-2016 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by flabucki09
Totally right - but that doesn't play well when trying to deflect the hate mongering from the left.
Do you mean the supposed 'hate mongering by the left' or do you actually think that the left is hate mongering?
