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07-28-2016 , 09:15 AM
What do you want to talk about Foldn that you haven't been able to because of the shouting down business?
07-28-2016 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
What do you want to talk about Foldn that you haven't been able to because of the shouting down business?
I performed Louis CK's act in a Physics lecture and then they denied me tenure.
07-28-2016 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
John Tomasi, Romeo Elton Professor of Natural Philosophy, Professor of Political Science and Director, Political Theory Project at Brown University and founder of The Janus Lecture Series which pairs speakers with opposing ideological perspectives shares what has happened at Brown University when enough students with the mindset of FlyWf get together:

The documentary of how Brown University is being overrun by the same sort of non-thinking hatemongers demonstrated daily in this forum, destroying discourse and free inquiry at another major US university is as creepy as it is tragic.
The thing is, not all opposing points of view deserve an equal hearing. The truth is not always somewhere in the middle. The media has been shoving that crap down our throats for years now. For every common sense proposal we are forced to hear from the extremist backward view on the issue. It's especially frustrating because the extremist backward view is uncompromising. Any movement toward an illusory "truth in the middle" just gets confronted by the same uncompromising extremist backward view over and over again, until the "truth in the middle" is finally just the extremist backward view.

07-28-2016 , 01:13 PM
Is this space safe enough to discuss the hilarious safe space that was r/theDonald yesterday
07-28-2016 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
The thing is, not all opposing points of views deserve an equal hearing. The truth is not always somewhere in the middle. The media has been shoving that crap down our throats for years now. For every common sense proposal we are forced to hear from the extremist backward view on the issue. It's especially frustrating because the extremist backward view is uncompromising. Any movement toward an illusory "truth in the middle" just gets confronted by the same uncompromising extremist backward view over and over again, until the "truth in the middle" is finally just the extremist backward view.


Perhaps so, but who gets to decide which sides get to be heard? I'm pretty sure a woman who was brutally raped to the point she is now half blind gets a say on rape culture, and if students invite her to a debate on it, she should be welcomed. Watch the documentary. You're a pretty reasonable guy, and there's no way you'll approve of what went down at Brown.
07-28-2016 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I performed Louis CK's act in a Physics lecture and then they denied me tenure.
I hate tenure meetings. And I would have loved to have seen that.
07-28-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
The thing is, not all opposing points of view deserve an equal hearing. The truth is not always somewhere in the middle. The media has been shoving that crap down our throats for years now. For every common sense proposal we are forced to hear from the extremist backward view on the issue. It's especially frustrating because the extremist backward view is uncompromising. Any movement toward an illusory "truth in the middle" just gets confronted by the same uncompromising extremist backward view over and over again, until the "truth in the middle" is finally just the extremist backward view.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Perhaps so, but who gets to decide which sides get to be heard? I'm pretty sure a woman who was brutally raped to the point she is now half blind gets a say on rape culture, and if students invite her to a debate on it, she should be welcomed. Watch the documentary. You're a pretty reasonable guy, and there's no way you'll approve of what went down at Brown.
I watched the documentary. For those interested, it's only 13 minutes long. I believe the principle I expressed in my post above is valid. Of course there will be disagreements over what is an extremist backward view that doesn't deserve equal hearing. That doesn't mean the principle shouldn't be applied as best as possible.

The documentary is a slick production. In it they mention the "warm womb of certainty". I suggest they consider their own "warm womb of certainty" about presenting extremist backward views at the university as deserving an equal hearing.

07-28-2016 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
I watched the documentary. For those interested, it's only 13 minutes long. I believe the principle I expressed in my post above is valid. Of course there will be disagreements over what is an extremist backward view that doesn't deserve equal hearing. That doesn't mean the principle shouldn't be applied as best as possible.

The documentary is a slick production. In it they mention the "warm womb of certainty". I suggest they consider their own "warm womb of certainty" about presenting extremist backward views at the university as deserving an equal hearing.


Wow, I'm floored by this, ptb. So who decides what is extremist and backwards, what gets to be heard, you? A bunch of kids who are hurt by "backwards" views? Why not just stay away, hang out in one of the safe spaces provided for them? No, you and they get to decide for the rest of the students who wish to hear opposing views, to learn at a university, to sharpen their intellectual swords, they aren't allowed to hear and partake in that debate either. This is frightening.
07-28-2016 , 03:37 PM
Btw, Ruth Simmons, who's father was a sharecropper, a child of 12 who grew up poor in the segregated south and went on to become the first black president of an Ivy League institution, Brown University, disagrees with you.
[ROB] The semester right before Ruth took over the right-wing provocateur, David Horowitz, had taken out an ad in the student newspaper criticizing reparations for slavery.
Incensed student activists stole all the copies.

That controversy was still simmering when Ruth came to campus.
Did she justify this censorship by denouncing Horowitz as an agent of oppression? Whose very existence constituted an erasure of her struggle? No.

She insisted Horowitz be invited back to speak. I was there. So was Ruth. She sat in the front row.

[RUTH] The collision of views and ideologies is in the DNA of the academic enterprise. We don't need any collision avoidance technology here. Thank you very much.
07-28-2016 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I performed Louis CK's act in a Physics lecture and then they denied me tenure.
45second literal lol
07-28-2016 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Perhaps so, but who gets to decide which sides get to be heard? I'm pretty sure a woman who was brutally raped to the point she is now half blind gets a say on rape culture, and if students invite her to a debate on it, she should be welcomed. Watch the documentary. You're a pretty reasonable guy, and there's no way you'll approve of what went down at Brown.
Foldn, I hate to break it to you, but, reality has a liberal bias.
07-28-2016 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Foldn, I hate to break it to you, but, reality has a liberal bias.
This is what I keep pointing out. The non-liberals (instinctively) know they are losing as well. They have their moments but liberalism is like the tide coming in.

That's nothing to do with Foldn of course.
07-28-2016 , 05:06 PM
Censorship is not liberal. The tide is going out.
07-28-2016 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Censorship is not liberal. The tide is going out.
07-28-2016 , 05:18 PM
07-28-2016 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Btw, Ruth Simmons, who's father was a sharecropper, a child of 12 who grew up poor in the segregated south and went on to become the first black president of an Ivy League institution, Brown University, disagrees with you.
Why does this matter? Is this just random trivia or does posting his biography have a point?
07-28-2016 , 05:22 PM
Not censorship is not non-liberal.

07-28-2016 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Censorship is not liberal. The tide is going out.
We talked about this a bit before. In a limited way it can be because of the harm principle (as you put it).

The tide appears to be going out with brexit, trump being a contender etc. Even so, from the longer term perspective it's in fact coming in even as it goes backwards - hence the tide analogy.
07-28-2016 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Why does this matter? Is this just random trivia or does posting his biography have a point?

It shouldn't matter, but to many people in here it apparently does. Just read a few of my "critics" recent posts.
07-28-2016 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
We talked about this a bit before. In a limited way it can be because of the harm principle (as you put it).

The tide appears to be going out with brexit, trump being a contender etc. Even so, from the longer term perspective it's in fact coming in even as it goes backwards - hence the tide analogy.

Ebb and flow, eh? So I gather you, like PTB agree that it's fine to shout down and censor speakers invited to debates at universities because their ideas disgust you, and the other students who came to the debate shouldn't get the choice to decide for themselves?
07-28-2016 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Ebb and flow, eh? So I gather you, like PTB agree that it's fine to shout down and censor speakers invited to debates at universities because their ideas disgust you, and the other students who came to the debate shouldn't get the choice to decide for themselves?
Protesting things you don't approve of is like bedrock American free speech, dude. Civil disobedience and other disrupting tactics have been used for decades on all kinds of issues, but your bizarre obsession never seems to worry about anything but what black college kids do.
07-28-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Protesting things you don't approve of is like bedrock American free speech, dude. Civil disobedience and other disrupting tactics have been used for decades on all kinds of issues, but your bizarre obsession never seems to worry about anything but what black college kids do.
I'd love to see you explain that to Ruth Simmons.
07-28-2016 , 05:56 PM
Yeah man FoldN if you were even trying you'd OCCASIONALLY talk about right wing campus activism, or non-campus activism of any political stripe, or any ACTUAL threats to free speech from powerful forces like Thiel and Gawker.

Instead, nope, left wing campus activists. Solely and only. ****ing transparent right wing culture war grievance at how educated people reject FoldN's most treasured value: believing dumbass stereotypes.
07-28-2016 , 06:03 PM
Lol, such irrelevant criticism. Louis, where are you? Newsflash: I criticize far right wing bs all the time. I have in this very thread, in fact. I often compare these illiberal students to far right religious fascists. Again, irrelevant. None of what I do or who I am makes any difference with regard to the facts and arguments. Only a fool would think it does.
07-28-2016 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I'd love to see you explain that to Ruth Simmons.
Why don't YOU refute the point?

How ****ing pathetic are these constant appeals to authority? You are the one who has putatively spent watched and rewatched debate after debate. You are OBSESSED with every example of stupid tactics used by minorities fighting against racism. At some point in all this maybe you have actually gained the ability to have a good faith discussion of a point without having to keep stooping down to appeals to authority. Ruth whoeverthe**** isn't in this thread. You are. So step up and defend a point for once.

My goodness.
