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A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces

07-26-2016 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It's funny the denials in here of any issue whatsoever, as if there need to be arrests before anyone should be criticized. Clearly those students offended by Chris Rock and Louis CK can't take a joke, those who shouted down offensive spoof musicals and even banned performances of the Vagina Monologues, who sought to ban Bill Maher from speaking, who are giving comedians enough material to make a full length feature film, might be a bit uptight.

It could be that crowd of students are of the same illiberal ilk as the conservatives who arrested Lenny Bruce and George Carlin back in the 60's. Pretty sure if Carlin were alive today, his infamous "seven words" routine about television censorship of dirty words would be transformed to something just as hilarious, "offensive", and critical of today's college campuses.
It decidedly would not; you still don't get why I posted Talking Funny, huh?
07-26-2016 , 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It's funny the denials in here of any issue whatsoever, as if there need to be arrests before anyone should be criticized. Clearly those students offended by Chris Rock and Louis CK can't take a joke, those who shouted down offensive spoof musicals and even banned performances of the Vagina Monologues, who sought to ban Bill Maher from speaking, who are giving comedians enough material to make a full length feature film, might be a bit uptight.

It could be that crowd of students are of the same illiberal ilk as the conservatives who arrested Lenny Bruce and George Carlin back in the 60's. Pretty sure if Carlin were alive today, his infamous "seven words" routine about television censorship of dirty words would be transformed to something just as hilarious, "offensive", and critical of today's college campuses.
The funny part is you almost quit the thread after I sorta-kinda agreed with you. You still haven't even paid lip service to that...

And we all know why, but blow our minds and prove us wrong.
07-26-2016 , 05:07 PM
Meh, we can't know what Carlin would say or do, but I trust Chris Rock when he says Carlin was fed up with college campuses too:
What do you make of the attempt to bar Bill Maher from speaking at Berkeley for his riff on Muslims?3

Well, I love Bill, but I stopped playing colleges, and the reason is because they’re way too conservative.

In their political views?

Not in their political views — not like they’re voting Republican — but in their social views and their willingness not to offend anybody. Kids raised on a culture of “We’re not going to keep score in the game because we don’t want anybody to lose.” Or just ignoring race to a fault. You can’t say “the black kid over there.” No, it’s “the guy with the red shoes.” You can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.

When did you start to notice this?

About eight years ago. Probably a couple of tours ago. It was just like, This is not as much fun as it used to be. I remember talking to George Carlin before he died and him saying the exact same thing.
Anyway, it's interesting to post on this forum to get everyone's takes and try to learn where I should stand on issues. Regarding this one, the arguments I've presented throughout this thread regarding campus free speech have not been my own, as you know. I've been convinced by the various professors, students, scholars, even comics who believe it's a problem. So far the counter arguments I've read have little substance, imo, most amounting to "nothing to see here, and you're a bigot for picking on minorities". Compelling as that is, if that's all you got, well I'll go with the other side.
07-26-2016 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive

The funny part is you almost quit the thread after I sorta-kinda agreed with you. You still haven't even paid lip service to that...

And we all know why, but blow our minds and prove us wrong.
07-26-2016 , 05:58 PM
I have no idea what you're asking and you haven't told me why you think your video is relevant to whatever counter argument you're making. Frankly, you have yet to contribute anything new, and I'm not sure what you're going on about.

I have been posting less ITT lately because all the objections and arguments have already been made several times, and their is no new information being brought to the table. I don't feel obligated to answer every last silly irrelevant question anyone asks me for the tenth time. I'll probably continue to update the thread as I find more discussions and examples of abuse of safe spaces detrimental to free speech and academic freedom, or interesting new student debates like this one from the UK:

07-26-2016 , 06:01 PM
Do you actually watch all these hours long videos you share?
07-26-2016 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Do you actually watch all these hours long videos you share?
He doesn't even read 1/5 of the posts, of course not.
07-26-2016 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I have no idea what you're asking and you haven't told me why you think your video is relevant to whatever counter argument you're making. Frankly, you have yet to contribute anything new, and I'm not sure what you're going on about.

I have been posting less ITT lately because all the objections and arguments have already been made several times, and their is no new information being brought to the table. I don't feel obligated to answer every last silly irrelevant question anyone asks me for the tenth time. I'll probably continue to update the thread as I find more discussions and examples of abuse of safe spaces detrimental to free speech and academic freedom, or interesting new student debates like this one from the UK:

So are you basically admitting you don't read most of the posts in a thread you post in?
07-26-2016 , 06:20 PM
lol nvm

Originally Posted by 5ive
I sorta-kinda agreed with you. You still haven't even paid lip service to that...

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I have no idea what you're asking ...
07-26-2016 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Interesting post, but yeah, I had not read it previously, and I haven't read many of you posts because they seem tend to be pretty irrelevant or repetitive of previously covered topics. This one isn't bad, though at approx 200,000 words it's no wonder I skipped it too. Fyi, if anyone gets a sad that I didn't respond to you, it's either because I didn't read your post for various reasons not always having to do with you, or I did, and it was not worth responding to for various reasons usually having to do with you.

Anyway, as I've repeatedly stated throughout this thread, beginning with my second post, the biggest issue is not with individual safe spaces as support groups, which are probably pretty workable and I expect will continue to evolve, but with demands for classrooms and entire campuses to become safe spaces at the expense of academic freedom. Practically all of the critics I've linked, many of them civil rights activists and minorities themselves, have expressed empathy at the plight of disadvantaged groups while also questioning the impact the movement to restrict free expression has on learning, and whether it really is helpful with regard to minority well being.

Someone asked if I watch these videos and read the posts I link, and the answer is yes, often multiple times. If you are actually interested in the arguments, I suggest you try that, because it's clear I can't convince many of you.
07-26-2016 , 08:59 PM
You're not a real human right?

The 40hr binge was confirmed bot status?
07-26-2016 , 09:08 PM
Like, do you realize, to the people who've argued with you in this thread, how foreign of a concept it is to be so gung-ho about a topic whilst proudly admitting to not reading a bunch of posts? That's insane behavior.
07-26-2016 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Interesting post, but yeah, I had not read it previously, and I haven't read many of you posts because they seem tend to be pretty irrelevant or repetitive of previously covered topics. This one isn't bad, though at approx 200,000 words it's no wonder I skipped it too. Fyi, if anyone gets a sad that I didn't respond to you, it's either because I didn't read your post for various reasons not always having to do with you, or I did, and it was not worth responding to for various reasons usually having to do with you.


Someone asked if I watch these videos and read the posts I link, and the answer is yes, often multiple times. If you are actually interested in the arguments, I suggest you try that, because it's clear I can't convince many of you.
That's just incredible.

Last edited by 5ive; 07-26-2016 at 09:41 PM.
07-26-2016 , 09:48 PM
Right, when I read and respond to everyone, I'm a robot, if I don't I'm....? Everyone selects who and what they listen to based on who and what interests them. Some of you are interesting, and many of you are not. Everyone is free to read my posts and the links I provide and respond. Or don't.
07-26-2016 , 09:50 PM
It's when you respond to posts you haven't read or post articles and links you haven't read that we'd like you cut down on...
07-26-2016 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Right, when I read and respond to everyone, I'm a robot,
That's your honest takeaway?

The robot comment is about you repeating the same thing over and over without advancing the debate. Plus sentient lifeforms are usually more self-aware.

Here are a bunch of helpful images:

if I don't I'm....? Everyone selects who and what they listen to based on who and what interests them. Some of you are interesting, and many of you are not. Everyone is free to read my posts and the links I provide and respond. Or don't.
How do you know if it's interesting before you read it?
07-26-2016 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
That's your honest takeaway?

The robot comment is about you repeating the same thing over and over without advancing the debate. Plus sentient lifeforms are usually more self-aware.

Here are a bunch of helpful images:

How do you know if it's interesting before you read it?
Uh, I repeat myself because many people clearly don't read my posts or read the articles I've posted and then bitch about not understanding what I'm talking about... it's no big deal, but it's why I've had to repeat myself so often. Anyway this is pretty rich coming from someone who claims to have read the entire thread, but clearly didn't even know my stance on abuse of safe spaces that I've repeated a dozen or so times, and has steadfastly refused to make whatever argument you claim follows from the video you posted.

Anyway, these last few comments are what I'm talking about. They're boring and personal and have nothing to do with the interesting topics ITT. It's the sort of gibberish I've been trying to avoid responding to. Sklansky's pretty good at ignoring those sorts of dumb posts... I need to be better.
07-26-2016 , 10:33 PM
Ok I'll be honest I'm kinda trolling you. I don't think you're intellectually or psychologically capable of having an honest discussion about this. Sorry to string you along.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Interesting post, but yeah, I had not read it previously, and I haven't read many of you posts because they seem tend to be pretty irrelevant or repetitive of previously covered topics. This one isn't bad, though at approx 200,000 words it's no wonder I skipped it too. Fyi, if anyone gets a sad that I didn't respond to you, it's either because I didn't read your post for various reasons not always having to do with you, or I did, and it was not worth responding to for various reasons usually having to do with you.

Anyway, as I've repeatedly stated throughout this thread, beginning with my second post, the biggest issue is not with individual safe spaces as support groups, which are probably pretty workable and I expect will continue to evolve, but with demands for classrooms and entire campuses to become safe spaces at the expense of academic freedom. Practically all of the critics I've linked, many of them civil rights activists and minorities themselves, have expressed empathy at the plight of disadvantaged groups while also questioning the impact the movement to restrict free expression has on learning, and whether it really is helpful with regard to minority well being.

Someone asked if I watch these videos and read the posts I link, and the answer is yes, often multiple times. If you are actually interested in the arguments, I suggest you try that, because it's clear I can't convince many of you.
I assume the bold is finally your response to this:

Originally Posted by 5ive

A young person today, a HS or early college kid, with even the mildest curiosity can find and tune in to a 365/24/7 tunnel of hate directed right at them. This is unprecedented. Imagine seeing that racist graffiti, that n-----s-go-home, then going online and seeing 1000s of US citizens cosigning such in real time; or seeing that Klan or Neo-Nazi rally held in a park at the outskirts of Chicago in the early 80s, going online and seeing the same cosigning, that it's not a fringe but apparently the tip of a hate iceberg. A hateberg, if you will. Even the civil rights trailblazers, after battling fire hoses and attack dogs, would earn a slight reprieve during the quiet times. MLK didn't have a smartphone that would alert him in the dark of night, showing him those replies to his twitter feed, random people from Montana or The Dakotas saying things like, "Lol i'm glad those dogs like dark meat!1!" or, "hey guyz save some fire hose water for the rest of the coons!" with a bunch of Nebraskans and Idahoans "liking" these replies.

It's natural for a human to think their burden is the heaviest when they're feeling particularly emotional, and it's ultimately ridiculous to even try to quantify burdens, but psychologically a young so-called person-of-color faces an historically unique burden by having constant, live and direct hate only a mouseclick away. If you can't at least see how this translates to safe spaces and trigger warnings, largely separate from "suppression" of "free" speech, then you're part of the problem.
That's, like, literally all you're capable of, with this platform you have to discuss and explore these OMGTABOO subjects that the ILLIBERALS are trying to SUPPRESS. Because let's be honest, you don't care attt allllll about exploring any aspect of what might contribute to this ISSUE, any words or deeds that are complicit in making young college kids feel literally, not figuratively, unsafe. Zero ownership on that end.

That road leads to you maybe kinda sorta admitting that BruceZ, and in conjunction, you, might be a little bit of a narrow-minded racist bigot. You're transparent and boring.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Uh, I repeat myself because many people clearly don't read my posts or read the articles I've posted and then bitch about not understanding what I'm talking about... it's no big deal, but it's why I've had to repeat myself so often. Anyway this is pretty rich coming from someone who claims to have read the entire thread, but clearly didn't even know my stance on abuse of safe spaces that I've repeated a dozen or so times, and has steadfastly refused to make whatever argument you claim follows from the video you posted.
Aye, keep believing that when people disagree with you, and repeatedly tell you so, and spell out the disagreement, they're just faking it and they really just don't understand you. Unexploitable strat imo.

Last edited by 5ive; 07-26-2016 at 10:42 PM.
07-26-2016 , 10:49 PM
Everyone is free to have their own stinkin opinions, and anonymous posters on message boards tend to have an abundance of them. How confident you are about them is really up to you. Of course, there should be some level of cognitive dissonance when it's liberal professors and scholars, including minorities and civil rights activists who are making the arguments I've been repeating. Butnaaah.
07-26-2016 , 10:56 PM
07-26-2016 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Meh, we can't know what Carlin would say or do, but I trust Chris Rock when he says Carlin was fed up with college campuses too:

Anyway, it's interesting to post on this forum to get everyone's takes and try to learn where I should stand on issues. Regarding this one, the arguments I've presented throughout this thread regarding campus free speech have not been my own, as you know. I've been convinced by the various professors, students, scholars, even comics who believe it's a problem. So far the counter arguments I've read have little substance, imo, most amounting to "nothing to see here, and you're a bigot for picking on minorities". Compelling as that is, if that's all you got, well I'll go with the other side.
We all know his opinion. You've posted this at least 5 times. It's not a description of an actual issue.
07-27-2016 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We all know his opinion. You've posted this at least 5 times. It's not a description of an actual issue.
At least. Each time it's been in response to someone who didn't seem to know it... like, 5 over here who thinks/thought otherwise.

Not sure why the burden seems to be on me to prove there is an issue, and then when I show that the general consensus among those who probably have the most knowledge, like professors, sholars, students... yes, even comics, is that there is an issue with students demanding to limit free expression on campus, instead of arguing why the consensus is wrong, you have held tightly to your assertion that there simply is no issue at all. Hey, maybe you know better. You are the moderator of the 2+2 Politics forum, after all.
07-27-2016 , 12:20 AM
Comics not wanting to do a paid gig at a college is not a limitation of free expression, unless you think people should be forced to listen to literally everything anyone wants to say.
07-27-2016 , 12:21 AM
As much as I love steak, I don't think the existence of vegetarians is an issue, either.
07-27-2016 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
At least. Each time it's been in response to someone who didn't seem to know it... like, 5 over here who thinks/thought otherwise.

Not sure why the burden seems to be on me to prove there is an issue, and then when I show that the general consensus among those who probably have the most knowledge, like professors, sholars, students... yes, even comics, is that there is an issue with students demanding to limit free expression on campus, instead of arguing why the consensus is wrong, you have held tightly to your assertion that there simply is no issue at all. Hey, maybe you know better. You are the moderator of the 2+2 Politics forum, after all.

Last edited by 5ive; 07-27-2016 at 12:42 AM.
