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Rush Limbaugh Demands Sex Videos If Women Use Contraception Covered by Health Insurance Rush Limbaugh Demands Sex Videos If Women Use Contraception Covered by Health Insurance

03-03-2012 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Well, if I remember correctly, even Georgetown's official policy is that they cover oral contraceptives for non-contraceptive purposes. The problem, which the woman pointed out, is that they did not implement their stated policy correctly.

So, even Georgetown is not arguing that this particular "basic medical necessity" (i.e, non-contraceptive use of the pills) should be denied.

That's why this particular line of argument (i.e., the whole non-contraceptive uses issue) is a kind of a waste of time as I mentioned in my earlier post. You're right, but it doesn't get to the crux of what you I assume you really advocate (the contraceptives should be covered, even for contraception, and even if they're inexpensive).
You're right that I think contraceptives should be covered. This is why someone like Fluke should have been allowed to give testimony before congress. That way there could have been an actual discussion on the issues.
03-03-2012 , 02:11 PM
Laura Ingraham is hot
03-03-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
I am right. Those posts don't actually address what Fluke was saying. Those are not the issues she was planning on bringing up. Those posts dont cover anything about the non contraceptive benefits of the pill. Which is a big part of what she was talking about, or wanted to talk about. But the woman hating republican party had other plans.
Wait, didn't you agree that the non-contraceptive use argument was a pointless sideshow?
03-03-2012 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
The only problem is that some institutions think they have a right to claim the moral authority to deny basic medical necessities to women because they believe in an old book.
They're not denying medical necessities. They're just declining to pay for it. As are millions of other people. And of course these people are still free to purchase those medical necessities with their own money.
03-03-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Wait, didn't you agree that the non-contraceptive use argument was a pointless sideshow?
No. I agree that it is not the crux of the issue. The primary reason is that women deserve coverage for contraception and employers don't have the right to deny that coverage because they realllly like this old book.

I think the non-contraceptive issue, while not the primary argument, is still a serious and important element of this issue as a whole. The pill provides a plethora of benefits to women for a plethora of serious medical ailments. For some women the pill completely changes their lives for the better. They should not have to justify their use to some random religious demagogue.

They're not denying medical necessities. They're just declining to pay for it. As are millions of other people. And of course these people are still free to purchase those medical necessities with their own money.
They are declining to pay for it, not because of cost, but because they don't approve of the medicine. I don't think that's a justifiable reason. I don't think someone who provides insurance should be able to pick and choose what is covered based on a book full of myths. It's been shown that allowing this kind of latitude is very dangerous.
03-03-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Not that Ed Schultz, or anyone else, is a misogynist for calling a woman a slut.
Personally, I would say calling a female a slut is nearly as bad as calling a black person a "insert n word".

Maybe worse actually, since people don't see it as being as bad.
03-03-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Personally, I would say calling a female a slut is nearly as bad as calling a black person a "insert n word".

Maybe worse actually, since people don't see it as being as bad.
That's completely fair. It's def a bad word to use to describe another human being. But, like the n-bomb, I don't think it's concrete evidence that a person is a racist or a misogynist or anything like that.
03-03-2012 , 02:33 PM
My standard ITT is someone leveling the charge of "slut" without any evidence to even meet the dictionary definition of the word.

I'm pretty disgusted by the misogyny that's come up ITT. Like, OOT-style objectification of women based on their looks isn't exactly dignified, but it happens and society is pretty numb to it. The vitriol this woman has attracted for having the audacity to disagree with a bunch of middle aged white dudes about what constitutes a basic minimum standard of medical care that should be included with any insurance plan is shocking and disheartening.

Men are assured of having all of their basic medical needs covered. For women, there's a glaring omission, and the answer is just "Suck it up and pay extra, ladies. Sucks to be you?"

I guess the next outrage ITT will be that men and women usually pay the same for health insurance, but women are the only ones who give birth, ergo men are paying extra. Subsidies! Entitlement!
03-03-2012 , 02:38 PM
are people really dumb enough not to understand that the cost of society for unwanted babies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the cost of birth control pills

look at europe pregnancy rates vs the us, ffs

not to mention all the bull**** analogies people have tried to make... haircuts, lol... far too many people ITT who are embarrassingly stupid when it comes to women's health

finally, the biggest lol has got to be acting like sex is some crazy thing/a liberal conspiracy. hahahhahahahahhaha
03-03-2012 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
My standard ITT is someone leveling the charge of "slut" without any evidence to even meet the dictionary definition of the word.

I'm pretty disgusted by the misogyny that's come up ITT. Like, OOT-style objectification of women based on their looks isn't exactly dignified, but it happens and society is pretty numb to it. The vitriol this woman has attracted for having the audacity to disagree with a bunch of middle aged white dudes about what constitutes a basic minimum standard of medical care that should be included with any insurance plan is shocking and disheartening.

Men are assured of having all of their basic medical needs covered. For women, there's a glaring omission, and the answer is just "Suck it up and pay extra, ladies. Sucks to be you?"

I guess the next outrage ITT will be that men and women usually pay the same for health insurance, but women are the only ones who give birth, ergo men are paying extra. Subsidies! Entitlement!
I approve of this sentiment.
03-03-2012 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Schultz apologized for the slut comments and MSNBC suspended him for making them. Your move, Republicans.
Did the Democratic party suspend him? I don't think Rush has a boss but he may have to answer to advertisers if they perceive they are hurt by his comments.
03-03-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
You're right that I think contraceptives should be covered. This is why someone like Fluke should have been allowed to give testimony before congress. That way there could have been an actual discussion on the issues.
Fluke's testimony causes people to focus on $1000 per month and the poor girl who had to have her ovary removed. Valid points, but at the end of the day, just tangential ones. I have no problem with her mentioning them. In fact they should be mentioned. But what shouldn't happen is to draw attention from the main issue.
03-03-2012 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
This will be my only post itt:

Rush Limbaugh says something inflammatory enough to finally get back in the public's eye. Shocking.

Liberal talkers like Ed Schultz, Norman Goldman, and Randi Rhodes constantly make inflammatory comments about republicans. Too bad it never gets into the public eye because they are all hypocritical morons with a faithful audience of government employees that would prob fill a middle school gym.
03-03-2012 , 02:42 PM
Wookie trying to bang Fluke itt imo.
03-03-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Did the Democratic party suspend him? I don't think Rush has a boss but he may have to answer to advertisers if they perceive they are hurt by his comments.
How is the Democratic party supposed to suspend him. If he wants to register to vote as a Democrat, there's not a damn thing anyone can do about that.
03-03-2012 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by willwes23
Liberal talkers like Ed Schultz, Norman Goldman, and Randi Rhodes constantly make inflammatory comments about republicans. Too bad it never gets into the public eye because they are all hypocritical morons with a faithful audience of government employees that would prob fill a middle school gym.

the more republican rhetoric i hear these days the more convinced i become that they are ****ed as a party once all the old folks start dying

they don't even have legit positions anymore, imo... just "EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE 1950 IS BAD... EXCEPT REAGAN"

Last edited by Paul McSwizzle; 03-03-2012 at 02:47 PM. Reason: in b4 'limited gov tho!!!' ...sure
03-03-2012 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by willwes23
Liberal talkers like Ed Schultz, Norman Goldman, and Randi Rhodes constantly make inflammatory comments about republicans. Too bad it never gets into the public eye because they are all hypocritical morons with a faithful audience of government employees that would prob fill a middle school gym.
03-03-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
My standard ITT is someone leveling the charge of "slut" without any evidence to even meet the dictionary definition of the word.

The vitriol this woman has attracted for having the audacity to disagree with a bunch of middle aged white dudes about what constitutes a basic minimum standard of medical care that should be included with any insurance plan is shocking and disheartening.

Men are assured of having all of their basic medical needs covered. For women, there's a glaring omission, and the answer is just "Suck it up and pay extra, ladies. Sucks to be you?"
Birth control costs how much? $3,000/Year? $3,000 for 4 years?

Planned Parenthood website says $15-$50/month, so $600 per year at a maximum?

She was not permitted to testify about free contraceptives at a hearing on the RELIGIOUS CLAUSE IN THE FIRST AMENDMENT.

As usual liberals tout the 1st amendment when it benefits them, and decries it for some obscure greater good when it doesn't.
03-03-2012 , 02:52 PM
Religions are not permitted to do whatever they want in the name of religious freedom.
03-03-2012 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Religions are not permitted to do whatever they want in the name of religious freedom.
Presidents are not permitted to unilaterally dictate under the US Constitution.
03-03-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by willwes23
Presidents are not permitted to unilaterally dictate under the US Constitution.
False, lol
03-03-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Fluke's testimony causes people to focus on $1000 per month and the poor girl who had to have her ovary removed. Valid points, but at the end of the day, just tangential ones. I have no problem with her mentioning them. In fact they should be mentioned. But what shouldn't happen is to draw attention from the main issue.
That's why I said someone like Fluke. Rush chose to single out Fluke because she is weak and just a female student. He would not attack a strong figure like this, he's a bully. If the democrats or myself could have chosen someone to put on that panel they would have selected some major OBGYN figure with a bunch of degrees and an excellent resume. Fluke has some good arguments (this is not a complicated issue, science vs an old book) but she is not the greatest person to put on the stand for this issue.
03-03-2012 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
They are declining to pay for it, not because of cost, but because they don't approve of the medicine. I don't think that's a justifiable reason. I don't think someone who provides insurance should be able to pick and choose what is covered based on a book full of myths. It's been shown that allowing this kind of latitude is very dangerous.
What if they pick and choose based on some other arbitrary reason?
03-03-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Not sure what this has to do with anything. Plenty of misogynists on the left too. Not that Ed Schultz, or anyone else, is a misogynist for calling a woman a slut. But seriously, what does this have to do with anything?
Was in response to this:

Originally Posted by Case Closed
But the woman hating republican party had other plans.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Schultz apologized for the slut comments and MSNBC suspended him for making them. Your move, Republicans.
There is no question Rush should apologize, and language like this by either side should be below everyone's standards.

Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
I might get an Android phone.
Love my phone, I think it stacks up well vs the iPhone, and it was quite a bit cheaper.
03-03-2012 , 03:07 PM

Let me know why the Republicans denied the TV equipment to broadcast Fluke's testimony.

Last edited by MrWookie; 03-03-2012 at 03:09 PM. Reason: at the second hearing that the Dems let her speak at.
