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Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread

12-30-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
I think it is good policy to not piss people off to the point where they want to blow themselves up to kill as many of us as possible.

You see what we are doing there? We are getting the **** out of their country! Every single one of us!! THEY COMMIT TERRORIST ACTS BECAUSE WE OCCUPY THEIR LAND AND BOMB THEIR PEOPLE IN THE PRESENT.

Sure, some of this can play a role. Radical islam can be a strong fuel once we plant the seed of them wanting to seek vengeance, and maybe this is part of the reason why such places as Japan and Germany didn't have people who wanted to kill us once we occupied land there. But then they also just got done losing a fight that they culturally were probably embarrassed that they took up -- terrorists don't come from strong culturally tied nations that just lost an aggressive, take over the world war.

So we should pursue aggressive wars, control dictatorships and pillage others natural resources because some Muslim might just hate nations that are strongly Christian!

Also, get out of his way for his dreams of an Islamist empire = not put troops into his home country in which he considers sacred land? Gotcha.
Saudi Arabia being taken over by someone like Saddam Hussein would be very very bad for us. And the Saudi's asked us to be there. But in your world we should have declined because it might piss off potential terrorists.

Btw as someone said Germany did have die-hard nazi believers for many years, called werewolves that caused all kinds of havoc. Didn't have anything to do with us pissing them off but their own fanaticism. By the same token once the Emperor told the Japanese to get in line, they by and large stood down. Different cultures, different levels of fanaticism. How much we pissed them off doesn't seem important to the equation.
12-30-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
tannenj, thoughts on this?
Obviously I would not use those passages trying to get people to vote for a candidate. But getting people to think for themselves with things people kneejerk into thinking is a good purpose of government and challenging them to defend it is what gets people who can actually understand things rather than just casually support it (like Val did last year).

I'm not interested in trying to advertise to random people, only speak the truth in here. If someone wants to argue, that's fine. If I was trying to be an evangelist, I clearly would pick my battles.
12-30-2011 , 09:04 PM
RP on Freedom Watch right now.
12-30-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This might be more tilting at windmills, but do you guys understand that "The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim - frequently a victim of his own lifestyle" translates to "God is smiting **** for their deviant lifestyles"? Because that's what it means.

All health problems besides birth defects can be traced back to some behavior by the "victim". Paul singled out AIDS for a reason.

IOW, this is another one of those things you probably shouldn't go to bat for. This is one of those things Ron Paul says that you should actually say you disagree with but are willing to tolerate, instead of one of those things you briefly acknowledge might be bad before you reverse course and end up saying that the PC liberal elite just couldn't handle Ronnie P's straight talk.
All health problems besides birth defects? LOL. Yes, someone who gets breast cancer when it runs in the family clearly must have done something to get that.
12-30-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
I would like to put Suzzer in a time machine to tell those 8 year olds that they better start training for their 18th birthday to get those terrorists who just attacked us. Oh, that main guy is dead and their organization is considered effectively inoperable by that time? Nah, shut up kid, it's for my freedoms. Just never expect me to leave my computer to ever fight myself.
Originally Posted by jungle survivor
As a libertarian maybe you should put more emphasis on the personal responsibility of any adult that signs up for the American military in the year 2011.
This gem should not be allowed to slip through the cracks.

How about it, Libertines? Why are you all of a sudden objecting to adults entering into a legal contract of their own will? US military has been 100% volunteer for decades, so why all the bleeding hearts for the children?
12-30-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
They can work through the company and quit if not. I mean if my boss is a dick to me, the same thing applies. Do I need a law to protect me from having a mean boss too?
Your boss being mean to you isn't even close to being on the same level of violation as sexual harassment.

If my only recourse in a case of sexual harassment is to quit, then that gives all the power to the harasser. Quitting a job is always a big life-changing event. Doing so unexpectedly would be even worse. It's vastly easier for the company to replace me and my skills than it is for me to find another job.
12-30-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Saudi Arabia being taken over by someone like Saddam Hussein would be very very bad for us. And the Saudi's asked us to be there. But in your world we should have declined because it might piss off potential terrorists.

Btw as someone said Germany did have die-hard nazi believers for many years, called werewolves that caused all kinds of havoc. Didn't have anything to do with us pissing them off but their own fanaticism. By the same token once the Emperor told the Japanese to get in line, they by and large stood down. Different cultures, different levels of fanaticism. How much we pissed them off doesn't seem important to the equation.
When you say the Saudis, you mean the Saudi elite. That is not the same as the Saudi people. Yes, cultures play a factor. There's also an analogy about not swinging a bat at a hornets nest.
12-30-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by DMACM
Suzzer, Nobody is partially blaming anyone in the sexual harassment case and you're just making jokes because you are dead wrong and can't have a straight conversation about this. Why don't you go dig something else up.
Originally Posted by Ron Paul
"Employee rights are said to be valid when employers pressure employees into sexual activity," Paul wrote. "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable."
Super double bold on "so-called" harassment if I could.
12-30-2011 , 09:08 PM
Ron Paul picked that battle, though. For a reason. And I know you're just spreading the truth, but this "if people don't like sexual harassment they can just quit, aren't strippers just full time sexual harassees?, etc." lane will end up with you using your crystal clear libertarian logic skills to argue that OSHA and minimum wage and child labor laws are all unnecessary infringements on freedom of contract, then it's time for ye olde child prostitution freakout.

And we won't even have zan nen this time.

A lot of people recognize that there is a disparity in negotiating position between employee and employer. There's a lot of (lizardperson mainstream) economics about it, but we don't need to go over it, you just need to be aware that the majority of Americans understand that intuitively and from there support a whole ****load of "unlibertarian" employee protection laws.
12-30-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
They can work through the company and quit if not. I mean if my boss is a dick to me, the same thing applies. Do I need a law to protect me from having a mean boss too?
What if your boss owns the company or his/her boss won't listen and the company is too small to have an HR department?

Whatever you think about this, at least realize this is a very clear cut moral issue that people generally don't have much problem wrapping their heads around, and most of them don't agree with RP's stated POV here. In fact I would venture to say a majority would find it abhorrent.
12-30-2011 , 09:11 PM
"Employee rights are said to be valid when employers pressure employees into sexual activity," Paul wrote. "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable."
W00t ? Links ?
Nevermind I see it.
Not that surprising though, well in line with his other beliefs.
12-30-2011 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
What if your boss owns the company or his/her boss won't listen and the company is too small to have an HR department?

Whatever you think about this, at least realize this is a very clear cut moral issue that people generally don't have much problem wrapping their heads around, and most of them don't agree with RP's stated POV here. In fact I would venture to say a majority would find it abhorrent.
Then you quit?

I mean, what if the boss is a complete dick to me and cusses me out every day? Do I need a special federal law for this, too?
12-30-2011 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
My complaint is about our war policies as a whole. I don't really get why you think this is some nuanced judgement call. There's a big difference between fighting and winning a war militarily, and spending a decade trying to install a stable democracy on the other side of the world. Interfering in the internal workings of foreign governments is a very large part of "why they hate us".

Edit: BTW, I don't really consider Obama a super baby killer war criminal because of Afghanistan. That at least was authorized in some way, and ultimately was a retaliation for an attack on us. I do, however, give him great credit for killing babies in Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, ect. Also, he earns a great deal of disdain for propping up dictators in Bahrain and Saudi. You remember, that other part of the Arab Spring where the US said absolutely nothing about our "allies" killing their citizens.
So you don't care about all the extra deaths that would most certainly cause if a big civil war broke out? Again who has the market cornered on caring about brown people again? Also wouldn't our enemies just learn to scatter and wait us out if we simply came in, blew up some buildings, then left before any entity that was strong enough to stand on it's own could be established?

Again I don't think most people would agree that simply toppling the regime and bugging out is at the top of any of the options. I mean these are borderline ridiculous. If you go in you have to see it through.
12-30-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
All health problems besides birth defects? LOL. Yes, someone who gets breast cancer when it runs in the family clearly must have done something to get that.
Smokers? Over eaters? I assume RP has a lots of passages blasting them as much as the gay community right?
12-30-2011 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Then you quit?

I mean, what if the boss is a complete dick to me and cusses me out every day? Do I need a special federal law for this, too?
Tom you've been given solid answers by me and fly and just keep making the same statement. You may win this by obtuse.
12-30-2011 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Ron Paul picked that battle, though. For a reason. And I know you're just spreading the truth, but this "if people don't like sexual harassment they can just quit, aren't strippers just full time sexual harassees?, etc." lane will end up with you using your crystal clear libertarian logic skills to argue that OSHA and minimum wage and child labor laws are all unnecessary infringements on freedom of contract, then it's time for ye olde child prostitution freakout.

And we won't even have zan nen this time.

A lot of people recognize that there is a disparity in negotiating position between employee and employer. There's a lot of (lizardperson mainstream) economics about it, but we don't need to go over it, you just need to be aware that the majority of Americans understand that intuitively and from there support a whole ****load of "unlibertarian" employee protection laws.
I don't really care what reason he picks for it.

Yes, there is a disparity in it. Sometimes it's toward the employee, sometimes it's toward the employer. I don't care how dumb the American public is or not. We live in a world full of suzzer's and soccer moms, I am aware. I have little faith that the dumb masses will ever be converted with any real thought. Which is why I only care about trying to reach people who have those kinds of critical thinking skills rather than playing politics and trying to reach those who do not have those skills. Obviously are those who do have those skills and disagree and still could never be convinced due to preferences, but that's fine, as long as they let me be and I let them be, no one is worse off.
12-30-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Ron Paul
White people who organize and expect the same attention as other groups are quickly and viciously condemned as dangerous bigots.
This is a money quote, by the way. Hows come there aint no White History Month, amirite?
12-30-2011 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Smokers? Over eaters? I assume RP has a lots of passages blasting them as much as the gay community right?
I remember a very famous clip on the Morton Downey Jr. show where he rips a guy for being fat and being more at risk for death. I can only speak for statements given, not that he didn't rip out every person as needed. Don't forget that AIDS was also quite big among intraveinous drug users which are included.

You guys are putting the words "gay community there". Oh noes, it be code words, like "bankers".
12-30-2011 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Tom you've been given solid answers by me and fly and just keep making the same statement. You may win this by obtuse.
Your only answer is "the majority find it abhorrent". I don't base morality on what the majority thinks, sorry.
12-30-2011 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by TC
I don't care how dumb the American public is or not. We live in a world full of suzzer's and soccer moms, I am aware. I have little faith that the dumb masses will ever be converted with any real thought
All the same, this brand of libertarianism is never going to "cross the chasm," as the marketing folks like to say. It's destined to remain a minority creed, and that’s not because most Americans are stupid or immoral. It’s because libertarians have done a terrible job countering the widespread suspicion that theirs is a uselessly abstract ideology of privilege for socially obtuse adolescent white guys. Ron Paul sure isn't helping.
12-30-2011 , 09:22 PM
ITT TomCollins becomes a moral relativist.
12-30-2011 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Yes, there is a disparity in it. Sometimes it's toward the employee, sometimes it's toward the employer.
When does the disparity in negotiating position ever favor the employee here in libertarian world?

Originally Posted by TomCollins
I don't care how dumb the American public is or not. We live in a world full of suzzer's and soccer moms, I am aware. I have little faith that the dumb masses will ever be converted with any real thought.
I also always enjoy the "my ideas are not very popular, therefore everyone else must be dumb" defense.

Last edited by Mayo; 12-30-2011 at 09:24 PM. Reason: Edited formatting for clarity.
12-30-2011 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by SL__72
Some historical context is really important when looking at that RP quote. That book was published in '87. The first successfully argued case of sexual harassment as discrimination (or, hostile environment sexual harassment) was decided by the SCOTUS in '86. It was a very contentious issue at the time.
Are you saying that sometimes progressive ideas, while controversial at the time, eventually become more generally accepted mainstream thought - and any comments made from the past should be viewed through that prism?

If so, I concur.
12-30-2011 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
So you don't care about all the extra deaths that would most certainly cause if a big civil war broke out?

As compared to all those extra deaths we caused by continuing to fight a guerilla war for a decade? Seriously, Suzzer? Not only have there been a **** ton of extra deaths, those deaths are being blamed directly on us.

Again who has the market cornered on caring about brown people again? Also wouldn't our enemies just learn to scatter and wait us out if we simply came in, blew up some buildings, then left before any entity that was strong enough to stand on it's own could be established?

It's seriously that hard for you to understand? Crackpot dictators aren't going to allow AQ or any other *******s hang about if they know it's likely to get them killed at some point in the near future. When did I say "blow up a few buildings". I said spend a couple years hunting down each and every ******* that had anything to do with the previous regime and kill them.

Again I don't think most people would agree that simply toppling the regime and bugging out is at the top of any of the options.

Sorry, I generally don't say this as an argument, but most people are idiots who buy into whatever bull**** the gov is spewing at the time.

I mean these are borderline ridiculous. If you go in you have to see it through.

wtf is so ridiculous??!?! "See it through" to what exactly? God damnit it sounds just like those jackasses who wanted to keep pressing on in Vietnam. It's been a ****ing decade and Afghanistan is a corrupt backwater **** hole. The only difference between now and 15 years ago is the worthless government is our puppet, and we're taking the blame for it being a corrupt backwater **** hole.
But let's "see it through to the end, dude".
12-30-2011 , 09:27 PM

"Every year new groups organize to demand their 'rights,'" he continued. "White people who organize and expect the same attention as other groups are quickly and viciously condemned as dangerous bigots. Hispanic, black, and Jewish caucuses can exist in the U.S. Congress, but not a white caucus, demonstrating the absurdity of this approach for achieving rights for everyone."
