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Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread

11-19-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
yeah but the fed can limit how much they can create with the required reserve percent.
banks don't create money. They create insolvency and this only is useful to them if the Fed is willing to stand behind their solvency. So the reality is the banks don't create money, only the Fed does.
11-19-2011 , 07:12 PM
Didn't have a strong opinion about Frank Luntz going into this. He is so #$@$ing annoying to me. He is disingenuous, pompous, and just plain annoying. Dang I can't stand people like him.

Just my personal opinion.

Edit: Just wanted to add that I think Newt my satisfy the definition of a blowhard without any more words needed.

Last edited by insidemanpoker; 11-19-2011 at 07:21 PM.
11-19-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
I think at the encouraging of lirva we sent emails to the RP campaign to tell him to come and post here

didn't we? i think i did. i think i got a response, too. and i think i posted it in this thread....GL FINDING IT THNX

This, and a forum member's wife works on his staff. Dont want to out them cause Im not sure if thats cool or not imo. It prob well known though.
11-19-2011 , 07:21 PM
Bachmann raises her hand like it's 3rd grade story time.
11-19-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Didn't have a strong opinion about Frank Luntz going into this. He is so #$@$ing annoying to me. He is disingenuous, pompous, and just plain annoying. Dang I can't stand people like him.

Just my personal opinion.
he's such a douche its almost hard to believe its for real. The fact that people like that succeed in any fashion is a travesty. He is such a tool, always has been, and should probably be considered for too late term abortion.
11-19-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Didn't have a strong opinion about Frank Luntz going into this. He is so #$@$ing annoying to me. He is disingenuous, pompous, and just plain annoying. Dang I can't stand people like him.

Just my personal opinion.

Edit: Just wanted to add that I think Newt my satisfy the definition of a blowhard without any more words needed.
Video: Penn and Teller Defend Ron Paul against Frank Luntz
11-19-2011 , 08:10 PM
Video: Ron Paul hour interview with Des Moines Register editorial board 11/19/11

I am working on the youtube. It's a big file, so it will take hours.
11-19-2011 , 11:12 PM
Ron Paul will be on Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer on CBS tomorrow Sunday, Nov 20. Set your DVRs.

Paul was on interviewed on the show in 2007, almost four years to the day.
11-20-2011 , 12:22 AM
Interviewer: "But we declared war on terrorists"
Ron: "Who did?"
Interviewer: "The United States."
Ron: "Who did? When? I'd like to see the document."

Here's the clip of that exchange.
11-20-2011 , 12:25 AM
RP is looking more and more comfortable and confident on stage and in his speaking engagements.
11-20-2011 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Zygote
banks don't create money. They create insolvency and this only is useful to them if the Fed is willing to stand behind their solvency. So the reality is the banks don't create money, only the Fed does.
11-20-2011 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
let's debate it and see whose right. laughing is not an argument. Its actually a tactic for diverting from presenting something that is thoughtful.

I'll start by asking you this question: in your mind, what privilege does a bank have over you in terms of creating money? Why can they create money, but you or any other business cannot?

Last edited by Zygote; 11-20-2011 at 09:36 AM.
11-20-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Borodog
now we see whose really in charge, and leading the way. I bet she gets master bedroom in the whitehouse.

badass pose IMO, she actually looks like his bodyguard
11-20-2011 , 10:24 AM
Boom! Some pundit on This Week just said he expects Ron Paul to win the Iowa Caucus.
11-20-2011 , 11:24 AM
thanks for uploading this - the website it was originally on wouldn't let me skip around and i watched part of it last night before i went out and etc.

i love him talking about due process/assassinations, he is clearly pissed off and disgusted, "we should be outraged!"

fiery ron paul
11-20-2011 , 11:29 AM
face the nation about to come on

11-20-2011 , 11:34 AM
RP seems in the zone
11-20-2011 , 11:41 AM
**** you Bob Schiefer, **** you CBS
11-20-2011 , 11:42 AM
lol hostile interview on face the nation

"congressman paul, why do you hate america and think it's to blame for 9/11"
we're americans, i don't think we're to blame, i think the policymakers contributed to it
"so you think it's their fault"
no i think they contributed to it
"k got it, RP hates america."
11-20-2011 , 11:44 AM
Are the interviews usually that quick?
11-20-2011 , 11:50 AM
also was my TV too loud or was RP's mic level too high? or was he just yelling?
11-20-2011 , 12:31 PM
Ron Paul Interview on Face The Nation with Bob Schieffer 11/20/11

watch it before the video gets pulled.
