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Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread Ron Paul 2012 Containment Thread

11-17-2011 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Fermion5
my first reaction as well. I'm not sure why that is.
But at any rate Iowa State poll was included in the RCP average last time so count it IMO. Amused that out of 377 likely caucus goers, precisely one has Huntsman as their second choice, and no one as their first choice.

The timing of Paul's rise is similar to Huckabee's in 2008. Huckabee broke 20% for the first time in a CBS News/NY Times poll conducted 11/2-11/12.

Also, I bet no one had the Paul hitting 20% before Gingrich does in Iowa three days ago.

Updated RCP Iowa Average:

22% Cain
17% Romney
15% Paul
14% Gingrich
7% Perry
7% Bachmann
4% Santorum
1% Huntsman

Last edited by Scary_Tiger; 11-17-2011 at 03:52 AM.
11-17-2011 , 11:17 AM
Intrade: Odds to win Iowa

Romney 36%
Paul 26%
Gingrich 19%
Cain 12%
Bachmann 6%
Perry 4%
11-17-2011 , 11:49 AM
max, you must be getting a little nervous about the RP primary bets you've made considering the buzz around his Iowa chances?
11-17-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by tannenj
imagine if debates on the 2+2 forums worked the way these political "debates" do.

hypothetical: i'm "debating" Scary_Tiger about subject X. a mod starts a thread for it, but before either of us gets to post anything, the 2+2 populace gets to vote on which one of us has better ideas in general.

Scary_Tiger gets 80% of the vote b/c i'm a tilty poster and consequently have been getting temp-banned as of late. Scary_Tiger makes the first post in the thread. i want to respond, but i can't do it b/c the rules state that due to the results of the poll, he gets to post three more times before i get to make my first post.

what chance do i have of winning this "debate?"

this "system" we have is an unreal joke.
Have you considered the fact that the reason you keep getting temp banned is the same reason you would get crushed in a debate?
11-17-2011 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
max, you must be getting a little nervous about the RP primary bets you've made considering the buzz around his Iowa chances?
Well, I certainly could lose the bet. I didn't make it because I thought it was free money....I thought it was close to even money at the time and it would be a fun sweat (which it has been...though it will be less fun if I lose on the first freaking primary ).

If I had bet significantly more money I certainly would be worried....but probably would have been worried the whole way.
11-17-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Well, I certainly could lose the bet. I didn't make it because I thought it was free money....I thought it was close to even money at the time and it would be a fun sweat (which it has been...though it will be less fun if I lose on the first freaking primary ).

If I had bet significantly more money I certainly would be worried....but probably would have been worried the whole way.
It's pretty much win or lose in Iowa tbh. I didn't see that months ago, but now I believe it to be true. Really low chance that he gets a close 2nd in Iowa and somehow gains enough momentum to win a caucus state like Nevada or Minnesota.
11-17-2011 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
max, you must be getting a little nervous about the RP primary bets you've made considering the buzz around his Iowa chances?
11-17-2011 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Fermion5
It's pretty much win or lose in Iowa tbh. I didn't see that months ago, but now I believe it to be true. Really low chance that he gets a close 2nd in Iowa and somehow gains enough momentum to win a caucus state like Nevada or Minnesota.
Yeah...I could see something like this being accurate.

Though maybe if Romney ends up having the nomination locked down really early (by winning Iowa) nobody but Paul puts forth any effort in Nevada/Minn as everybody else stops trying and Romney focuses on Obama. So maybe Paul could sneak one out with very low voter turn out. With Iowa, you can't really get a cheap victory due to indifference.
11-17-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Yeah...I could see something like this being accurate.

Though maybe if Romney ends up having the nomination locked down really early (by winning Iowa) nobody but Paul puts forth any effort in Nevada/Minn as everybody else stops trying and Romney focuses on Obama. So maybe Paul could sneak one out with very low voter turn out. With Iowa, you can't really get a cheap victory due to indifference.
tbh this paragraph is what i made my bet based on...looking like it might get a lot easier though with the Iowa polling.
11-17-2011 , 01:32 PM
God Fox News is so ridiculous.

Jenna Lee: And we start the second hour with a new frontrunner in the Republican ranks. (omg are they going to cover Ron Paul?)

Jon Scott: The latest Fox News poll shows Newt Gingrich gaining steam and surging to the top. (oh right)

Jenna Lee: You know the former Speaker's numbers nearly doubled in the last three weeks, sending him to the front of the pack in the race for the Republican nomination.

Graphic: Comparison of November and October Fox News polls showing Gingrich, Romney, Cain, Paul, and Perry's numbers.

Carl Cameron: Well those are national polls, and they're not as significant as the state by state polls. (oh so they'll talk about Ron Paul now am I right?)

... [more talk about Gingrich and Bachmann]

Carl Cameron: But the truth of the matter is, nothing suffices as well as to listen to the voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. They tend to be a month ahead of the national polls. (oh so Ron Paul now right?)

Jon Scott:So that Fox poll Carl was just talking about is a national poll, but as he said, you ought to take a look at states like Iowa. And there's an interesting poll just out on what Iowa voters are thinking. (here we are!)

Jon Scott: And the results of that Iowa poll could not be more different from the national poll we were just talking about. (finally!)

Graphic: Cain, Paul, Romney, Perry, Bachmann, and Gingrich's numbers in the Iowa State poll. (booya!)

Bob Cusack: That's right, it's good news and bad news for Newt Gingrich. The national polls look very good, he's getting a lot of media attention. The bad news is conservatives still wary of him on some issues like immigration, his support of a 2003 Medicare bill, his lobbying work. And if you look at Iowa he's in single digits. Now however, the Fox poll is very interesting in that it shows in a head to head that he is within striking range, Herman Cain really never got within striking range. So that is more good news for Newt Gingrich. (yawn... )

... [more talk about Romney, Gingrich, Cain, Perry, Bachmann]
So despite his strong second, they don't even mention his name when discussing the Iowa State poll. Despite the fact he just got second and around 20% in two straight Iowa polls this week, they didn't utter Ron or Paul throughout the entire segment.
11-17-2011 , 01:43 PM
<insert Max Raker>
11-17-2011 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
tbh this paragraph is what i made my bet based on...looking like it might get a lot easier though with the Iowa polling.
5:1 for the scenario I outlined might be reasonable. But adding in the present chances of an Iowa win or just an Iowa bump from doing well there probably makes it closer to 2 or 3 to 1 overall now.
11-17-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
God Fox News is so ridiculous.
Well....yeah. What you posted probably won't break into the top 100 most ridiculous things said on Foxnews today.
11-17-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
5:1 for the scenario I outlined might be reasonable. But adding in the present chances of an Iowa win or just an Iowa bump from doing well there probably makes it closer to 2 or 3 to 1.
you can buy out for $400
11-17-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
you can buy out for $400
I'd rather sell more at 2:1
11-17-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Have you considered the fact that the reason you keep getting temp banned is the same reason you would get crushed in a debate?
a combination of sarcastic personal attacks and nitty politics mods would get me crushed in a debate? that's an odd supposition.

have you been enjoying RP's surging poll numbers?
11-17-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I'd rather sell more at 2:1

i'm just trying to get rid of this bet before the racist newsletter story comes out again.
11-17-2011 , 02:11 PM
Anyone have numbers for how many people caucused in Iowa last time around?

Just curious what kind of numbers we'll be seeing, if they'll be close to statistically significant odds and whatnot. (i.e. will there be more than 1k participating)
11-17-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Just curious what kind of numbers we'll be seeing, if they'll be close to statistically significant odds and whatnot. (i.e. will there be more than 1k participating)
120,000 attended last time around, almost certainly going to be significantly higher without competing Democratic caucuses.
11-17-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by tannenj
a combination of sarcastic personal attacks and nitty politics mods would get me crushed in a debate? that's an odd supposition.
I don't know why you were banned...I assumed it was frequent low substance high insult posts which typically isn't a good debate strategy.

Mods here do a pretty good job and if you make alot of high quality posts and slip up and insult somebody they are more forgiving than if you just post badly all the time.
11-17-2011 , 02:22 PM
Can someone please tell me why Iowa is so important here? Do people like me in California vote don't matter for the primaries? I apologize I don't know how primaries work
11-17-2011 , 02:24 PM
While I have said that CA R primaries don't matter, other people have probably proved that I'm wrong. You should probably listen to them.
11-17-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
Can someone please tell me why Iowa is so important here? Do people like me in California vote don't matter for the primaries? I apologize I don't know how primaries work
Mostly cuz it's first. Sometimes the race is effectively over by the time californians get to vote. It is a silly system...they should really just have everybody vote the same day like they do in real elections.
11-17-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
Can someone please tell me why Iowa is so important here? Do people like me in California vote don't matter for the primaries? I apologize I don't know how primaries work
Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina are very important to shaping the national storyline because they go first. There simply isn't enough money for eight candidates to campaign nationally, so they start with small states where it's possible for candidates with relatively low budgets like Santorum to visit every county and get his message out to a large percentage of voters. These states take it upon themselves to pay more attention to the race and the candidates than the average American. Last time around, Huckabee took Iowa, McCain took New Hampshire, and Romney took Michigan setting up a three way race. Huckabee's failure to topple McCain in South Carolina pretty much ended his chances at the nomination. By not competing for any of those early states, Giuliani, Thompson, and Paul were rendered irrelevant. When McCain beat Romney in Florida, the race was over.
