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The Resistance: Actvism, protests and more! The Resistance: Actvism, protests and more!

02-17-2017 , 01:03 AM
02-17-2017 , 02:22 AM
#ResistanceRecess Town Hall Action Plan

Okay so there is a plan for these Town Halls coming up. It is the first recess and this is when Congress critters hold their Town Halls, events where you actually get to ask them questions in real life.

1. Find an upcoming Town Hall with one of your Senators or your Representative:

2. Coordinate with a group of locals and try to show up early, then fan out throughout the auditorium/meeting room. Don't all sit together, we want to maximize the chances of getting called on for questions.

3. Live stream the town hall on Facebook Live and post videos to twitter under the hashtage #ResistanceRecess. Organizers are going to be watching this hashtag and retweeting/signal boosting your videos.

4. When you get the microphone, ask your tough questions and don't let go of the mic until you get an answer. First he's going to dodge the question, then you have to push him. There will be people backing you up with applause, so don't be afraid. This is the moment we try to get them to take a stance, on video, that they won't do certain specific things. For example, do not remove the lifetime limits clause of Obamacare. You can tell a personal story or anecdote to back up your point but mostly don't let them get away without answering your question.

5. Applaud when someone asks the Congressperson a tough question, and boo when they try to dodge/deflect the question.

These are going to be completely peaceful events, but we are going to put the heat to these guys. And by all means, feel free to organize these for Democratic Town Halls as well as Republican Town Halls. If your Reps aren't holding any Town Halls, there are guides going around for holding your own. I'll probably make a post on that at some point in the next couple of days.
02-17-2017 , 02:36 AM
#ResistanceRecess Long Form guide:

More materials:

De-escalation Tips! We do not want violence in any of these events and it is possible, while unlikely, that outside agitators could try to disrupt one of our events and try to instigate violence. Here is a De-escalation guide, a few things to be aware of and tactics to use in case things start to go south. Public Relations is key and we don't want to give anybody any ammunition to distort or misrepresent our cause (they do that well enough already!).

Last edited by einbert; 02-17-2017 at 02:41 AM.
02-17-2017 , 02:49 AM
After Protest, Alabama Rep Switches from Tele-Town Hall to Live Town Hall
(The tele-town halls are bull**** as the questions are highly curated and they are basically just another form of propaganda in a way.)
(He's holding his townhall at LOL "Hoover Tactical Firearms." I kid you not.)
02-17-2017 , 02:50 AM
Resistance Action Items 2/17/2017

Humans Only
Vote NO work
Vote NO school
Vote NO shopping
#GeneralStrike !!!1!

Investigate not mindlessly harassing deluded interns today, hang up the phone, put on your party gear, and step out into the street...

Humans, Dogs, and Scrawny Black Cats
Vote Whose streets are these?... Our Streets !!!1!
Vote What do we want?............... A Bloc Party !!!1!
Vote When do we want it?........... Today !!!1!
#GeneralStrike !!!1!
02-17-2017 , 03:07 AM
The not working is easy but the getting on the streets will take some commitment since there seems to be a chance it will break the all time rainfall record.
02-17-2017 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by einbert

Here is a De-escalation guide, a few things to be aware of and tactics to use in case things start to go south. Public Relations is key and we don't want to give anybody any ammunition to distort or misrepresent our cause (they do that well enough already!).



02-17-2017 , 03:16 AM
Ok sorry that's a bit unfair with the poking fun, but there's a huge grey area in between Bats And Bricks and being completely neutered.
02-17-2017 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The not working is easy but the getting on the streets will take some commitment since there seems to be a chance it will break the all time rainfall record.
02-17-2017 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
I stopped waiting for Republicans to develop empathy years ago
I quit stopped expecting Democrats/Liberals to have brains decades ago. This thread shows total evidence of no brains on any of the posters. The total amusement I get from it, though, is huge. Funny, you mentioned Women's March. Only March without riot but, did want to blowup White House and there was that filthy poem. Face it guys, you are not the good guys. You are the awful crazy loons who do the terrorism.
02-17-2017 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by dzikijohnny
I quit stopped... terrorism.
02-17-2017 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by dzikijohnny
You are the awful crazy loons who do the terrorism.
This is particularly hilarious and idiotic to post on a day when a right wing white nationalist was arrested plotting terrorism in South Carolina
02-17-2017 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
This is particularly hilarious and idiotic to post on a day when a right wing white nationalist was arrested plotting terrorism in South Carolina

Considering the number of acts of terrorism that you guys have done since the election I am up a lot.

Originally Posted by wil318466

The left have gone from reasonable, sensible, tolerant people and transformed into this weird virtue-signalling, self-righteous, violent dirtbags.

Make no mistake : the danger to all of Western civilization is coming from the left, hiding their fascism under the guise of anti-fascism. Thank GOD the people of western countries are rejecting this idiocy and rising up and voting in conservatives..
Brexit, France which is Burning down right now, German which is being destroyed by the Muslim immigrants, etc.
02-17-2017 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by dzikijohnny
Considering the number of acts of terrorism that you guys have done since the election
Like what?
02-17-2017 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Like what?
Got 'im.
02-17-2017 , 04:44 AM
I mean, the reality of course is that since the election right-wing dip****s like johnny have murdered others out of xenophobic hatred and been caught plotting to murder others out of xenophobic hatred, but this special ****ing snowflake is probably going to come back to the thread BAWLING over broken windows in Oakland or something.
02-17-2017 , 06:23 AM

This f**kface just quoted wil from PUv8.8 and brought it here?
02-17-2017 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by dzikijohnny
Considering the number of acts of terrorism that you guys have done since the election I am up a lot.

Brexit, France which is Burning down right now, German which is being destroyed by the Muslim immigrants, etc.
cite or ban?
02-17-2017 , 08:31 AM
i'll be going to this protest in charleston today and then taking a short bit of time to fish for red drum if anybody wants a ride from the columbia area or wants to link up down there
02-17-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by dzikijohnny
Considering the number of acts of terrorism that you guys have done since the election I am up a lot.

Brexit, France which is Burning down right now, German which is being destroyed by the Muslim immigrants, etc.
JFC, go back to Chezzfront with this rubbish.
02-17-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Resistance Action Items 2/17/2017

Humans Only
Vote NO work
Vote NO school
Vote NO shopping
#GeneralStrike !!!1!

Investigate not mindlessly harassing deluded interns today, hang up the phone, put on your party gear, and step out into the street...

Humans, Dogs, and Scrawny Black Cats
Vote Whose streets are these?... Our Streets !!!1!
Vote What do we want?............... A Bloc Party !!!1!
Vote When do we want it?........... Today !!!1!
#GeneralStrike !!!1!
I can get down with that.

Find a protest in your area:
02-17-2017 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by dzikijohnny
Considering the number of acts of terrorism that you guys have done since the election I am up a lot.

Brexit, France which is Burning down right now, German which is being destroyed by the Muslim immigrants, etc.
Originally Posted by 5ive
cite or ban?
Yes, cite or ban.
02-17-2017 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
After Protest, Alabama Rep Switches from Tele-Town Hall to Live Town Hall
(The tele-town halls are bull**** as the questions are highly curated and they are basically just another form of propaganda in a way.)
(He's holding his townhall at LOL "Hoover Tactical Firearms." I kid you not.)
The only Republican town hall currently on the Washington state list is a tele-town hall. Bunch of ****ing cowards. Meanwhile Derek Kilmer from 06 ( a democrat) is hitting town halls in 4 different areas in the state, a mix of red and blue counties.
02-17-2017 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
The only Republican town hall currently on the Washington state list is a tele-town hall. Bunch of ****ing cowards. Meanwhile Derek Kilmer from 06 ( a democrat) is hitting town halls in 4 different areas in the state, a mix of red and blue counties.
Missing Member of Congress Plan and How to Hold a Constituent Town hall

Bird-Dogging: Make Them Talk!
02-17-2017 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
The only Republican town hall currently on the Washington state list is a tele-town hall. Bunch of ****ing cowards...
Not my cup-o-tea, but packing these pol meetings is obviously an effective strategy for keeping these scallywags, donkeys too, on the run. Lately, we've had pols refusing these meetings, and even going so far as refusing to be seen in public at all, including places like train stations and airports. It's pretty easy to spot the lie, when a pol claims to represent "we the people", and then chooses to live an illuminati live style.

Right now, and exactly my cup-o-tea, alternate forms of 'town halls' are being organized. Alternate in that they are, by contrast, founded on real democracy, have actual legitimacy, and are positive, pro-active and enabling. There is an ongoing push in the LA area to organize Neighborhood Popular Assemblies. For those not familiar with Popular Assemblies...

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
A popular assembly... is a gathering called to address issues of importance... Assemblies tend to be freely open to participation and operate by direct democracy. Some assemblies are of people from a location...

The term is often used to describe gatherings that address... the effects of a democratic deficit in a representative democratic systems. Sometimes assemblies are created to form an alternative power structure...
Originally Posted by Facebook Events
Come together with your neighbors to make plans for how we can defend and support each other in the face of the attacks on our communities!

Koreatown's communities are threatened by Muslim bans, by raids and deportations, by hate crimes, by right to work legislation, by the border wall, by loss of healthcare, by plans to defund our public schools... but together we have the strength to stand united, to resist, and to push back the attacks! We will not be silent; we will find our collective voice and our power to stop these attacks.

This assembly is a space to unite all the different communities of Koreatown. Together we can share information and resources, decide on plans of community defense, unify our struggles, and grow our collective power.

Spanish, Korean, and English translation will be provided.
Food will be available...
