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Racism, Poor Minorities, and Spoiling Children by Giving Them Food Racism, Poor Minorities, and Spoiling Children by Giving Them Food

03-27-2015 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by shorn7
I love the labeling..."casual racism". You know nothing about me other than I disagree with your opinion on certain policies and viewpoints. And yet that is plenty in your eyes to call me a racist which in effect serves to end any other type of discussion on whatever the topic is on the table. You don't see anything wrong with that??
So everything you type is just random verbiage with no relationship to how you think, feel and act?

In addition, when did racists become such delicate, hot house flowers?
03-27-2015 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Noze
Blaming the government for the financial meltdown is like dressing up a girl all sexy just how you like and then blaming her for being so seductive looking after you rape her.
No, this is patently false and with a little reading about government legislation with respect to banks you might figure out why.
03-27-2015 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
See this is a great example. You aren't challenging the groupthink or giving us unconventional takes about politics. You're whining about how trolly called you a racist and how discussing anything is a waste of time. Why post here at all?
Actually I was replying specifically to your post so there wasn't anything to discuss there except you calling me a racist for no reason. The discussion part was attempted elsewhere.
03-27-2015 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
So everything you type is just random verbiage with no relationship to how you think, feel and act?

In addition, when did racists become such delicate, hot house flowers?
Ok, so tell me why you think I am a racist. Give a number of examples as to why you think that. Overwhelm me with your evidence please.
03-27-2015 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by shorn7
No, this is patently false and with a little reading about government legislation with repsect to banks you might figure out why.
Then point me in the right direction, chief, because I am quite well read on the topic.
03-27-2015 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Yeah, I think we should all just start posting in SMP and watch the open mindedness in action, surely no bans or locked threads would come from that
Yes, the Jerry Springer show you enjoy is not tolerated in SMP and that's a good thing.
03-27-2015 , 11:42 AM
I mean guys, there's a bear. A big racist bear that's sitting outside this cave and it wants to eat us. It's really obvious to most of it. We can see the bear, we know people the bear ate, we know people who starved because they couldn't leave the cave for fear the bear would eat them. The bear's existence is an inarguable fact.

Yet there's this group of people here who keep trying to pretend the bear doesn't exist, and it's awfully hard to imagine a reason why they'd do that if they're not in league with the bear.

If you're trying to argue a thing anybody with a lick of common ****ing sense knows exists (and dammit- "racism exists" is not group think in the way you're defining it, it's just a ****ing 100% obvious fact that anybody who bothers to pay attention to the world around them should be able to admit) people are going to make some pretty damn reasonable assumptions as to why you're fighting against reality.
03-27-2015 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Yes, the Jerry Springer show you enjoy is not tolerated in SMP and that's a good thing.

Didn't someone call some people cockroaches playing clown music in SMP? Or was was limp wristed homosexuals?
03-27-2015 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by shorn7
Interesting take. Here is mine (not that you give a crap)...

The term "racist" is used is used ridiculously loosely on this site as a way to describe anyone who has an opinion that taxation is too high, that all citizens need to show certain levels of personal responsibility for their own actions, that police need to be given some leeway in how they enforce the law, that eliminating voter fraud (no matter how small) is actually a good thing, that the government wastes a tremendous amount of $$ that could be utilized for the actual betterment of society.

Reasonable people can disagree on all these statements without racism having anything to do with it. But for some reason, a lot of people on this forum (you included) don't believe that or it is simply easier to just toss out a disgusting label and not actually try to engage in a thinking discussion about those differences of opinion.

Let me say it for the cheap seats: Institutional racism has a long history in this country and still exists today in many cases. That does not mean that it exists in EVERY case nor that an individual who has the opinion listed above IS a racist no matter how much you want him/her to be.
Sure, and discussions do happen about the merits of the individual proposals, but I think the racial issues do infect all the proposals listed to varying degrees. That people don't want to talk about that is understandable, but it's necessary
03-27-2015 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Sure, and discussions do happen about the merits of the individual proposals, but I think the racial issues do infect all the proposals listed to varying degrees. That people don't want to talk about that is understandable, but it's necessary
And I do not disagree. But what seems to happen (here at least) is that some posters lurk and wait for any little thing that they can quote that they can infer as racist and then they pounce, throw out the label, and that is the end of any reasonable proposal discussion etc because the labeled person is forced to explain why what they said is not racist and on and on it goes.

I am fine with talking about racism and the issues that are present. Its the quick to label someone a racist with little to no evidence of actual racism that I have an issue with.
03-27-2015 , 12:02 PM
Just lol at claiming moderation here is bad and stifles discussion while saying if we went to their forum we'd be banned because they don't like how we post.
03-27-2015 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I mean guys, there's a bear. A big racist bear that's sitting outside this cave and it wants to eat us. It's really obvious to most of it. We can see the bear, we know people the bear ate, we know people who starved because they couldn't leave the cave for fear the bear would eat them. The bear's existence is an inarguable fact.

Yet there's this group of people here who keep trying to pretend the bear doesn't exist, and it's awfully hard to imagine a reason why they'd do that if they're not in league with the bear.

If you're trying to argue a thing anybody with a lick of common ****ing sense knows exists (and dammit- "racism exists" is not group think in the way you're defining it, it's just a ****ing 100% obvious fact that anybody who bothers to pay attention to the world around them should be able to admit) people are going to make some pretty damn reasonable assumptions as to why you're fighting against reality.
Again, point to me where I argue in any post that racism does not exist. You can't. I have never said that. I know the bear is there and he is big and hungry. But the bear is not the sole reason why people can't leave the cave. Maybe that is where we disagree.
03-27-2015 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
And I do not disagree. But what seems to happen (here at least) is that some posters lurk and wait for any little thing that they can quote that they can infer as racist and then they pounce, throw out the label, and that is the end of any reasonable proposal discussion etc because the labeled person is forced to explain why what they said is not racist and on and on it goes.

I am fine with talking about racism and the issues that are present. Its the quick to label someone a racist with little to no evidence of actual racism that I have an issue with.
I agree with you. Let's avoid labels. It's call it as it is. People who aren't minorities pushing proposals that just coincidentally harm minorities but do so without purposeful intent, because that's racist, instead perhaps just plain neglect of minorities, is that a good description?
03-27-2015 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I agree with you. Let's avoid labels. It's call it as it is. People who aren't minorities pushing proposals that just coincidentally harm minorities but do so without purposeful intent, because that's racist, instead perhaps just plain neglect of minorities, is that a good description?
Call it as it is, hmmmm. I don't think the above removes the label given your description because it makes an assumption about the agenda of the group pushing certain legislation that very well could be totally inaccurate.
03-27-2015 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Just lol at claiming moderation here is bad and stifles discussion while saying if we went to their forum we'd be banned because they don't like how we post.
Ding ding ding.
03-27-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
Call it as it is, hmmmm. I don't think the above removes the label given your description because it makes an assumption about the agenda of the group pushing certain legislation that very well could be totally inaccurate.
Well yes we never have access to people's interior states of mind so we must always guess what people's true motivations are.
03-27-2015 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
that eliminating voter fraud (no matter how small) is actually a good thing
It's not the eliminating voter fraud part that is controversial. It's the making it more difficult for minorities to vote part that is controversial.

But let's say someone wants to pass a law that will reduce voter fraud by 0.00001%, but this person doesn't care that it makes voting twice as difficult for the average African-American voter. Why is it unfair to categorize that position as racist?
03-27-2015 , 12:34 PM
I wonder what the acceptable ratio of fraudulent votes eliminated to legal voters unnecessarily burdened is?
03-27-2015 , 12:35 PM
Well, as long as they're all blacks who cares how high the ratio goes?

03-27-2015 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Well yes we never have access to people's interior states of mind so we must always guess what people's true motivations are.
OK. So I guess my next question is why is the guess almost always "he/she must be racist"? Don't you think there could be other intentions at least some of the time?
03-27-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
It's not the eliminating voter fraud part that is controversial. It's the making it more difficult for minorities to vote part that is controversial.

But let's say someone wants to pass a law that will reduce voter fraud by 0.00001%, but this person doesn't care that it makes voting twice as difficult for the average African-American voter. Why is it unfair to categorize that position as racist?
Of course that would be fair to categorize the above as racist. But that still doesn't mean that the idea of making elections clean is a bad idea nor those who want to make them clean all want to do so because they are racist.
03-27-2015 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
Okay my bad I didn't realise this was sarcasm
Using the article to show wage growth under two different presidents was all I was doing

Originally Posted by Noze
Blaming the government for the financial meltdown is like dressing up a girl all sexy just how you like and then blaming her for being so seductive looking after you rape her.
Good, I'm tired of the economy being blamed on Bush and the recovery credited to BO

Originally Posted by shorn7
Again, point to me where I argue in any post that racism does not exist. You can't. I have never said that. I know the bear is there and he is big and hungry. But the bear is not the sole reason why people can't leave the cave. Maybe that is where we disagree.
Too bad more people don't share this view
03-27-2015 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Duffee, I don't see any problem with having open discussions about race and racism in schools.
I didn’t say they shouldn’t discuss race or racism in schools; just less emphasis on using the education system as a means of churning out social justice activists and more emphasis on providing necessary skills and knowledge.
The more the better, imo. Content matters, of course, and if the conversations were allowed to turn into the poo fests we have here, it would be a travesty. Could you imagine a teacher acting like the moderation here? Lol, thankfully, I really can't.
McFly and BruceZ might have teaching certificates.
03-27-2015 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
It's not the eliminating voter fraud part that is controversial. It's the making it more difficult for minorities to vote part that is controversial.

But let's say someone wants to pass a law that will reduce voter fraud by 0.00001%, but this person doesn't care that it makes voting twice as difficult for the average African-American voter. Why is it unfair to categorize that position as racist?
Intention would be one reason: “The act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty.”
03-27-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
OK. So I guess my next question is why is the guess almost always "he/she must be racist"? Don't you think there could be other intentions at least some of the time?
You're on a familiar treadmill. Maybe eventually we have to get off and just start ignoring the abuse. There's no requirement to attempt to entangle the abuse from the content in abuse heavy posts - there's plenty more content about.

So on voter ID? Everyone is against voter fraud (let's take that as read) so which real issues separate those in favour of the proposals from those against?

The against arguments afaics are that it doesn't reduce voter fraud significantly and that it effectively disenfranchises already disadvantaged and discriminated against groups. That sounds very plausible to me, what's the counter argument?
