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Racism, Poor Minorities, and Spoiling Children by Giving Them Food Racism, Poor Minorities, and Spoiling Children by Giving Them Food

03-27-2015 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by duffee
Quick search:
This is an anecdote and is definitely not indicative of the whole of the education system. If you allege the problem is systemic, you should be able to provide more than a few stories.
03-27-2015 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Duffee, I don't see any problem with having open discussions about race and racism in schools. The more the better, imo. Content matters, of course, and if the conversations were allowed to turn into the poo fests we have here, it would be a travesty. Could you imagine a teacher acting like the moderation here? Lol, thankfully, I really can't.
Why are you even here? Why not take the conversation over to SMP where you can have this civil and enlightened discourse over how to help the child-like negros by taking away social services?
03-27-2015 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Schools are liberal indoctrination camps, they should instead be open minded and ban anyone who calls literally anything racist.
Yeah, I think we should all just start posting in SMP and watch the open mindedness in action, surely no bans or locked threads would come from that
03-27-2015 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by duffee
Or, I discovered that a public education system dominated by liberal and leftist beliefs is woefully inefficient at providing basic and essential life skills. It’s not all bad, though. Our public education system provides a great example of what the country at large will look like if liberals and leftists gain complete control.
"not providing basic and essential life skills" isn't synonymous with leftist or rightist(?) beliefs.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 03-27-2015 at 09:32 AM.
03-27-2015 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by duffee
Or, I discovered that a public education system dominated by liberal and leftist beliefs is woefully inefficient at providing basic and essential life skills. It’s not all bad, though. Our public education system provides a great example of what the country at large will look like if liberals and leftists gain complete control.
It's amazing how the economy and the market go to **** every time the Right is in charge. Too many bootstraps not enough brain cells imo.
03-27-2015 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by dereds
You were the guy using wage stagnation as an indicator of economic performance while suggesting the minimum wage was to blame right?

Originally Posted by goofyballer
says the guy who blames individuals for the housing crisis, not banks. LOL
I blamed the banks as well but let's not say the subprime borrowers didn't contribute a little bit

Originally Posted by Paul D
Considering I have a BA in Economics and have taken some financial courses, I am most likely more qualified to talk about markets than you are. Son.
I believe it was you that said the "market was predicting that housing would go up forever". I believe all the talking heads on tv saying that were people like you, qualified because of an econ degree. LOL. Anyone worth a grain of salt was calling housing a bubble waiting to pop.

Originally Posted by Jbrochu
It's amazing how the economy and the market go to **** every time the Right is in charge. Too many bootstraps not enough brain cells imo.
You do realize it takes time for economic consequences to happen right. Housing took well over a decade. MOAR TAXES!
03-27-2015 , 10:39 AM
I believe it was you that said the "market was predicting that housing would go up forever". I believe all the talking heads on tv saying that were people like you, qualified because of an econ degree. LOL. Anyone worth a grain of salt was calling housing a bubble waiting to pop.
Yeah, I noticed all the financial institutions moving their books in that direction pre crash.
03-27-2015 , 10:44 AM
If you spilled an equivalent number of words on the accountability of the lenders compared to the borrowers you would be typing until next year. That's how drastic the difference is.
03-27-2015 , 10:47 AM
It's totally reasonable to blame $35k/yr Joe Cubicle for listening to the financial advice coming from people he was led to believe were best qualified to offer it. Especially after the fact, with 20/20 hindsight.
03-27-2015 , 10:48 AM
I went to a pretty decent public school and would like I think I got a decent education- but it wasn't like our days were so packed we couldn't have found time to teach us all how to be dirty hippy liberal scum (i.e., "respecting people") AND how not to be filthy mooching poors.

duffee's got this imagined classroom where "Don't Spend All Your Allowance on Jordans" got cancelled so the kids could spend a semester learning what each letter in LBGTQ really means.

There's plenty wrong with the state of education, mostly that conservatives don't want to actually fund it, but the idea that any of that is a result of attempts to teach people to treat others with decency and fairness is such ****ing bull****.

Could you imagine a teacher acting like the moderation here? Lol, thankfully, I really can't.
If this was a class, you would have been asked to repeat it a year ago because you clearly haven't learned anything and keep giving the wrong answers.
03-27-2015 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
This is an anecdote and is definitely not indicative of the whole of the education system. If you allege the problem is systemic, you should be able to provide more than a few stories.
It's not even an example of what he's claiming is happening. Why even grant him the idea that "talking about race" is close to some kind of liberal indoctrination?
03-27-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why are you even here? Why not take the conversation over to SMP where you can have this civil and enlightened discourse over how to help the child-like negros by taking away social services?
Loosely translated, this means "I prefer my liberal group think, thanks."
03-27-2015 , 11:00 AM
I'm totally on board with a high school course in basic financial literacy. ofc, Duffy's real outrage has more to do with his teachers forcing him to read To Kill a Mockingbird than any legitimate problem with HS education.
03-27-2015 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by shorn7
Loosely translated, this means "I prefer my liberal group think, thanks."
Shorn, groupthink does not mean what you think it means.
03-27-2015 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
It's totally reasonable to blame $35k/yr Joe Cubicle for listening to the financial advice coming from people he was led to believe were best qualified to offer it. Especially after the fact, with 20/20 hindsight.
While I agree in principle with this (that the banks played a major role in the eventual meltdown by leveraging very poor quality loans to extreme levels), it is also totally unreasonable to not lay any blame on the individuals who took those loans. If you are borrowing $100k+ to buy a house, you can probably afford to pay $500 to have a legal rep tell you exactly what you are signing up for if you don't already understand it. It takes two parties to make a deal, not one.

And this doesn't even begin to talk about the Federal Governments role in setting up the framework for the Alt-A and Subprime market to even exist.
03-27-2015 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Shorn, groupthink does not mean what you think it means.
Actually, it means exactly what I think it does.
03-27-2015 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I'm totally on board with a high school course in basic financial literacy. ofc, Duffy's real outrage has more to do with his teachers forcing him to read To Kill a Mockingbird than any legitimate problem with HS education.
Oh yeah- I think HS should have some basic stats/econ that I sure wasn't required to take. (I'd be more in favor of a 6 year high school plan that took care of all the general requirement/life skills stuff you get in college and if college was more specialization focused).
03-27-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by shorn7
Loosely translated, this means "I prefer my liberal group think, thanks."
I'm not asking it as a rhetorical question, I genuinely want to know why you guys come in here when you hate the way it's run. The farts who run this site have bent over backwards to create subforums like PU and SMP where your casual racism is accepted or even encouraged. I don't get why you guys don't just head back to where you came from.
03-27-2015 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I'm not asking it as a rhetorical question, I genuinely want to know why you guys come in here when you hate the way it's run. The farts who run this site have bent over backwards to create subforums like PU and SMP where your casual racism is accepted or even encouraged. I don't get why you guys don't just head back to where you came from.
I love the labeling..."casual racism". You know nothing about me other than I disagree with your opinion on certain policies and viewpoints. And yet that is plenty in your eyes to call me a racist which in effect serves to end any other type of discussion on whatever the topic is on the table. You don't see anything wrong with that??

Maybe you are correct...maybe people like me should just leave and not try and discuss things with people like you. But that seems to be a lot of the problem in the country...that liberals and conservatives cannot discuss things because the name calling gets in the way.
03-27-2015 , 11:20 AM
We can read your posts. If you have to resort to epistemological uncertainty as a means of avoiding being called racist, it's not a terribly good look. I generally recommend posting things that don't look like casual racism instead.
03-27-2015 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
Okay my bad I didn't realise this was sarcasm

Originally Posted by stockguy3205
WHOOO! Look how great our economy is doing! Check out that wage growth!
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
Yes - the reason for wage stagnation is the minimum wage....
03-27-2015 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
It's not even an example of what he's claiming is happening. Why even grant him the idea that "talking about race" is close to some kind of liberal indoctrination?
The talking about race part is fine. The social justice stuff is at least indicative of a liberal slant, although how it plays out in the classroom may be different.
03-27-2015 , 11:28 AM
Blaming the government for the financial meltdown is like dressing up a girl all sexy just how you like and then blaming her for being so seductive looking after you rape her.
03-27-2015 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by shorn7
I love the labeling..."casual racism". You know nothing about me other than I disagree with your opinion on certain policies and viewpoints. And yet that is plenty in your eyes to call me a racist which in effect serves to end any other type of discussion on whatever the topic is on the table. You don't see anything wrong with that??

Maybe you are correct...maybe people like me should just leave and not try and discuss things with people like you. But that seems to be a lot of the problem in the country...that liberals and conservatives cannot discuss things because the name calling gets in the way.
See this is a great example. You aren't challenging the groupthink or giving us unconventional takes about politics. You're whining about how trolly called you a racist and how discussing anything is a waste of time. Why post here at all?
03-27-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We can read your posts. If you have to resort to epistemological uncertainty as a means of avoiding being called racist, it's not a terribly good look. I generally recommend posting things that don't look like casual racism instead.
Interesting take. Here is mine (not that you give a crap)...

The term "racist" is used is used ridiculously loosely on this site as a way to describe anyone who has an opinion that taxation is too high, that all citizens need to show certain levels of personal responsibility for their own actions, that police need to be given some leeway in how they enforce the law, that eliminating voter fraud (no matter how small) is actually a good thing, that the government wastes a tremendous amount of $$ that could be utilized for the actual betterment of society.

Reasonable people can disagree on all these statements without racism having anything to do with it. But for some reason, a lot of people on this forum (you included) don't believe that or it is simply easier to just toss out a disgusting label and not actually try to engage in a thinking discussion about those differences of opinion.

Let me say it for the cheap seats: Institutional racism has a long history in this country and still exists today in many cases. That does not mean that it exists in EVERY case nor that an individual who has the opinion listed above IS a racist no matter how much you want him/her to be.
