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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

09-25-2018 , 11:37 PM
I had a 12 diet coke a day habit for a long time.
09-26-2018 , 12:52 AM
So tonight, the President of the United States suggested that a woman who has been drinking cannot be sexually assaulted. That was interesting.
09-26-2018 , 01:28 AM
my neighborhood had 0 Clinton signs and maybe 15 trump signs last election. there are two signs for democrats and none for republicans this election.
09-26-2018 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I overlooked the obvious advantage of small bottles that they make his hands look less tiny. Always thinking, DJT!
I overlooked the not-so-obvious projection in that last tweet.

"Behind the scenes the Dems are laughing."

Hmmm, what happened recently that made him think of people laughing at other people? I'm not the laughter. YOU'RE the laughter.
09-26-2018 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
i mean i'd probably just (temporarily) lock my acct if the 4chan/alt right brigade began a motivated effort of ****posting racist memes and threats all over my wall too, it's not like you can actually respond to any of it. it's certainly not pretty to look at and by locking up the page you deny them the joy of coming after you online. so i mean, i dont see the problem

it's not like he's backing down and cancelling interviews or stepping down as legal councel for anyone. the guy lives for shaming and making a mockery of republicans on national TV, he's definitely in the "hero we need" category.

"deserve" aint got **** to do with it
09-26-2018 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
So tonight, the President of the United States suggested that a woman who has been drinking cannot be sexually assaulted. That was interesting.
That is why trump never drinks himself.
09-26-2018 , 06:55 AM

( twitter | raw text )
09-26-2018 , 06:58 AM

( twitter | raw text )
09-26-2018 , 07:56 AM
How them wages doing?
09-26-2018 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
4chan people basically saying they tricked him and set him up with Kavanaugh accuser.

Don’t know if there is any validity to it.
Like, what kind of odds do you need to take YES here?
09-26-2018 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Don't hate on diet coke. It's refreshing.

09-26-2018 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Again, Avenatti seems to really suck in a lot of ways but I’ll take ANYONE willing to show some ****ing balls and fight these mother****ers dirty. The Chuck and Nancy show ain’t working.
It will never cease to amaze me. Sooooo many Tragic Death Dems loathe milquetoast empty suits like Chuck and Nancy and DEMAND that the Dems stop wearing boxing gloves to backyard bareknuckle fights. Then someone finally comes along who has, at the very least, demonstrated a willingness and an ability to fight the other side using the same rules/tools as they...AND THEY HATE THAT GUY TOO!

It's merely a working hypothesis atm but I'm starting to strongly suspect that some people are going to ***** and moan no matter what.
09-26-2018 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
my neighborhood had 0 Clinton signs and maybe 15 trump signs last election. there are two signs for democrats and none for republicans this election.
Yeah I've gotten in trouble before trying to use yard sign count as a measuring stick, but I still find it very uplifting that in my little town of Redneckville, FL I have seen several Nelson, Gillum and Soderberg signs, but not a single one for Rick Scott or Ron Desantis or Michael Waltz (and this is Desantis' district).
09-26-2018 , 09:18 AM
Yard signs are a great gauge. I was travelling the country in the summer of 2016. Saw thousands of Trump signs and maybe 20 Clinton signs.
09-26-2018 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
It will never cease to amaze me. Sooooo many Tragic Death Dems loathe milquetoast empty suits like Chuck and Nancy and DEMAND that the Dems stop wearing boxing gloves to backyard bareknuckle fights. Then someone finally comes along who has, at the very least, demonstrated a willingness and an ability to fight the other side using the same rules/tools as they...AND THEY HATE THAT GUY TOO!

It's merely a working hypothesis atm but I'm starting to strongly suspect that some people are going to ***** and moan no matter what.
This. This. This.

If you think Dems are weak and suck at changing the public narrative, yet you don't quite like Avanatti - **** off.
09-26-2018 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Yard signs are a great gauge. I was travelling the country in the summer of 2016. Saw thousands of Trump signs and maybe 20 Clinton signs.
09-26-2018 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by aarono2690
This. This. This.

If you think Dems are weak and suck at changing the public narrative, yet you don't quite like Avanatti - **** off.
I mean I can understand wanting your Gladiator to be someone who isn't Saul Goodman or someone whose eyes are farther apart or whatever, but we don't always get the hero we want. But if you really, truly think he and his ilk are doing more harm than good for the cause...what exactly are you after? What is your end game? If you really want someone who fights them by their own (lack of) rules, you don't want him to go away, not if you want the Dems to stop being the GOP's doormat, you want him on that wall you need him on that wall and you need more to join him on that wall. And they aren't gonna climb that wall if their reward (from their own party!) for doing so is having their heads chopped off.
09-26-2018 , 09:31 AM
You can have your so called principles or you can have political power and use it. Can’t have both. That sucks; deal with it.
09-26-2018 , 09:40 AM
I agree with all of that.

It still doesn't make sense that he made his twitter page private. His individual actions are above discussion now?
09-26-2018 , 09:49 AM
I mean, discuss it if you want, but I’m certainly not wasting a single brain cell on Michael Avenattis twitter account settings.

This is why the right wins. Does a single ****ing person on the right spend any time discussing what an irredeemable piece of **** Sean Hannity is? Rush Limbaugh?

You’re doing this weird ass NYT thing where you PRE EMPTIVELY try to rebut bad faith bull**** nonsense from the right. It’s conceding before the game even starts.
09-26-2018 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I overlooked the obvious advantage of small bottles that they make his hands look less tiny. Always thinking, DJT!
Clearly not his hands!

Two things I can't imagine Trump wearing - a silver wedding ring or a lanyard. ALso note normal sized hands.

Seems that Trump keeps a designated coke pourer in his retinue. Does anyone have a picture of this guy's face? I am imagining a young Louie Anderson or maybe Frish's Big Boy.
09-26-2018 , 10:00 AM
To your point, the right just echoes what their talking heads tell them and accepts it as face value. That is why the right wins. I wasn't doing that, you're correct.
09-26-2018 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
This is why the right wins. Does a single ****ing person on the right spend any time discussing what an irredeemable piece of **** Sean Hannity is? Rush Limbaugh?
The answer is, of course, no, but I diverge a bit from this line of thinking. If we are better then we have to actually BE better, otherwise we're just winning for the sake of winning.

It's like Rudy in The Rainmaker: "Every client I ever have will expect the same magic, nothing less. And I could probably give it to them, if it didn't matter how I did it. And then I'd wake up one morning and find that I'd become Leo Drummond."

There's a fine line between fighting on their terms and becoming Hannity/Rush. (And I mean, let's face it, we have our Hannitys and Rushes already anyway.) If it turns out Avenatti is an actual piece of ****, he should be treated as such, but he shouldn't be prejudged as such based on what we've seen so far. We've developed such a taste for milquetoast that anything spicy gives us crippling indigestion.
09-26-2018 , 10:15 AM

These mother****ers couldn't find their *******s with both hands and a flashlight.
09-26-2018 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
I agree with all of that.

It still doesn't make sense that he made his twitter page private. His individual actions are above discussion now?
Bill Mitchell created a fake tweet to make it look like Avenatti threatened to destroy 4chan. My guess is Avenatti made it private b/c he can't monitor his account 24/7. Enough people follow him that he can control his messaging w/o worrying about trolls hacking him.
