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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-02-2018 , 01:56 PM
Any idea why the FBI/DOJ was so against the release of this thing, other than the fact that it ****s on their leadership? I don't see anything damaging to national security interests in there.

The whole thing is just pointless.
02-02-2018 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by pk_nuts
The GOP is done for several election cycles. The memo is a clear act of desperation. Rosenstein will be out in 48 hours and his replacement is going to try and nuder the Mueller investigation, but none of it will work.

As usual the GOP is way overplaying there hand but this time they are going bust.
Unless they steal the country first.
02-02-2018 , 01:57 PM
So, the gist of the memo is that third renewal of FISA warrant on Page, after he left the campaign, was partially based on information from credible but "biased" sources?

Why not just release the FISA application instead of some legally irrelevant ad hominem talking points.
02-02-2018 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by aflametotheground
Rank and file are great people.

I thought the rank and file was part of the deep state.
This is the problem for this idiot. The "rank and file" have the goods on him in some fashion. He has rolled the entire FBI and DOJ from top to bottom. Not to mention he appointed the heads of each department. Now he is scared of retribution and is blowing the "rank and file"

if they have even a shred of evidence against him its coming out.

Also, has anyone considered how these departments are now supposed to relay delicate information to republitards and dotard since they cannot be trusted. This will backfire bigly.
02-02-2018 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by catfacemeowmers
Any idea why the FBI/DOJ was so against the release of this thing, other than the fact that it ****s on their leadership? I don't see anything damaging to national security interests in there.

The whole thing is just pointless.
Omissions. Because the FBI didn't just "lol dossier give me FISA" which is what the memo implies.
02-02-2018 , 02:01 PM
This whole charade is solely about getting Rosenstein canned, right?
02-02-2018 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by catfacemeowmers
Any idea why the FBI/DOJ was so against the release of this thing, other than the fact that it ****s on their leadership? I don't see anything damaging to national security interests in there.

The whole thing is just pointless.
Because it is apparently grossly misleading and to counter it would require releasing classified info about other sources used to justify the warrant. Also as these warrants are meant to be secret, releasing any info about one is a bad precedent.
02-02-2018 , 02:02 PM
We will sure miss this lip service after he's gone

02-02-2018 , 02:03 PM
This memo is supposed to be crafted to kiss Trump’s ass.

And yet, any reasonable reading of the memo says the FBI was just doing its job.
02-02-2018 , 02:03 PM
Nothing Burger

02-02-2018 , 02:04 PM
02-02-2018 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
So, the gist of the memo is that third renewal of FISA warrant on Page, after he left the campaign, was partially based on information from credible but "biased" sources?

Why not just release the FISA application instead of some legally irrelevant ad hominem talking points.
From what i understand they used info from the steele dossiere.
02-02-2018 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
It's not about how wrong you are this time. It's about how badly you are posting. Markssman's offhand post doesn't call for this derail.
I can respect this as a reasonable view. One disagreement however: you shouldn't minimize the OP. Even if meant as an exaggerated offhand comment, it betrays an underlying attitude that it's acceptable to make demands of others to comply to your will or else face penalties. All I did was point that out. If everyone agrees there wouldn't be much of a derail, we could just say "yeah that's not an acceptable post, let's try to control our authoritarian tendencies moving forward" and move on. If anyone disagrees with that, especially people who are normally critical of such attitudes when it suits them better, then it's an entirely relevant discussion to have in a thread about Donald Trump as President, don't you think?

Originally Posted by DTD
Serious question - if boxer A says of boxer B, who he is due to fight, "I'm going to kill him when we meet" do you call the police and report a planned murder attempt?
No. Serious counter question, do you see why that's not the same thing? You picked an analogy where people who are expected to be violent are threatening violence. There's no reason to intervene at all there, much less call the police. markksman doesn't need to be literally threatening a ban for his post to be wrong.

If boxer A goes to a townhall where boxer B is planning to speak about an issue they disagree about, and boxer A says "you better not speak or else I'll kill you," would you be like "Hey boxer A, that's not acceptable"? The fact that he doesn't mean to literally kill boxer B isn't the point. His attitude expressing a desire to bring violence into a situation where it's not appropriate should be discouraged. Similarly, bringing authoritarian attitudes into this forum should be discouraged. This shouldn't be a controversial viewpoint.
02-02-2018 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Originally Posted by awval999
It's easy to stand behind a keyboard and say that.

It's another thing to call your co-workers "absolute deplorable human filth" or your accountant, or your child's principal, or your local police officer.

It's easy to talk this way over a message board. But quite another in real life.

Trump voters and supporters live in your town, attend your HOA meetings, wash your cars, sell you refrigerators, teach your children, and do your taxes.

Even if you live in Los Angeles county in California, 769,000+ people, voted for Donald J Trump. You see them everyday. You work with them. You eat in the same restaurants. Your children attend the same schools. They will always be with you.
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Seems like every day I become more enlightened on the open question I've had for all of my adult life: "How could that have possibly happened?"
02-02-2018 , 02:05 PM
I always ask myself, "do I really want to hang my fate on Carter Page?"
02-02-2018 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
This is such a "boiling a frog" situation. Look at that tweet. That would have triggered general alarm right after his election. Now it's just like "oh yeah, that Trump, he be Trumpin'".
02-02-2018 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by catfacemeowmers
Any idea why the FBI/DOJ was so against the release of this thing, other than the fact that it ****s on their leadership? I don't see anything damaging to national security interests in there.

The whole thing is just pointless.
Yeah that's my thing too.
02-02-2018 , 02:09 PM
Remeber when Glenn Beck was going increasingly nuts, and Jon Stewart started really tearing him to shreds, and eventually Fox dumped him.

Well, this is something similar, except Beck is now Hannity and the GOP is now marching to the beat of his drum, going against common sense and attacking life-long republicans.

"I have a list of communists who have infiltrated the United States Army" is not far behind.
02-02-2018 , 02:11 PM
I'm hacking email of the next person who quotes d10 and sending it to Assange
02-02-2018 , 02:12 PM
02-02-2018 , 02:12 PM
By the way, didn't Congress just reauthorize FISA without much more than a peep?
02-02-2018 , 02:12 PM
All this on Super Bowl weekend.
02-02-2018 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Remeber when Glenn Beck was going increasingly nuts, and Jon Stewart started really tearing him to shreds, and eventually Fox dumped him.

Well, this is something similar, except Beck is now Hannity and the GOP is now marching to the beat of his drum, going against common sense and attacking life-long republicans.

"I have a list of communists who have infiltrated the United States Army" is not far behind.
McCarthy released a memo too! There's video out there if you're interested. It reeks of this same ****show.
02-02-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Remeber when Glenn Beck was going increasingly nuts, and Jon Stewart started really tearing him to shreds, and eventually Fox dumped him.

Well, this is something similar, except Beck is now Hannity, and the GOP is marching to the beat of his drum, going against common sense and attacking life-long republicans.

"I have a list of communists who have infiltrated the United States Army" is not far behind."
What kind of odds can i get the Hannity calls for Rosenstein to be fired on his show tonight. Shocking i know.....

These guys are so incredibly transparent and dishonest. I just don't think the American public is going to fall for it in mass.
02-02-2018 , 02:19 PM
Stocks nosediving today despite stronk jerbs numbers what else could have happened I wonder

Is it all bonds?
