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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

10-01-2017 , 05:11 PM
It's like you prefer not be in control of the Government.

Keep up that virtue signaling. And keep ostracizing your allies.
10-01-2017 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
Yeah brah. Cause you totally don't want Kasich-style Republicans voting for the democrats. Let's just keep calling em *********** and sodomizers. That will TOTALLY win you back O-H-I-O!
Republicans voting for Republicans like Kasich would be an improvement, but what we really want is Republicans voting for Republicans like George H.W. Bush, Dwight Eisenhower or Hillary Clinton. With us it's not about party, it's about what's best for America. I'd rather lose to Eisenhower than even have one of the two parties in a two party system nominate a fascist scumbag.

Last edited by microbet; 10-01-2017 at 05:17 PM.
10-01-2017 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
It's like you prefer not be in control of the Government.

Keep up that virtue signaling. And keep ostracizing your allies.
Kasich is not an ally.
10-01-2017 , 05:13 PM
Yeah it's a well known fact that making insane false claims that your opponent is a traitor who did the Benghazi, was involved in child sex trafficking and witchcraft(!), plus dozens of murders, plus Email Crimes(!!!) will drive pro-choice pro-DREAMer Obama voters into voting for the candidate fielded by the party that doesn't do those things.
10-01-2017 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I am sure if we go back to 2015, we will find conservative posters saying nothing but nice things about Democratic politicians, and that is why Trump won.
There are surely irredeemable parts of this country. Yes, the democrats will never win the Deep South. But you all lost Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and ****ing Michigan.


Keep at it.

Maybe you'll lose Maine and Delaware next time.

Trump is President because you would rather call an ally an irredeemable racist.
10-01-2017 , 05:16 PM
Kasich sucks but let's be absolutely clear, all of the ****ing socialists that awval is yelling at here for "virtue signaling"(a phrase often used perjoratively by allies) would 100% have voted for Kasich over Trump if that had been the choice.

awval DID have that choice, and went Trump, because white male resentment is his only real principle.
10-01-2017 , 05:17 PM
You don't really sound like you want to be my ally, awval.
10-01-2017 , 05:17 PM
Keep at it.
Like at the ****ing core, what the hell is the "it" in this sentence? What the **** could we POSSIBLY do to win awval's vote?
10-01-2017 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
It was a compliment. I respect my elders, kid.
most of our elders voted for trump, technically speaking, so i am not affording them that luxury until they earn it
10-01-2017 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
It's like you prefer not be in control of the Government.

Keep up that virtue signaling. And keep ostracizing your allies.
It's a real big tell that Awval thinks we are virtue signaling by calling Republican policy positions, Donald Trump's platform and views, and the people that support them deplorable.
10-01-2017 , 05:33 PM
Ohio skews Republican and it's probably as simple as that. They usually vote for the winner (like most states), but every time Ohio has favored the loser it's been a Republican. I suspect they are always a bit more Republican than the country on average in every election and in a close one they are a red state.
10-01-2017 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like at the ****ing core, what the hell is the "it" in this sentence? What the **** could we POSSIBLY do to win awval's vote?
You personally could ask for a self-ban.

But in general, the left would stop ostracizing center-right allies.

Yes, sorry I don't believe in single payer, but I would like to fix the ACA.
Yeah, sorry I don't believe in a 94% top marginal rate, but I wouldn't mind to lower rates for the middle class or keeping the estate tax.

Never mind. I'm a racist deplorable. We all want concentration camps and whatnot
10-01-2017 , 05:36 PM
Awval, what is the right way to meet people in the middle who want to close the borders to refugees? How are we supposed to meet people in the middle who don't believe climate change is real? What about people who want to end food assistance because they think fraud is rampant?
10-01-2017 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by patron
This has been getting a lot of love, but it's only half right.

The phrase the "banality of awval" sounds good, but it covers up the problem. He may very well be a "normal, slightly dull, every day guy who happens to support reprehensible politicians and policy" - but this is a huge, enormous problem. People who support reprehensible politicians and policy are indeed monsters who are literally supporting evil. The fact that there are so many of them does not excuse their behavior or make them any less monstrous.

People who supported slavery during the Civil War were indeed monsters supporting evil. Trump supporters today are indeed literally supporting evil being done.

Sometimes they simply ignore it, or sometimes they even acknowledge the evil being done, and yet excuse it in their political cult leader or even attempt to defend his indefensible attitudes and behavior - perhaps because they seek to excuse and defend their own indefensible attitudes and behavior. This is monstrous. This is wrong. This is evil.
That's the point.
10-01-2017 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
You personally could ask for a self-ban.

But in general, the left would stop ostracizing center-right allies.

Yes, sorry I don't believe in single payer, but I would like to fix the ACA.
Yeah, sorry I don't believe in a 94% top marginal rate, but I wouldn't mind to lower rates for the middle class or keeping the estate tax.

Never mind. I'm a racist deplorable. We all want concentration camps and whatnot
You voted for Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton didn't want single payer, but to fix the ACA.
Hillary Clinton wanted (approx) 45% top marginal tax rate.
Hillary Clinton wanted to lower taxes for the middle class and keep the estate tax.

This was all before you just lost your ****.
10-01-2017 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Awval, what is the right way to meet people in the middle who want to close the borders to refugees? How are we supposed to meet people in the middle who don't believe climate change is real? What about people who want to end food assistance because they think fraud is rampant?
It's literally impossible to be a Republican "meet-you-in-the-middle" type person (if they ever existed) and not vote for HRC instead of Trump.
10-01-2017 , 05:42 PM
lol people can't read but i ain't even mad anymore

it makes me wonder why we invented reading in the first place though
10-01-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
It's like you prefer not be in control of the Government.

Keep up that virtue signaling. And keep ostracizing your allies.
lol @ you and kasich being my allies. you can keep your pro-life, anti-immigration, trickle down economics, war on drugs, children-and-poors-dont-deserve-healthcare platforms to your ****ing deplorable selves
10-01-2017 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
lol people can't read but i ain't even mad anymore

it makes me wonder why we invented reading in the first place though
It was to keep track of how much beer you had in stock.
10-01-2017 , 05:46 PM
it begins

Originally Posted by awval999
So what's your plan patron?

Mass murder of Trump voters?

Monsters supporting evil. Equating them to people supporting slavery.

It's just so laughable that you cannot fathom people have different political beliefs.
10-01-2017 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
Even though I disagree with a social/right wing conservatism their political beliefs aren't "evil".

Pro-life... it's not evil
Limit immigration... it's not evil
Close borders... it's not evil
Tax cuts for the rich... it's not evil

Wrong is not the same as evil.
Originally Posted by .Alex.
Lol all 4 of those are pretty clearly evil if you even take a second to think about it.
lord have mercy welltheresyourproblem dot jaypeg
10-01-2017 , 05:58 PM
let The Great Triggerage of awful999 commence

Originally Posted by awval999

Where to start?

It's unbelievable that you cannot even fathom other people's beliefs. Just stone cold ****ing evil.

Do you understand how asinine it would be to say European social democracy is "evil".

Why yes, yes I do.
10-01-2017 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Gotta say, traveling to Munich and London, abroad for the first time since the election, and engaging in discussion with people of many nationalities has not been eye-opening in the least.

Everyone from everywhere is just laughing at us. Because obviously.
Well your situation is quite funny.....and by funny I probably mean absurd.
10-01-2017 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Gotta say, traveling to Munich and London, abroad for the first time since the election, and engaging in discussion with people of many nationalities has not been eye-opening in the least.

Everyone from everywhere is just laughing at us. Because obviously.
Everyone from other countries laughing at us is literally the best case scenario.

They really should be pissed off and frightened.
10-01-2017 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
Yes, sorry I don't believe in single payer, but I would like to fix the ACA.
Yeah, sorry I don't believe in a 94% top marginal rate, but I wouldn't mind to lower rates for the middle class or keeping the estate tax.

Never mind. I'm a racist deplorable. We all want concentration camps and whatnot
How about you rationalize your reasons for voting Trump > Hillary, because these beliefs don't line up.
