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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

06-19-2017 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
I know LFS means well, but the arrangement he proposes is basically a lock for oppression. Let white people oppress from a position of privilege without ever calling them on it, and you're gonna have more oppression not less.
I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. If they can't abide by the agreement, by all means cut off / limit contact.

I honestly don't think that not wanting to continually argue with my elderly father-in-law is letting white people oppress from a position of privilege. If he wants to keep bringing it up, he doesn't get relationships with his grandkids, so that's up to him. But I'm done debating it.
06-19-2017 , 01:34 PM

Interesting Ted Talk. It basically says US democracy doesnt work since representatives have to kiss arse of wealthy donors most of the time and regard the donors opnion f the voters opinion.
06-19-2017 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
Doesnt confirm my world view = fake news. Also fake news is a very dump term.
Guys, let's not be disingenuous. OK? We don't need to go as far as alt-right or Russian bots to prove the point. Fox is plenty good enough these days.

Where are the bold faced lies that Fox tells many times per segment?

Nobody is talking about mistakes that are later corrected. Nobody means opinions from contributors, or sources (anonymous or public) that are stated in advance.

There's always spin. Everywhere. Spin is just a twist though. It's not a lie, alternative fact, conspiracy theory, or fake story. We listen to Trump and almost half the country talk about CNN's lies & fake news all the time, but they never cite an example of fake anything. Zilch.

Fact: The sky is blue.

CNN: 1) The sky is off-blue. 2) The sky is a shade of blue.

Fox: 1) The sky is green. 2) The sky is not blue.

How is this even up for debate? In fact, the only people lying about truth on CNN are Trump surrogates.
06-19-2017 , 01:53 PM
Somebody doing God's Work ITT.
06-19-2017 , 01:53 PM
There is a very easy way to deal with family Trumpkins. Just look at them right in the eye and say "You voted for a guy that makes fun of people with disabilities. How would you like it if he said that about (name someone they know with a disability)." If that doesn't shut them up, they are not worth your time.

You can't bring up the racist angle because that will piss them off. They truly think they are not racist. Same w/ grab em by the pussy. It was just locker room talk. But the disability stuff will shame them and make them embarrassed. My family members that voted for Trump basically avoid me because I keep bringing that up. (I'm deaf.)

Last edited by RV Life; 06-19-2017 at 01:59 PM.
06-19-2017 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Guys, let's not be disingenuous. OK? We don't need to go as far as alt-right or Russian bots to prove the point. Fox is plenty good enough these days.

Where are the bold faced lies that Fox tells many times per segment?

Nobody is talking about mistakes that are later corrected. Nobody means opinions from contributors, or sources (anonymous or public) that are stated in advance.

There's always spin. Everywhere. Spin is just a twist though. It's not a lie, alternative fact, conspiracy theory, or fake story. We listen to Trump and almost half the country talk about CNN's lies & fake news all the time, but they never cite an example of fake anything. Zilch.

Fact: The sky is blue.

CNN: 1) The sky is off-blue. 2) The sky is a shade of blue.

Fox: 1) The sky is green. 2) The sky is not blue.

How is this even up for debate? In fact, the only people lying about truth on CNN are Trump surrogates.
Like i said, it isnt about whether a news is fake or real rather then whether or not it confirms ones own bias. It is just natural to be drawn to what confirms ones own view, but normaly the process is, that if someone disagrees with me i try to prove him wrong. if i cant do so, iam gonna face the fact, that iam wrong.

But if people dont try to bring up counter arguments and instead just refuse them. So when people stop listening to facts, facts stop to matter... at least until reality slaps you in the face.
06-19-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Sighsalot
speaking of scary ****...

Russia has said it will treat US warplanes operating in parts of Syria where its air forces are present as "targets" amid a diplomatic row caused by the downing of a Syrian jet.
They're just sulking. They say they'll 'track' American aircraft, which they can if they like, but they haven't said they'll go to lock-on, which is a hostile act that incurs a necessary hostile response against the air-defence system concerned.
06-19-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. If they can't abide by the agreement, by all means cut off / limit contact.

I honestly don't think that not wanting to continually argue with my elderly father-in-law is letting white people oppress from a position of privilege. If he wants to keep bringing it up, he doesn't get relationships with his grandkids, so that's up to him. But I'm done debating it.
People are being way too hard on LFS. The political views of old people are often ossified. What is he going to accomplish by arguing with his elderly father in law about Trump other than to make life miserable for his wife?

And it's not so easy. Your dad may be an idiot Trump supporter. He might even be a racist. But at the same time, he might be someone who made incredible sacrifices so that you could have a better life than he did. It's pretty easy to feel conflicted and confused about how to deal with that sort of person.
06-19-2017 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by nyc999
Six members of President Trump’s advisory council on HIV/AIDS have resigned


Your pony has AIDS
06-19-2017 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
There is a very easy way to deal with family Trumpkins. Just look at them right in the eye and say "You voted for a guy that makes fun of people with disabilities. How would you like it if he said that about (name someone they know with a disability)." If that doesn't shut them up, they are not worth your time.

You can't bring up the racist angle because that will piss them off. They truly think they are not racist. Same w/ grab em by the pussy. It was just locker room talk. But the disability stuff will shame them and make them embarrassed. My family members that voted for Trump basically avoid me because I keep bringing that up. (I'm deaf.)
Very surprised this works. I would have assumed that this would just trigger a 20 minute rant about Hillary.
06-19-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
There is a very easy way to deal with family Trumpkins. Just look at them right in the eye and say "You voted for a guy that makes fun of people with disabilities. How would you like it if he said that about (name someone they know with a disability)." If that doesn't shut them up, they are not worth your time.

You can't bring up the racist angle because that will piss them off. They truly think they are not racist. Same w/ grab em by the pussy. It was just locker room talk. But the disability stuff will shame them and make them embarrassed. My family members that voted for Trump basically avoid me because I keep bringing that up. (I'm deaf.)
Trump has said he wasn't making fun of, nor knew of that reporter's disability time and time again, which is what your family members will say
06-19-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Not being flippant at all, but I would love to see a study to see if there was any correlation between conspiracy theorists and people who were molested as children.
Don't know, but conspiracism is obviously a developmental disorder. The conspiracist tries to reduce the world to a primitive, infantile, mechanistic, predictable model which can therefore be 'controlled' by the conspiracist's own mind, otherwise Chaos Looms.
06-19-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Very surprised this works. I would have assumed that this would just trigger a 20 minute rant about Hillary.
The 2 family members I talked to about this both said "Well, I didn't want to vote for Trump but I couldn't vote for Clinton either." I replied, "That has nothing to do with the fact that you voted for a guy that made fun of a person with a disability." In both cases, they shut up about it.
06-19-2017 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
So, make an agreement not to talk about things, and when the other party breaks the agreement, it's up to you to just agree with their bull****?

Yeah, great agreement there
It's not even about reneging on an agreement. With Trump supporters, especially the ones in my family, how do you even make a coherent agreement in the first place?

They hang on to Trump's statements about every topic. It's not like we get into fights over what Jeff Sessions lied about in a hearing. The fights are real life issues every time.

Imagine your brother has a disability and your father (a Trumpist) has been supporting him for decades. Then Trump says something about people with your brother's condition mooching off of family members and government funds when they should be working a job instead. Your father hears that and all of a sudden decides to cut your brother off from now on. He forces your brother to get a job (that he can't function well enough to keep) and ends up sending his lazy ass off to a group home after "failing" at something Trump made sound so easy.

An extreme example, but nobody likes to see Trump steer your family members away from you because he decided to open his trashy mouth one too many times for attention, and your brainwashed family member treats it like gospel truth.

I'm just saying - - stuff like this comes up with families way more often than "Ok, we're going to discuss politics now and not life..." does.
06-19-2017 , 02:13 PM
Spicey press briefing today

At least that is my guess. No video or audio allowed because **** you that's why
06-19-2017 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Trump has said he wasn't making fun of, nor knew of that reporter's disability time and time again, which is what your family members will say
I haven't experienced that at all. I suppose that it's easy to rationalize it when both parties don't have a disability. In my case, they know if they said that, I'd go off on them and call them out on their BS.
06-19-2017 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Spicey press briefing today

At least that is my guess. No video or audio allowed because **** you that's why
Jim Acosta just came out of there shaking and looking like a ghost IMO. He can't believe they won't go on camera or audio about any of these things going on right now. He def was shook and out of character.


Last edited by Our House; 06-19-2017 at 02:56 PM.
06-19-2017 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Not being flippant at all, but I would love to see a study to see if there was any correlation between conspiracy theorists and people who were molested as children. I doubt it is a huge percentage but I would not be surprised if the number was statistically higher than the general public significantly.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a mild correlation, but I'd expect it to be in line with the levels of correlation with phenomena similar to conspiracism. As in, you might be right, but you're only examining the phenomenon of long-term outcomes for victims of heavy molestation, not saying something interesting or noteworthy about conspiracy theorists.
06-19-2017 , 03:13 PM
Daddy Orange is bragging about how we did a good job building....wait for it...the Panama Canal. Odds he was briefed about the canal this morning and found out the US built it?

06-19-2017 , 03:18 PM
Anyone else get the feeling that things just aren't right between Trump and the WH, GOP, Fox today?

Something is off. There's Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekelow, all over every interview, Spicey off camera and no audio, Jared giving a public speech, and crickets from everyone else. No tweets either.

This can't sustain itself for long.
06-19-2017 , 03:19 PM
The world is on fire and Trump is like "Hey, we built a canal! How about that? MAGA!"
06-19-2017 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Anyone else get the feeling that things just aren't right between Trump and the WH, GOP, Fox today?

Something is off. There's Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekelow, all over every interview, Spicey off camera and no audio, Jared giving a public speech, and crickets from everyone else. No tweets either.

This can't sustain itself for long.
Nah it can as long as people believe they can get a tax cut.
06-19-2017 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by nyc999
Six members of President Trump’s advisory council on HIV/AIDS have resigned

trump refuses to talk to doctors who study and treat HIV because he's paranoid about getting sick, and he's a scared little man who runs and hides from anything that frightens him even if the fear is completely illogical.
06-19-2017 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Anyone else get the feeling that things just aren't right between Trump and the WH, GOP, Fox today?

Something is off. There's Trump's lawyer, Jay Sekelow, all over every interview, Spicey off camera and no audio, Jared giving a public speech, and crickets from everyone else. No tweets either.

This can't sustain itself for long.
Trump voters are getting that feeling like when you bluff a full house on the river with top pair. Get it? Yeah they bluff the full house and get shoved on only holding one pair? Haha that's a good one. Full house into top pair damn those trump voters are feeling that.
06-19-2017 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
On the bright side, now we have proof that Trump isn't colluding with Russia
every day the usa doesn't attack russia is further hardening concrete proof that trump IS actively colluding with russia

actually going to war with russia will force a "showdown" in poker terms. up until that point it's just flop turn or river play with bluffs and semibluffs and check-raising etc
