Originally Posted by 5ive
Srs question wtf are you talking about?
People have literally been protesting these things my entire life. We were called unpatriotic and freedom-haters when we dared speak out. What country are you from?
Yes they have and that's great. And don't get me wrong, I think it's great that people do protest for what they think they should.
The difference is that there have been no widespread, continuing, large scale protests against US military activities. And I get it, this has happended for decades and people got used to it.
But when you think about it, it's absurd.
Trump temporarily stops people from certain countries from entering the US and people are afraid he might be the next Hitler.
Obama let the US Army drop thousands of bombs on other countries but he's cool, no harm done. I don't get it, really.
I see why people think this immigration ban is bad and even I think it's not a good idea.
But please pause and reflect for a moment that Obama did refuse people in other countries basic civil rights by killing them and their family members. The US violated the sovereignity of other countries.
Travelling the world and entering another country is no basic human right.
What the US has done for decades is far worse than not letting people into your country imho.
Also, you guys will be fine. What do you think will change in your lives throughout this year? I bet for most of you, nothing will change. You will be able to express your opinion, you will be able to be gay, you will be allowed to go on with your life.
Comparing Trump to Hitler is ridiculous and childish.
You know, a lot of people here in Germany are afraid of immigrants and Islam. But they are fine and for the most part, their lives haven't changed. I think their fearmongering is as unsubstantial as the fearmongering in this thread.