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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-20-2018 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
There work.
12-20-2018 , 08:17 AM
12-20-2018 , 08:17 AM
Trump is just incapable of understanding that you can do 9 good things but if you do 1 bad thing, you still commit a crime. He thinks that by touting all the good things he's doing, Mueller will change his mind. Even a 5 year old child has better logic skills than that.
12-20-2018 , 08:27 AM
12-20-2018 , 08:29 AM
12-20-2018 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Trump is just incapable of understanding that you can do 9 good things but if you do 1 bad thing, you still commit a crime. He thinks that by touting all the good things he's doing, Mueller will change his mind. Even a 5 year old child has better logic skills than that.
Moreover, he firmly believes that if OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony got away with murder, then he should be able to get away with murder too.
12-20-2018 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
How can they be mad about fighting ISIS if ISIS is defeated
12-20-2018 , 08:31 AM
Scrolling through on my phone without looking at usernames, and was generally surprised the WWE spam post wasn't actually the trump Twitter bot.
12-20-2018 , 08:38 AM
there are 2 more entire years left of this ****

possibly 6!

everybody have a good day
12-20-2018 , 08:40 AM
12-20-2018 , 08:47 AM

We blew up the middle east. We have 50% more people incarcerated per capita than Russia (and keep many of them in solitary for years). We have secret torture sites around the world.

Saying we are not so nice also is not bothsidesism, it's the truth.
12-20-2018 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
It will be filled with Spetsnaz.
Filled with US special ops agents operating secretly you mean.
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )
By continuing Obama's plan.
Originally Posted by microbet
And the POTUS is waaaaaaaay to powerful and congress should stop letting the them ignore the War Powers Resolution.
AUMF overrides that. Congress willingly gave up that power.
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
The chances of a Trump impeachment went up today. Senate republicans are really unhappy with his temper tantrum withdrawal announcement and I think are finally realizing that there will be consequences to having someone completely unqualified as president. Regardless of the merits of military action in Syria, it's obvious how little thought or planning our "stable genius" president put into his decision. Trump is his own worst enemy and imagine what he'll do when Don Jr or Ivanka get subpoenas or indictments, or criminal charges are brought against Trump's companies.
Oh they're very concerned instead of normally concerned. Whoopee.
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I see for once, Trump did a good thing in his presidency, and some typical corporate warmonger Democrats are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.
Yup. But one good thing doesn't offset dozens of **** ups.
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Trump is just incapable of understanding that you can do 9 good things but if you do 1 bad thing, you still commit a crime. He thinks that by touting all the good things he's doing, Mueller will change his mind. Even a 5 year old child has better logic skills than that.
Exactly. You can tell that he is super desperate right now. The walls are closing in.
12-20-2018 , 09:18 AM
Trump puts out the flames of a forest fire, looks over the red hot smouldering embers covering many square miles, and tells all the fire fighters they won. Go home. No more fire guys!
12-20-2018 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Filled with US special ops agents operating secretly you mean.By continuing Obama's plan.AUMF overrides that. Congress willingly gave up that power.Oh they're very concerned instead of normally concerned. Whoopee.Yup. But one good thing doesn't offset dozens of **** ups.Exactly. You can tell that he is super desperate right now. The walls are closing in.
Yeah the AUMF for the war on terror was basically the authorization for Perpetual War. Also more than special ops for both sides it's largely become private contractors. The Russians have private security contractors as well. At one point we killed a couple hundred of them in a bombing in Syria and it was like no big deal they aren't the official military.
12-20-2018 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
We're basically not going to have a government for the next 2 years.
12-20-2018 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump
10 minutes after his fence tweet.
12-20-2018 , 09:47 AM
that’d be a pretty good slogan (or at least a t-shirt): “remember the caravans”.
12-20-2018 , 10:18 AM
12-20-2018 , 10:22 AM
RE: Syria and the middle east in general, I'm fairly sure there are no "right" answers and it will be many years down the line before the correctness of any of our actions can be judged, and even then it will be nearly impossible because of all the variables that are outside our control. The issues and the results are always going to be too complex. Therefore, our focus should be on the values we're attempting to reflect and the process we use to make some very difficult and nuanced decisions. On these last points I think it's pretty obvious that Trump is a massive failure by every measure. Even if it turns out that the results of his button-mashing and/or corrupt-to-the-point-of-treasonous decision making are "good" by some definition or another, it's still a total disaster.
12-20-2018 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
RE: Syria and the middle east in general, I'm fairly sure there are no "right" answers and it will be many years down the line before the correctness of any of our actions can be judged, and even then it will be nearly impossible because of all the variables that are outside our control. The issues and the results are always going to be too complex. Therefore, our focus should be on the values we're attempting to reflect and the process we use to make some very difficult and nuanced decisions. On these last points I think it's pretty obvious that Trump is a massive failure by every measure. Even if it turns out that the results of his button-mashing and/or corrupt-to-the-point-of-treasonous decision making are "good" by some definition or another, it's still a total disaster.
When a decision has no obvious answer; on one side you have one of the dumbest people to ever live, standing alone, and on the other side you have nearly every single expert on earth, I am happy to snap go all in with my net worth on the latter.
12-20-2018 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
12-20-2018 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
When a decision has no obvious answer; on one side you have one of the dumbest people to ever live, standing alone, and on the other side you have nearly every single expert on earth, I am happy to snap go all in with my net worth on the latter.
Nearly every single expert on the face of the Earth thinks what now?
12-20-2018 , 11:22 AM

Well that's convenient
12-20-2018 , 11:25 AM
Eh, it’s far enough along now it really doesn’t matter.

I think Trump could have, had he played it right, gotten away with basically everything. Firing Comey and, frankly, not firing Mueller when he had the political capital to get away with it, seem really bad now.
12-20-2018 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Nearly every single expert on the face of the Earth thinks what now?
