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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-20-2018 , 12:28 PM
Hillary sighting. Get ****ed dude
12-20-2018 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
"Progressives" attacking trump to the right, beautiful.

RESIST and bomb Syria!
I do not want to bomb Syria, but I don't want to just retreat either. Like, let's have a plan with a transition.
12-20-2018 , 12:32 PM
All I want for CHRISTMAS The Holidays

12-20-2018 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
Obv the nuance is too much for you

Clearly bombing Syria into oblivion isn’t a great strategy. But the counter strategy of

The president committing treason by abdicating Syria for Russia

Is worse
"Russia" spent 5200$ on google adds and stole Clinton the elections, that's ****in hilarious mate

If you RESIST enough you might get your WWIII
12-20-2018 , 12:34 PM
Sending your kids to war to pwn the Trump.
12-20-2018 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I do not want to bomb Syria, but I don't want to just retreat either. Like, let's have a plan with a transition.
The transition doesn't have to involve the USA, maybe
12-20-2018 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by UsedToBeGood
Yes, let's listen to the same military generals that have had us 18 years in Afghanistan in a war we have now lost, as Taliban control over half the country and we are actively negotiating with them to keep one or two military bases and turn everything back over to them. Or in Iraq, where all the Iraqi police and military are just exterrorists who are willing to change sides because they get paid slightly better, but will go right back to terrorism if that stops. The same generals who get rid of Gaddafi and have turned Libya into a dystopian hellhole that is an excellent breeding ground for terrorists. Or the generals who are refueling and providing strategy to the Saudis so they can commit genocide in Yemen.

We will be in Syria for decades if the generals got there way, because the war is unwinnable.
Why do you think Trump is any better than the generals?
12-20-2018 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
You mean like Cambodia and Irak?
Yes please lecture us on the pitfalls associated with Western imperialism, Dude From France.
12-20-2018 , 12:44 PM

But nothing matters, especially rule of law.
12-20-2018 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I want decisions made about the use of US military forces to be reasoned and made by people who know what they are doing, not by imbeciles like Trump. Removing troops on a whim is just as bad as deploying troops on a whim and rewarding Trump for this move is equivalent to rewarding a someone for picking a random number correctly.
It's really really really not. People would be blown to bits based on this reasoning. Little children.

If Trump mashes buttons and stops detaining or deporting migrant children, I'm still not voting for Trump but I'm not letting his button mashing turn me into a fascist anymore than I'm letting it turn me into a neocon.

And again, you're advocating for guns directly under Trump's command to be in Syria.
12-20-2018 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Yes please lecture us on the pitfalls associated with Western imperialism, Dude From France.
Yeah you're right nevermind, Let's go murica let's keep selling weapons to the Saudis and finish off those Yemenis.
12-20-2018 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
If Trump mashes buttons and stops detaining or deporting migrant children, I'm still not voting for Trump but I'm not letting his button mashing turn me into a fascist anymore than I'm letting it turn me into a neocon.
This would be a lot like if he separated the children, then closed the detention center and left them in the middle of a remote desert to fend for themselves.
12-20-2018 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
Poutin saved Syria and props to Trump for not doubling down on this madness.

Putin saved Assad, not Syria.
12-20-2018 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
Yeah you're right nevermind, Let's go murica let's keep selling weapons to the Saudis and finish off those Yemenis.

Try to stay on topic
12-20-2018 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
This would be a lot like if he separated the children, then closed the detention center and left them in the middle of a remote desert to fend for themselves.
Perfect analogy.

On the surface he is not detaining children anymore so we are suppose to be all happy.
12-20-2018 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Perfect analogy.

On the surface he is not detaining children anymore so we are suppose to be all happy.
Neither of these are correct, which also goes to my point that troops will not be removed.

15000 children are detained now.

There will be troops after the "withdrawal". Maybe more troops. So don't worry.
12-20-2018 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
"Progressives" attacking trump to the right, beautiful.

RESIST and bomb Syria!
Thanks for being on the worst side of the Syria thing right now.

“Bumble **** up in order to maximize as many deaths as possible!”. All of you on this take are being ridiculous. Being against Trump doesn’t mean we half assed the exit of such a situation. It’s a HORRIBLE take. And saying “All War Bad” is not a defense when what YOU are encouraging potentially makes things worse. Jesus, nobody is arguing to stay in Syria. They are arguing not to use the absolutely worst possible strategy to exit. That is an absurdist take right now.
12-20-2018 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Putin saved Assad, not Syria.
Assad got elected by the Syrian people to govern their secular country, amazing huh
12-20-2018 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
This would be a lot like if he separated the children, then closed the detention center and left them in the middle of a remote desert to fend for themselves.
There's a bit of this, yes. But also we are directly arming Al Queda affiliates in Syria. And where we have partnered with good guys, we've explicitly openly stated that it has nothing to do with them being good.

The US should not be running anything in Syria. We can not just not be counted on to support the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria, we can't be counted on not to help the people who want to kill them and in fact we are doing that at the same time.
12-20-2018 , 01:17 PM
And ofc CLOVIS is advocating for the USA military USA#1BOMBSAWAY!
12-20-2018 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Thanks for being on the worst side of the Syria thing right now.

“Bumble **** up in order to maximize as many deaths as possible!”. All of you on this take are being ridiculous. Being against Trump doesn’t mean we half assed the exit of such a situation. It’s a HORRIBLE take. And saying “All War Bad” is not a defense when what YOU are encouraging potentially makes things worse. Jesus, nobody is arguing to stay in Syria. They are arguing not to use the absolutely worst possible strategy to exit. That is an absurdist take right now.
Yeah, pro-Assad sucks, but we half assed our way out of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. But that was better than staying.
12-20-2018 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
And ofc CLOVIS is advocating for the USA military USA#1BOMBSAWAY!
Reductio ad absurdum itt.

See Marskmann’s post.
12-20-2018 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
Assad got elected by the Syrian people to govern their secular country, amazing huh
Yes, he won a totally free and fair election, definitely not a dictatorship.
12-20-2018 , 01:30 PM
And really the clincher is: Trump is in charge of these troops. He's commander in chief. They can't quit or resist like people at the EPA can. Trump may be golfing and campaigning a lot, but he's still there to decide who to ally with and who to bomb.

And y'all want that.
12-20-2018 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
Assad got elected by the Syrian people to govern their secular country, amazing huh

The current al-Assad and his father have been in power since 1970. One has to be dumber than a bag of rocks to believe elections mean anything in a dictatorship.
