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Open carry of guns? Open carry of guns?

01-27-2014 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
The issue Joe is that in some cities such as the one I live in, there is a better chance of me killing or being killed by a stranger in my house than deciding to use my gun to off my wife or child.
I hear you. Protecting my family is my #1 responsibility. That's why I chose to live in a dangerous neighborhood.
01-27-2014 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by lostparadise

We don't have rights in this country, we have privileges. .....
That is exactly correct as the 2nd Amendment is part of the bill of privileges.
01-27-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I hear you. Protecting my family is my #1 responsibility. That's why I chose to live in a dangerous neighborhood.
The city got progressively worse in the last couple years, but yes moving out or selling it is in the near future.
01-27-2014 , 08:26 PM
Shooting your first bad guy is a bigger event than losing your virginity.
01-27-2014 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I hear you. Protecting my family is my #1 responsibility. That's why I chose to live in a dangerous neighborhood.
So you're saying he was asking for it by wearing that skirt living in that neighborhood?
01-27-2014 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
So you're saying he was asking for it by wearing that skirt living in that neighborhood?
This is a clown post, bro.
01-28-2014 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Incase you really cared, Id basically do what zikzak said and turn on the lights, shout I am calling the cops and then call the cops whilst barricading myself and family in a bedroom.

Which is exactly what you should have done even if you have a gun. Anything else is the sucker move.
Lol, you think the cops have a duty to protect you? You are nothing but a sheep if you are not willing to protect yourself.
01-28-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by jonesy11
Lol, you think the cops have a duty to protect you? You are nothing but a sheep if you are not willing to protect yourself.
"Your are a sheep because you believe in facts and science" is a classic gun nutter sentiment.

Who is really the sheep, people like me who aren't afraid of the monster under the bed, or the gut who is scared if his own shadow?
01-28-2014 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
Ya I don't know about you, but I'd feel much safer walking around an area like DC, Chicago, NYC, etc late at night, since those areas have banned guns so there aren't any and therefore there's no chance of getting robbed or murdered.

Def wouldn't want to step foot in some rural area where people own guns/may be open carrying. Cause you know, they can't be trusted and they're probably racists and very likely to shoot me since after all they have a gun, so therefore its pretty imminent.
Lol at no guns in NYC at night. When they ban guns there not gone... It just means only criminals have them.....

01-28-2014 , 11:21 AM
Glad you think so highly of harvard

Massive harvard meta-study found:

Behind the link:
More gun = more homicide (multiple studies)
More guns = more suicide (multiple studies)
Differences in mental health cannot explain more guns = more suicide
Adolescents who commit suicide with a gun use the family gun
Fatality rate for suicide attempts with a gun is much higher than other methods
More guns = more fatal gun accidents
Kids killed in gun accidents are shot by other kids
More guns = more violent deaths to kids
Child firearm suicide more impulsive than by other means
Parents incorrectly believe their kids have not handled the family gun
Infant homicides are not committed with a gun
Unsupervised firearm handling by adolescents often involves shooting a gun
More guns = more female violent deaths (two studies)
Owners of semi-automatic guns are more likely to binge drink than other gun owners
Gun ownership creates external psychic costs (by a margin of more than 3:1 Americans would feel less safe, not safer, as others in their community acquire guns)
It is better to create a safe environment than to rely on educating children not to touch guns
At college more guns = more gun threats
Students with guns at college are more likely to misuse alcohol
Guns are not used millions of time each year in self-defense
Most purported self-defense gun uses are gun uses in escalating arguments and are both socially undesirable and illegal
Firearms are used more often to intimidate intimates than in self-defense
01-28-2014 , 12:18 PM
If you are going to open carry, wouldn't it be more of a deterrent if the gun was more highly visible?

01-28-2014 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Incase you really cared, Id basically do what zikzak said and turn on the lights, shout I am calling the cops and then call the cops whilst barricading myself and family in a bedroom.

Which is exactly what you should have done even if you have a gun. Anything else is the sucker move.
Everything you mention is the correct thing to do, but while your family is barricaded in a bedroom, attempting to scare off the person with a shotgun so they are fearful of coming back to your house is a better play then hiding in a closet while your stuff gets stolen and gives that person incentive to come back.
01-28-2014 , 01:16 PM
Yeah, I dont care, that is why insurance exists.

Edit, also if I had a family I would own a dog and a decent alarm system so I wouldnt be targeted anyway, if you really want to extend the hypothetical.
01-28-2014 , 01:23 PM
I will just go with the high probability that it will not happen way im getting stuck in a 3 year contract over something that more than likely wont ever happen again in my lifetime.
01-28-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
"Your are a sheep because you believe in facts and science" is a classic gun nutter sentiment.

Who is really the sheep, people like me who aren't afraid of the monster under the bed, or the gut who is scared if his own shadow?
You are obviously the sheep, unable and unwilling to protect yourself, defer to calling the police to save you? I hope you never become a victim of crime, for some that is the only way they wake up to the bad people more than willing to do harm to others. It is easy to feel safe in this world when you go for years with nothing bad ever happening to you. That all changes the first time you get mugged, assaulted or otherwise violated.
01-28-2014 , 09:10 PM
I've been assaulted. Having a gun on me would not have made my assault go any better for me. I have no interest in ever carrying a gun.
01-28-2014 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I've been assaulted. Having a gun on me would not have made my assault go any better for me. I have no interest in ever carrying a gun.
OK Shirley, your picture seems to make it evident you may have trouble with coordination of any part of your body, much less being able to handle a weapon.
01-28-2014 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by jonesy11
OK Shirley, your picture seems to make it evident you may have trouble with coordination of any part of your body, much less being able to handle a weapon.
I have shot guns many times.
01-28-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I have shot guns many times.
Squirt guns and rubber bands don't count. You should get a whistle, just blow it if you are attacked and wait for help.
01-29-2014 , 12:14 AM
Calling the police works great. They arrested the man who assaulted me.
01-29-2014 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by darthwager
Lol at no guns in NYC at night. When they ban guns there not gone... It just means only criminals have them.....

Just spitballing here, if a criminal attempts to rob you at gunpoint, you could be safer being unarmed. You wouldn't have the temptation to reach for your weapon (escalating an already tense situation), and forcing the robber's hand. Of course pure monsters are out there who want to commit murder, but most criminals aren't in that camp. The majority of criminals aren't sociopaths (I think they make up something like 20% of the prison population.) Chances are the robber does not want to kill you. People might say "I don't want to take the chance that it is a pure monster that I run into, so I'm packing", but it just might be that thinking that gets you killed.

Last edited by Oroku$aki; 01-29-2014 at 12:26 AM.
01-29-2014 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Calling the police works great. They arrested the man who assaulted me.
+1. They know the usual suspects.
01-29-2014 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Calling the police works great. They arrested the man who assaulted me.
And if he knifes you and kills you they will show up later to collect your body.
01-29-2014 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Just spitballing here, if a criminal attempts to rob you at gunpoint, you could be safer being unarmed. You wouldn't have the temptation to reach for your weapon (escalating an already tense situation), and forcing the robber's hand. Of course pure monsters are out there who want to commit murder, but most criminals aren't in that camp. The majority of criminals aren't sociopaths (I think they make up something like 20% of the prison population.) Chances are the robber does not want to kill you. People might say "I don't want to take the chance that it is a pure monster that I run into, so I'm packing", but it just might be that thinking that gets you killed.
I get that but banning them won't help. AKs lol at trusting the gov empty to let them have them.
01-29-2014 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by OklaHustler
Do I open carry? No...I choose not to, Im not taken back when I see a civillian wearing one. If anything I know for sure that person wearing that gun is a responsibile, trust worthy law abiding citizen that took the steps and meet the standards to do so.
Ha ha ha! Surely you're joking!?! So... if no bad people would wear a gun?!?! Awesome logic.
