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Obama's Face On Flag! = One of the greatest crimes against humanity ever Obama's Face On Flag! = One of the greatest crimes against humanity ever

03-17-2012 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
no, the SCOTUS has on multiple occasions ruled that laws prohibiting flag desecration are unconstitutional.
However now they can just say your flag desecrating provided material support to terrorists.
03-17-2012 , 05:06 AM
Did not know that about the flag being a living thing.

Anybody want to invest in my new fast food chain?
03-17-2012 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by leoslayer
"The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing." Section 8j
I guess you're probably levelling at this point, but in the off-chance you aren't:

Take a look at the Obama flag again.

At what point was that piece of cloth an American flag?
03-17-2012 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by Vecernicek
I guess you're probably levelling at this point, but in the off-chance you aren't:

Take a look at the Obama flag again.

At what point was that piece of cloth an American flag?
Dude, you just don't get it. Let me explain for you.

A flag is magic. It becomes magic when it is made to be a flag, but it is not magic if it is made to be a towel, even though the towel looks exactly like a flag. It is also not magic if it is a bikini or a coffee cup, because those aren't flags.

A flag with gold fringe is still a flag, but it is not a US flag. It represents Dark Magic, and you should file lots of paperwork contesting its legitimacy.

An upside down flag carries deep meaning, unless it doesn't. Sometimes flags just end up that way. When in doubt, accuse people with upside down flags of being anti-American hippies who denigrate naval tradition.

Flag magic diminishes in the absence of light. In order to maintain flag magic, flags flown at night need magic illumination. How the flag featured in the Star Spangled Banner was illuminated is still a subject of debate.

Desecration of a flag is super illegal, somehow, but there is no way you can get into trouble for it.

Burning a flag is super-offensive. This is, like, one of the most absolutely offensive things a person can do to a flag.

The proper way to dispose of a flag is to burn it.

I hope this clears everything up for you!
03-17-2012 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Flag magic diminishes in the absence of light. In order to maintain flag magic, flags flown at night need magic illumination. How the flag featured in the Star Spangled Banner was illuminated is still a subject of debate.
By the rocket's red glare, obv.

Last edited by Trolly McTrollson; 03-17-2012 at 09:38 AM. Reason: bombs bursting in air, too
03-17-2012 , 10:50 AM
Yes, but does the rocket's red glare actually count as a flag code-acceptable form of night lighting?
03-17-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Dude, you just don't get it. Let me explain for you.

A flag is magic. It becomes magic when it is made to be a flag, but it is not magic if it is made to be a towel, even though the towel looks exactly like a flag. It is also not magic if it is a bikini or a coffee cup, because those aren't flags.
Quality post but is seriously lacking on the titty front.

That's why I'm here, though. Thank you for securing my job. NSFW

Last edited by MrWookie; 03-17-2012 at 01:39 PM.
03-17-2012 , 12:47 PM
i sees nip!
03-17-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak

Burning a flag is super-offensive. This is, like, one of the most absolutely offensive things a person can do to a flag.

The proper way to dispose of a flag is to burn it.

I hope this clears everything up for you!
actually burning a flag is not the only way to retire it there are others. and when you retire a flag you have a ceremony and proper procedures.

personally the last time i had to retire my flag i used the scissors and burial method.
03-17-2012 , 04:39 PM
The last time i retired a flag i gave it a gold watch and a pension.

J/K, i binned it because im a rational person.
03-17-2012 , 04:44 PM
what do you mean you binned it? as in you dropped it off where they collect old flags to retire them? they have these bins. they are kinda like salvation army bins.

the vfw, american legion, any recruiting office and i think the boy scouts will take the old flag from you.

or you could retire it yourself it doesnt take a lot of effort.
03-17-2012 , 04:58 PM
damn Brits; binned? Honestly, speak English...

He means he put it in the trash can like a normal human being.
03-17-2012 , 05:03 PM
symbols should be left for the symbol minded
03-17-2012 , 05:05 PM
phil is british? my apologies phil i thought you were an american.
03-17-2012 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What if you have a FLAG on your FACE?!?! Did I just totally blow your mind?

These colors don't RUN! [at least not until I break a sweat waddling back to my car]
03-17-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
The incredibly awesome irony awesomeness is that in the exact same articles they're all like WAS FLUKE A PLANT TO MAKE GOPers LOOK BAD?!?!, they're all like, "AND WE CAN PROVE IT, SHE COHABITATES AND INTERMINGLES WITH THE JEWS, who else would do that but a Bolshevik Jew-lover hell-bent on destroying America!?!?! She *was* a plant sent to make us look bad!!!"
Okay, let's take this one step further and assume, arguendo, that Sandra Fluke was a Democratic plant, inserted just to make the Republicans look bad.

If that were in fact then case, than what does it say about the Repugnicans, that one of their highest elected officials, and perhaps their single greatest ideological leader or greatest influencer, are taken down by a 30 year old law school student asking for insurance coverage for contraceptives?

Really, if that's seriously all it takes for them to look that bad, that says all that needs to be said about their complete and total lack of qualification to actually be in charge of anything, given such rank incompetence to have their entire party brought down by a 30 year old law school student.
03-17-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
symbols should be left for the symbol minded
03-17-2012 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
Okay, let's take this one step further and assume, arguendo, that Sandra Fluke was a Democratic plant, inserted just to make the Republicans look bad.

If that were in fact then case, than what does it say about the Repugnicans, that one of their highest elected officials, and perhaps their single greatest ideological leader or greatest influencer, are taken down by a 30 year old law school student asking for insurance coverage for contraceptives?

Really, if that's seriously all it takes for them to look that bad, that says all that needs to be said about their complete and total lack of qualification to actually be in charge of anything, given such rank incompetence to have their entire party brought down by a 30 year old law school student.
whos our leader?
03-17-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by leoslayer
whos our leader?
A lot of people consider Rushbo to be the right's ideological leader. Certainly, a lot of his listeners do, because they vote as he tells them to do so.

A lot of other people know him to be no more than an oxy addicted huckster, but that doesn't alter the fact that he is looked at as a leader of conservative opinion.
03-17-2012 , 08:19 PM
hes an idiot i dont listen to his show. Although i dont know what either of them have to do with treating the flag with common courtesy and respect.
03-17-2012 , 08:22 PM

[ ] is a defaced American flag
03-17-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by leoslayer
hes an idiot i dont listen to his show. Although i dont know what either of them have to do with treating the flag with common courtesy and respect.
Was it common courtesy and respect when the alleged veterans demanded it get taken down threatening violent confiscation if they didnt do so?
03-17-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage

[ ] is a defaced American flag
exactly. Maybe if the flag had Obama's head surrounded by 13 stars you could make a case that that thing in an American flag, but as is, naaw.
03-17-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Was it common courtesy and respect when the alleged veterans demanded it get taken down threatening violent confiscation if they didnt do so?
sure it was.

and will id have less issue if they had just taken 1 stripe off. no stars and 12 stripes would have sufficed for me.

but you know the message the person who made it and the person who flew it wanted to get across.
03-17-2012 , 09:17 PM
Official United States Flag Code states that if a black man and a flag are involved there must also be a tree.
