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Obama vs W - the frenzy Obama vs W - the frenzy

09-05-2009 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
we were talking about Afghanistan, too. Try to keep up.
I re-read the bottom of the thread all in context and couldn't see anywhere that indicated you were specifically talking about afghanistan.. maybe you could benefit from being clearer, instead of telling people to "catch up" with the thoughts inside your head?
09-05-2009 , 12:45 PM
you're the one who said afghanistan? lol?
09-05-2009 , 12:48 PM
Stop using alan's own words, you're confusing him.
09-05-2009 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by guids
I agree w/ this, we shouldn't have been in there in teh first place, and our piece of **** current president should have pulled everyone out like he said he was going to
Originally Posted by Taso
I don't think Obama said he was going to do that, that's just what all the Obamatrons (lmao, yesss!) wanted to believe. Wishful thinking.
Looks pretty clear in context that we're talking about Iraq. Very few people objected to the war in Afghanistan to begin with.

You'll be pleased to know that you agree with Democratic Senator Feingold: "Feingold to Obama: Announce Withdrawal Timetable from Afghanistan"

No surprise to see the left able to have a debate over the issues. Where were the right wingers on Bush's Iraq quagmire?
09-05-2009 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
Looks pretty clear in context that we're talking about Iraq. Very few people objected to the war in Afghanistan to begin with.

You'll be pleased to know that you agree with Democratic Senator Feingold: "Feingold to Obama: Announce Withdrawal Timetable from Afghanistan"

No surprise to see the left able to have a debate over the issues. Where were the right wingers on Bush's Iraq quagmire?

Alan re-read teh full conversation

you started this whole thing off with:

wow, people simulataneously attacking obama for being in iraq/afghanistan while defending bush's actions ITT

we were most def talking about both wars
09-05-2009 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer

No surprise to see the left able to have a debate over the issues. Where were the right wingers on Bush's Iraq quagmire?
lol where were the left wingers on bush's iraq quagmire AMIRITE
09-05-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by guids
we were most def talking about both wars

I agree w/ this, we shouldn't have been in there in teh first place
So when you say "there" you meant "the middle east". And you objected to the war in Afghanistan in the first place. Give you kudos for the anti-war points, and I gotta take a little away for using "there" to refer to two seperate wars, in countries seperated by over a thousand miles, that started years apart.

All very confusing.
09-05-2009 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
So when you say "there" you meant "the middle east". And you objected to the war in Afghanistan in the first place. Give you kudos for the anti-war points, and I gotta take a little away for using "there" to refer to two seperate wars, in countries seperated by over a thousand miles, that started years apart.

All very confusing.
Yes, sorry, I was against both wars in the first place. this imo, has nothing to do with teh poor people of the middle east, we should have done all of this covertly, and done strategic strikes against these terrorist. and by strategic I mean:

use high level nsa/cia information and send over small teams of executioners, made sure we had the right guys, and off'ed them, making it look like accidents. This whole pick and choose BS only worsens the situation, why go after iraq/afghanistan, when we leave iran and syria alone etc.
09-05-2009 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by guids
use high level nsa/cia information and send over small teams of executioners, made sure we had the right guys, and off'ed them, making it look like accidents. This whole pick and choose BS only worsens the situation, why go after iraq/afghanistan, when we leave iran and syria alone etc.
Yeah, that's a good idea. Israel after the 1972 olympics is the model.
09-05-2009 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
Yeah, that's a good idea. Israel after the 1972 olympics is the model.

this was a terrible show, but these 3 guys tracked a terrorist down quickly, and could have easily poisoned him etc, and no one would have ever have known.
09-06-2009 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
So when you say "there" you meant "the middle east". And you objected to the war in Afghanistan in the first place. Give you kudos for the anti-war points, and I gotta take a little away for using "there" to refer to two seperate wars, in countries seperated by over a thousand miles, that started years apart.

All very confusing.

I'd hate to be nitty, but it was only a year and a half between the two. The way it was related in many people's minds they were almost the same war.

Of course not too many people were against Afganistan. We just got attacked, and we wanted blood. I agree with the covert extraction/execution squad line way more than what we did. I'm not too keen on attacking a country that harbors people, or most of our war/foreign policies in general. Mostly because we are living by double standards (big surprise!). As mentioned before, if we were consistent there'd be many countries we'd have to fight....spreading our forces even thinner than they are, and officially bankrupting us. (Let's play find the US)

I do love the fast withdrawal of troops. A good friend of mine just deployed to Iraq for a year, which will probably end up being 16-18 months. Hopefully they aren't that unlucky. Afghanistan withdrawal won't happen in this term, and I'd be surprised if everyone was out of Iraq during big O's first term.
09-06-2009 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
lol where were the left wingers on bush's iraq quagmire AMIRITE

Vote to authorize use of force in Iraq(from wiki):
126 (61%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
6 of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).
The only Independent Representative voted against the resolution: Rep. Sanders (I-VT)
Reps. Ortiz (D-TX), Roukema (R-NJ), and Stump (R-AZ) did not vote on the resolution.

21 (42%) of 50 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution: Sens. Akaka (D-HI), Bingaman (D-NM), Boxer (D-CA), Byrd (D-WV), Conrad (D-ND), Corzine (D-NJ), Dayton (D-MN), Durbin (D-IL), Feingold (D-WI), Graham (D-FL), Inouye (D-HI), Kennedy (D-MA), Leahy (D-VT), Levin (D-MI), Mikulski (D-MD), Murray (D-WA), Reed (D-RI), Sarbanes (D-MD), Stabenow (D-MI), Wellstone (D-MN), Wyden (D-OR).
1 of 49 Republican Senators voted against the resolution: Sen. Chafee (R-RI).
The only Independent Senator voted against the resoution: Sen. Jeffords (I-VT)

and here:;s_Iraq_Speech
09-07-2009 , 09:32 AM
1. Obama has done what he clearly said he would during the campaign (Focus more on Afghan, including possibly more troops and draw back the troop force in Iraq). No shocker here.

2. No idea where this fake ZOMG WHY ARENT LIBERALS PISSED AT OBAMA crap comes from when the vast majority of Liberals are pissed off at him for it. Perhaps if some of you spent 2 seconds to look at MyDD, DailyKos or OpenLeft you would see that.
09-07-2009 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
2. No idea where this fake ZOMG WHY ARENT LIBERALS PISSED AT OBAMA crap comes from when the vast majority of Liberals are pissed off at him for it. Perhaps if some of you spent 2 seconds to look at MyDD, DailyKos or OpenLeft you would see that.
It's almost as if he said one thing during the election to get votes, and then ignored those things after he was elected. The anti-war left got played just like the "christian right" got played in Bush's second term.
09-07-2009 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
1. Obama has done what he clearly said he would during the campaign (Focus more on Afghan, including possibly more troops and draw back the troop force in Iraq). No shocker here.
This is debatable. I am still waiting for that greater commitment he was going to achieve from our allies. This because Bush's foreign policy supposedly was too heavy handed and offended our allies. How's that Obama velvet touch working out?

Originally Posted by 4 High
2. No idea where this fake ZOMG WHY ARENT LIBERALS PISSED AT OBAMA crap comes from when the vast majority of Liberals are pissed off at him for it. Perhaps if some of you spent 2 seconds to look at MyDD, DailyKos or OpenLeft you would see that.
I don't disagree with you at all. His policy on Iraq and several other things related has been much more reasonable than I might have expected given how nutty the left has become.
09-07-2009 , 04:40 PM
Most people would describe me as a liberal and I think Obama has been terribad so far.
09-07-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
It's almost as if he said one thing during the election to get votes, and then ignored those things after he was elected. The anti-war left got played just like the "christian right" got played in Bush's second term.
Except this didn't happen at all with handling of either war.
09-07-2009 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Except this didn't happen at all with handling of either war.
You're right, he was dead on with the Afgan war. I must have missed the memo that we're getting out of Iraq, instead of having the same number of troops as we've had there all along.
09-07-2009 , 06:35 PM
I think the Christian right got exactly what they thought they were gonna get in Bush's second term.
09-07-2009 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by NeBlis

09-07-2009 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I think the Christian right got exactly what they thought they were gonna get in Bush's second term.
I dunno. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many people I talked to were 1 issue (abortion) voters. As if there was any difference between the two.
09-07-2009 , 06:54 PM
I've completely lost the patience to talk politics with ******s. I used to love it, trying to reason with people and making them come around to libertarian ideas. Now I just have the whole conversation in my head beforehand and decide it isn't worth it.

Unless I'm drunk. Which luckily for the cause is about half the time.
09-08-2009 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Loss Tee
Ok - without getting into any Obama bashing - or Bush bashing (impossible I'm sure) -

I have a general question.

I live in Houston, TX. During the final year(s) of Bush's presidency - there were occasional rumblings - occasionally a snippet about Bush's low approval rating would come up; there were a lot of stories about the woman who's son died in Iraq constantly causing a ruckus (she was pretty much painted as crazy and super wacko - but can't remember her name right now)

We would occasionally hear about this 'liberal' or that 'liberal' calling to impeach W. We had the Dixie Chicks speaking out against W (and still aren't played on Houston radio) - had Springsteen and other celebs speaking out -

And in general - the 'attitude' in Houston seemed to be "what is up with these nutty celebs" - which translated meant "what is up with this extremely vocal minority" (my perception).


Now - I still live in Houston - and as far as the press - it is all about 'tea parties' - 'town halls' - 'EVERYONE is against healthcare' - 'NO ONE wants Obama addressing kids' - 'Obama is blowing it in Afghanistan" - etc etc

So -from my perception - again - living in Texas - it seems America is more pissed off than I've ever seen them in my lifetime (I'm 40).

There seems to be 5x more outrage at the things Obama/dems have done/are trying to do than there ever was during the bush years.

Is that:

A- Generally true across the US
B - A symptom of me living in Houston, TX
C - A symptom of my own ignorance/lack of knowledge

There may be other options as well. What I'm talking about here is PERCEPTION
It's B. I also think him being black amplifies the rage.
09-08-2009 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I've completely lost the patience to talk politics with ******s. I used to love it,
you will be missed .. shoot us a PM once in a while.
