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Obama vs. McCain: General Election Chatter for October #4 (and November) Obama vs. McCain: General Election Chatter for October #4 (and November)

11-01-2008 , 11:45 AM
lol Wookie, that's exactly what i was thinking
11-01-2008 , 11:53 AM
I early voted yesterday in Licking County, Ohio, in Newark, a relatively small, podunk town about an hour west of Columbus. It took three hours. I was amazed, and kind of annoyed.
11-01-2008 , 11:56 AM
Thoughts on PA O+4 Rasmussen, O+8 Morning Call?

Nate's manning the "don't be a little bitch" guns, but this is not exactly what you want to see. Though I suppose if the most panic worthy piece of data is +4 with 500 LV and over 50%, probably in decent shape.
11-01-2008 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bedreviter
Google probably has a very strong bias towards what the main stream media is writing about, no? And people are obviously more likely to google those who are talked about a lot in the media, no?
The media can report something, and the populace may still not give a ****. For example, Biden. He's been the subject of about half as many news stories as Palin, but no one is searching for him. No one cares. He has only 10% of the search traffic that Palin does.
11-01-2008 , 12:02 PM
Comparison between the physiques of Obama and Schwartzenegger

This is posted for amusement only. Someone at Kos put up some comparison photos, as a reply to the Governator's mocking Obama's body. Some of the photos are quite ewww.
11-01-2008 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Thoughts on PA O+4 Rasmussen, O+8 Morning Call?

Nate's manning the "don't be a little bitch" guns, but this is not exactly what you want to see. Though I suppose if the most panic worthy piece of data is +4 with 500 LV and over 50%, probably in decent shape.
Obama has no events planned in PA before election day. I think that pretty much speaks for itself.
11-01-2008 , 12:20 PM
11-01-2008 , 12:35 PM
At the Obama rall right now in Henderson Nevada. Ship it.
11-01-2008 , 12:38 PM
Ship wat? The Kool Aid! OOooooh!!
11-01-2008 , 12:40 PM
Sick burn. Been working on GOTV and canvassing for like a month and a half and this is the first time I didn't have to work during a rally.
11-01-2008 , 12:41 PM
Sick burn. Been working on GOTV and canvassing for like 9 months and this is the first time I didn't have to work during a rally.
11-01-2008 , 12:41 PM
538 commenter says Rasmussen's internals are a little wacked; blacks breaking 80/20, lol.
11-01-2008 , 12:45 PM
That KOS link is a cheap shot...oh wait, Arnold brought the topic up on his own for some reason. Certainly attacking BO's strength.
11-01-2008 , 12:56 PM
Do you think Obama will ship his illegal-alien aunt out of the country if elected?
11-01-2008 , 12:56 PM
I would think that Schwarzenegger would support the Kenyan-born son of Malcolm X. Obama Presidency will pave the way for him to someday run.
11-01-2008 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
No, it's not.

It's full of strawmen, and a host of other logical fallacies, plus it contains an outright denial of history.

For example, their bit on public financing:

Sure. seems. like. the. liberal. media. ignored. it. to me.

This passage was pretty rich:

They make it sound like McCain got a raw deal by being forced into public financing, like Obama tricked him, and then he got stuck with the ****ty system while Obama laughed all the way to the bank. McCain took public financing because he sucked at raising money. If he could raise money at the same clip as Obama, he would have opted out. Instead, he took $84M that he wouldn't have to spend any resources to try and collect, and he still had the RNC's warchest to help him out. Poor lil' Johnny. Likewise, I expect any future Democratic candidates that suck at raising money to take public financing.

Yay strawman, and an argument from ignorance. Had McCain done this, I expect the New York Times would be posting articles about McCain's amazing network of small donors.

The rest of the article is just as bad. It's not worth my time to flatly debunk every section like I did above, but the article is a steaming turd and an insult to logical arguments and writing about reality.
McCain was in a position to only take public finance. He had no choice. Even if he was guaranteed $1 billion would be raised privately, his own record, which he based his campaign on, restricted him from accepting the funds. All the media, bloggers, pundits, etc. would have crucified McCain over his recant of a major policy in his career.
11-01-2008 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bedreviter
Obamas half-aunt is in the US illegally

So I guess an illegal immigrants amnesty is to be expected from President Obama?
ZOMG! Obama has a relative who's black!
11-01-2008 , 01:29 PM
Gallup provides the most kickass numbers of the day: Double digit leads (+11 +10 +10) in all three of their models.
11-01-2008 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
At the Obama rall right now in Henderson Nevada. Ship it.
Where in Henderson was it?
11-01-2008 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by kidpokeher
Where in Henderson was it?
Just talking to my friend at rally. I think he said it was at Corronado HS.
11-01-2008 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Gallup provides the most kickass numbers of the day: Double digit leads (+11 +10 +10) in all three of their models.
As more and more people vote early and tell Gallup that they've already voted, the traditional model is correcting itself to see that it wasn't the correct model to use in the first place.
11-01-2008 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by einbert

How does "Forcing people to obey your "God" under threat of physical harm?" not fit this definition? To me it's crystal clear that it does.
It's not terrorism if your religion is the correct one, LDO.
11-01-2008 , 01:38 PM
Palin, by her own campaign's admission, is woefully unprepared to be president. Her own camp is calling her names like 'whack job'
lol one unnamed source doesn't like her? That's not news.

She has consistently stated she wants VP powers that aren't legal. She doesn't understand the First Amendment, and her comments regarding it suggests she would try to stifle dissent.
Umm... source?
11-01-2008 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bedreviter
Google probably has a very strong bias towards what the main stream media is writing about, no? And people are obviously more likely to google those who are talked about a lot in the media, no?
The root problem is clearly that reality has a well-known liberal bias.
11-01-2008 , 01:40 PM
Palin's 1st amendment opinions have been discussed and cited in the last 100 posts.
