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New coordinated terrorist attack in Paris New coordinated terrorist attack in Paris

11-20-2015 , 12:07 AM
Christians perpetuated a belief system where any act no matter how heinous can be forgiven. The crusades put a special twist on it by demanding heinous acts to have your sins forgiven.

As for the Germans the widespread belief that Jews and the Slavic people were subhuman enabled the atrocities.
11-20-2015 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Christians perpetuated a belief system where any act no matter how heinous can be forgiven. The crusades put a special twist on it by demanding heinous acts to have your sins forgiven.

As for the Germans the widespread belief that Jews and the Slavic people were subhuman enabled the atrocities.
no one gave more. Americans think they won world war 2.
11-20-2015 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Christians perpetuated a belief system where any act no matter how heinous can be forgiven. The crusades put a special twist on it by demanding heinous acts to have your sins forgiven.

As for the Germans the widespread belief that Jews and the Slavic people were subhuman enabled the atrocities.
A small number of Christians perpetuated those beliefs which were enacted by a small number of Christians. Ditto the Germans.

When you meet a German person do you instantly assume their grandparents were card-carrying Nazis who directly oversaw the gassing of Jews? Because the vast majority of them were just going to work every day building Volkswagens and **** so they could feed their kids.
11-20-2015 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
When you meet a German person do you instantly assume their grandparents were card-carrying Nazis who directly oversaw the gassing of Jews? Because the vast majority of them were just going to work every day building Volkswagens and **** so they could feed their kids.
FYI I am German.
11-20-2015 , 12:17 AM
Meh, pretty sure a ton of Christians supported the crusades.
11-20-2015 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by leoslayer
man I already told you this was wrong.

Originally Posted by daca
he's going to link some horrible piece about rape in Sweden and it's not going to be true.

The number of people in Sweden convicted of rape has been steady or falling slightly the last decade or so (and probably further back too).

What has happened is that during the same period they made purchasing sex illegal and focused more on the sexual part with stuff like harassment, so what's called "sex crimes", or something like that, has risen dramatically.
Row 53 (Våldtäkt (1 §)) here (downloads excel workbook)

from the official stats, show you that the number of rape convictions has fallen slightly in the last decade. There are a couple of other rape categories and they've fallen too even though the population has grown.

Row 52 is the overall number of sex crimes (Sexualbrott) and has risen, but would have fallen without the rise in people convicted of purchasing sexual favours (row 66).

Muslim Europeans are overrepresented in the crime stats. in part because they're so young on average, but that's far from the entire explanation. but there is no great crime wave in Europe. Closer to the opposite.

these depressing people are, for whatever reason, lying to you and you're buying it.

Last edited by daca; 11-20-2015 at 12:32 AM.
11-20-2015 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
FYI I am German.
Well I would like to let you know I do not personally hold your immediate ancestors responsible for WWII because odds are they had pretty much nothing to do with it.
11-20-2015 , 12:28 AM
So you hold average Germans blameless for the Holocaust? Anti-semitism was rampant in Germany at the time among regular citizens.

Moderate hateful beliefs often provide the grounds where more violent beliefs and actions can flourish.
11-20-2015 , 12:29 AM
You don't say?
11-20-2015 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
So you hold average Germans blameless for the Holocaust? Anti-semitism was rampant in Germany at the time among regular citizens.

Moderate hateful beliefs often provide the grounds where more violent beliefs and actions can flourish.
Yes, I hold the average German relatively blameless for the Holocaust. I mean, if you want to get into the banality of evil and espouse on a "good men do nothing" rant, OK. Maybe in a perfect world some random German millwright has an existential crises of conscious and single-handedly undermines all the socio-political and economic forces that led to the rise of the Reich.

Back here on planet earth, that dude is less than a pawn who's just trying to figure out how to navigate a world that's gone all crazy and keep his family safe.
11-20-2015 , 12:48 AM
Good stuff this from Zikzak
11-20-2015 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
When you meet a German person do you instantly assume their grandparents were card-carrying Nazis who directly oversaw the gassing of Jews? Because the vast majority of them were just going to work every day building Volkswagens and **** so they could feed their kids.
It doesn't matter because I don't blame anybody for what his father did, but I do make this assumption because by and large it is true. Ordinary Germans knew what was going on, and the majority participated in it actively. Feeding their kids meant murdering and enslaving most of the Ukraine, Belorussia, Poland, etc.

Volkswagen was founded to give the nazi working man a vehicle, and in its early days it used slave labor to build them. Now they just cheat on the computers to poison everybody with pollution.

The fallacy is not supposing that ordinary Germans weren't active nazis. The fallacy is supposing that most of the rest of us would not have done the same (one never knows if he is a coward until the situation presents itself).
11-20-2015 , 03:01 AM
Buying chocolate means enslaving kids in Africa right now.
11-20-2015 , 03:11 AM
general question for those who laugh at christians or "wingnuts" or "conservatards" or 'derp-republicans', etc. for their you ever scoff at specific muslims who are anti-gay or anti-women? I certainly could've missed it, but i'm wondering if you specifically mock them as, say, "muslim-tards"
11-20-2015 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Assad has been way more supported by Russia/USSR than USA. It's not all our fault.
It's probably more 'your fault' for arming the opposition (and not letting the resistance die in a relatively quick fashion), at least that's the blame from that crowd here.
11-20-2015 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by leoslayer
Muslims are often videoed stating they will conquer the west not thru bombs but thru birth rates.
Originally Posted by leoslayer
Do you see women and children in this video or nothing but fighting age males?
Not sure if leoslayer is mixing up two contradictory brands of fearmongering or if he doesnt know how babies are made.
11-20-2015 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Not sure if leoslayer is mixing up two contradictory brands of fearmongering or if he doesnt know how babies are made.
Maybe they're made by stealing our women? Those jihadis are a handsome bunch and women are suckers for a "My family were slaughtered by militant radicals" hard-luck story.
11-20-2015 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by chymechowder
general question for those who laugh at christians or "wingnuts" or "conservatards" or 'derp-republicans', etc. for their you ever scoff at specific muslims who are anti-gay or anti-women? I certainly could've missed it, but i'm wondering if you specifically mock them as, say, "muslim-tards"
Both "muslitard" and "muslimtard" have never been typed on 2+2 before this post, so you have sprung an expert trap, sir. Clearly liberals secretly approve of Muslim gay bashing despite their serious verbiage condemning it.
11-20-2015 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Random aside for the "Islam is the problem" crowd. Can you guys think of any point in history where a huge number of people were singled out as a problem for one characteristic they happened to have in common which hasn't, in hindsight, been shown to be an enormous mistake resulting in the totally inexcusable suffering of the innocent?
For example, point out that no institution historically has done more to protect and facilitate the molestation and rape of children than the Catholic church and demanding that the institution and its members suffer the appropriate legal consequences has not resulted in the totally inexcusable suffering of the innocent.
11-20-2015 , 08:38 AM
Seems like another terror event in Mali now. Islamist fighters took over a Radisson Hotel in Mali's capital. I don't know much about the country, but I imagine there will probably be a lot of French citizens in a high-scale hotel in Bamako.
11-20-2015 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout
Not sure if leoslayer is mixing up two contradictory brands of fearmongering or if he doesnt know how babies are made.
It's unlikely to be the latter because he's done the baby-making act with tons of foreign women, which is how we know he can't be racist.

leoslayer and rastamouse should do the baby-making act together (post op) and breed a super-race of anti-immigrant warriors.
11-20-2015 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by Yuv
Seems like another terror event in Mali now. Islamist fighters took over a Radisson Hotel in Mali's capital. I don't know much about the country, but I imagine there will probably be a lot of French citizens in a high-scale hotel in Bamako.
Here we get to the essence of the problem.
11-20-2015 , 09:04 AM
wtf does that even mean?
Essence of what problem? Are you having a stroke?
Are you an expert on Mali? It's impossible to be an expert on every f'ing conflict.

The best you can do is not pretend to be one.
11-20-2015 , 09:08 AM
11-20-2015 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Random aside for the "Islam is the problem" crowd. Can you guys think of any point in history where a huge number of people were singled out as a problem for one characteristic they happened to have in common which hasn't, in hindsight, been shown to be an enormous mistake resulting in the totally inexcusable suffering of the innocent?
What does this question even mean? The answer is yes, its called all of history? I dont get what you are getting at. How about...right now and how many poor starving innocent brown people the US is killing? We are responsible for that. I doubt "singling us out" for it is likely to lead to MORE suffering and death than the current policy of "pretending we arent responsible and occasionally blaming the guy who used to be President because like its totally not an American problem its just a couple bad apples. I mean most Americans give change to the homeless guy on the corner!"

Anyhow, I'm not a "crowd" I'm a person so I'll only speak for myself, but your conflating of "Islam is the problem" with "I hate Muslims" continues to be embarrassing for you, and you should stop doing it. Muslims arent bad or evil. Islam is bad and evil. Christians arent bad or evil. Christianity is bad and evil. Americans arent bad or evil. America's foreign policy is bad and evil. Hope this clears it up for you. Pretending that Islam isnt bad because Muslims arent bad is really ****ing stupid

And dont make throwaway remarks dismissing "the banality of evil" as if it wasnt the prime source of all suffering in human history. This isnt a video game or a Stephen King book.
