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Nevada Rancher Hilarity: The Tragic Death of Y'All Qaeda's Tarp Man Nevada Rancher Hilarity: The Tragic Death of Y'All Qaeda's Tarp Man

01-29-2016 , 12:32 PM
The conspiritard industry has gotta really hate the shooters being identified as OSP troopers, and not "Feds". Percentage wise, that's gotta be a double-digit decline in future page hits and eventual $$$$ scammed.
01-29-2016 , 12:46 PM
put me down for "there's probably a way to end that confrontation without a death but that's like the 700th worst police shooting in the past year"
01-29-2016 , 12:50 PM

In interviews with The Times, Anderson and two others, including her husband, Sean, conveyed a complicated position: They said they would leave peacefully -- but only if they are assured they will not go to prison.

“Why can’t I get in my vehicle and drive home like I’ve done four other times since I got here?” said Sean Anderson, 47, of Riggins, Idaho, who was at the refuge along with wife Sandy, David Fry, 27, of Ohio and another man, Jeff Banta. “Because I didn’t leave the night they told us to do that? I hope my life and my wife’s life and Dave’s and Jeff’s are worth more than that.”

When a reporter noted that their choice was not necessarily between going free and dying -- that they could yield to law enforcement and the judicial system, as others who left the refuge had -- they rejected the notion.

“We’re asking them just to just drop the charges and we’re willing to go -- and nobody dies,” he said on a video early Wednesday. “But if they’re not willing to do that, we’re all just kind of willing to stay here.”
Lol, don't arrest us and nobody dies, or we're all just kind of willing to stay here. Wtf were these people thinking getting involved in this mess? "Why can't I just leave like I done before? I don't want to go to jail. Why do bad things happen to me?"

Last edited by Oroku$aki; 01-29-2016 at 12:57 PM.
01-29-2016 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
put me down for "there's probably a way to end that confrontation without a death but that's like the 700th worst police shooting in the past year"
Basically this. Any problem with that incident is one endemic to the prevailing system, not particular to those circumstances.
01-29-2016 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki

Lol, don't arrest us and nobody dies, or we're all just kind of willing to stay here. Wtf were these people thinking getting involved in this mess? "Why can't I just leave like I done before? I don't want to go to jail. Why do bad things happen to me?"
yeah, i got a chuckle out of that. bunch of pussies.

every one of their sentences should be extended by 5 years under the just now implemented "ccotenj damn fool statute"*, which states that sentences may be extended indefinitely in cases of being a damn fool.

* if they can make their own gubmint, so can i.
01-29-2016 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki

Lol, don't arrest us and nobody dies, or we're all just kind of willing to stay here. Wtf were these people thinking getting involved in this mess? "Why can't I just leave like I done before? I don't want to go to jail. Why do bad things happen to me?"
Remember, these are the class of people that think poor blacks are overly entitled. "Look all we're asking is to be able to break the law, eat our snacks on your property for a few months, then be done with it, OK, no harm no foul, just let us go OK?"
01-29-2016 , 01:15 PM
Was there ever a rundown of what these guys actually do for a day job? I know there were a few ranchers, the foster child care guy, etc. But seriously, wtf do they do?
01-29-2016 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Remember, these are the class of people that think poor blacks are overly entitled. "Look all we're asking is to be able to break the law, eat our snacks on your property for a few months, then be done with it, OK, no harm no foul, just let us go OK?"
I shouldn't be surprised that they inexplicably assumed they could be involved in this without ending up arrested. "****, we actually have to shoot it out and die for this bs in order to avoid jail? How did this happen? We just wanted to play tough cowboys for few weeks, consequence free."
01-29-2016 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Was there ever a rundown of what these guys actually do for a day job? I know there were a few ranchers, the foster child care guy, etc. But seriously, wtf do they do?
They probably don't have much of a stake in society, they obv aren't worried about throwing their jobs or careers away. Live in mom's basement?
01-29-2016 , 01:36 PM

Made by some doughnut shop in Portland, according to the internet.
01-29-2016 , 01:40 PM
Should have been served impaled on a dildo.
01-29-2016 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
They probably don't have much of a stake in society, they obv aren't worried about throwing their jobs or careers away. Live in mom's basement?
The militants also have their families and jobs to consider. One man is already feeling the consequences of being away from work.

Jason Patrick, hailing from Georgia, said he lost a roofing job with an $80,000 annual salary, benefits and a company truck when he abruptly set out for the standoff. He had already exhausted most of his vacation days for the year attending other so-called Patriot events.
The Constitution is more important.
01-29-2016 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre

Do I understand the boat situation theory correctly?

It can't be bullet holes because Tsarnaev (sp?) could not have escaped so many shots unscathed therefore those holes had to be caused by the three grenades. Some type of magic grenades that have shrapnel flying everywhere ripping holes into the boat but miraculously none of those hit Tsarnaev?
Obviously no, the theory is that nonlethal ordinance was used on the boat and anyone reporting on how there were 108 "bullet" holes either feels it's not worth distinguishing between the two or doesn't realize there's a difference. Don't know where you got three grenades from but there were more than that and not just grenades. They're not magic grenades but actual stun/flash bang/other types that would absolutely rip holes in the boat, would pierce skin at the right angle or at least hurt like hell, but would rarely kill anyone.

Originally Posted by 13ball
That argument is indeed dumb. What kind of non-lethal round pierces the hull of a boat but not human flesh?
Literally all of them. I was wondering what the opposing theory was. It must be either that nonlethal ordinance wouldn't punch bullet-like holes through thin fiberglass, or that everyone reporting on the number of bullet holes in the boat took the time to analyze each one and determine whether it was in fact a bullet hole or damage from the other ordinance used. And if the latter, I guess nobody thought the damage from the other ordinance was interesting enough to report on. Understood now. Everyone thinks nonlethal rounds are as gentle as puppy fur. I can tell you that's not the case, so maybe reevaluate your theories based on this new information.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
This argument seems dumb. D10 is saying the rounds were just non lethal rounds and not standard bullet bullets.

But I don't really know what the larger point is.
The larger point applied before we had all of the information about what happened in Oregon. My argument was that the guy shot and killed must have been an actual threat, because otherwise they would have used nonlethal force to apprehend everyone. It was a corollary to those who were like "It was probably just trigger happy LEOs cause Ferguson or whatever." We got off on this tangent because noodle (or whatever he wants to call himself now) wanted to punch holes in my argument by bringing up how the hour long, carefully executed operation to get the Boston bomber out of the boat alive was actually just a bunch of LEOs unleashing a hail of bullets into the boat. Despite that being not how these things go down, as evidenced by the Oregon video, and despite the video showing the actual tactics used, which include a lot of explosive devices that probably sound like gunshots and leave damage to vehicles like gunshots, and despite an actual play by play of the Boston incident leaking out onto the Internet which mentions the use of flash bangs and stun grenades but never any lethal fire, people still want to cling to the theory that it was all bullets. You're right, it is stupid. In part because it doesn't matter anymore, the Oregon operation went down the way I said it would. But also because the overwhelming evidence points towards the boat full of bullet holes theory to be wrong. I'm not sure how anyone believes that's the more reasonable explanation at this point.
01-29-2016 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Was there ever a rundown of what these guys actually do for a day job? I know there were a few ranchers, the foster child care guy, etc. But seriously, wtf do they do?
You know the people cheering them on are the type to shout 'get a job!' as they drive by a protest for fight for 15 or BLM too.
01-29-2016 , 02:21 PM
Why would anyone ever fire a beanbag round at a boat?
01-29-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Obviously no, the theory is that nonlethal ordinance was used on the boat and anyone reporting on how there were 108 "bullet" holes either feels it's not worth distinguishing between the two or doesn't realize there's a difference. Don't know where you got three grenades from but there were more than that and not just grenades. They're not magic grenades but actual stun/flash bang/other types that would absolutely rip holes in the boat, would pierce skin at the right angle or at least hurt like hell, but would rarely kill anyone.

Literally all of them. I was wondering what the opposing theory was. It must be either that nonlethal ordinance wouldn't punch bullet-like holes through thin fiberglass, or that everyone reporting on the number of bullet holes in the boat took the time to analyze each one and determine whether it was in fact a bullet hole or damage from the other ordinance used. And if the latter, I guess nobody thought the damage from the other ordinance was interesting enough to report on. Understood now. Everyone thinks nonlethal rounds are as gentle as puppy fur. I can tell you that's not the case, so maybe reevaluate your theories based on this new information.

The larger point applied before we had all of the information about what happened in Oregon. My argument was that the guy shot and killed must have been an actual threat, because otherwise they would have used nonlethal force to apprehend everyone. It was a corollary to those who were like "It was probably just trigger happy LEOs cause Ferguson or whatever." We got off on this tangent because noodle (or whatever he wants to call himself now) wanted to punch holes in my argument by bringing up how the hour long, carefully executed operation to get the Boston bomber out of the boat alive was actually just a bunch of LEOs unleashing a hail of bullets into the boat. Despite that being not how these things go down, as evidenced by the Oregon video, and despite the video showing the actual tactics used, which include a lot of explosive devices that probably sound like gunshots and leave damage to vehicles like gunshots, and despite an actual play by play of the Boston incident leaking out onto the Internet which mentions the use of flash bangs and stun grenades but never any lethal fire, people still want to cling to the theory that it was all bullets. You're right, it is stupid. In part because it doesn't matter anymore, the Oregon operation went down the way I said it would. But also because the overwhelming evidence points towards the boat full of bullet holes theory to be wrong. I'm not sure how anyone believes that's the more reasonable explanation at this point.
Just to put this nonsense to rest:

Officials: Boston suspect had no firearm when barrage of bullets hit hiding place

Although police feared he was heavily armed, the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials.

Authorities said they were desperate to capture Dzhokhar Tsarnaev so he could be questioned. The FBI, however, declined to discuss what prompted the gunfire.

Other law enforcement officials said the shooting may have been prompted by the chaos of the moment and some action that led the officers to believe Tsarnaev had fired a weapon or was about to detonate explosives.
So, yes they were bullet holes. Yes, authorities fired live rounds into the boat. Yes, they probably had good reason to do so.
01-29-2016 , 02:27 PM
Tsarnaev was pushing a long, thin object up through the boat covering. The object later turned out to be a fishing gaff, which Tsarnaev may have been trying to use to push up the tarp so he could see out.

But one of the snipers on the roof saw the object and began shooting. It sparked a round of what is known as "contagious fire," where other officers with their fingers on the trigger began peppering the boat with bullets.

The commander began shouting for the officers to cease fire, but the fusillade went on for 10 seconds. Hundreds of rounds were expended.

When the shooting stopped, order was restored. The FBI's hostage rescue team used a robotic arm to pull the wrapping off the boat. Flash grenades thrown at the craft were meant to stun Tsarnaev, and he was urged via bullhorn to surrender.

Tsarnaev ultimately emerged from the boat, wounded and bloodied. He had somehow survived two separate firestorms of bullets in less than 24 hours. Red dots from laser sights appeared all over his body as officers aimed their weapons, safeties off.
Just a grand conspiracy from the media. All you sheeple just buying in.

Probably helped that he was laying next to the engine block. Otherwise those bean bags may have gone right thru him.
01-29-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki

Lol, don't arrest us and nobody dies, or we're all just kind of willing to stay here. Wtf were these people thinking getting involved in this mess? "Why can't I just leave like I done before? I don't want to go to jail. Why do bad things happen to me?"
Sean 'Kill Them!' Anderson already has a considerable criminal record for multiple misdemeanours. The thing they can't stand, as Fry mentioned in his last YouTube address to the planet, is that they now face a felony rap which means they won't be able to own guns any more.
01-29-2016 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Why would anyone ever fire a beanbag round at a boat?
To sink it apparently.
01-29-2016 , 03:12 PM
Joking about beanbags and conspiracy theories despite my posts mentioning neither of those things further reinforces the fact that you have nothing of substance to argue about.
01-29-2016 , 03:19 PM
Well yeah, the facts are settled and you're wrong. We're just laughing at you at this point.
01-29-2016 , 03:25 PM
I'm actually kind of with d10 here. I assume the majority of the "bullet holes" were from non-lethal ordinance and the media using "bullet" as a generic term for "lethal bullet, rubber bullet, and other non lethal ordinance" seems like a totally reasonable possibility.

Edit: Although I can't find any actual evidence of non-lethal ammo being used...
01-29-2016 , 03:25 PM

Hey look, I can claim everything's settled too. Looks like I win and noodles is wrong. Glad it was that easy.
01-29-2016 , 03:29 PM
The threadjack is sucking me in. Wouldn't really real bullets have blasted right through the boat and hit other stuff behind it?

Edit: Unless there's stuff in between the fiberglass that will catch them all like Pokemans. Idk I am not a boatman.
01-29-2016 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I assume the majority of the "bullet holes" were from non-lethal ordinance and the media using "bullet" as a generic term for "lethal bullet, rubber bullet, and other non lethal ordinance" seems like a totally reasonable possibility.
by 'media' here I assume you mean 'the FBI and other LEOs'
