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Nevada Rancher Hilarity: The Tragic Death of Y'All Qaeda's Tarp Man Nevada Rancher Hilarity: The Tragic Death of Y'All Qaeda's Tarp Man

01-03-2016 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by ccotenj
true. but as someone who uses those places, volunteers at them, and donates money to various wildlife organizations, this really pisses me off.

there are times where it's a good thing i'm not king. i'd show these guys a real strong example of "government tyranny".
the hammonds ranch provided a better habitat for wildlife and this data was first suppressed and then suppressed again when found out. but it doesn't piss you off that the govt department responsible for wildlife would do that. in the name of anti-terrorism
01-03-2016 , 02:17 PM
how's the wildlife doing in those burned parts?
01-03-2016 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
how's the wildlife doing on those burned parts?
i would assume better, since it's a centuries old technique...
01-03-2016 , 02:19 PM
Some backward rationalizing going on itt
01-03-2016 , 02:20 PM
maybe millennia.
01-03-2016 , 02:26 PM
Gotta feel sorry for people like Gnarly. It's a big, complex world and its hard to know who to trust, too bad his instincts keep leading him to believe so much stupid stuff and he's not smart enough to suss out the bull****. There's just a big scary government, always growing, doing bad things for mysterious reasons, and then there are the nice white, Christian folks willing to take him by the hand, tell him everything is ok, and show him the Truth.
01-03-2016 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Gotta feel sorry for people like Gnarly. It's a big, complex world and its hard to know who to trust, too bad his instincts keep leading him to believe so much stupid stuff and he's not smart enough to suss out the bull****. There's just a big scary government, always growing, doing bad things for mysterious reasons, and then there are the nice white, Christian folks willing to take him by the hand, tell him everything is ok, and show him the Truth.
nice discussion lol
lol, racist bigot lol

these people are convicted of domestic terrorism without being tried. that's okay!
01-03-2016 , 02:33 PM
Interesting twist in the burdens of proof. His theory that Black Lives Matter is a George Soros real estate pricing scheme(????) needs to get proven wrong, but he just accepts some nonsense version of the Hammond defense. (you also may notice the almost effortless switch between the treatment of the government vis a vis times they kill black people and times they imprison white arsonists)

But OK, Gnarly, I'm with you. But one last question: why? Is the federal government just ****ing with ranchers for the fun of it? Because they love tyranny so much? And now these militia dudes are... going to stop something? Start something? What exactly are they doing that you support?
01-03-2016 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gnarly
the hammonds ranch provided a better habitat for wildlife and this data was first suppressed and then suppressed again when found out. but it doesn't piss you off that the govt department responsible for wildlife would do that. in the name of anti-terrorism
Like they didn't just suppress it once, they suppressed it AGAIN! Dastardly! They did it in the name of anti-terrorism, which, you gotta admit, is pretty clever. Since the domestic terrorism started yesterday, to suppress the wildlife habitat studies twice before that in the name of anti-terrorism was pretty gosh darn prescient by those UN Trilateral Illuminati.
01-03-2016 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Interesting twist in the burdens of proof. His theory that Black Lives Matter is a George Soros real estate pricing scheme(????) needs to get proven wrong, but he just accepts some nonsense version of the Hammond defense. (you also may notice the almost effortless switch between the treatment of the government vis a vis times they kill black people and times they imprison white arsonists)

But OK, Gnarly, I'm with you. But one last question: why? Is the federal government just ****ing with ranchers for the fun of it? Because they love tyranny so much? And now these militia dudes are... going to stop something? Start something? What exactly are they doing that you support?
it's a department of the government. someone wants their land to make money, and they happen to work for the govt. they use the govt, and have failed many times, to try to scare these people into selling their lands, through arresting them multiple times on bogus charges, only to be released when a different department starts to handle it.
01-03-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
#BureauLivesMatter. Drone these clowns.
Haven't read the whole thread yet but would this not be the single greatest Obama FU to the entire RWNJ movement (not that I would generally advocate for this sort of violence)? It would basically eliminate their whole "Obama is a pussy" narrative as well as "Guns protect us from the government!" The use of a drone would just put it over the top. It might also cause Alex Jones's head to explode which would be an added benefit.
01-03-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like they didn't just suppress it once, they suppressed it AGAIN! Dastardly! They did it in the name of anti-terrorism, which, you gotta admit, is pretty clever. Since the domestic terrorism started yesterday, to suppress the wildlife habitat studies twice before that in the name of anti-terrorism was pretty gosh darn prescient by those UN Trilateral Illuminati.
what is satire for 500?
01-03-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gnarly
nice discussion lol
lol, racist bigot lol

these people are convicted of domestic terrorism without being tried. that's okay!
I mean, you can't even get the basic facts right. I really do feel sorry for you. There was a trial, they were convicted. I'm sorry that you don't understand the rules of evidence.
01-03-2016 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
I mean, you can't even get the basic facts right. I really do feel sorry for you. There was a trial, they were convicted. I'm sorry that you don't understand the rules of evidence.
and then the charges were changed to domestic terrorism, when they were tried for arson. fact: they haven't been tried for domestic terrorism, yet, are convicted of it.
01-03-2016 , 02:52 PM
Lot of real estate scams going on, I guess. Gnarly, which specific Land Management employee is behind this? He's been trying to buy the land so I assume the Hammonds know his or her name. A little weird that he or she hasn't gotten into trouble with their bosses if they keep arresting someone on bogus charges that get dropped by "different departments"(????), so like, is their boss in on the scame as well?

My followup question is, though, what does any of that **** have to do with the rightwing militia occupying a wildlife refuge?
01-03-2016 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Lot of real estate scams going on, I guess. Gnarly, which specific Land Management employee is behind this? He's been trying to buy the land so I assume the Hammonds know his or her name. A little weird that he or she hasn't gotten into trouble with their bosses if they keep arresting someone on bogus charges that get dropped by "different departments"(????), so like, is their boss in on the scame as well?

My followup question is, though, what does any of that **** have to do with the rightwing militia occupying a wildlife refuge?
do you even know why they are there in the first place?
01-03-2016 , 03:02 PM
I'm asking you. Is it like, a protest of minimum mandatory sentences? Because that's not what the actual people occupying the land are saying.
01-03-2016 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gnarly
and then the charges were changed to domestic terrorism, when they were tried for arson. fact: they haven't been tried for domestic terrorism, yet, are convicted of it.
Seems like an open-and-shut due process case, huh? Yet oddly, the Hammonds aren't pursing this and no attorneys are lining up to take their case. I wonder why that is. Must be something sinister. I bet George Soros is involved, somehow.
01-03-2016 , 03:10 PM
The Hammonds aren't in the wildlife refuge, they fought their sentences in the criminal justice system and lost.

The Bundy kid who holed up with some of his buddies and tried to make a militia refuge isn't doing it because the Hammonds asked for that. So I'm a little confused as to why we're talking about the Hammonds.
01-03-2016 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Gnarly
and then the charges were changed to domestic terrorism, when they were tried for arson. fact: they haven't been tried for domestic terrorism, yet, are convicted of it.
So you're going to have to provide a cite on the charges being changed, because it sounds to me like the only thing that happened is that they were charged and convicted of arson, but the lower court didn't like the sentencing requirements, found them unconstitutional and sentenced them inappropriately, and when the 9th Circuit looked at the case it reversed the lower courts decision and imposed the proper mandatory minimum.
01-03-2016 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gnarly
and then the charges were changed to domestic terrorism, when they were tried for arson. fact: they haven't been tried for domestic terrorism, yet, are convicted of it.
They were tried for arson under an anti-terror law, they weren't convicted or tried for terrorism. Would you like the difference explained to you?
01-03-2016 , 03:15 PM
The beards thing etc is funny, but it's definitely worth it to stop and consider the reaction these guys are getting compared to the reaction ISIS fighters would be getting if they took the exact same actions.
01-03-2016 , 03:19 PM
I thought this militia **** was a 90's thing. What a bunch of clowns
01-03-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Seems like an open-and-shut due process case, huh? Yet oddly, the Hammonds aren't pursing this and no attorneys are lining up to take their case. I wonder why that is. Must be something sinister. I bet George Soros is involved, somehow.
ol' george, pretty amazing he can keep his finger in so many pies, isn't it?

Originally Posted by goofball
The beards thing etc is funny, but it's definitely worth it to stop and consider the reaction these guys are getting compared to the reaction ISIS fighters would be getting if they took the exact same actions.
if they were isis fighters:

- they would no longer be there, as the federal government wouldn't be treating them with kid gloves. they would be "extricated". note: this group should be getting the same treatment.

- the same people who are supporting the current group would be screaming for us to not only bomb them, but their families, and anyone they might have associated with. then bomb them again to make sure they really get the message.

close enough?
01-03-2016 , 03:48 PM
Just unleash the military on this little boy scout militia club. We could take them all out and not lose a single man.
