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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

06-06-2014 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
The other end of this crazyness is actually worse - I don't have time to find the story but apparently some guy was just arrested for stealing signs honoring victims of the last CT shooting. They stole them because they think the whole thing is a hoax by anti-gun people. You know - they're faking mass shootings, getting people to pretend that their children have been murdered and such just to make people hate guns.

So these people harrass the families who have lost children and call them fakes, deny their kids are dead, etc.
06-06-2014 , 07:17 PM
Sadly, nuts contending that Newtown was a hoax have been around since about a week after it happened.
06-06-2014 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
The other end of this crazyness is actually worse - I don't have time to find the story but apparently some guy was just arrested for stealing signs honoring victims of the last CT shooting. They stole them because they think the whole thing is a hoax by anti-gun people. You know - they're faking mass shootings, getting people to pretend that their children have been murdered and such just to make people hate guns.

So these people harrass the families who have lost children and call them fakes, deny their kids are dead, etc.
Afaict their sleazy methods and actions aren't even necessary. The gun laws, and the type of guns that can be purchased remained the same after Newtown, didn't they? If there was going to be some big cultural shift wrt the gun culture it would have happened already. These clowns already got their way, at least for the next decade or two and a few more Newtowns.
06-06-2014 , 07:39 PM
33BB: are you insinuating that you carry guns into the casino? If not, how is being followed out of the casino relevant to this discussion?
06-06-2014 , 07:44 PM
I'd like to know how is whether or not Huehuecoyotl is a woman relevant to this discussion?
06-06-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
No, they won't. Mass homicides are almost always committed using guns. You happened to cherry-pick the one outlier, which is a terrorist event whose victims aren't classified as standard homicide victims.

If it's so easy to kill a huge number of people however you want whenever you want with any object you can get your hands on, why do mass murderers choose guns almost every single time? How come I haven't heard of any multiple-fatality high school attacks with a 7-iron?
"One outlier"? "Mass murderers choose guns almost every single time"? I guess golf clubs are bad weapons. I hate to break it to you, but all of the worst mass murders in US history have been non-gun.

Worst School Massacre in US history: Bath, Michigan School Massacre. 1927. Murder accomplished with explosives. 44 victims (equal to the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres combined).

Worst Domestic Terrorist Attack in US History: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing. 4/19/95. Murder accomplished with a rental truck full of fertilizer based explosives. 168 dead (including many children in an onsite day care).

Worst Foreign based Terrorist Attack in US History: September 11, 2001 attacks on NYC, PA, Pentagon. Murder accomplished with box cutters and commerical airliners. 2,977 people dead.

"But mass murder only happens in America" they say:

Arson, Stabbing Rampage in Seoul South Korea : 10/20/2008. 6 people dead, 5 from stabbing. 7 others wounded, 4 seriously. An angry man felt people “looked down on him.”

Anti-police stabbing spree in Shanghai, China: 7/2008. 6 Police Officers stabbed to death, 4 wounded. 28 year old man angry at police attacked a police station with a knife.

Akihabara Massacre, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan: 6/8/2008. 7 people killed (3 struck by car, 4 by stabbing), many more injured. Man slammed into a crowd with his car, then jumped out and began stabbing people to death.

Stabbing Spree kills 2, Tsuchiura, Japan: 3/23/2008. 2 killed, 7 wounded. Man “just wanted to kill anyone.”

Stabbing spree wounds 41, 6 seriously in Berlin Train Station: 5/26/2006. 41 wounded, 6 seriously. Thankfully no one died in this attack, but not for lack of trying on the part of the drunk 16 year old.

4 killed in stabbing spree in London, UK: 9/2004. 4 killed, 2 wounded. Mentally ill man attacks mostly older people.

Daegu subway fire, Daegu, South Korea: 2/18/2003. 198 killed, 147 injured. A 56 year old unemployed taxi driver, dissatisfied with his medical treatment, sets fire to a crowded train.

Osaka School Massacre, Osaka Japan: 6/8/2001. 8 children dead, 13 other children and 2 teachers wounded. Committed by 37 year old former janitor armed with a kitchen knife.
06-06-2014 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm not misreading. If somebody was holding a gun to your family until you gave them the assets in your home, why would you not, I dunno, give them the assets they seek?
It would never get to that point.
06-06-2014 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
While I sense your sarcasm, absolutely. I never said everyone has a need to own a gun.
I'm not being sarcastic in the first part, if you are a responsible person (ie it's next to impossible that one of your guns winds up in the hands of a mentally ill 20 year old) then what you do in your house and however you choose to defend your home is mostly none of my business, even if it's the case that the statistics show that having a gun in the house doesn't make you any safer. I don't even have anything against professional gun collectors; in a vacuum, guns are pretty cool. My problem begins with the culture that thinks that any jerkoff has the right to open carry ARs into places where I may shop or eat. It continues with those who think any new minor gun regulation is tantamount to the wholesale repeal of the second amendment, it continues with people who literally don't give a **** about kids being killed by guns, "I know it's harsh, but dead kids have nothing to do with my constitutional rights" (Joe the Plumber).
06-06-2014 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
33BB: are you insinuating that you carry guns into the casino? If not, how is being followed out of the casino relevant to this discussion?
Yes, I do.
06-06-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Yes, I do.
Ask for an escort, jeepers.
06-06-2014 , 08:25 PM
I like how Fly already pointed out that you're afraid for like the third time, and acknowledges that you're too proud to admit it:

Originally Posted by FlyWf
So 33BB, are we back to you saying you're scared, or is that still not OK for me to say. Or is it always something you can say about yourself, but I'm never allowed to mention it without it being a personal attack? Because now I think the argument is that you need to be able to buy military grade hardware, on demand, with absolutely no sort of psychological profiling, because there are videos on the internet of fistfights.
And you're like no, me? Of course not:

Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Scammed by fear? No, I thoroughly enjoy competition and adrenaline. I'm too beat up to race motocross anymore, so between poker and competitive shooting I get all the competition and adrenaline I want. I defend gun ownership because a gun doesn't shoot itself, and owning one doesn't turn you into a murderous psychopath, despite what you think. Another contributing factor that guns are also a great tool for self defense, and I happen to really like living. You can hate on my decision to be a gun owner and gun rights supporter all you want, it ain't gonna change my mind, homie.
Then later in the afternoon you forget you said you aren't afraid and say that you're afraid of this happening:

Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
C'mon, you're joking right?

Being followed home from a casino, victim of armed burglary, beaten with a gun, and forced to give them everything he has or "they'd have executed him".
So you're scared, but you're too scared to admit it? Are you ashamed of your fear?
06-06-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by smrk2
I'm not being sarcastic in the first part, if you are a responsible person (ie it's next to impossible that one of your guns winds up in the hands of a mentally ill 20 year old) then what you do in your house and however you choose to defend your home is mostly none of my business, even if it's the case that the statistics show that having a gun in the house doesn't make you any safer. I don't even have anything against professional gun collectors; in a vacuum, guns are pretty cool. My problem begins with the culture that thinks that any jerkoff has the right to open carry ARs into places where I may shop or eat. It continues with those who think any new minor gun regulation is tantamount to the wholesale repeal of the second amendment, it continues with people who literally don't give a **** about kids being killed by guns, "I know it's harsh, but dead kids have nothing to do with my constitutional rights" (Joe the Plumber).
Thank you for at least seeing the middle ground. I wholeheartedly agree that not everyone should own a gun, especially if they are going to do nonsense like open carry rifles into Chipotle.

While I teeter on the side of not everyone should own a gun, I cannot side with those seeking to have government intervention. I would much rather prefer gun shop owners, or those selling guns to others also to be held somewhat responsible for the gun crimes that one commits. That way there is an incentive for people to NOT sell to someone they think may harm others.

Perfect example: I was in a gun shop local to me a couple weekends ago when a guy walked in (he later admitted to the store owner that he was on disability because he was manic depressive/ bi-polar disorder). He came in with an AR-15 rifle completely disassembled, and asked the resident gunsmith to assemble the gun for him. As we are all talking, he and I both notice that this guy is acting very strange. We ask him why he is acting the way he is, he admits his disorders, and we both look at each other. The gunsmith immediately turns around, acts like he needed to get something from the back, and called the cops. Cops show up, gunsmith hands them the still disassembled rifle and they take the guy outside to talk to him. Nothing wound up happening to the MD/BP guy as he was not breaking any law, but I have sent plenty of business his way because of the way they handled the situation. No responsible gun owner wants to have someone else ruin a sport or pastime they love.
06-06-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
I like how Fly already pointed out that you're afraid for like the third time, and acknowledges that you're too proud to admit it:

And you're like no, me? Of course not:

Then later in the afternoon you forget you said you aren't afraid and say that you're afraid of this happening:

So you're scared, but you're too scared to admit it? Are you ashamed of your fear?
Being prepared and scared are two totally different things.

Can I be followed home again? Yes.
Am I scared it will happen? No.
Am I prepared if it does? Yes.

Pretty simple, I am surprised you guys, in all your wisdom, cannot grasp that there can be two different responses for one situation.
06-06-2014 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by smrk2
Ask for an escort, jeepers.
Lol, an escort on my hour drive home from the casino. Gotcha bro, I'll get right on that.

Just so I know the right questions to ask, how do I make sure this escort isn't tipping off his buddies parked down the street that I just had a huge score?

I only ask because that is exactly what happened at Sarasota Kennel Club, which is pretty close to where I live.
06-06-2014 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Thank you for at least seeing the middle ground. I wholeheartedly agree that not everyone should own a gun, especially if they are going to do nonsense like open carry rifles into Chipotle.

While I teeter on the side of not everyone should own a gun, I cannot side with those seeking to have government intervention. I would much rather prefer gun shop owners, or those selling guns to others also to be held somewhat responsible for the gun crimes that one commits. That way there is an incentive for people to NOT sell to someone they think may harm others.

Perfect example: I was in a gun shop local to me a couple weekends ago when a guy walked in (he later admitted to the store owner that he was on disability because he was manic depressive/ bi-polar disorder). He came in with an AR-15 rifle completely disassembled, and asked the resident gunsmith to assemble the gun for him. As we are all talking, he and I both notice that this guy is acting very strange. We ask him why he is acting the way he is, he admits his disorders, and we both look at each other. The gunsmith immediately turns around, acts like he needed to get something from the back, and called the cops. Cops show up, gunsmith hands them the still disassembled rifle and they take the guy outside to talk to him. Nothing wound up happening to the MD/BP guy as he was not breaking any law, but I have sent plenty of business his way because of the way they handled the situation. No responsible gun owner wants to have someone else ruin a sport or pastime they love.
Guy was probably on SSRI's. Or was off them, or something.

Oh snap! He admitted his disorders?
06-06-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Being prepared and scared are two totally different things.

Can I be followed home again? Yes.
Am I scared it will happen? No.
Am I prepared if it does? Yes.

Pretty simple, I am surprised you guys, in all your wisdom, cannot grasp that there can be two different responses for one situation.
No no, you're a scaredy cat. Are you ashamed of your fear?
06-06-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
I'd like to know how is whether or not Huehuecoyotl is a woman relevant to this discussion?

There's nothing worse than calling a woman sir or man. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't offending anyone by not making sure.

Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I do like how someone telling about the increased probability of household members being shot is 'just some guy on the Internet'
06-06-2014 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Being prepared and scared are two totally different things.

Can I be followed home again? Yes.
Am I scared it will happen? Yes.
Am I prepared if it does? Yes.

Pretty simple, I am surprised you guys, in all your wisdom, cannot grasp that there can be two different responses for one situation.
You had the wrong word in the middle. I fixed it.
06-06-2014 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Guy was probably on SSRI's. Or was off them, or something.

Oh snap! He admitted his disorders?
Don't know, not my business. Yes, first he admitted he was on ssi, we asked why because he looked physically fine to work, and he admitted to being diagnosed MD/BP.
06-06-2014 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Lol, an escort on my hour drive home from the casino. Gotcha bro, I'll get right on that.

Just so I know the right questions to ask, how do I make sure this escort isn't tipping off his buddies parked down the street that I just had a huge score?
I misunderstood, I momentarily thought it had gotten to the point where you can now bring a gun into your casino if you have a permit; so I meant get an escort to get to your car if you feel you could get jumped in the parking lot.
06-06-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
No no, you're a scaredy cat. Are you ashamed of your fear?
There is not a day that goes by that I live in fear, except when I am in the rougher parts of Kingston, those ****ers are crazy. They will kill you for your shoes and not blink an eye.
06-06-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
There's nothing worse than calling a woman sir or man. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't offending anyone by not making sure.
06-06-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
Don't know, not my business. Yes, first he admitted he was on ssi, we asked why because he looked physically fine to work, and he admitted to being diagnosed MD/BP.
Ya, bizarre eh? What's with that? If he looked physically fine to work why would he be on those things? Strange.
06-06-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by smrk2
I misunderstood, I momentarily thought it had gotten to the point where you can now bring a gun into your casino if you have a permit; so I meant get an escort to get to your car if you feel you could get jumped in the parking lot.
It is perfectly legal to carry into a Florida casino with a CWP. While it is their business, their rules, and they can ask you to leave or trespass you, as long as your firearm is concealed, they will never know.
06-06-2014 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by 33 Big Blinds
There is not a day that goes by that I live in fear, except when I am in the rougher parts of Kingston, those ****ers are crazy. They will kill you for your shoes and not blink an eye.
Yaa, thou doth protest too much.
