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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

01-09-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Gun ownership has to do with your ability to defend yourself, not your right. You have a right to gun ownership based on the 2nd amendment. Taking away the 2nd amendment would not take away your right to defend yourself. It would change how you are able to defend yourself. But in that case just get a taser or something.
Of course it wouldn't. But it would take away one's right to defend themselves with a gun, which is what this thread is all about.
01-09-2013 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Of course it wouldn't. But it would take away one's right to defend themselves with arms, which is what this thread is all about.
Why cant I own an ICBM, the constitution says I have a right to it
01-09-2013 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Of course it wouldn't. But it would take away one's right to defend themselves with a gun, which is what this thread is all about.
Would all them chitlins be alive today if'n that school had a trained guard armed with a taser?

Interesting alternative to the NRA line.
01-09-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by surftheiop
This is so key.

I'm not allowed to own an ICBM to protect myself from North Korea, but that doesn't mean my right to self defense has in anyway been suppressed.
tell that to a the lady who just had her house broken into and used a gun to stop him. Take away guns from people and the bigger and more brutal people take advantage of the smaller more defenseless people. This is why England's violent crime is so much higher than ours. It's not just a little bit higher, it's multiple times higher.
01-09-2013 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by anilyzer
Sure. Just like Donald Trump and the "birthers" are also not taken seriously by any "serious conservatives."

And just like Glenn Beck and his maniacal theories aren't taken seriously by any "serious conservatives."

And just like Pat Robertson and the extreme xtian fundamentalists aren't taken at face value by "serious conservatives."

Yet we all know that Romney appeared at numerous campaign events with Trump, and now it comes to light that Freedom Works was paying at least a million a year to Glenn Beck to repeat their talking points on the air, and that Limbaugh and others were also paid to talk/puppet.

And it is of course patently obvious that the emotional pastiche called the "Conservative Movement" consists largely of the aggregate of all these crazies: racists, conspiracy people, scared oldies, future shock illiterates, time-cripples driving cabs or watching daytime TV, religious zealots, bored alienated drug addled young people who had racist parents and just find that all the energy and anger coming through the radio is kind of stimulating (see also: The Joy of Hate, Gutfeld, G.), as well as those who have no understanding of politics, but live in areas of America where it is just not considered polite to question traditional Republican conservatism or even to think very hard about politics, period.

So "the conservative movement" is constantly pushing all this stuff out there through hubs such as Drudgereport, and then guys like Rove try to pull it all together come election time, because "hey guys, one thing we can all agree on is that gay marriage is totally unnatural, and that we would never vote for an N-word. Also, none of us have vaginas, so outlawing birth control and abortion in the abstract seem sensible to us. Also, since we have no idea about how the world works, completely deregulating corporations and dropping their taxes to zero so that they can outsource all American jobs also makes sense, because [gun control, birth certificate, Nancy Pelosi is a bitch, Sandra Fluke is a whore, commies!, Russians, Chinese, A-rabbs, what the heck is this country coming to]."

Right? I mean who here doesn't know what the conservative talk radio people are spewing everyday?

Oh, but if it's time for a debate, then you roll out a "serious conservative" like George Will or Newt Gingrich who carefully dances around all the sore spots and says that "conservatism" means reason and moderation and responsibility. But not one of those "serious" conservatives ever directly questions or contradicts the right-wing-talkosphere, ever. EVER. William Kristol muttered a few things and then was immediately spanked and apologized.

If you'll notice, even ROMNEY was careful to never say anything to alienate the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, the secessionists, the birthers, the "rapture" folks, anybody. Meanwhile the supposedly principled xtian fundamentalists were courteous enough to vote for and endorse a candidate of a different religion, one which has been regarded as sheer heresy in Christendom for 150 years, just for a chance to regain the White House.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm just enjoying the show. Trust me when I say that I want to see much, much more of this ****. Believe me I will tune in to Limbaugh tomorrow just to see what he comes up with. He's like the Liberace of conservative talk radio, with that BEAUTIFUL sonorous overbite, and that fabulous basso profundo. He is, truly, a national treasure. More. Give me MORE!!! I demand it.
Great post. The bolded is disturbing.
01-09-2013 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
So we have to have a detailed description that satisfies you of what we would do with an item that never is used to murder someone so we can try and keep it legal to own? Who cares what we so with it. We're not murdering people with it and no one is for that matter.
Dude, turn your angry gun owner frown upside down. It was a question to pvn. Nothing more, nothing less.
01-09-2013 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
tell that to a the lady who just had her house broken into and used a gun to stop him. Take away guns from people and the bigger and more brutal people take advantage of the smaller more defenseless people. This is why England's violent crime is so much higher than ours. It's not just a little bit higher, it's multiple times higher.
From a epidemiological standpoint this isnt true. Having a gun in the house makes women more likely to die from domestic violence.

Men and women commit acts of violence towards each other at roughly the same rate, men however are vastly more likely to utilize deadlier weapons such as guns/knives when acting.

So if you want to protect the weaker, you take away guns from the stronger.
01-09-2013 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
tell that to a the lady who just had her house broken into and used a gun to stop him. Take away guns from people and the bigger and more brutal people take advantage of the smaller more defenseless people. This is why England's violent crime is so much higher than ours. It's not just a little bit higher, it's multiple times higher.
What about homicide rates?
01-09-2013 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by surftheiop
What about homicide rates?
We ignore that.
01-09-2013 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by surftheiop
From a epidemiological standpoint this isnt true. Having a gun in the house makes women more likely to die from domestic violence.

Men and women commit acts of violence towards each other at roughly the same rate, men however are vastly more likely to utilize deadlier weapons such as guns/knives when acting.

So if you want to protect the weaker, you take away guns from the stronger.
To protect the weak we must take away what will protect them?
01-09-2013 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
We ignore that.
Homicide is slightly higher but violent crime is through the roof. Doesn't seem like a great trade off.
01-09-2013 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
To protect the weak we must take away what will protect them?
We take away the things that will kill them the quickest and most reliably, real world data about domestic violence isn't on your side here, so its probably best for you to move along to a different topic.
01-09-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
tell that to a the lady who just had her house broken into and used a gun to stop him. Take away guns from people and the bigger and more brutal people take advantage of the smaller more defenseless people. This is why England's violent crime is so much higher than ours. It's not just a little bit higher, it's multiple times higher.
This works both ways, lone, unfit, teenage druggies are enabled to commit crime against multiple adult men.
01-09-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
Homicide is slightly higher but violent crime is through the roof. Doesn't seem like a great trade off.
I dont know much about britian, this would be a good chance for me to learn and not sure whats considered the go to source for british stats.

What are the violent crime and homicide stats for each country? Suicide is also relevant so if you have a source with that grab those numbers too
01-09-2013 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by surftheiop
We take away the things that will kill them the quickest and most reliably, real world data about domestic violence isn't on your side here, so its probably best for you to move along to a different topic.
Just a few days ago a guy broke into a ladies house and she shot him and stopped him. With out the gun who know what he does. This happens all the time. Shows in England where violent crimes are 3 or 4 times ours while homicide is slightly lower than ours. Of course the only thing in the world that matters is murders from guns.
01-09-2013 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
Just a few days ago a guy broke into a ladies house and she shot him and stopped him. With out the gun who know what he does. This happens all the time. Shows in England where violent crimes are 3 or 4 times ours while homicide is slightly lower than ours. Of course the only thing in the world that matters is murders from guns.
Like I said before I dont know much about international crime so this would be an interesting learning experience for me. If your willing to grab the statistics from a reliable source I'd enjoy to have a discussion about them and see what we find.

For comparison, lets get the statistics from the 5 western countries most similar to the US in terms of GDP/capita. Lets look at violent crime, homicide, suicide and gun ownership rate.

(I added western so people arent freaking out over Japan)
01-09-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Dude, turn your angry gun owner frown upside down. It was a question to pvn. Nothing more, nothing less.
I mean was it just a genuinely curious question about my personal preferences? I don't really have any desire to own a .50 cal.
01-09-2013 , 05:44 PM
Homicide rate in UK is like 4x that of the US IIRC.
01-09-2013 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by surftheiop
Like I said before I dont know much about international crime so this would be an interesting learning experience for me. If your willing to grab the statistics from a reliable source I'd enjoy to have a discussion about them and see what we find.

For comparison, lets get the statistics from the 5 western countries most similar to the US in terms of GDP/capita. Lets look at violent crime, homicide, suicide and gun ownership rate.

(I added western so people arent freaking out over Japan)
Im genuinely interested in having a discussion about these international crime stats, but I dont want to take the time to gather all of them if its just going to get buried in the mire after 10 minutes. Would it be allowable to start a new thread about this?
01-09-2013 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Don't remember anyone making that argument. Forget guns entirely. Please just explain your opinion on what the government should do about a deadly weapon that claimed the lives of 496 people in one year. Surely there must be some way to eliminate or reduce death by hammer if the government put their mind to it, right? Why can't you explain the moral principle behind your desire to ban or restrict one deadly weapon but not another?
Yeah, does this cover high power long range high capacity hammers that can smash 20 people's skulls in from a distance of 300 yards in less than ten seconds?

I mean, a gun really isn't that different from a hammer. You could say it brings the power of the mighty hammer to everyone's flabby little index finger.
01-09-2013 , 05:51 PM
Hendricks directly comparing violent crime stats is almost as bad as the per capita slip up well ago. Its a matter of classification, reporting and policing more then actual violence.

If you get arrested in the UK for threats/racial slurs over twitter is it a violent crime by their standards? I'd bet it is, but not sure.

Even if you accept that the standards of violent crime, rate of arrest, policing strategies (no huge war on drugs thus more arrests for actual criminals, which most pro gun people like, but hendricks apparently hates) the rate of violent crime is basically the inverse of homicides in uk v us. Fine trade off imo
01-09-2013 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Hendricks directly comparing violent crime stats is almost as bad as the per capita slip up well ago. Its a matter of classification, reporting and policing more then actual violence.

If you get arrested in the UK for threats/racial slurs over twitter is it a violent crime by their standards? I'd bet it is, but not sure.

Even if you accept that the standards of violent crime, rate of arrest, policing strategies (no huge war on drugs thus more arrests for actual criminals, which most pro gun people like, but hendricks apparently hates) the rate of violent crime is basically the inverse of homicides in uk v us. Fine trade off imo
wait is this really the same guy?

I want to make a new rule that you have to have made a B or higher in a college statistics class (that included regression) before posting any statistic in any thread ever on 2+2
01-09-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
I mean was it just a genuinely curious question about my personal preferences? I don't really have any desire to own a .50 cal.
Yes. It was a curious question to what you'd do with one.

I am not an antigun guy... I have some reservations with firearms, but I am not rushing off to get them banned or anything.
01-09-2013 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Deal_me_In
Stop being lazy and go read what the people who wrote it had to say about it. I swear you guys want everything handed to you on a platter.
I read the entire thing, and was excited to learn. There is nothing interesting or new with anything he wrote.

1. He assumes things at the outset that are at the very least highly debatable (the only reliable way for one person to stop a man with a knife is to shoot him-when discussing school stabbings in china.)

2. You have said there is math and logic in this article, can you please point me to any of it? He makes arguments such as assault weapons bans wouldn't save many lives (which I agree with) as why he is against it and then says further restrictions are politically untenable at this point (which I agree with) but I dont know what that proves other than that we have society that values guns over human lives.

3. He never deals with the core argument that more guns=more crimes in even the slightest substantive way (hint- he can't because its literally not possible so far with any research put forward)

4. He says for the purpose of saving lives we should not focus on mass shootings (which I again in general agree with) but then talks about enlisting 100,000 armed guards introducing a gun into the school environment of 55 million young americans. (so even if these guards do positively stop school shootings, they could very easily be a net negative).

So he frames an argument that he is never going to lose because he makes the pretty uncontroversial conclusion that regulation that does not effectively control guns in america (assault weapons bans) will not lower the crime rate. well good i agree and so do most gun control advocates.

conservatives love to talk about how we should let states handle every problem from healthcare to education because it is this great experiment lab where we can figure out what is working, but will do every single thing they can to ignore any examples we can learn from other industrialized nation where they have managed to lower healthcare costs or limit gun violence, its such an obvious absurd viewpoint. im not even saying conservatism as a political philosophy does not have a lot of merits because i believe it does over a range of issues, but the way that every argument is made by conservative media to appeal to the base is so infuriatingly illogical.
