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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

01-09-2013 , 01:58 PM
President might use executive order:

I say do it, he doesn't have the stones to go this route.
01-09-2013 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
That's a massive question. Short answer is something about the social issues and poverty.

Yes, but a city cannot effectively control the amount of guns in their city when the rest of the country could not care less about stopping gun violence. It's just functionally impossible. It has to be a national policy imo.
Nice wording. The rest of the country couldn't care less about stopping gun violence? It still doesn't explain why Chicago has some of the Highest gun and crime in general despite not allowing the ownership of handguns. Surely there are less guns in the city then other big cities which would at least mean less crime. Same with DC, no?

The Supreme Court ruled recently that Chicago's gun laws were unconstitutional so there's that too.
01-09-2013 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
ok, if .50 cals are banned how much will "gun violence" decrease IYO?
Originally Posted by General Tsao
curious - what's the actual number we should expect for the decrease?
this is the dumbest tactic you guys you ITT, yet it happens at least once per 100 posts. are you guys just after my jimmies or what?
01-09-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
President might use executive order:

I say do it, he doesn't have the stones to go this route.
That could get really ugly. A lot of people will flip out. The President using an Executive Order to try and disarm the American people? Yikes.
01-09-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by skinner3
Shooting practice fundamentally means practicing to kill.
How many Olympic sports are using assault rifles? They all use bolt action or single shot weapons, modern pentathlon uses laser pistols.
The definition of "sport" isn't limited to the Olympics. Plenty of people use AR-15 style rifles in shooting competitions.

01-09-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
this is the dumbest tactic you guys you ITT, yet it happens at least once per 100 posts. are you guys just after my jimmies or what?
The fact is the number is most likely a literal zero. If you are just so passionate about reducing gun violence then why do you want to take measures that don't reduce it what so ever? Seems there is more to it then just wanting to reduce gun violence.
01-09-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
this is the dumbest tactic you guys you ITT, yet it happens at least once per 100 posts. are you guys just after my jimmies or what?
What's dumb about it? Doing it has a cost in political capital. He says his goal is to reduce X, I think it's completely legitimate to ask him to quantify how effective this particular tactic is going to be in working towards that goal.
01-09-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
That could get really ugly. A lot of people will flip out. The President using an Executive Order to try and disarm the American people? Yikes.
Let's be honest, people are going to flip out no matter what route is taken (if any). Most people have no clue what an executive order is, and even if its a standard bill, people would still blame it all on Obama.
01-09-2013 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by skinner3
When you intentionally shoot someone with a lethal weapon it still means killing, even if you interpritate it as self defense.
Term assault weapon is pretty much open for various interpretations with varying requirements, but in all of them the core is ability to use detachable magazines.
Self defense changes things drastically. Don't pretend that all killing is equal. Using a gun to kill Someone in self defense because I'm fearful of my life is not the same as someone using a gun to murder a random innocent person. I'm a smaller person, 5'8" 155, I'm just **** out of luck if someone is bigger and stronger and wants to attack, rob, rape, kill me? I have no right to defend myself? Guess I should get in the rape whistle business if a ban goes through.

Also that definition of an assault weapon is pretty funny. I would guess that you are one of the only people to describe an "assault weapon" that way. Maybe Feinstein too.
01-09-2013 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
What's dumb about it? Doing it has a cost in political capital. He says his goal is to reduce X, I think it's completely legitimate to ask him to quantify how effective this particular tactic is going to be in working towards that goal.
it's dumb b/c nobody here is able to answer the question, which I guess is why it keeps getting asked? I dunno. its not a gotcha of any kind tho
01-09-2013 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
The fact is the number is most likely a literal zero. If you are just so passionate about reducing gun violence then why do you want to take measures that don't reduce it what so ever? Seems there is more to it then just wanting to reduce gun violence.
How many actual criminals does CC protect you from? It seems if you were actually concerned with stopping crime you'd be shooting actual criminals instead of merely carrying a gun. Unless you used a thing called foresight and believed that carrying a gun could protect you from criminals in spite of you actually not shooting anyone. Crazy.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using 2+2 Forums
01-09-2013 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
curious - what's the actual number we should expect for the decrease?
No idea.

Originally Posted by pvn
There's a huge disconnect here. I mean I get that the easiest tactic is to just paint everyone who opposes what you want as "unreasonable" but if we take you at your word and assume your goal is to reduce gun violence, then why would any "reasonable" legislation towards that goal include banning things that have zero impact on gun violence?
Because legislation works that way. The language of the law would likely cover those guns.

I am not painting everyone as unreasonable. I was not even painting you as unreasonable. I'm just saying that you treat everyone like they have no idea about your debate style. Just get to the point and stop being so incredulous.

Originally Posted by raradevils
So people that want an in-line muzzle loader to hunt deer or elk with can't own one because you feel threatened?
Safety >>> hunting


Originally Posted by Hendricks433
This seems more like a spiteful desire to ban guns rather than a genuine desire to reduce gun violence.

Is it equally important to limit violent crime or strictly gun violence?
Attempts to limit overall crime are important too. I think a healthy social safety net is extremely important. Plus education and a bunch of other things that don't really matter in this thread.

Originally Posted by Hendricks433
Nice wording. The rest of the country couldn't care less about stopping gun violence? It still doesn't explain why Chicago has some of the Highest gun and crime in general despite not allowing the ownership of handguns. Surely there are less guns in the city then other big cities which would at least mean less crime. Same with DC, no?
I was wrong. Most of the country does, at this moment, want increased gun control. A large minority could not care less about gun violence.

People legally purchase guns and then illegally take them into the city. The city of Chicago does not have customs agents inspecting every car as the enter the city. I don't know why this is supposed to be a point in favor of guns rights activists. It is beyond obvious that a city cannot fight guns when they are so easily bought and brought in less than 50 miles away.

The Supreme Court ruled recently that Chicago's gun laws were unconstitutional so there's that too.
We just need better justices.
01-09-2013 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
it's dumb b/c nobody here is able to answer the question, which I guess is why it keeps getting asked? I dunno. its not a gotcha of any kind tho
But people are able to determine how much gun violence is committed with .50 cal rifles vs. other types of guns, aren't they?
01-09-2013 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Sent from my DROID RAZR using 2+2 Forums
01-09-2013 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Because legislation works that way. The language of the law would likely cover those guns.
Well what do you think the language is going to look like?
01-09-2013 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Well what do you think the language is going to look like?
To "get to the point" here you obviously have some sort of preferred pseudobill in your head that you'd like to champion. What is the criteria for banning with the goal of reducing gun violence that you're imagining which results in guns that have literally zero use in violent crime get swept up? And why do you find this reasonable given that your stated, overt goal is limited to reducing gun violence?
01-09-2013 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Well what do you think the language is going to look like?
I am not sure. I just think that if they ban "assault" or "military" style weapons then .50 cal will be covered if not specifically listed.

To "get to the point" here you obviously have some sort of preferred pseudobill in your head that you'd like to champion. What is the criteria for banning with the goal of reducing gun violence that you're imagining which results in guns that have literally zero use in violent crime get swept up? And why do you find this reasonable given that your stated, overt goal is limited to reducing gun violence?
Pretty much what Japan has.
01-09-2013 , 02:36 PM

So really this isn't about gun violence. It's about gun grabbing.
01-09-2013 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed

Safety >>> hunting
This shows you have no idea what a muzzle loader is. Think 1860's style gun or even 1776. But they have to be banned because .50 cal sounds dangerous?
01-09-2013 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by pvn

So really this isn't about gun violence. It's about gun grabbing.
of course that's all this is about.
01-09-2013 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
This shows you have no idea what a muzzle loader is. Think 1860's style gun or even 1776. But they have to be banned because .50 cal sounds dangerous?
Are you going for anything other than trying to prove you know more about guns than I do?

Originally Posted by pvn

So really this isn't about gun violence. It's about gun grabbing.
No, it really is not. What incentive is there in gun grabbing?
01-09-2013 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
The hammer thing is misleading and stupid, but the underlying point isn't bad. Handguns account for 90+% of gun deaths. Gun control efforts should be focused on them.
That would just make too much sense. Banning AR-15's is one thing, but banning handguns would mean that people would have to fight for the right to carry rifles and shotguns in all the public places they CC right now. Many people don't want to leave the house unarmed. And carrying a rifle all day in public, year in, year out, would start to feel burdensome, like a ball and chain. Plus you'd look like a clown.
01-09-2013 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
Self defense changes things drastically. Don't pretend that all killing is equal. Using a gun to kill Someone in self defense because I'm fearful of my life is not the same as someone using a gun to murder a random innocent person. I'm a smaller person, 5'8" 155, I'm just **** out of luck if someone is bigger and stronger and wants to attack, rob, rape, kill me? I have no right to defend myself? Guess I should get in the rape whistle business if a ban goes through.
Apparently you haven't been clued in to the death dealing machine commonly known as the hammer.
01-09-2013 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Are you going for anything other than trying to prove you know more about guns than I do?

No, it really is not. What incentive is there in gun grabbing?
It shows that you know pretty much nothing about guns.
01-09-2013 , 03:17 PM

Haven't seen this posted. Harris destroys anti-gun arguments regarding self-defense with logic and math, then answers his critics with more. If your level of comprehension is still at the "gun are bad m'kay" level then this probably isn't for you. If you are an anti who considers himself a serious thinker give it a try.

If you don't know who Sam Harris is then check out his wiki page. Here is a hint. He isn't a Tea Party member.
