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Museum of Those Who Fought Neo-Confederates and Other Hilarious Assclowns of Unchained/P7.0 Museum of Those Who Fought Neo-Confederates and Other Hilarious Assclowns of Unchained/P7.0

08-18-2017 , 09:35 PM
Next question. What exactly is it that makes chez unpopular? Defending Bruce? Being a passive mod "letting all flowers, also the ugly, bloom"? Something else?
08-18-2017 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
technically, he's just tarding up this thread

and thankfully, MERCIFULLY, he can now once again be put on ignore

Or we could just nip this latest offering from the SMP traveling circus in the bud before it becomes another three-year fiasco. Just sayin'.
08-18-2017 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Or we could just nip this latest offering from the SMP traveling circus in the bud before it becomes another three-year fiasco. Just sayin'.
ISWYDT. I'm not like the rest
08-18-2017 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
TYVM !!!1!

Note: if we take out the guilty, so to speak... Politard exiles, the banned, and Baja mods... we get...

Top Posters

 rank |        name        | posts 
    9 | FoldnDark          |  3758
   11 | master3004         |  3618
   13 | 5ive               |  3216
   14 | FlyWf              |  3166
   15 | Shame Trolly !!!1! |  3084 ...
Top Word Count

 rank |        name        | words  
    4 | Shame Trolly !!!1! | 320139
    7 | FoldnDark          | 257870
   13 | FlyWf              | 191246
   17 | goofyballer        | 129126
   19 | Bladesman87        | 124109 ...

Also: We should be able to put drama-bombs to the spikes in Baja traffic.
So I was the top deplorable fighter?
08-18-2017 , 10:39 PM
Lol this post.

"its why people are called Half-white, no matter what the other half is"
08-18-2017 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
Should've known when I opened the thread you'd have got to this first, but here's the highlight, the repeated referencing of which led me to become the founding father of Wil's ignore list:

Then you are either completely inexperienced in dealing with children or a fool.

I have countless examples where parents used physical discipline and almost all other adults agreed it was the best course of action.

One friend had his 12 year old son punch his wife in the face after an argument. He immediately left work and physically disciplined him.

Guy I worked with said his father only ever hit him once. He liked building home made explosive devices as a kid. He blew up his shed and almost killed his little sister. His father, in a rage, ran across the yard and punched him in the face. He never did that again.

My best friend was hit by his father once in his life, when he climbed down into a sewer to get a ball. He never did that again.

My other friend has 2 children, a 6 year old boy and an infant. His mother left the baby in a basinet and the boy in the room to grab soemthing in another room. When she came back her son had his hand over the infants mouth and pinching her nose, suffocating his little sister. She immediately smacked him and after he stopped crying explained to him for quite a while that what he was doing could have killed her.

Guy I worked with has 4 kids and his older son liked practicing wrestling moves on his younger sister. He told him countless times to stop because he may hurt her. He jumped off the railing and dropped an elbow on his sister's head. He finally had to discipline him.

When I was around 10 I liked playing with matches. I tried burning some thread hanging off a towel. The towel caught fire (was hanging on the wall) and the wall was catching on fire. My brother started screaming and my father came in and put the fire out. I could have killed my entire family. My father hit me with a belt a few times and tried his best to explain how dangerous what I did was. I never played with matches again.

So yeah, while you may think talking nice nice always works, it may not. Like, no ****, no one ever wants to hit a kid but when the next time could result in a fatal situation sometimes you have to really get your point across.

Stunning revelations included that Wil himself had ****ty parents.
08-18-2017 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
The shaming of chez will not be tolerated in this forum
08-18-2017 , 10:50 PM

My old neighbor was a cop. While she was sleeping her two sons somehow got her gun and almost killed her (bullet just missed her, hit the wall a foot from her face). Her husband beat the crap out of both of them. He wasn't "mild" about it, and I grudgingly approved. It was a case where simply talking and reasoning with the boys could have ended in a tragedy, an ass beating was necessary.
08-18-2017 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Next question. What exactly is it that makes chez unpopular? Defending Bruce? Being a passive mod "letting all flowers, also the ugly, bloom"? Something else?
chez is ineffable. I was going 'round and 'round with him years before it was the trendy thing to do, and after all this time I still have absolutely no clear idea of who he is or why he behaves the way he does.

And I don't mean any of that in a good way.
08-18-2017 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
So I was the top deplorable fighter?
Looks that way and i feel that it didnt go unappreciated.
08-18-2017 , 10:56 PM
The closest I ever got is that chez is a Rik Mayall character, but that still doesn't seem quite right.
08-18-2017 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
had a little look at bruce z stuff during lunch cos i dunno what his story is and ppl keep mentioning him. found this post

Holy **** balls.

I wasnt around for the BruceZ stuff either. Good god
08-18-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Looks that way and i feel that it didnt go unappreciated.
I appreciate that, though to be fair, about half of those had to have been posts laughing at Proph about Roof Roads.
08-18-2017 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's almost as if he's a deliberately trolling dickhead who should have been exiled years ago.
08-19-2017 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Still trying to understand what happened in the BruceZ case. It's already mythology. He analyzed the thing partly. Maybe not realizing the enormous impact of freedom, and then potentially mixing in that in the history analysis, made it possible to make that long posts that look/are bad.

Had an individual slave a possibility to move around? No. That surpasses almost everything. But I still think Bruce tried to analyze.
All the threads are still right there. You can go and read them.

Here's what happened:

BruceZ got triggered behind Ferguson. He started dropping some hot takes. A few SMPers started arguing with him. One was BrianTheMick2, obv, and the others were none other than FoldNDark and chezlaw. Their opposition caused him to drop even more hot takes. These takes were quoted in P. P posters infiltrated SMP. BruceZ's triggerage increased. He melted down completely. Protocols were breached. Brucez was demodded and subsequently left.

Basically, SMP kinda sorta knew he was their crazy racist uncle, but he was THEIR crazy racist uncle. So in the ensuing Fiasco they sided with him rather than siding with Great Justice.

p.s. It got to the point where FoldNDark and chez were denying they ever even argued against him, and denied he was saying anything racist. FoldN got mad at me for trying to defend him from this angle!

There's an incredible exchange I'd have to dig up where I think he says, "Nobody in SMP would say BruceZ is racist," and BTM2 chimes in with, "Uh lol no, I'd definitely say that." Not exact quotes.

Last edited by 6ix; 08-19-2017 at 12:31 AM.
08-19-2017 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Still trying to understand what happened in the BruceZ case. It's already mythology. He analyzed the thing partly. Maybe not realizing the enormous impact of freedom, and then potentially mixing in that in the history analysis, made it possible to make that long posts that look/are bad.

Had an individual slave a possibility to move around? No. That surpasses almost everything. But I still think Bruce tried to analyze.
we had a politician over here called enoch powell, he's dead now but was very prominent during his day. funnily enough someone else mentioned him in one of the other threads here recently.

anyway he possessed an exceptional and brilliant intellect, received a double first from cambridge university and was the recipient of various of scholarly prizes. the man was a professor at the age of 25 and also served with distinction during ww2. he described himself as a logical absolutist, ie he would go where the logic took him regardless of whether the conclusion was comfortable.

the trouble with enoch was that he was also a massively bigoted awful TERRIBLE racist.

his 'pursuit of pure logic' always ended up confirming his pre-existing biases, eg that the white race was superior to others and needed to insulate and protect itself against the influence of other races in order to remain top dog. some bloke sympathetic to the man said after his death (i'm paraphrasing) 'a clever man can convince others of anything; enoch was so clever he could convince himself of anything'.

my point: be cautious of people who claim to be following the unfettered path of reason and logic wherever it may lead. they may simply be using the process, consciously or otherwise, to confirm and justify their pre-existing biases.

Last edited by BOIDS; 08-19-2017 at 01:01 AM.
08-19-2017 , 01:07 AM
If you're truly curious, this was always the smoking gun imo:

Originally Posted by BruceZ

Originally Posted by well named
Bruce, I think you might find some of the writing of Ta Nehisi Coates interesting and potentially informative. Although it would take some effort to probably find the most relevant blog posts from that link over the last 6 years.

"The police departments of America are endowed by the state with dominion over your body."

Uh, no they aren't. If they had dominion over your body, they could just walk up and shoot you dead any time they please for no reason. If they do that, they go to prison for murder. If they are suspected of that, they have to answer to a jury of citizens.

You might find this interesting and informative:

Most of the prelude comes from that thread.
08-19-2017 , 01:08 AM
He was all like, "I see your Coates, and RAISE you a Buchanan!"
08-19-2017 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by BruceZ
I don't know how much you watch FOX news, but the "root is family, community, education, jobs and choice of cultural icon" is exactly the message that Bill O'Reilly puts forth constantly.


Nailed it.
08-19-2017 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
lol @ deleting your posts Bruce. You're not making them go away.
Originally Posted by 13ball
How bad was the deleted post if he left the one where he compared Mexicans to cockroaches?
08-19-2017 , 01:22 AM
Correction from earlier, BTM2 wasn't around, but here's FoldN heating up the pot:

Originally Posted by BruceZ

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Bruce, if you had to guess, what percentage of white cop's decisions are influenced by racism?
If a cop uses race as one of his criteria for identifying potential troublemakers, is that racism? Much of the time it's just good police work and proper application of statistics. If they didn't do it, there's would probably be a hell of a lot more blacks shot by other blacks than are killed by the supposedly "racist" cops.
08-19-2017 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Next question. What exactly is it that makes chez unpopular? Defending Bruce? Being a passive mod "letting all flowers, also the ugly, bloom"? Something else?
Not ugly flowers but bindweed that wants to take over the whole garden.
08-19-2017 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
The closest I ever got is that chez is a Rik Mayall character, but that still doesn't seem quite right.
Public schoolboy I think. They're often harder to read than others.

NB UK public school = US private school
08-19-2017 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Not ugly flowers but bindweed that wants to take over the whole garden.
He also allowed FoldNAIDS to run rampant and censored people because of it.
08-19-2017 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
my point: be cautious of people who claim to be following the unfettered path of reason and logic wherever it may lead. they may simply be using the process, consciously or otherwise, to confirm and justify their pre-existing biases.
in my experience, that's all people who pretend to be logicbots, at best, ever are
