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June LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition** June LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition**
View Poll Results: Who will NOT survive the month of June?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
12 20.34%
John Kelly
4 6.78%
Jared Kushner
2 3.39%
Wilbur Ross
2 3.39%
Ben Carson
3 5.08%
Rudy Giuliani
9 15.25%
Scott Pruitt
9 15.25%
Kellyanne Conway
1 1.69%
Rod Rosenstein
8 13.56%
9 15.25%

06-29-2018 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Also udevil we should exchange numbers sometime.
I never answer my phone, Spaceman. You are welcome to send me a pm any time. Don't let that honest advice comment bother you. Even actually honest advice isn't worth much in my experience.
06-29-2018 , 02:44 AM
Also you must understand my relatives on both sides of my family died fighting nazis. Wha
06-29-2018 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I never answer my phone, Spaceman. You are welcome to send me a pm any time. Don't let that honest advice comment bother you. Even actually honest advice isn't worth much in my experience.
Um yeah I understand your loss. There are a number of mods who have my number. I don’t really care that was an invite.
06-29-2018 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I never answer my phone, Spaceman. You are welcome to send me a pm any time. Don't let that honest advice comment bother you. Even actually honest advice isn't worth much in my experience.
It doesn’t bother me at all. I think that fly for better or worse is being honest. I thrive in controversy and as a president of a large company have witnessed many lawsuits. What that post sounds like is “I like to hit the weak and am a troll account”
06-29-2018 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Um yeah I understand your loss. There are a number of mods who have my number. I don’t really care that was an invite.
I belatedly tried to accept your invite, but your pm box is full.
06-29-2018 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
I belatedly tried to accept your invite, but your pm box is full.
This is also true. i kindof have to make room over time because all 1500 pms tht fill my box are important to me. hopefully ill have some converted to xml and deleted by saturday.
06-29-2018 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Trolleyface, I do have Netflix and no cable and watched the first episode of supergirl . I enjoyed it . Not sure if I’ll watch the whole thing I’m behind on a lot of shows. Like for example walking dead. Can’t type out a huge review but it will depend on later episodes. 3 and a half stars for now.
06-29-2018 , 09:15 AM
06-29-2018 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
and still not one single **** given on the right about this swamp rat
06-29-2018 , 10:25 AM
Oh and also **** Michael Bloomberg

He pledges $80 mil to help Dems win the House (allegedly) and turns around and holds a fundraiser at his home for one of the worst deplorables in the House.

06-29-2018 , 10:31 AM
**** this guy too

06-29-2018 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
**** this guy too

This reply nails it.
06-29-2018 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Oh and also **** Michael Bloomberg

He pledges $80 mil to help Dems win the House (allegedly) and turns around and holds a fundraiser at his home for one of the worst deplorables in the House.

lol what the ****
06-29-2018 , 12:52 PM
Charlie Kirk with another Own Goal

06-29-2018 , 01:55 PM
The Death of a Once Great City: The fall of New York and the urban crisis of affluence

While reading the intro, I was like "hey this sounds like San Francisco too":

But I have never seen what is going on now: the systematic, wholesale transformation of New York into a reserve of the obscenely wealthy and the barely here—a place increasingly devoid of the idiosyncrasy, the complexity, the opportunity, and the roiling excitement that make a city great.

As New York enters the third decade of the twenty-first century, it is in imminent danger of becoming something it has never been before: unremarkable. It is approaching a state where it is no longer a significant cultural entity but the world’s largest gated community, with a few cupcake shops here and there. For the first time in its history, New York is, well, boring.
Some of its early points:

For all of New York’s shiny new skin and shiny new numbers, what’s most amazing is how little of its social dysfunction the city has managed to eliminate over the past four decades.
The average New Yorker now works harder than ever, for less and less.
Whereas the old rule of thumb was that your rent should be one paycheck a month, or about 25 percent of your income, the typical New York household now spends at least one third of its income on rent, and three in ten renter households pay 50 percent or more
Far from discouraging new construction, New York’s housing policies encourage and subsidize it at every turn—and, in doing so, have only made the city less affordable than ever.
I'm going to stop here because I'm only like 20% through the article and this could get very long
06-29-2018 , 02:51 PM

Very funny how this guy dave rubin has gone to some universities and on joe rogan lately and exposed that he doesnt actually have a clue, something i suspected all along. I speculate that he lost track of himself after having interviewed alot of heavy weight intellectuals, it made him too confident and now he ends up making a fool out of himself everywhere he goes.
06-29-2018 , 03:03 PM
Continuing with the highlights of that Harper's article, following a long eulogy for a number of family-owned neighborhood spots that crippled under soaring rents:

[A local cobbler's shop] is almost the only store around that sells anything of use anymore. There are a few small hardware shops left still, some dry cleaners, a large grocery store, and a couple of bodegas. But otherwise, Jane Jacobs’s “intricate ballet” of the streets is being rapidly eradicated by a predatory monoculture. Everywhere, that which is universal and uniform prevails. Chain stores, of a type once unknown in New York, now abound. On those same ten blocks of my neighborhood where so many stores have been emptied out, I count three ********es, six bank branches, seven nail-and-beauty salons, three Starbucks, two Dunkin’ Donuts and three 7-Elevens, five phone-and-cable stores, four eyewear shops. The coming growth industry seems to be in urgent care facilities, of which there are already two, to serve our ridiculously underinsured population.
In some of the swankier districts of Manhattan, this can lead to the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Kanye West, or Tommy Hilfiger “popping up.” In less glamorous neighborhoods, such as my own, it’s more likely to mean the headquarters of a political campaign, or the ubiquitous Halloween costume stores that open now in mid-September. But wherever and whatever they are, the lesson is the same: everything is temporary. The whole idea of a permanent community is fading away.
06-29-2018 , 03:44 PM
the rate of ageing is going to be astronomical and effect things for a long time. could bring about a lot of destruction if we are not careful.
06-29-2018 , 05:06 PM
Missed this somehow. Kinda forgot what good news feels like even if it is just getting to the ****ing starting line.

Was a climate denier but after a month as head of NASA changed his mind.

NASA chief Jim Bridenstine said he’s not getting pushback from Trump administration officials over his recent, high-profile endorsement of the scientific consensus that human activities are the dominant cause of global warming.
06-29-2018 , 05:27 PM
Any of you dudes use AdWords? Trying to learn how best to advertise my new private practice. Hearing mixed reviews about AdWords.
06-29-2018 , 06:58 PM

Facts matter.

“I made a comment recently where I claimed that Republican administrations had been much more criminally corrupt over the last 50 plus years than the Democrats. I was challenged (dared actually) to
prove it. So I did a bit of research and when I say a bit I mean it didn’t take long and there is no comparison.

When comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations, it’s so lopsided as to be ridiculous. Yet all I ever hear about is how supposedly “corrupt” the Democrats are. So why don’t we break it down by president and the numbers?

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. So the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as “scandal free” they aren’t speaking wishfully, they’re simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal
indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) – 8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction. One prison sentence. That’s right nearly 8 yrs of investigations. Tens of millions spent and 30 yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. Zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment and one conviction. One prison sentence.

Nixon (R) – 6 yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions.15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) – 5 yrs in office. Zero indictments. Zero convictions. Zero prison sentences.

So, let’s see there that leaves us. In the last 53 years, Democrats have been in the Oval Office for 25 of those years, while Republicans held it for 28. In their 25 yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence. That’s one whole executive branch official convicted of a crime in two and a half decades of Democrat leadership.

In the 28 yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53 yrs they have had a total of (a drum roll would be more than appropriate), 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down. That’s more prison
sentences than years in office since 1968 for Republicans. If you want to count articles of impeachment as indictments (they aren’t really but we can count them as an action), both sides get one more. However, Clinton wasn’t found guilty while Nixon resigned and was pardoned by Ford (and a pardon carries with it a legal admission of guilt on the part of the pardoned). So those only serve to make Republicans look even worse.
With everything going on with Von Clownstick and his people right now, it’s a safe bet Republicans are gonna be padding their numbers a bit real soon.

So let’s just go over the numbers one more time, shall we? 120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.

Those aren’t “feelings” or “alternate facts.” Those are simply the stats by the numbers. Republicans are, and have been for my entire lifetime, the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.

So those are the actual numbers. Feel free to copy and paste!” – Kevin G Shinnick"
06-29-2018 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
The Death of a Once Great City: The fall of New York and the urban crisis of affluence

While reading the intro, I was like "hey this sounds like San Francisco too":

Some of its early points:

I'm going to stop here because I'm only like 20% through the article and this could get very long
Come on, **** this guy. He’s been living in a rent controlled unit for 38 years and is bitching that the rent has tripled, which basically means it’s stayed the same in real terms. And his take is literally to complain about how development is ruining the character of the neighborhood.
06-29-2018 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Come on, **** this guy. He’s been living in a rent controlled unit for 38 years and is bitching that the rent has tripled, which basically means it’s stayed the same in real terms. And his take is literally to complain about how development is ruining the character of the neighborhood.
I think you're blowing up one hyperbolic sentence out of context in a piece that, on the whole, recognizes how lucky his situation is and is focusing more on those who are not as fortunate as him. For example:

Whereas the old rule of thumb was that your rent should be one paycheck a month, or about 25 percent of your income, the typical New York household now spends at least one third of its income on rent, and three in ten renter households pay 50 percent or more
He is obviously not complaining about his own situation here. He's saying, correctly, that all this development has not brought about positive change for those who aren't in his situation, because the development isn't for them, it's for foreign billionaires to park their money into or whatever.

Re: neighborhoods - he is also saying that Mr. Family Business Owner can't compete with CVS or Chase or whoever would occupy the same real estate when their storefront's rent is tripled at lease expiration. I recognize as a (former?) libertarian you're weary of Central Planning coming in and saying "we must have quotas of these types of quaint shops in this neighborhood", but at the same time, I can't imagine you endorse the opposite situation (which much more resembles reality) where only large corporations and chains can afford to locate in cities, and where in twenty years all those large corporations will be subsidiaries of Amazon anyway. And that's just for the libertarian in you, I know the city resident in you doesn't want this **** either.
06-29-2018 , 07:23 PM
Drove into KC for my Uncle’s funeral and staying with my Mom at her apartment. She has COPD and is on oxygen and said she’ll just sit up and watch TV for a while. Well, her hearing is not so great and the oxygen sounds like a bit of a train, so Fox News is blaring, which is constantly on In her apartment. These folks are so inflamed about the SCOTUS pick. Chill out! I will get no sleep tonight for a number of reasons. This woman (my Mom) had us campaigning for Reagan when no one had heard of him. She will admit that Trump needs to learn how to shut his fat mouth. At least I have that. I’m going to be hearing Sean Hannity all night. Gag and gag!
From FB - we've lost a majority of a generation to a cult.
06-29-2018 , 07:59 PM
Boomers in 1998: "You can't trust this crazy world-wide-web cyberspace thing!"

Boomers in 2018: "Breitbart says Soros is selling Pizzagate child slaves to MS-13!"
