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I'm Not Trying to Suck My Own Coctober LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition** I'm Not Trying to Suck My Own Coctober LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition**
View Poll Results: Who will NOT survive the month of October?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
6 9.52%
Stephen Miller
2 3.17%
John Kelly
8 12.70%
Jared Kushner
6 9.52%
Gary Cohn
6 9.52%
Rex Tillerson
23 36.51%
Kellyanne Conway
3 4.76%
Scott Pruitt
3 4.76%
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
3 4.76%
3 4.76%

10-24-2017 , 11:41 PM

It was 104 degrees. I spent all day on a black asphalt shingle roof, I'm an old man, and I'm still alive.

Good night.
10-24-2017 , 11:45 PM
I liked Atomic Blonde. It reminded me a bit of John Wick and Jason Bourne movies.

It wasn't something amazing but it was an enjoyable summer viewing.
10-24-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

It was 104 degrees. I spent all day on a black asphalt shingle roof, I'm an old man, and I'm still alive.

Good night.
10-24-2017 , 11:57 PM
+1 on regional slang thing being unimpressive

This just in: certain areas call soda pop! Holy ****! AI#1
10-25-2017 , 12:06 AM
Final Atomic Blonde review: Really great stairway/apartment fight, really annoying music choices, overall good but not great.
10-25-2017 , 12:31 AM
That's ok, good but not great is the current great.
10-25-2017 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
That quiz put me at Jackson, MS, Newark, NJ or Brownsville, Tx.

Still trying to figure out what that says about me.
It means you're not White.
10-25-2017 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
+1 on regional slang thing being unimpressive

This just in: certain areas call soda pop! Holy ****! AI#1
You really didn't know that? Hell, one of the fighters in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out was called Soda Popinski* as part of the pun.

*Trivia: What was Soda Popinski's original name in the Punch-Out series?
10-25-2017 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I'm watching Atomic Blonde, which is set in 1989, and (almost) all the music is from the early 80's. It's really annoying me. They're totally different eras.

East Berlin's Kino International theater is depicted as showing the movie Stalker, which was released in 1979.

If you want to portray a Cold War Berlin pastiche, don't anchor the plot so heavily in one specific month at the end of it all. And if you do have to tell a story from that particular moment in history, get the god damn details right.
It sounds like a dreadful film. And somehow it doesn't even have Atomic by Blondie on the soundtrack. WTF?
10-25-2017 , 01:16 AM
My answers to the regional slang thing made it very confused.
10-25-2017 , 01:46 AM

Actually that's a good sign that it isn't total bull**** or keyed off one or two answers, as *bitter old man left behind by the world* zikzak contends.
10-25-2017 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
It means you're not White.
Pretty much what I thought. Would explain some things.
10-25-2017 , 03:06 AM
I didn't actually complete the test so I've gone back to do it and it's started trolling me:


What do you call something that is across both streets from you at an intersection (or diagonally across from you in general)?
kitty cross
kitty wampus
Pretty obvious these are not real words that people use.
10-25-2017 , 03:13 AM
OK, it thinks I'm from New Jersey, on the grounds that I call sports shoes "sneakers". It also rates Hawaii as a top possibility.

Originally Posted by suzzer99

Actually that's a good sign that it isn't total bull**** or keyed off one or two answers, as *bitter old man left behind by the world* zikzak contends.
It's keying off one answer for me, because the other answers I gave are too contradictory. "Sneakers" zeroes in on a small area of the country, so it's pretty much ignoring everything else and going with that.
10-25-2017 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Am I the only one who found that thing unimpressive? It's just a long list of regional-specific language terms. Most people will have a couple that accurately reflect where they live, and all the rest is noise. I was pegged by "grinder" and "rotary". Nothing else mattered. And I knew that was going to be the case as I was answering the questions.
No, but I liked that they didn't try to hide this. I knew exactly how they were gonna pin me for Chicago and they told me after.

I think the point is more this:

Originally Posted by bware
Yea pretty sure rotary got me the Boston association. Crazy isn't really the right word for it, just found it interesting that the 3 cities it spit out are basically the 3 places I've spent thirds of my life. I had never put much thought into where I got certain pronunciations or terminology from.
10-25-2017 , 04:22 AM
gym shoes
10-25-2017 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I didn't actually complete the test so I've gone back to do it and it's started trolling me:

Pretty obvious these are not real words that people use.
The correct answer was catty-corner.
10-25-2017 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
More likely age discrimination for that old man.
10-25-2017 , 09:22 AM
If he's applying for jobs, which he isn't. If you go through the polls a striking thing is that if you make the question specific and ask "have you personally suffered anti-white discrimination" the numbers get cut in half, there's a bunch of people who are just mad because of Fox News and chain emails
10-25-2017 , 09:23 AM

This story is bananas because it's so on point with a basement dwelling troll getting so mad about leftist pedos he stabs his dad to death, but there's one paragraph I want to highlight:

A 2016 article titled “MacArthur’s Thought Police,” arguing the MacArthur charity promotes censorship on social media, was originally credited to both Lane and Yiannopoulos, but is currently posted on Capital Research Center’s website under Yiannopoulos’s sole byline.
lol Milo loved stealing credit
10-25-2017 , 09:27 AM
Most of empirical economics is bunk. Seems bad:

Perhaps more disconcerting is the proportion of economics research areas that do not contain a single study or estimate that has adequate power to detect the effect in question. Between 19.5% (WLS-FE) and 35.8% (Top 1) of the areas of empirical economics are entirely comprised of underpowered studies.
10-25-2017 , 09:33 AM
I had trouble believing kitty wampus was a thing so I went searching. The more you know
10-25-2017 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I didn't actually complete the test so I've gone back to do it and it's started trolling me:

Pretty obvious these are not real words that people use.
I say catty corner. I know people who say kitty corner.
10-25-2017 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
OK, it thinks I'm from New Jersey, on the grounds that I call sports shoes "sneakers". It also rates Hawaii as a top possibility.

It's keying off one answer for me, because the other answers I gave are too contradictory. "Sneakers" zeroes in on a small area of the country, so it's pretty much ignoring everything else and going with that.
I'm not sure pointing out your 3 'most distinct' answers or w/e means that's all that went into choosing.

Lot's of people say sneakers. It's just that your other answers probably eliminate most other areas, so it's just making its making its best guess. Also maybe we're only supposed to look at the heat map and are getting distracted by the cities.

Last edited by suzzer99; 10-25-2017 at 10:40 AM.
10-25-2017 , 11:23 AM
I've taken one like this one before, and I always get a pretty spread out response because I've picked up some terms in other places I've lived. In particular, frontage roads aren't really used as a term in Seattle, but I've picked it up from my dad and his family in Minnesota. I've also just entirely stopped saying "pop" because I don't want to start a war, having lived in die hard "soda" territory for almost a majority of my life now. (I'm not going to let you soda bastards win, though. I just always ask for or refer to the specific kind in question).
