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How is "You Lie" racist? Is Jimmy Carter losing it? How is "You Lie" racist? Is Jimmy Carter losing it?

09-17-2009 , 09:22 PM
Somebody's getting upset over a few signs?

Do we want to play the sign game? Those signs are nothing compared to the anti-Bush and anti-war signs that many more liberals proudly displayed these past 8 years.
09-17-2009 , 09:33 PM

I'm interested in DE and others providing an estimate of how racist they think this guy is.
09-17-2009 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
OK then you go on TV afterwards and make it clear how thoroughly you disagree with the people carrying the signs and ask them to stay home next time you have an event.
DE, let's be honest. You know that reporters at any event are going to bee line straight for the most ******ed attendee they can find within their time frame.
09-17-2009 , 10:10 PM
I'm still mad at Carter. He boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Why? Just because the Russians were in Afghanistan. Now the U.S. is in Afghanistan.
09-17-2009 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by pvn

I'm interested in DE and others providing an estimate of how racist they think this guy is.
He didn't actually call Obama a communist, he merely invoked the Soviet Union in a mildly hyperbolic defense of the yumminess of his company's empty calories.
09-17-2009 , 10:27 PM
pvn is still riding that strawman that liberals believe everyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist, DE. Don't play along.
09-17-2009 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
pvn is still riding that strawman that liberals believe everyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist, DE. Don't play along.
Correct. The ACTUAL point is that because a subset of the dissenters are racists, the relevant topics cannot be debated.
09-17-2009 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
pvn is still riding that strawman that liberals believe everyone who disagrees with Obama is a racist, DE. Don't play along.
He doesn't just disagree with him, he's implying (I mean come on, he didn't technically say it but he did everything but) that Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist-running-dog-hating commie.
09-17-2009 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
I was referring to elected officials.
Since when do elected officials ever act responsibly? Funny how that works... But f'real though, one of the (R)-tards should say something about those idiots with the Obama=Hitler signs, but I suppose they don't wanna alienate the nutters who vote for them. That's politics (no wonder I hate everything about politicians). Also, comparing people to Hitler is so annoying and really shows lack of imagination.
09-17-2009 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
I'm still mad at Carter. He boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Why? Just because the Russians were in Afghanistan. Now the U.S. is in Afghanistan.
this **** still boils my blood, and I was born in 1986. Bull**** political stunt by another idiot president. "Hey U.S. athletes, we know you guys have been working hours upon hours every single day for the past 4 years to compete in these olympics but I'm an ******* and want to pull a cheap political stunt. Sorry that you guys wasted your time." **** you.
09-18-2009 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by MuresanForMVP
this **** still boils my blood, and I was born in 1986. Bull**** political stunt by another idiot president. "Hey U.S. athletes, we know you guys have been working hours upon hours every single day for the past 4 years to compete in these olympics but I'm an ******* and want to pull a cheap political stunt. Sorry that you guys wasted your time." **** you.
Better than "Hey U.S. young people, we know you guys have your own families, goals, and lives, here's your draft card, good luck in Vietnam. Hope you don't die like 57,000 others to make my administration look good."

In other words, political grandstanding in the name of peace (even if ineffective) is so much better than most other political grandstanding that it is disconcerting that it is THAT which boils your blood.
09-18-2009 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by ctyri
Better than "Hey U.S. young people, we know you guys have your own families, goals, and lives, here's your draft card, good luck in Vietnam. Hope you don't die like 57,000 others to make my administration look good."

In other words, political grandstanding in the name of peace (even if ineffective) is so much better than most other political grandstanding that it is disconcerting that it is THAT which boils your blood.
what does that **** have to do anything? It still doesn't make it right. Do you want me to list everything political that boils my blood? I've got a long list, but that happened to get mentioned ITT. This post is a miserable, miserable failure.
09-18-2009 , 01:19 AM
How is it not ridiculously super obvious that a lot of southern whites are simply racist?


Also, Kerry got about 25% of the white vote in states like Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Obama only got 10-15% of the white vote in those same states.

I think you have to try really hard to convince yourself that these people aren't racist.

09-18-2009 , 01:54 AM
Ummm, no one is saying that confederate flag waving *******s aren't racist. That man at a McCain rally doesn't paint mccain's support accurately anymore than a che sympathizer at an Obama rally.
09-18-2009 , 02:34 AM
Oh I wanna play the sign game, I think I'll be good at it, I'll dig up a photo of someone at an Obama ralley wearing a Che Guevara tshirt, blamo, all Obama supporters are communists.

09-18-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter

Also, Kerry got about 25% of the white vote in states like Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Obama only got 10-15% of the white vote in those same states.

I think you have to try really hard to convince yourself that these people aren't racist.

A swing of about 12%. Unheard of! I mean we never seen this much of a swing in any of our fifty states.

No, sorry, states do swing and they do swing by that much and more in four years. But here you took a subset of a few states. Of course the more groups you look at the more examples you will find.

Every time something does not break Obama way does not indicate racism.

But I do love irony. So thanks for telling us what skin color indiicates racists.
09-18-2009 , 03:56 AM
I love the sentiment in this thread that somehow calling someone a racist who may or may not be a racist doesn't make you misguided, or quick to jump to conclusions, it makes YOU the racist!
09-18-2009 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by CoinGuy
A swing of about 12%. Unheard of! I mean we never seen this much of a swing in any of our fifty states.

No, sorry, states do swing and they do swing by that much and more in four years. But here you took a subset of a few states. Of course the more groups you look at the more examples you will find.

Every time something does not break Obama way does not indicate racism.

But I do love irony. So thanks for telling us what skin color indiicates racists.
Shrug, say whatever you need to say to convince yourself, but that fact remains that a huge % of southern whites didn't vote obama because he's black and don't like him because he's black.

I live in Madison, WI which is super liberal. However, my hometown Appleton, WI is much much more conservative and very very few blacks live in the area. Speaking to my parents and relatives they could rattle off at least 20 people each they knew that said they'd never vote for a black guy.

I just feel that in this day and age, you have to be either super-naive, or as bat**** insane as most of the teabaggers to actually believe a huge % of whites didn't vote for obama and don't like him because he's black.
09-18-2009 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter

1)Shrug, say whatever you need to say to convince yourself, but that fact remains that a huge % of southern whites didn't vote obama because he's black and don't like him because he's black.

2)I just feel that in this day and age, you have to be either super-naive, or as bat**** insane as most of the teabaggers to actually believe a huge % of whites didn't vote for obama and don't like him because he's black.
1) You know this because they are white and southern ? No other reason, white and southern and you know they are racists.

2) Hey if anyone disagrees with you insult their intellect than use foul vulgar language. But why would you do this if you had a decent arguement?
09-18-2009 , 04:39 AM
Everybody, seat down. Take a deep breath. Get ready for shocking news.

A huge percentages of whites vote Republican. This is true when the opposition runs white candidates and when they run black candidates.

Remain seated. This percentage is not the same in all areas. This percentage does and will go up and down.

Please remain seated. Conservative areas will trend up in their Republuican vote when the Democratic runs a candidate that they see as far left.

Last edited by CoinGuy; 09-18-2009 at 04:53 AM.
09-18-2009 , 05:01 AM
Wow Coinguy, I noticed that half your posts on 2p2 are in threads that deal with racism and 30% are in this thread. Also, you went to a highschool with 4 blacks out of 450 students. Did you get a college degree in race issues? I'm just curious since you seem so adamant about this issue.
09-18-2009 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter

Also, Kerry got about 25% of the white vote in states like Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Obama only got 10-15% of the white vote in those same states.
and these voters are more than likely democrat voters.... I thought only repubs were racist
09-18-2009 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
Wow Coinguy, I noticed that half your posts on 2p2 are in threads that deal with racism and 30% are in this thread. Also, you went to a highschool with 4 blacks out of 450 students. Did you get a college degree in race issues? I'm just curious since you seem so adamant about this issue.
I am pleased that I have occupied so much of your time, but susprised.

College degree was not in race issues.

Funny you brought up that one particular post. In my senior year I ran for class treasurer on a ticket of four. I voted for all four members of my ticket including my best friend who was running for president. He lost receiving 43 votes versus I think 56 votes. He was white, his opponent was black.

Does that means that some of us, the 43 minority voters, were racists?

Be careful. My class had three of the four blacks. One was a positively stunning young woman and one of my closest friends. I am sure she voted for us.

Does that make her a racist or do you feel she cannot be because of her skin color?

Oh! my class was a little less than 3% black. The next class had 0% black. Do you find this swing as evidence of racism or just chance? The SD. of the my class average by race is about 1.6%.
If you take my class as the norm, we have a drop of 1.7 SD in the average. But 1.7SSd was the biggest possible drop.

Is that enough to throw insults at an entire school?

No, of course not. There is no reason to believe my class was the norm.

No, of course not. There is no reason to believe there could not be other things involved such as the number of blacks of a certain age living a certain distance from the school.

But, there is no reason to believe that the Kerry-Bush election was the norm.

But, there is no reasonn to believe other things were not involved, as far to the right, center left each candidate were, as only one example.

( The next year, the class did not give a single vote to any black candidate for president. Not racism, other things involved.)

Last edited by CoinGuy; 09-18-2009 at 05:58 AM.
09-18-2009 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
and these voters are more than likely democrat voters.... I thought only repubs were racist
that's kinda the point of the thread. some people don't like other people because of their skin color.

I can't believe we're still arguing about whether or not this is still a real issue in America.
09-18-2009 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by CoinGuy
I am pleased that I have occupied so much of your time, but susprised.

College degree was not in race issues.

Funny you brought up that one particular post. In my senior year I ran for class treasurer on a ticket of four. I voted for all four members of my ticket including my best friend who was running for president. He lost receiving 43 votes versus I think 56 votes. He was white, his opponent was black.

Does that means that some of us, the 43 minority voters, were racists?

Be careful. My class had three of the four blacks. One was a positively stunning young woman and one of my closest friends. I am sure she voted for us.
Does that make her a racist or do you feel she cannot be because of her skin color?
I stopped caring btw because I was at work and now I'm home. GL with your future posts about racism.
