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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

04-30-2015 , 07:19 PM
I am related or at least acquainted with a member or former member of a gang.

Who isn't?
04-30-2015 , 07:21 PM
I kind of think that amount of a one's outrage against racism is inversely proportional to the amount of actual racism one has witnessed or experienced first-hand throughout life.
04-30-2015 , 07:21 PM
Micro is black. Who knew?
04-30-2015 , 07:22 PM
"at least acquainted" is a pretty wide net to cast imo. (and frankly "gang" is pretty open to interpretation as well).
04-30-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I kind of think that amount of a one's outrage against racism is inversely proportional to the amount of actual racism one has witnessed or experienced first-hand throughout life.
So these riots in Baltimore are really all about... ?
04-30-2015 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I don't think it's racist to think that black people generally do not like or are mistrustful of police.
And if it is true, why do you assume it is this way?

Originally Posted by Renton555
Was it racist to say that an element of the black community of Baltimore consists of criminals/gangsters? Is it not true that some of them are?
An element of lower income white communities also consists of criminals/gangsters...what is your point?

Originally Posted by Renton555
That most blacks in Baltimore are related or at least acquainted with a member or former member of a gang?
04-30-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I kind of think that amount of a one's outrage against racism is inversely proportional to the amount of actual racism one has witnessed or experienced first-hand throughout life.
So have the people protesting and rioting over racism actually experienced something like negative racism in their lives?
04-30-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
That most blacks in Baltimore are related or at least acquainted with a member or former member of a gang?
citation needed

04-30-2015 , 07:34 PM
That most blacks in Baltimore are related or at least acquainted with a member or former member of a gang?
ruh roh?
04-30-2015 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
And if it is true, why do you assume it is this way?
Because the police are generally incompetent and racist.

Originally Posted by DrChesspain
An element of lower income white communities also consists of criminals/gangsters...what is your point?
That the outlier criminals of a demographic group are quite relevant to the discussion. And that social justice warriors remove this aspect of the discussion from the table with their constant crusade against "racists." If poor white neighborhoods in Chattanooga, Tennessee were rioting, no one in this thread would deny that the subculture of meth and pills would be relevant to the discussion.
04-30-2015 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
That the outlier criminals of a demographic group are quite relevant to the discussion. And that social justice warriors remove this aspect of the discussion from the table with their constant crusade against "racists." If poor white neighborhoods in Chattanooga, Tennessee were rioting, no one in this thread would deny that the subculture of meth and pills would be relevant to the discussion.
Yo, Renton? FYI this is some seriously racist ****. Not to mention very insulting to residents of Chattanooga, who I would most certainly defend against idiotic accusations that tried to blame an effect of poverty as its cause.
04-30-2015 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
So have the people protesting and rioting over racism actually experienced something like negative racism in their lives?
Of course they have. But their rage is pretty minor in comparison to the progressive liberal racism rage generator that shows its face in threads like this.

I'd actually be quite curious to see an actual black person weigh into this discussion. I think we might all learn a lot.
04-30-2015 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I kind of think that amount of a one's outrage against racism is inversely proportional to the amount of actual racism one has witnessed or experienced first-hand throughout life.
Have you ever experienced racism?
04-30-2015 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
If poor white neighborhoods in Chattanooga, Tennessee were rioting...
Unless it's related to something stupid, like a sporting event, poor white neighborhoods in the US don't erupt in riots--why do think this is?
04-30-2015 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Yo, Renton? FYI this is some seriously racist ****. Not to mention very insulting to residents of Chattanooga, who I would most certainly defend against idiotic accusations that tried to blame an effect of poverty as its cause.
At what point have I even referred to causes and effects? There's no time to even attempt to investigate why things are the way they are when every discussion devolves into a witch hunt. That's sort of been the point I've been trying to make all along.
04-30-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I'd actually be quite curious to see an actual black person weigh into this discussion. I think we might all learn a lot.
Actual black people do read and weigh in on these discussions.

Did I just blow your mind?
04-30-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Is there a law along the lines of negligent homicide they can be charged with?

Assuming they don't throw the driver into the bolt at the back of the bus and charge something like murder three for rough riding a suspect, further worsened by intentionally not secured with a seat belt as required.

I mean I know how this plays out is its called a "tragic accident" and he was reaching for his wasteband etc and there are no charges, but just in theory.

Don't know about Maryland specifically, but most states have criminal negligence homicide and/or involuntary manslaughter statutes that deal with situations where someone wasn't trying to kill the victim, but took reckless actions that led to the death. Potential penalties would be less than more intentional forms of homicide, obv.

IMO, IF you could prove that they gave Gray a rough ride and they didn't give him prompt medical attention, you'd have a pretty classic involuntary manslaughter case.
04-30-2015 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Have you ever experienced racism?
Yes. I grew up as a bi-racial child to a white single mother in northwest Georgia. My father was Indian, but my skin complexion was dark enough that I was mistook for hispanic and was frequently beat up and picked on throughout grade school. My family are mostly white trash racist white people so I've thoroughly experienced both sides of racism.
04-30-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bigoldnit
Don't know about Maryland specifically, but most states have criminal negligence homicide and/or involuntary manslaughter statutes that deal with situations where someone wasn't trying to kill the victim, but took reckless actions that led to the death. Potential penalties would be less than more intentional forms of homicide, obv.

IMO, IF you could prove that they gave Gray a rough ride and they didn't give him prompt medical attention, you'd have a pretty classic involuntary manslaughter case.
I know involuntary manslaughter is just a legal term, but I don't get how it can be involuntary if rough rides are intentionally designed to hurt the prisoners.
04-30-2015 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
So have the people protesting and rioting over racism actually experienced something like negative racism in their lives?

Maybe they've benefitted from affirmative action.

04-30-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
At what point have I even referred to causes and effects? There's no time to even attempt to investigate why things are the way they are when every discussion devolves into a witch hunt. That's sort of been the point I've been trying to make all along.
So go ahead and make a point about why Appalachian drug use would be relevant in the hypothetical Chattanooga riot. Because it sure sounds to me like you're implying a causal relationship there.
04-30-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I don't think it's racist to think that black people generally do not like or are mistrustful of police.
lol, this is great
04-30-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
At what point have I even referred to causes and effects? There's no time to even attempt to investigate why things are the way they are when every discussion devolves into a witch hunt. That's sort of been the point I've been trying to make all along.
You wrote that you believe that "most blacks in Baltimore are related to or at least acquainted with a member or former member of a gang."

Baltimore has more than 400,000 black residents. How many gang members are we talking about, if everyone knows of one? Or do you just assume that there are known gang members living on every street where black people live?

Stop and think about why so many posters are accusing you of being racist.
04-30-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Of course they have. But their rage is pretty minor in comparison to the progressive liberal racism rage generator that shows its face in threads like this.
Idk, I think people marching every night and risking violence are a little more upset than the people who pop into this thread for 30 seconds to make fun of you.
04-30-2015 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
You wrote that you believe that "most blacks in Baltimore are related to or at least acquainted with a member or former member of a gang."

Baltimore has more than 400,000 black residents. How many gang members are we talking about, if everyone knows of one? Or do you just assume that there are known gang members living on every street where black people live?

Stop and think about why so many posters are accusing you of being racist.
Like six degrees of Kevin Bacon, but for Crips
