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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

09-13-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by owesley
I was paying attention and I don't recall anyone but poker players opposing uigea or even noticing. Yes the rep congress critters stuck it in, but the dem critters didn't protest, flinch or seem to mind.

Your team didn't stand up for me either.
True story. Ron Paul voted for the SAFE Port Act that included UIGEA.
09-13-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
The Russia article is ridiculous. I should vote for a president based on how Russia or China feels about it? Republicans shouldnt even be allowed to exist because Russia and China dont agree with them? Anyone who expresses opinions that are not concurrent with Russia or China's (or Middle East's) interests are ****ing up the country?
In case you missed it, Russia and China collectively have about 24,000 nukes aimed right at the USA. They're also two of the largest trading partners, and at the same time huge rivals for heretofore untapped trading opportunities.

In short, a good relationship with Russia and China has the potential to be good for everyone, while a bad relationship with them has the potential to be very bad for everyone.
09-13-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
The Russia article is ridiculous. I should vote for a president based on how Russia or China feels about it? Republicans shouldnt even be allowed to exist because Russia and China dont agree with them? Anyone who expresses opinions that are not concurrent with Russia or China's (or Middle East's) interests are ****ing up the country?
There's a difference between disagreeing with Russia and China and just spewing falsehoods in your foreign policy rhetoric. The first will make people like Putin respectfully work with you, if possible, the second will make leaders around the world distrust you fundamentally.

We don't need to return to Dubya-style diplomacy. Our image around the world picked up dramatically after Obama got elected. Hell Obama's speech at the DNC was considered jingoistic by many on this board, but compared to McCain's piece of work it was a downright endorsement of pacifism.

Using terrorists attack for political purposes was pretty much the Cheney Administration's M.O., and it seems Romney is following directly in those footsteps.
09-13-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This is like, borderline gibberish. Nobody has responded because nobody is sure what rara is talking about. The only actual law he identifies is Dodd-Frank(specifically the Durbin amendment), and he ****s that up. It's not that Dodd Frank makes his gas station charge more for credit card, Dodd Frank allows his gas station to offer a discount for cash purchasers.
So Obama hasn't placed more regulation on businesses?

Has hasn't drastically changed the health care world?

Your comment about how DFA doesn't let gas stations charge more for CC it only allows for discounts if someone uses cash as if there is a difference in these 2 things.

Why are more people not talking about Obama driving up fuel costs?
09-13-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey
Is the GOP collectively irate about QE3 yet?
Why is the GOP irate about QE? Isn't that supplying cheap money to job creators? Or can job creators only create jobs with money that is taken away from poor people?
09-13-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
There are > 13k posts itt, I'm sure you could find some solid reasons why nobody but apparently you likes Romney other than the smirk factor if you weren't so lazy.
Through the first 2,300 and no reasons yet, but I have found quite a few posters that like Romney too. I'll keep you updated through my journey.
09-13-2012 , 01:57 PM
Re the Russian article:

Before Romney shared his wisdom with us, who would ever have imagined the possibility of a US president who still viewed Russia as our number one enemy?

Words do matter, believe it or not.
09-13-2012 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman

Where do you get your fictional account of what Obama's policies have been? You literally have no idea what the content of laws passed during his administration is. Zero. And you are so misinformed that the stuff isn't even aligned with the usual right wing noise machine lies. I honestly have no idea where you get this stuff.

For example, where did you get this?

Health care. I have yet to see a reduction in the cost of my health care. But then I wasn't given one of those sweat heart exemptions like so many were given.

Who do you think has seen a reduction in the cost of their health care and how does it relate to Obamacare? What sweet heart exemption are you referring to?
I’m not surprised that you don’t get it. They sold the American voter that health care cost were not going to go up.
09-13-2012 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Dunkman
Why is the GOP irate about QE? Isn't that supplying cheap money to job creators? Or can job creators only create jobs with money that is taken away from poor people?
Don't worry. Drudge is on it!

09-13-2012 , 01:59 PM
Another great jobless report. I know it's not Obama's policies that are leading to a constant <8% jobless rate.

Whole sale prices on the rise.

What is going to happen now that QE3 has started?

Last edited by raradevils; 09-13-2012 at 02:12 PM.
09-13-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
I’m not surprised that you don’t get it. They sold the American voter that health care cost were not going to go up.
That is not an answer.
09-13-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
So Obama hasn't placed more regulation on businesses?

Has hasn't drastically changed the health care world?

Your comment about how DFA doesn't let gas stations charge more for CC it only allows for discounts if someone uses cash as if there is a difference in these 2 things.

Why are more people not talking about Obama driving up fuel costs?
Here is a dumb question. Why should the gas stations (or any merchant for that matter) not be allowed to charge less for cash transactions? It costs the merchant more for the transaction. I see nothing wrong with allowing them to pass along that cost to the customer. It's not like that's a tax that goes to the government.
09-13-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
So Obama hasn't placed more regulation on businesses?
Can you provide some examples of the regulations?

Has hasn't drastically changed the health care world?
Obamacare is an Obama policy that is related to health care. You have absolutely no idea what Obamacare does. You have no idea what Obamacare was supposed to do. You don't care, either.

Your comment about how DFA doesn't let gas stations charge more for CC it only allows for discounts if someone uses cash as if there is a difference in these 2 things.
Because there clearly is a difference? Rara's cost didn't go up. He's getting charged the same. Just now somebody else is getting a discount.

Why are more people not talking about Obama driving up fuel costs?
Because he isn't, and also gas taxes were like... last spring's talking about. **** is played out.
09-13-2012 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by stevepra
Here is a dumb question. Why should the gas stations (or any merchant for that matter) not be allowed to charge less for cash transactions? It costs the merchant more for the transaction. I see nothing wrong with allowing them to pass along that cost to the customer. It's not like that's a tax that goes to the government.
I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with it, but let's not pretend they are 2 different things.
09-13-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
I’m not surprised that you don’t get it. They sold the American voter that health care cost were not going to go up.
I disagree. I think the voters were sold that Obamacare would help stop the outrageous skyrocketing of healthcare costs. And, aren't the provisions that would have the most affect on the price of healthcare not really going into affect until next year. So, how would those have lowered the cost of healthcare now?
09-13-2012 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with it, but let's not pretend they are 2 different things.
I'll concede they are the same thing. I see no practical difference between giving cash payers a discount and changing CC users more. Retailers will just adjust their pricing to make them the same thing. It's still a stupid thing to complain about. DFA is not forcing retailer to charge more for CC purchasers. And, it's definitely not a tax as rara tried to paint it.
09-13-2012 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
1. Can you provide some examples of the regulations?

2. Obamacare is an Obama policy that is related to health care. You have absolutely no idea what Obamacare does. You have no idea what Obamacare was supposed to do. You don't care, either.

3. Because there clearly is a difference? Rara's cost didn't go up. He's getting charged the same. Just now somebody else is getting a discount.

4. Because he isn't, and also gas taxes were like... last spring's talking about. **** is played out.
1. get serious

2. Yeah, I have no idea what it is, but I heard some rumor that it is something about the government being involved with health care. Since everything the government gets involved with turns to gold, I guess this seems like a good idea too. Social Security is efficient and has no potential problems arising in the future. The usps is doing really well too. Most of the time I am sent mail I receive it and they seem to be very profitable. Our welfare system is very efficient in getting people money who need it and making sure nobody is cheating the system.

3. Yep, pretty clear there is no real difference.

"Rara's cost didn't go up. He's getting charged the same. Just now somebody else is getting a discount."- I assume you are not one of the 99.99% of Dems that say to tax the rich more. Because a Repub could easily say that your aren't effected by someone else getting discriminated more.

4. So he hasn't indirectly raised fuel prices and he doesn't have any plans to do so? (for this you will have to stop thinking like a Dem and actually think about the effects of what certain policies will do)
09-13-2012 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I'm very confident that less than 1 percent of people who will vote for Romney could tell you what QE3 is.
It's the Queen's new yacht.
09-13-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
Re the Russian article:

Before Romney shared his wisdom with us, who would ever have imagined the possibility of a US president who still viewed Russia as our number one enemy?

Words do matter, believe it or not.
I know, right.

Have the Republicans absorbed and internalised the Reagan era so much they long for the days of the cold war? Hence Romney overtly attacking Russia and China in statements whilst talking about huge spending increases on "defence".

We have covered it before in another thread I believe but the missile defence system is effectively a first strike weapon against Russia. In general it makes perfect sense for them to hate it, but to have Romney criticise Obama for backing off on it AND name Russia enemy number 1 AND want to increase defence spending massively for reasons no one can figure is it any wonder that Russia is feeling less than confident in its future under a Romney administration?
09-13-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by stevepra
Here is a dumb question. Why should the gas stations (or any merchant for that matter) not be allowed to charge less for cash transactions? It costs the merchant more for the transaction. I see nothing wrong with allowing them to pass along that cost to the customer. It's not like that's a tax that goes to the government.
They should and can. I used that example because it is clearly stated when you purchase the gas. When you use CC for any other purchase that cost is hidden.
09-13-2012 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by stevepra
Here is a dumb question. Why should the gas stations (or any merchant for that matter) not be allowed to charge less for cash transactions? It costs the merchant more for the transaction. I see nothing wrong with allowing them to pass along that cost to the customer. It's not like that's a tax that goes to the government.
There is a chain in the seattle area that does not accept credit cards.
09-13-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey
Don't worry. Drudge is on it!

Funny, maybe I missed it but I don't remember Drudge being on top of Mitt's debacle yesterday.
09-13-2012 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
1. get serious
So that's a no, then. You literally can not name one single new regulation.
09-13-2012 , 02:58 PM
Watching Megyn Kelly on FOX is like one of those last longer professional sauna competitions where they sit in 230 degree rooms.

The coverage is equally split between showing the scenes from protests at Cairo right now, and evaluating the zomg liberal media's covering of Mitt Romney's statement with her panel of ******s.

Megyn: What we see here is people chanting DEATH TO AMERICA, burning American flags, and the only coverage the American people get is talking about Mitt Romney's statement, criticizing Mitt Romney for not apologizing to the people who hate America.

Parrot #1: Exactly. What we see here is unprecedented. The President is trying to take foreign policy off the table in debates and meanwhile, 3.5 years of the Obama doctrine is collapsing in front of us!

Parrot #2: It's Jimmy Carter all over again. And, what you didn't hear in the media is that this whole response is consistent with the tour President Obama took at the beginning of his term, apologizing for America.

Parrot #3: It's amazing. The President is kicking his feet back in Las Vegas with his wealthy campaign donators and he HASN'T EVEN ASKED FOR AN APOLOGY YET!

Megyn: Should the President have gone to Las Vegas to have cocktails with supporters? We'll be right back...

-Run AARP and Buy Gold commercials, rinse, repeat-
09-13-2012 , 03:01 PM
Parrot #3: It's amazing. The President is kicking his feet back in Las Vegas with his wealthy campaign donators and he HASN'T EVEN ASKED FOR AN APOLOGY YET!
I love how "whining" is like, a core thing now. Whining about the liberal media is standard, but now they are whining that Obama isn't whining enough. Jesus.
