Originally Posted by raradevils
Why do you think if Romney attacks Obama it's always about race? So you gleen an article that supports yoour view point, so what does that prove? There are more white people as a percentage on welfare than there are people of color.
Do you wake up every day and see black & white?
If you are being genuine then America would be a better place if more Republicans thought like you.
Unfortunately, when you're the first black president in a country rife with racism and racial tension then it's always going to be a huge aspect of your presidency. This is especially true when you seek reelection against a weak party with a substance-less candidate who has no real values of his own, other than 'money' of course. Seriously, it's sad that you can't see the dog whistles and subtle racial tactics in use by the Romney camp, but I can guarantee you that they are there, and you would see them if you knew what to look for.
I'm also curious, you used the word 'always', does that mean you admit that some attacks by the Romney camp are about race, if so, what does that make you as a Romney supporter?
Originally Posted by Ashington
Yeah, **** this piece of ****
The guy is an ******* who exploits tragedy and doesn't consider people poorer than him to be human. But I don't think the use of photos changes that. He would be smirking regardless, what do you expect him to have, a sad face? Anyway, I don't think we should buy into the meaningless photo game and we should leave it to faux news and Rush Limbaugh.