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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

10-29-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You know what would be good for that two hour wait? Black Panther Party members handing out free donuts. $16 muffins
10-29-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
I will say its pretty classy by romney to not campaign the next 2 days. I still support obama but a classy move by romney.
it's because he is lazy. the guy hates campaigning and this is just an excuse not to
10-29-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
The way GOTV is heading, I expect this to be a strategy in 2016.
The next and most obvious domino is for the GOP to somehow tie long term structural federal deficits to the increased availability of polls and practical costs of early voting and claim we can't afford all this voting, we need to clamp down on all these extra hours and early voting periods, think of all the burnt out lightbulbs and the troops maybe, so, polls should instead be open from 2pm-4pm on Election Day and that's it, SHOW ME IN THE CONSTITUTION WHERE EARLY VOTING IS A RIGHT, it's not there, not what the Founder's intended, so it's illegal, and also, ACORN can vote more with more hours.
10-29-2012 , 03:26 PM
main feature of the ad is the use of the word "lie". its a pretty easy ad to write but i think its pretty good ad for that reason alone.
10-29-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
One thing I'll never understand about polls is that people actually do them. I think I've been called for one and just hung up. No way in hell I paying attention to all that.
I got called for one and miraculously I was in a good mood and willing to do it. Then they said they wanted 40 minutes of my time. Um no? So basically these polls are skewed towards shut-ins, QVC addicts and really really lonely people.
10-29-2012 , 03:27 PM
Like, that's kinda something I'm interested in. Tying back in with Riverman's post about credulousness, Seattle, when there's a story like the $16 muffins that briefly becomes a "scandal" and us liberals are like "lol that's clearly just some quirk of the accounting" and then it turns out to be... an accounting quirk just like was predicted, do you think we just got lucky?

Like we were gonna gainsay whatever Hannity and O'Reilly are complaining about and it just happened to turn out exactly like we thought?

If so, goddamn why the **** am I wasting this hot streak on debunking chain emails?
10-29-2012 , 03:27 PM
big gilute,

Wishing death will get you infraction points and or banned, FYI.
10-29-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
ok heres the response.

Meh ad. It was alright until they showed the clip of Romney that was so awkwardly cut in mid sentence. It was cut in the way you would cut Romney saying "Don't let Detroit go bankrupt" so it just comes across as cheap to me.
10-29-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
not cool fwiw
lol it was meant as a joke. i geuss it's hard to tell on the net.
10-29-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I'm not sure the person who lives and dies by Fox is bright enough to process that they were wrong. You've basically already selected for a really high degree of idiocy.
I'm on a mailing list with a lot of conservatives who are actually quite intelligent and can discuss economic policy at a pretty high level. They definitely know more than me on a lot of stuff.

But when it comes to something like voter fraud their IQ immediately drops 50 points. They've already had the emotional part of their brains heavily stimulated on this issue - causing all reason and logic goes out the window. I have painstakingly laid out, over and over again, the rock solid case that voter ID laws have nothing to do with actual voter fraud to the point where a reasonably intelligent 6 year-old can completely grasp it.

They calm down for a while - then one of them reads something about "El Macho" and his busload of illegals, and even though it's beyond obvious the author is being derisive about the whole myth, they point to that as evidence of in-person voter fraud. So we repeat the whole process of laying out every point of logic.

Then they calm down for a while until the latest James O'Keefe sting comes up. Repeat the process. It's like arguing with a 2-year-old.
10-29-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like, that's kinda something I'm interested in. Tying back in with Riverman's post about credulousness, Seattle, when there's a story like the $16 muffins that briefly becomes a "scandal" and us liberals are like "lol that's clearly just some quirk of the accounting" and then it turns out to be... an accounting quirk just like was predicted, do you think we just got lucky?

Like we were gonna gainsay whatever Hannity and O'Reilly are complaining about and it just happened to turn out exactly like we thought?

If so, goddamn why the **** am I wasting this hot streak on debunking chain emails?
What was the source of the muffin story? An exclusive from Fox news or the GAO? What was the reaction from the WH, lol nothing to see here or new rules regarding convention spending?
10-29-2012 , 03:32 PM
I really think outlets are overestimating the effect of the hurricane on the election. For one thing, the studies that have analyzed weather and voter turnout has largely centered on election day, and the hurricane will be over a full 5-6 days before the election. For another, the hurricane is not poised to affect key swing States very much. Virginia will get some of the edge of the storm, but not the brunt. Pennsylvania will take a hit, but it's unlikely the effect will be enough to alter the President's considerable advantage there. The rest of the areas are predominantly Blue States.

This is not to sound callous, as surely there will be many people who suffer from the hurricane, but the media is treating it like some kind of wild card for the election, which I greatly doubt it will be. A reduction in turnout could be balanced by a couple good public appearances from Obama appearing "presidential" (that stupid word again) in the face of disaster. The only real risk is botching the response, which is possible but unlikely, especially given the strength of Northeastern infrastructure, and the fact that it's a slowing Category 1 storm, not a monster like Katrina.
10-29-2012 , 03:32 PM
from gallup-
Gallup has suspended polling for its daily tracking as of Monday night and will reassess on a day-to-day basis. The ultimate effect on the overall picture of polling between now and this weekend, including election polling, will depend on what happens as a result of the storm, about which we will have a better understanding of on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
10-29-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
big gilute,

Wishing death will get you infraction points and or banned, FYI.
ok thanks. i was just kidding but i will heed the warning ty
10-29-2012 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
In the constant "DO RIGHT WINGERS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS?!?" battle we have here, one hopeful point in their favor is that they say all kind of ******ed chest thumping bluster right up until it's time to set a price and wager on the crazy thing they're saying, at which point they usually price the thing correctly and based on conventional wisdom and want odds above and beyond that. So I don't think I would get great odds on it. And I think half a dozen other posters have had the same experience with a rotating cast of right-wingers saying stupid things over the years, trying to set up a bet, and getting to that exact point over and over. They're traditionally stupid only in rhetoric, not in practice, unfortunately. Sometimes you do find a live one who will give their money away but it's rare.
Sort of like how they're fine with any and all Obama obstruction, up to the point where it costs them $1k-$2k out of their own pocket.

Money >>> emotions >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason
10-29-2012 , 03:36 PM
1. Obama did let Detroit go bankrupt.
2. Romney definitely over-reached and twisted the source bloomberg article. But that doesn't change the fact Ford, GM and Chrysler have been trying to relocate production to China for a while.

Meanwhile, the UAW and other unions are trying to clawback back concessions despite the still rather weak states of Detroit firms.
10-29-2012 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
1.Weather events are an insurable risk. Why is the federal government involved in this?
So national disasters can be handled entirely by insurance? We don't need to send FEMA for <insert national disaster>guys insurance companies will send checks in the mail in a few months. Don't even worry.
2. I am not convinced that defense spending should be tied to GDP which is how the extra 2T is derived. Seems like that is too much of an increase.
But clearly not enough of a policy difference for you to get upset over? Like if obama had some program that would cost a few trillion more over a few years, and i was like meh don't really agree with it, but it's just a few trillion more. Not like we have any problems with deficits.
10-29-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
1. Obama did let Detroit go bankrupt.
2. Romney definitely over-reached and twisted the source bloomberg article. But that doesn't change the fact Ford, GM and Chrysler have been trying to relocate production to China for a while.

Meanwhile, the UAW and other unions are trying to clawback back concessions despite the still rather weak states of Detroit firms.
the nerve of the UAW trying to get it's members better benefits and better pay.
10-29-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by smrk2
You guys been in a hole the last 4 hours? Titanic and deckchairs come to mind when talking about the meaning of polls given this storm. People will not be able to shower let alone vote for 2 weeks in the north east.
I've been watching Fox. What is this storm of which you speak? Did it rain on some burning buildings in Benghazi?
10-29-2012 , 03:38 PM
Polling trends:

DateNationalColoradoFloridaIowaMichiganNevadaNew Hamp.N. Car.OhioPenn.VirginiaWisconsin
10/2       +4    
10/4  +2     -1 +1 
10/7 -1 -2        
10/9      0+3 -5 -2
10/10        -1   
10/11  +4 -7     +2 
10/15     -3-1     
10/17       +6-1   
10/18  +5       +3-2
10/21 +4 0        
10/23     -2+2 0   
10/24         -5+2 
10/25  +2    +6   0
10/28+2       +2   

DateColoradoFloridaIowaMichiganNevadaN. Hamp.N.Car.OhioPenn.VirginiaWisconsin
10/6          -2
10/7         -3 
10/10    -4      
10/13       -5   
10/14 +1    +2 -7  
10/19  +1  +1     
10/20       -1   
10/24    -4      
10/25-4     0    
10/28 -1   -2 -4   

I will add more as time permits.
10-29-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
So funny.

Who said this again?
Who said: "Deficits don't matter?"

Oh yeah, I forgot about republican accountability rules that past performance can never be used as a gauge for future performance - even if the candidate hires a ****load of the exact same team. So my point is muted.
10-29-2012 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Cuban B
So national disasters can be handled entirely by insurance? We don't need to send FEMA for <insert national disaster> insurance companies will send checks in the mail in a few months guys. Don't even worry.

But clearly not enough of a policy difference for you to get upset over? Like if obama had some program that would cost a few trillion more over a few years, and i was like meh don't really agree with it, but it's just a few trillion more.
I think FEMA has a role in disaster relief for sure. I didn't think that was the issue being discussed it's the post-event cost of rebuilding that could be handled by insurance. I don't think, but not entirely sure, that immediate disaster relief is a significant part of the cost.
10-29-2012 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
But when it comes to something like voter fraud their IQ immediately drops 50 points. They've already had the emotional part of their brains heavily stimulated on this issue - causing all reason and logic goes out the window.
I chalk that up to conservatives finding an outlet for their inner racist where they think they can complain about brown people without being called racist.
10-29-2012 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I know you don't believe that the GOP is controlled by Fox. That would be orders of magnitude more delusional than thinking most of the media has a liberal bias.
they do coordinate messaging though. not in the manner a press agent would disseminate who to break the story to, and then expect (because they are professional)how it would play out.

The Fox-GOP ties are in initial strategy and its expected messaging. The Frank Luntz system. There was a time editorial and advertising had walls (some were more transparent than others) to separate them, but Roger Ailes considers himself more a political operative than a news disseminator.

The evil liberal media has been accused of that, but as in most frivolous charges, there is no basis in fact. Asking easier questions is not the same as asking a leading question.

the former = left leaners
the latter = Fox
10-29-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Who said: "Deficits don't matter?"

Oh yeah, I forgot about republican accountability rules that past performance can never be used as a gauge for future performance - even if the candidate hires a ****load of the exact same team. So my point is muted.
I wanted to point out that deficit spending hypocrisy is not a one party problem.
