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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

10-24-2012 , 02:00 AM
Outcome of debate III?

Basically a wash, according to CNN:

Bottom line: The debate appears to be a draw when it comes to affecting the vote of those who tuned in to the faceoff.

Half of those questioned say that the debate did not affect how they would vote, with 25% saying they are more likely to vote for Romney and 24% saying they are more likely to cast a ballot for Obama.
10-24-2012 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This Republican trying to will their candidate to a win thing is fascinating to me. I don't get it, do they really think they can create their own reality like that?
Have you heard of the Green Lantern Theory of foreign policy, a concept used by Matthew Yglesias to describe the apparent Republican belief that the main thing holding back the US in foreign policy is a lack of willpower? (For example, Vietnam was winnable, but was lost due to a lack of political will, according to the conservative version of events.) I suppose they feel that way about a lot of things.
10-24-2012 , 02:14 AM
Obama in Florida: (Why? Well he does have a 30% chance...)
...and you can trust, that I say what I mean.
Thanks for telling us what's on your mind, such as 57 states. (must have gotten confused with Heinz)
10-24-2012 , 02:20 AM
Maybe Trump got a hold of that video of Obama toasting with PLO operatives, which the LA Times apparently possesses but refuses to release.
10-24-2012 , 02:23 AM
is it a full moon tonight or something?
10-24-2012 , 02:29 AM
10-24-2012 , 02:31 AM
Roger Clemens confirmed drunk.
10-24-2012 , 02:32 AM
...yet factually correct.

Last edited by Roger Clemens; 10-24-2012 at 02:34 AM. Reason: and, perfectly lucid btw (not that anyone would materially respond)
10-24-2012 , 02:49 AM
i'm weirdly ok with a romney presidency. the senate is going to be D and its not like tax cuts are bad during a recession even if i do really hate a 0% capital gains tax with a passion as well as the individual stuff being banned to hell (Pot, poker, abortion, etc.)

I think this election is 50/50 right now (maybe slightly in O's favor) and you are high if you think for certain your candidate will win (unless you are Rjoe who actually has inside info).
10-24-2012 , 02:54 AM
i don't think it's that close. def not as close as john king from cnn saying "good chance the lawyers are going to be called day after election like in 2000".obama has romney owned in the electoral college, romney would have to win a few states where he is a huge dog.
10-24-2012 , 03:02 AM
btw. R's now have to win the presidency to have any semblance of a victory this election cycle.

D's are pretty much a lock to regain a lot of the seats they lost in the house in 2010
D's are pretty much a lock to hold onto the majority in the senate and they might even gain seats if any of Tester, Carmona, Donnelly, win their tossups

If both of these happened and D's won the presidency as well, it's pretty much a landslide loss even if it wasn't.
10-24-2012 , 03:06 AM
if obama does win this election, and things go well the next 4 years , the r's might get shut out of the white house for 20 years after what happened 2000-2008.
10-24-2012 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by big gilute
i don't think it's that close. def not as close as john king from cnn saying "good chance the lawyers are going to be called day after election like in 2000".obama has romney owned in the electoral college, romney would have to win a few states where he is a huge dog.
The way I see it.

Nevada is pretty much called already.
No way Rmoney is touching Penn, Michigan or Minnesota
Wisconsin has a slight chance of going Rmoney but I really don't see it happening. I especially don't seen him winning Wisconsin if he loses Ohio.

Iowa has a huge early vote advantage for Dems and all the polling there has indicated an Obama victory.

That leaves
Ohio - 55% - 60%
Colorado - 50/50
Florida - 40% - 45%
North Carolina - 35% - 40% (Early voting returns are encouraging)

Some other states like Arizona with an outside shot (Like 2% shot)

The thing is Romney has to win all of these states to win cuz if Obama wins even one he is over the threshold. But another point in the polls could tilt that.
10-24-2012 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by peetar69
It's funny you guys don't get it.

Obama has had "soft" support through the summer. Most people don't want him to be Pres.. Mitt will win pretty big.....and you folks will cry. .LOL
Originally Posted by peetar69
If you guys didn't see the debate last night, you missed the look on the faces of the two debators. It was clear MR was holding a lead , and was equally clear that BHO was chasing.

That's from internal polls. Those are the good ones.

Mitt is the next President. Period.
10-24-2012 , 03:16 AM
Thought the new Obama "Determination" ad was surprisingly solid. Great music.

I have no idea who is going to win this thing. I don't see much of a change in the next two weeks unless there is a swing right at the end due to huge neg jobs report or the DOW keeps plummeting.

Seems like Obama should squeak out a win due to early vote/likability/ground game/lousy challenger.

But my gut says Old Baby Boomer America not liking the fact a colored muslem man is in office may win out and RMoney will take Ohio, FL, and CO.
10-24-2012 , 03:19 AM
people in those midwest states are probably looking at the red and blue states and thinking **** this im not voting with the south, i think that will play a small role in people from the midwest states decision on who to vote for. of course there are the odv reasons, lower unemployment than national avg ,auto bailout, ect.
10-24-2012 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
Thought the new Obama "Determination" ad was surprisingly solid. Great music.

I have no idea who is going to win this thing. I don't see much of a change in the next two weeks unless there is a swing right at the end due to huge neg jobs report or the DOW keeps plummeting.

Seems like Obama should squeak out a win due to early vote/likability/ground game/lousy challenger.

But my gut says Old Baby Boomer America not liking the fact a colored muslem man is in office may win out and RMoney will take Ohio, FL, and CO.
im worried about the dow tanking also. that could hurt us id say.
10-24-2012 , 03:24 AM
This thread sounds like a bunch of sports bettors trying to convince themselves they made a solid bet.
10-24-2012 , 03:26 AM
there isn't a sporting event in the world that i would follow as closely as i have this race. this is more than just money.
10-24-2012 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by big gilute
if obama does win this election, and things go well the next 4 years , the r's might get shut out of the white house for 20 years after what happened 2000-2008.
That's a bit of a stretch. Ronald Reagan didn't shut out the Dems for 20 years, just 4. Jimmy Carter's disaster didn't shut out the Dems for 20 years either, merely 12. Neither a one term Obama nor a two term successful Obama term has much of a say on what happens 20 years from now in the white house. Bush's 2000-2008 terms are not viewed well even by some Republicans but they are orders of magnitude better than how Carter's term went.

Hell, Clinton's successful two terms couldn't even get the next Dem in line into the oval office. Obama hasn't shown the slightest willingness to be bipartisan so there's no reason to think he'll have any Clintonian bipartisan successes with a Republican House.

What the Dems gain with another Obama term is control over Supreme Court nominations and nothing else with any certainty.
10-24-2012 , 04:16 AM
if carter got the dems shutout for 12 years you don't think it's possible for the r's to get shutout for 20 after what bush did? i think it is if obama has the country running well by 2016. which I 110% think he will.
10-24-2012 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
But my gut says Old Baby Boomer America not liking the fact a colored muslem man is in office may win out and RMoney will take Ohio, FL, and CO.
It's not just the Baby Boomers voting against Obama. It's every generation except the 18-29'ers. Obama must turn out the youth again like he did in 2008 and like no one else in history has managed.
10-24-2012 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by big gilute
if carter got the dems shutout for 12 years you don't think it's possible for the r's to get shutout for 20 after what bush did? i think it is if obama has the country running well by 2016.
You must not be old enough to remember Carter to think this. He was pathetically weak and worthless. Bush and Obama are both worthless in their own ways but neither is weak. They each have their positive points while Carter seriously had nothing going for him.

Reagan got 489 electoral votes against him for a reason including beating him in California, Massachusetts, and New York. Carter was just amazingly incompetent and created endless disasters both domestically and over seas.

Carter + Reagan got the Dems shut out for 12 years. Bush + Obama does not equal any reason to think 2016 will be affected. Remember, if Clinton's coat tails couldn't drag Gore over the finish line what makes anyone think Obama will push someone else and who might that be? Biden is lol and old and Hillary's shot was 2008 not 2016.

Last edited by Palo; 10-24-2012 at 04:29 AM.
10-24-2012 , 04:43 AM
Heck, the Republican Party was supposedly dead for 20 years after the Obama romp into office in 2008. Then in 2010 it was a Democrat massacre at the polls.

Things can change quickly. Nobody knew who Obama was in early 2004.
10-24-2012 , 05:10 AM
What was the highest odds you could get on romney and what are they today. I heard plus 380 at one point.
