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08-28-2009 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Some people utilize a strange logic. I'm certainly not a liberal, so I will not even attempt to explain how their brains operate or how their thought process works.

So far, the boycott has been 100% ineffective and the only thing that the clowns behind the boycott have achieved is that they've managed to boost Beck's ratings even further and they've raised his popularity through the roof, plus they have given him massive amounts of free publicity which he didn't even have to pay 1 cent for.

So now, even more people can tune in and listen to why Obama and his gang of clowns are a bunch of shady characters and how they are damaging this country. Beck ought to thank the people who are boycotting him, because they're certainly not hurting him in any way.

Most intelligent people see right through the hypocritical boycott coming from the radical left and I also think that most people don't take too kindly to hypocritical totalitarian extremists who don't believe in free speech.
08-28-2009 , 12:30 PM
I for one am pleased with the increase of level accounts presented ITT
08-28-2009 , 12:56 PM
The advertiser pullout from Glenn Beck’s Fox News Channel show has gone from a trickle to a torrent, and Fox has been reduced to running “house” ads,* spots for its own partner properties for which it receives no may or may not receive revenue. (See updated correction below.)
House ads are not revenue generating. This is a very simple concept. If you want a show, get some sponsors to pay for it, but don't expect someone elses sponsors to underwrite your cost.

So show me all the NEW advertisers signing up to PAY for the privilege of Becks draw?
08-28-2009 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
hypocritical totalitarian extremists who don't believe in free speech.
I think you missed this earlier
08-28-2009 , 01:16 PM
[ ] Beck is representative of Fox News
[X] Beck is a sometimes entertaining but often annoying commentator, and not a reporter
08-28-2009 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I am sorry, but I do not watch liberal comedy shows.

I also can not take anybody seriously who links to a comedy show as a cite in a serious political discussion.

You also seem to forgot that the left claimed that dissent was patriotic when Bush was president. They were pelting his motorcade with eggs on day 1.

But now, these same people have all of a sudden changed their feeble minds, and now dissent is no longer patriotic. Now, if anybody dares question the policies of zero, then they are un-American, they are mobs, they are racists, they are right-wing terrorists. I think that people are starting to take that as a compliment.
08-28-2009 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
I am sorry, but I do not watch liberal comedy shows.

I also can not take anybody seriously who links to a comedy show as a cite in a serious political discussion.
The video is also a perfect illustration of Fox's hypocrisy, so if you're not going to watch it and try to respond to the charges it makes, then I have nothing to say to you. Being funny doesn't make it not true, nor does closing your eyes and putting your fingers in your ears while yelling "NAH NAH NAH NAH I WON'T WATCH IT."

It's especially funny because it 100% responds to the second half of your post.
08-28-2009 , 03:52 PM
I'm pretty sure the MiB watch Glenn Beck now that the Weekly World News has shut down.

08-28-2009 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
You're kidding right?

The reason why they are on the air is because lots and lots of people tune into them. The reason why many liberal talkshows are having problems is because of the fact that much, much less people tune into them.

Why should they not be on the air? They have every right to be on the air as much as anybody else.

I think that Olberman for example is horrible, but you don't see me asking why is he on the air. If MSNBC wants to have him on their channel, then that's their decision. Nobody cares about him really, because his ratings are horrible. I don't care if liberals tune into and listen to him. They and him mean nothing to me. You also won't see me demanding that he be taken off the air or calling for censorship no matter how bad I think that he is.

If you don't like the fact that those people that you mentioned are on the air, well then I have news for you buddy, there is nothing that you can do about it, and rightly so. This is America not Communist Russia.
I prefer rachel maddow to olberman.. Anyway I thought news programs were supposed to be presented in a certain manner. Im amazed that people like this hate spewing nonsense. Respectable people going on these shows gotta be paid. Why would one do that to oneself! If the guests trys to make opposing views they get shouted down. One is not free to express himself entirely on these shows.

It might take some people longer than others to realize that fox isnt all news. Its also upsetting to me that fox is given a "news" title. Purposely misleading people who obviously cannot think for themselves.
08-28-2009 , 05:44 PM
The Beck boycott is so lol, because they couldn't have done him a bigger favor. 'Pundits' like him make their living on controversy. This just generates more of it.
08-28-2009 , 10:02 PM
While I have no reason to like or dislike Van Jones, this video is a typical example of Fox's so-called investigative journalism. The idiots who put this together can't even spell properly (see 4:53). I like how the grainy footage looks like some kind of war archive from 20 years ago that was brought to light only by the tireless efforts of Beck's thorough investigation. It was probably on CSPAN last month.

I mean they could have at least tried to make it look like they're fair and balanced by talking to some people who know the guy like his ex boss but Fox viewers aren't interested in having two sides to a story. Fox viewers just want to be told what to think so they can say things like "amazing and enlightening", right Pyramid?
08-28-2009 , 10:43 PM
Why are you trolling me? You obviously do not know who Van Jones is. He is a self proclaimed communist! He said it himself. He is just another radical in the pile of **** that obama calls czars.
08-28-2009 , 11:08 PM
I really don't care about this debate, but I think it's awesome how a spelling mistake and er... er.... wait for it.... grainy film? I'm sure its something, proves how horrible fsn is.
08-28-2009 , 11:20 PM
The editing on the piece is atrocious, mostly because the lame music makes it hard to hear what the guy's actually saying, and the video effects are A. iMovies amateur stuff and B. equally as lame and unnecessary as the soundtrack.

But it's all fairly standard cable stuff.
08-29-2009 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Funny how all the these left leaning posters hate the show, yet watch the show. Just shows that in their hearts, they know they are wrong. There isn't a more caring, patriotic, honest person than Glenn Beck, and if all you got on him is his "Obama hates white people, I'm not saying Obama hates white people" comment you are pathetic.

Go back to your lie-spewwing liberal buffoons.

unfortunately for your mental well being this forum isn't a republican v. democrat type of deal

countdown to cognitive dissonance in 3 2 1

08-29-2009 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Good, because both Democrats and Republicans in this country are terrible.

Good start!
08-29-2009 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Funny how all the these left leaning posters hate the show, yet watch the show. Just shows that in their hearts, they know they are wrong.
- we don't watch the Glenn Beck show, but since someone linked that clip, unlike your buddy King we didn't choose to put our fingers in our ears and say "LA LA LA LA WE WON'T WATCH IT"
- even if we did watch the show, lol at saying "HAHA THAT PROVES YOU KNOW YOU'RE WRONG" - just because you type something in and press "submit reply", it does not automatically become true!

Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
if all you got on him is his "Obama hates white people, I'm not saying Obama hates white people" comment you are pathetic.
Lucky for me there's more, cause I'd sure hate to be pathetic!

Click me!
08-29-2009 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Pyramid_Scam
Why are you trolling me? You obviously do not know who Van Jones is. He is a self proclaimed communist! He said it himself. He is just another radical in the pile of **** that obama calls czars.
I am not trolling you but I singled out your post because you obviously believe what Fox News is telling you. Is it true though? Maybe he really is a communist but who knows? I don't believe stations that have been proven to lie over and over repeatedly but apparently you do.

I wish we did have a real conservative station with objective opinions that are intelligent and backed up with actual facts and historical data. I wish you guys would spend more of your energy demanding that instead of defending that POS of a station you got now.
08-29-2009 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I really don't care about this debate, but I think it's awesome how a spelling mistake and er... er.... wait for it.... grainy film? I'm sure its something, proves how horrible fsn is.
What a waste of a post.
08-29-2009 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by kidpokeher
I am not trolling you but I singled out your post because you obviously believe what Fox News is telling you. Is it true though? Maybe he really is a communist but who knows? I don't believe stations that have been proven to lie over and over repeatedly but apparently you do.
Maybe because he said it himself. Wake up!
08-29-2009 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by DUBBLEBUBBLE
Maybe because he said it himself. Wake up!

At the bottom.
08-29-2009 , 04:04 AM
What's the point of discussing Fox News? I think we can all agree that they're completely disinterested in presenting a single factual statement and only interested in pro-Republican and pro-corporate propoganda.

Unfortunately lately they've taken a dangerous tilt, stirring up right wing crazies and spreading conspiracy theories that really have me afraid for Obama's life. All it takes is one 'King of Da Donks' type with a gun...
08-29-2009 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
What's the point of discussing Fox News? I think we can all agree that they're completely disinterested in presenting a single factual statement and only interested in pro-Republican and pro-corporate propoganda.

Unfortunately lately they've taken a dangerous tilt, stirring up right wing crazies and spreading conspiracy theories that really have me afraid for Obama's life. All it takes is one 'King of Da Donks' type with a gun...
Nice level and troll
08-29-2009 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
You have nothing.
[x] sound more like you're challenging someone to a 1 on 1 basketball game than making a reasoned argument (since none of your arguments have contained any logic and are all stupid assertions backed w/ no facts)

Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Let me know how much you like him once we are all eating out of the garbage.
[x] lol

Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Here's Obama's newest bill; the maniac wants to be able to shut down the internet whenever he pleases.
[ ] obama's bill

Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Are you freaking kidding!? Every single fact they state is UNDISPUTED.
[x] death panels: UNDISPUTED

Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
<insert any words here>
08-29-2009 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Are you freaking kidding!? Every single fact they state is UNDISPUTED.
That's because they never state any facts.
